flutter drag down menu - flutter

I have to make flutter page where at top there is a drag down button or slider so we can view name of the user and in main screen there is a simple button.
If anyone can give me a sample code that how to make a slide down menu in flutter.it will be really useful for me.


Beautiful and responsive "dropdown menu" / "pop-up" flutter

Please see the photos attached for the feature, or simply head to https://www.chrislorenzomusic.com and resize the window until you see the dropdown menu in top right corner appears and click on the menu to see the effect.
I'm not sure what this effect or feature is called, but was wondering what it's called and if it was possible to make something similar in flutter?
Before resizing the window
After resizing window the menu at top right corner appears
When clicking on the menu
When an app or widget behaves differently depending on the screen size or orientation it is considered responsive or has a responsive layout.
The Menu itself can be created using a Scaffold with an AppBar and a Drawer. You can configure the AppBar to have the menu icon or the links depending on the size using LayoutBuilder and MediaQuery.of.

how to show image picker in bottom sheet flutter

I want to use image picker like insta or facebook when I click on a button it should popsup the bottom sheet with my gallery images and scaffold should also resize to show options just like in a design provider. Thanks

Flutter - blur the screen except the selected widget

We have a screen with listItems. Each item can be longPressed to open a popupMenu. Now requirement is to blur the screen except the selected listItem on long press. (check screenshot)
How can this be achieved?
I think you are looking for something like this one.
Using this library you can show the popup menu by making the background blurry without the tapped item.

Using AlertDialog on a stack widget in flutter

I have a basic layout where I am using a stack widget to hold my other widgets.. I have a side toolbar, inside that I have a pen menu on click of which a popup should appear. When i am clicking the pen menu an alert dialog appears but not in the expected place, what i mean is...
I am expecting a dialog like the one in the below image. Do I need to use any plugin to create a dialog like this with a chevron mark?enter image description here
As you are using Alert dialog, it will by default be aligned in center of your screen. In order to achieve what you are trying to, I would suggest using a plugin like this.

Flutter - FloatingActionButton is shown after going to next screen

I tried a bottom navigation bar with Floating Action button as in the following link
It works well but when I move to next screen the floating button gets displayed and its funtion's are still working
I found a same type of issue(question) but no answer
Flutter - FloatingActionButton isn't shown after going back a screen
how to block the floating button visibility in upcoming screens
please put your code. I am not aware of this problem but if you don't want it to be visible in a specific screen you can do so for example
_currentIndex==2? FloatingActionButton():Container()