Circle Collider Slides on Box Collider when Velocity is slowing down? - unity3d

I am trying to create a carrom 2D game for learning, i added box colliders 2D all sides and for striker circle collider 2D, and set physics material for all as friction 0 and bounciness 1. and Linear Drag to 1 for stiker.
It all works fine when velocity of impact of striker with sides but velocity is slow its dragging on slides instead of bouncing. where am i doing it wrong?

I am not sure what the problem is but seems like something to do with how the engine is resolving the physics. Try resolving the collision for the individual carrom tokens manually when they hit a surface instead of relying on physics material.
Here is a simple 2D example:
using UnityEngine;
public class ReflectingObject : MonoBehaviour {
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float bounciness = 1;
private Rigidbody2D m_Rb;
void Awake() {
m_Rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col) {
if(col.contactCount > 0) {
// Get the collision contact point
ContactPoint2D point = col.contacts[0];
// Get the current speed of this object
float speed = m_Rb.velocity.magnitude;
// Get the direction where this object is heading to
Vector2 oldDirection = (Vector2)m_Rb.velocity.normalized;
// Get the reflected direction
Vector2 newDirection = Vector2.Reflect(oldDirection, point.normal).normalized;
// Calculate new velocity based on bounciness
Vector2 newVelocity = newDirection * speed * bounciness;
// Assign the velocity
m_Rb.velocity = newVelocity;
Something like this.
Assign this Component to the objects which you want to reflect on collision.


Rotate an object around a point in unity

I'm new to Unity. So just for an experiment, I want to create a canon by attaching a rectangle to a circle and when the up arrow key is pressed, the canon change firing angle. So I have a rectangle object that is a sub object of a circle. And then I created a script in C# for the circle object.
Here is the codes that I have:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
private float rotation = 0f;
private float timeValue = 0.0f;
public GameObject wheele;
private float xMin = -1.0f, xMax = 1.0f;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
if (rotation >= -90)
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, rotation));
rotation -= 2;
Mathf.Clamp(rotation, -90.0f, 0);
if (rotation >= -90)
transform.RotateAround(wheele.transform.position, Vector3.up,20);
rotation += 2;
Mathf.Clamp(rotation, -90.0f, 0);
I tried both transform. Rotate method, but it rotate around the center of the rectangle. But we need the rectangle to rotate with the axis, the center of the circle.
You're asking how to get the pivot point changed, right? Make an empty game object and drag the cannon under it to make it a child, then drag the cannon to a point which you think is fine and rotate the empty game object instead of the cannon, which pretty much just changes the pivot point
There are two main ways.
Update your model to set the pivot point exactly where you want it to rotate. This is how you would do this using blender. This would require you to actually create a model for the canon though (even if it's as simple as the one you've used Unity primitives for)
Create a parent GameObject, and rotate it instead. You can offset the cannon inside this GameObject, to compensate for the pivot point set on the model.

On Finger Touch and Drag Rotate 3D Ball - Unity 3D

My 3d ball was moving continuously in the forward direction so I want to give X-rotation for this plus game player was dragging ball horizontally on the screen so for this horizontal movement, I want to give Z-rotation.
To achieve my desire, the result I have made ball parent and child game objects, where parent game object only contains collider and rigidbody and this will do the actual physical movement.
Another side, child game object only contains mesh renderer, this will do desire rotation.
Following image gives you more idea about my structure:
Ball Parent:
Ball Child:
For giving rotation to ball mesh as like parent physics ball, I have written this code:
public class BallMeshRolling : MonoBehaviour
private Vector3 ballLastPosition;
void Start ()
ballLastPosition = transform.parent.position;
void Update ()
//float speed = Vector3.Distance (transform.parent.position, ballLastPosition) * 30f;
//transform.RotateAround (transform.position, Vector3.right, speed);
//Vector3 differenceInPosition = (transform.parent.position - ballLastPosition).normalized;
//transform.Rotate (differenceInPosition * 10f);
Vector3 differenceInPosition = (transform.parent.position - ballLastPosition).normalized * 50f;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(differenceInPosition);
transform.rotation = rotation;
ballLastPosition = transform.parent.position;
But none of the above ways working properly, so I expect some other better suggestions from your side.
EDIT: Overall I am trying to achieve something like this:
Catch up - Ketchapp - Highscore 1274
There is a tutorial series from Unity about rolling and moving a 3d ball that can help you to figure out the basics for your problem. Wish it could help.
Roll-a-ball tutorial in Unity Tutorials

My game object move as soon as it gets some input

I'm trying to learn Unity by myself. I'm recreating pong in 3d with Unity objects. I started a few minutes ago and every time I throw any input into the pad its y coordinate shifts to 2.6, I have no idea why. Can someone help?
public class PadMovement : MonoBehaviour {
private CharacterController pad;
private Vector3 direction;
private Vector3 movement;
[SerializeField] private float speed = 50.0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start() {
pad = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
direction = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, 0);
movement = direction * speed;
pad.Move(movement * Time.deltaTime);
SOLVED: there was a capsule collider out of place!
Afternoon, I recently copied your code into a 'Unity3d', ".cs", File and actually I created a cube and placed my game into a 2d mode, After this I named my file "PadMovement", after that I dragged it onto my newly created cube, Once I had done that I tried to click play and noticed that my cube didn't have a "CharacterController", attached to my cube, Once I had done that and clicked play I was eligible to have my "paddle", smoothly move around the screen # 50.0f along the X axis.
Knowingly, My Input came from the "Character Controller", My Speed came from the Serial field you had for speed!
Do you by any chance have a CapsuleCollider Component or some other collider on the same GameObject that you have this PadMovement Component on? That sounds like a height where it might just be trying to pop the object out of ground collision.
It should be harmless if that's all it is. If you really want an object to be at y of 0 you can attach it to a parent object and have that parent stay at 0.

How to add friction to Unity HingeJoint?

I attach a rigidbody to a HingeJoint in Unity.
It's attached no at the the center of an anchor of a joint.
To stop it from falling I set Use Motor = true, Target Velocity = 0 and apply some force to the motor.
However, this does not help, see video:
Here is the sample project:
Screen to reproduce the issue (there is no code):
How can I apply a friction to a joint to stop rigidbody from moving?
Setting spring with damper or applying a limit is not an option for me, because I need to rotate the rigidbody correctly when I apply enough torque (force) to a motor.
If I switch damper/limit on and off, the rigidbody will move faster when it is rotated in a direction of falling and slower when it is rotated in opposite direction.
I've put together a behaviour that applies friction on a hinge joint. Here it is:
using UnityEngine;
public class JointFriction : MonoBehaviour {
[Tooltip("mulitiplier for the angular velocity for the torque to apply.")]
public float Friction = 0.4f;
private HingeJoint _hinge;
private Rigidbody _thisBody;
private Rigidbody _connectedBody;
private Vector3 _axis; //local space
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
_hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint>();
_connectedBody = _hinge.connectedBody;
_axis = _hinge.axis;
_thisBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate () {
var angularV = _hinge.velocity;
//Debug.Log("angularV " + angularV);
var worldAxis = transform.TransformVector(_axis);
var worldTorque = Friction * angularV * worldAxis;
This answers the headline of your question, and is what I was looking for when I found it. However this probably won't work for what you want from your more detailed description.
This applies friction that is proportional to the angular velocity, if there's no angular velocity, no force is applied. This means that under a constant force, like gravity in your example, it will always move at some reduced speed. In reality, imperfections in materials and other real world messiness mean that applying friction to joints can keep them still against a constant torque, but in a game engine, you will need some other torque to counter your constant force.
It sounds like you don't want gravity. You can just turn gravity off in the rigid body's inspector.

Unity 3D realistic accelerometer control

How do we achieve a control similar to this game?
You can do this with builtin physics:
create a level from some simple scaled cubes (don't forget the ground).
add the ball - a sphere, then and add a RigidBody to it. Set a constraint on the rigidbody - check freeze position y (or it will be able to jump out of the level if you put the device upside down).
add this script anywhere on the scene (for example to the camera):
using UnityEngine;
public class GravityFromAccelerometer : MonoBehaviour {
// gravity constant
public float g=9.8f;
void Update() {
// normalize axis
Physics.gravity=new Vector3(
or if you want the physics to just affect this one object, add this script to the object and turn off it's rigidbody's affected by gravity:
using UnityEngine;
public class ForceFromAccelerometer : MonoBehaviour {
// gravity constant
public float g=9.8f;
void FixedUpdate() {
// normalize axis
var gravity = new Vector3 (
) * g;
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce (gravity, ForceMode.Acceleration);
And now you have working ball physics. To make the ball behave as you'd like, try to play with the rigidbody properties. For example, change the drag to something like 0.1.