I have following configuration setup
Windows 10
eclipse 2021-06 (4.20)
Cucumber Eclipse Plugin (https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/cucumber-eclipse-plugin)
Java 1.8
When I run my Test case using testRunner (pretty)enter image description here, they are getting passed but not formatted properly. Anyone please advise.
enter image description here
This got resolved after installing following plugin, thanks for looking into.
enter image description hereI have been trying really hard to configure a pipeline debugger in eclipse. After using my digital server account in server configuration when i select my site and click 'Debug' button it gives me an error
Could not initialize class com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.TreeMapConverter
I couldn't find much help online. I even tried changing the JRE version to an older version 14.0.2 but it doesn't seem to help.
[![Image attached of error][2]][2]
enter image description here
That library seems to be a core component of the Pipeline editor. I would suggest that you ensure that your Eclipse version is compatible with the plugin if you haven't done so already.
Currently, according to the documentation it only supports:
Mars - Eclipse 4.5
Neon - Eclipse 4.6
Furthermore, you must install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Eclipse. (Though in the past I've found that older plugin versions may sometimes work in newer Eclipse builds.)
This error relates to discounted class from JRE.
So my recipe for solving the issue:
used OpenJDK v11
installed latest eclipce version
SFCC plugin v4.6
Some found issues:
with new eclipce version brakepoints are not set from JS editor only via ScriptEditor
Thank you,
I had issues with running debugger, but after I installed eclipse version 2020-12 and installed UX studio plugin it started to work. maybe new versions are not compatible with plugin
When i try to install Cucumber plugin for Eclipse via Help install new
software option, am getting the below error message,
URL used to install plugin:
##Unable to read repository at##
[enter image description here][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dxJW1.jpg
please guide me how to install cucumber plugin in eclipse to proceed with my automation scripting.
Can you check if the link that you added is correct? I tried the same and got an error that this is not a valid repository location. You can check it by clicking on Details button in the window.
To install it, go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace > then enter 'cucumber' in Find textbox and click on Go button. You will see Cucumber Eclipse Plugin and you can install it from there. Please try it out and let us know if it helps.
Also, for setting up cucumber, its not necessary that you add this plugin. If you are looking for cucumber setup with selenium, you can check out this tutorial as well (this one doesnt use the cucumber plugin) - Cucumber Selenium Tutorial
I am trying to install the sonar in my eclipse but it can not find the url even though the url is working fine in my browser. If any one knows the solution please let me know, thanks.
To install the plugin you can also go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace... and search for "SonarQube". Check this for more details.
Anyway, the Eclipse SonarQube plugin has been deprecated and SonarLint for Eclipse should be used in place : see http://www.sonarlint.org/eclipse/index.html
I have been receiving the following error and have done a lot of research and tried all of the offered solutions to no avail.
[junitreport] Processing C:\workspace\test123\junit\TESTS-TestSuites.xml to C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\Temp\null1903337257
[junitreport] Loading stylesheet jar:file:/C:/Users/Matt/Documents/Selenium/eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.8.3.v20120321-1730/lib/ant-junit.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/xsl/junit-frames.xsl
[junitreport] : Error! The first argument to the non-static Java function 'replace' is not a valid object reference.
[junitreport] : Error! Cannot convert data-type 'void' to 'reference'.
[junitreport] : Fatal Error! Could not compile stylesheet
[junitreport] Failed to process C:\workspace\test123\junit\TESTS-TestSuites.xml
C:\Users\Matt\workspace\Test1\build.xml:122: Errors while applying transformations: Fatal error during transformation
I found a solution at ant junit build error inside eclipse and saying that the issue was caused by a newer version of JDK and using 1.6_31 would solve it and I tried that following instructions I found online on how to change the version of Java eclipse is using. Every time I run the build ant it returns the same error regardless of which version of Java I am using. I have tried JRE7, jdk1.7.0_05, jdk1.6.0, jdk1.6.0_31 and others that I don't have installed anymore.
I am running the following
Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Juno Release Build id: 20120614-1722
If anyone could provide any assistance in getting this report running it would be greatly appreciated. I'm new to programming and this is very frustrating especially since I'm still learning all of the jargon and trying to be sure I am following the instructions properly. If you require anymore information from me I will provide it and I will follow any instruction given to the best of my ability. Thank you very much in advance.
While an Ant Bug Report 384757 claims that this is caused by the XSL Tranformer build into the Oracle JDK - which may be true - the problem can be fixed by changing the Ant version:
I tried some of the workarounds mentioned there. After a while, I found that the bug appears with Ant 1.8.3 (distributed in Eclipse), but not with Ant 1.8.2 (distributed in Eclipse 3.7).
The bug also does not appear with Ant 1.9.0.
I have downloaded Ant 1.9.0 and in configured Eclipse's "Run As -> Ant build..." to use the Ant 1.9.0 folder as ANT HOME. This worked.
PS: My Eclipse used Ant 1.8.3 (which did not work), but running Ant from the console used Ant 1.8.2 (which worked). This was confusing at first.
I have solved the issue by downloading apache-ant-1.9.1 and configuring it in Eclipse by changing the ANT HOME from windows--> Preferences and setting the ANT HOME to apache-ant-1.9.1.
Below workaround fixed the build issue I had...
Download the 2 jar files from the urls given below and add those to Ant-Runtime Classpath located on Eclipse at:
Window>Preferences> Ant>Runtime>Ant Home Entries
Restart eclipse and run the Ant build.
In Eclipse UI, I got the following problem,
If you see left side, the classes are available. I am able to build using Maven and run it successfully. But this Eclipse error highlighting is really annoying.
I am using Eclipse Indigo SR2 and installed Spring Tool Suite. Please help me on fixing this issue. Thanks.
try importing com.beatle.model.* and see what happens