Autohotkey remapping keys (Browser Home) on bluetooth keyboard not working - autohotkey

I am using inca bluetooth keyboard. At this keyboard Fn keys are reverted and there is no fn lock. I am trying to use autohotkey script in order to remapping the Browser Home key to ESC key. the script is:
but it doesn't work. I also used the SC and VK versions of this fuction like below.
Any version of this mapping fuction is not working. However it is possible to remap other keys on this keyboard. What is the solution of this problem? How can i use the Esc key instead of Browser Home key?


Using the §-key instead of the TAB key in ALT+TAB with Autohotkey

I have a need to use something else than the TAB key to achieve ALT+TAB functionality in Windows 10. (long story short - I'm using Parallells and remote desktop on a Mac, and need to keep the Remote Desktop setting "Apply Windows Key Combinations" set to "On this computer", so I can't just forward everything to the remote computer).
Using Autohotkey on the remote computer, I thought I could simply do something like
§::Send {Tab}
to be able to press ALT+§ instead of ALT+TAB, and have Parallells ignore it and just forward it as any other key (for example SHIFT+A to type an "A"). But it doesn't seem to work that way, nothing happens when holding down ALT and pressing § except a "pling" sound. Just pressing § alone prints a TAB character if I'm in a text editor.
I tried
^!§::Send ^!{Tab}
as well, same result.
For now I settled on using the following script instead, which lets me press § to bring up the ALT+TAB window, where I can either use arrow keys or the § key to select an application, and then Enter to switch to it:
§::Send ^!{Tab}
This is not bad, but it's annoying to have to use the Enter key to activate the window. So, is there any way to simply replace ALT+TAB with ALT+§ and get the normal functionality of the ALT+TAB window-switcher?
Use the hotkey <!§::AltTab.
<! means left alt and you can read more about AltTab here.
Also, AltTabMenuDismiss might be worth looking into related to the problem you outlined in the comments.

disabling alt+shift+print key combination by auto hot key script

I need a script of AHK for disabling the alt+shift+print key combination from the computer.
I have tried below script but the script is not working.
Windows catches the shortcut on a lower level than Autohotkey so first you need to disable High Contrast Keyboard Shortcut
Disable High Contrast Keyboard Shortcut in Windows 10).
Then this will work: +!PrintScreen::return

Close Quick Panel (window.show_quick_panel) on key release in Sublime Text

I am new to sublime text plugin development, I am developing a plugin that involves opening a quick panel on pressing certain key binding. I want the panel to be open only as long as the keys are pressed and once the keys are released I want it (Quick panel) to close. I've figured out I can fire the 'hide_pannel' command to close my Quick panel but I want it to fire on release of the key combination.
For example lets say, I want the quick panel on pressing Ctrl+p and I want it to close after I release ctrl.
So I was thinking if I fire 'hide_pannel' command after release ctrl should do the trick, but I couldn't find how I can fire a certain command on key release instead of key press. If there is any other solution or workaround other than what I was thinking please do let me know.
Although you can detect when a key is pressed in Sublime, you can't directly detect when it has been released. Similarly, the modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, etc) can not be mapped to anything on their own and always require a non-modifier as well. For example, Ctrl+P is allowed, but Ctrl alone is not.
That said, theoretically it's possible to interface with the underlying operating system using a python library that uses native code in your plugin to observe the state of the keyboard.
I'm not aware of any Sublime specific examples of doing such a thing, however. Note also that in doing this you would also have to provide such a library for all of the platforms that Sublime supports (Windows, MacOS, Linux, and 32 or 64 bit versions on Windows/Linux), presuming that you want your plugin to work on multiple platforms.

Menu Item in AHK

I'm switching from keyboard maestro and mac, to AHK and Windows.
I'd like to choose a menu item in Thunderbird, say,
"Message>Move to>>Archive".
Or I'd like to choose bookmark "2checkvist" in Chrome.
How do I create hotkeys to menu items? And how do I keep them to only that program, so that alt+t in chrome can do one thing, while alt+t in thunderbird does another thing?
As Jan Dvorak says, look at ifWinActive in the docs (I should get a point for posting the link to docs, you know).
Then you can use send with the alt key, something like this (you have to expiriment).
ifwinexist thunderbird
winactivate thunderbird
send !m ;message menu
send m ;move to (if you have more m-commands, then you have to send this more than once till you get to it)
send something ;here put keys until you get to your account
send a ;archive
Basically, you want ahk to use the alt menu keys. Everyone's interface differs a little depending on your addons and version. In your main interface, hold down the alt key and look at your menu bar. You will see that little underlines appear under certain letters. This is your "alt" key command. Now, figure out the sequence. You only need to push alt once to open the "alt thread" - now navigate manually through the menus using your keyboard. Now translate that sequence into autohotkey send commands.
You might also have to use activateWindow to assure your alt key will take correctly.

Eclipse keyboard shortcuts with Dvorak

I use Eclipse with Dvorak-QWERTY Commands (a Mac option). I am running OS 10.6. But when I press the command key, it does not revert back to the QWERTY keyboard but instead stays as Dvorak. This makes keyboard shortcuts a lot harder to use. How can I fix this problem?
If Eclipse (or other program) supports remapping keyboard shortcuts, you can just go to remap the shortcut to the same physical key that originally was in QWERTY while your keyboard is in Dvorak, so it looks like the same shortcut but is actually mapped to a different key.
Otherwise, I'd just take the time to learn the shortcuts in Dvorak. It may be a pain at first but you'll be one more step towards being QWERTY-independent.