Trying to boot rom - operating-system

I have been trying to boot a custom rom build 4 builds done but none of them booted I have pasted the last builds log.
What happens is that it stays at bootanimation for some time and then reboots back to recovery. I am using OrangeFox Recovery for my device which shows android rescue party trigger.
Full log link is also pasted below.
10-11 05:42:27.540 I/init ( 1): type=1400 audit(0.0:3): avc: denied { setcheckreqprot } for scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:kernel:s0 tclass=security permissive=1
10-11 05:42:27.540 I/init ( 1): type=1400 audit(0.0:4): avc: denied { dac_read_search } for capability=2 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:init:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
10-11 05:42:27.543 I/init ( 528): type=1400 audit(0.0:5): avc: denied { map } for path="/plat_file_contexts" dev="rootfs" ino=15240 scontext=u:r:vendor_init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:file_contexts_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1

type=1400 audit(0.0:4): avc: denied { dac_read_search } for capability=2 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:init:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
I'm also a beginner but i can see that you have an emulated drive aka "kworker" preventing you, i also see abc is denied. It's very possible something or someone may have opened up your cell phone and placed hardware components into it preventing you from adapting to your own mind map of interdemisional understanding. I definitely need to go back to school For cybersecurity. . Hope you figure it out. I like your idea, just remember the stacks are typically 4 levels down so to stay under it u need at least 5.


java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start receiver (exception showed up in Google play store internal testing)

I deployed my flutter app to Google play store internal testing and after one hour, I saw this exception in the Pre-launch report details. I am not even sure where to start debugging. Could Someone please help? I don't have a lot of knowledge of Android since I am using Flutter.
Exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start receiver
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {
}: app is in background uid UidRecord{2a75503 u0a192 TRNB
bg:+2m53s648ms idle change:uncached procs:4 seq(0,0,0)} at (
at$1400 (
( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage
( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke ( at$
( at
( Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not
allowed to start service Intent {
}: app is in background uid UidRecord{2a75503 u0a192 TRNB
bg:+2m53s648ms idle change:uncached procs:4 seq(0,0,0)} at (
at ( at
android.content.ContextWrapper.startService (
at alj.a ( at alm.a ( at wnv.a (
( at (
I also managed to download the full logcat which is very large file. I am not sure how to include the file over here.
flutter downgrade to as much as possible
You have to uninstall and reinstall the app, and also have to clear the data and cache from the Settings page.
Try it.
I have solved the problem this way.

Illegal access error when deleting Google Pub Sub subscription upon JVM shutdown

I'm trying to delete a Google Pub Sub subscription in a JVM shutdown hook, but I'm encountering an illegal access error with the Google Pub Sub subscription admin client when the shutdown hook runs. I've tried using both sys.addShutdownHook as well as Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook, but I get the same error either way.
val deleteInstanceCacheSubscriptionThread = new Thread {
override def run: Unit = {
cacheUpdateService. deleteInstanceCacheUpdateSubscription()
// Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(deleteInstanceCacheSubscriptionThread)
This is the stack trace:
Exception in thread "shutdownHook1" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load [META-INF/services/]. The following stack trace is thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access.
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkStateForResourceLoading(
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.findResources(
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.getResources(
at java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyIterator.hasNextService(
at java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyIterator.hasNext(
at java.util.ServiceLoader$1.hasNext(
at scala.sys.ShutdownHookThread$$anon$
It seems like by the time the shutdown hook runs the Pub Sub library has already shut down, so we can't access the subscription admin client anymore. But, I was wondering if there was anyway to delete the subscription before this happens.

How can crashes of Safari extensions on Mojave be avoided?

When I build my macOS application that has an Safari extension in it, which I run on Safari, it crashes after a couple of seconds of running (though it does show up in the extensions).
It seems to be a problem of Safari trying to obtain data from the local Library folder. It also seems to struggle with Info.plist.
Here is the crash log:
2018-08-02 17:33:47.464379+0200 Safari[14693:1179568] [default] Unable to load Info.plist exceptions (eGPUOverrides)
2018-08-02 17:33:47.487993+0200 Safari[14693:1179565] [SQLiteStore] Failed to acquire database store coordination lock at /Users/lukasmuller/Library/Safari/Favicon Cache/favicons.db-lock: [35: Resource temporarily unavailable]
2018-08-02 17:33:47.488150+0200 Safari[14693:1179565] [SQLiteStore] Failed to acquire exclusive access to database at file:///Users/lukasmuller/Library/Safari/Favicon%20Cache/favicons.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.488580+0200 Safari[14693:1179565] [SQLiteStore] Failed to acquire database store coordination lock at /Users/lukasmuller/Library/Safari/Favicon Cache/favicons.db-lock: [35: Resource temporarily unavailable]
2018-08-02 17:33:47.488615+0200 Safari[14693:1179565] [SQLiteStore] Failed to acquire exclusive access to database at file:///Users/lukasmuller/Library/Safari/Favicon%20Cache/favicons.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.488694+0200 Safari[14693:1179565] [SQLiteStore] Falling back to an in-memory store
2018-08-02 17:33:47.489617+0200 Safari[14693:1179565] [FaviconPersistence] Using in-memory representation for database /Users/lukasmuller/Library/Safari/Favicon Cache/favicons.db
2018-08-02 17:33:47.505346+0200 Safari[14693:1179572] [SQLiteStore] Failed to acquire database store coordination lock at /Users/lukasmuller/Library/Containers/ [35: Resource temporarily unavailable]
2018-08-02 17:33:47.505870+0200 Safari[14693:1179572] [SQLiteStore] Failed to acquire exclusive access to database at file:///Users/lukasmuller/Library/Containers/
2018-08-02 17:33:47.572816+0200 Safari[14693:1179583] flock failed to lock maps file: errno = 35
2018-08-02 17:33:47.573799+0200 Safari[14693:1179583] flock failed to lock maps file: errno = 35
2018-08-02 17:33:47.604115+0200 Safari[14693:1179588] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.607520+0200 Safari[14693:1179588] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.608239+0200 Safari[14693:1179588] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.609424+0200 Safari[14693:1179588] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.857619+0200 Safari[14693:1179579] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.859043+0200 Safari[14693:1179565] [CrowdsourcedAutoFill] Unable to read cloud AutoFill correction sets, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file couldn’t be opened because it doesn’t exist."
2018-08-02 17:33:47.859839+0200 Safari[14693:1179579] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:47.871122+0200 Safari[14693:1179640] [CloudBookmarks] Error fetching remote migration state: Error Code=0 "(null)"
2018-08-02 17:33:47.953061+0200 Safari[14693:1179640] [RemotePlistController] The downloaded plist could not be loaded: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file couldn’t be opened because it doesn’t exist."
2018-08-02 17:33:48.191583+0200 Safari[14693:1179568] [trace] RWIMobileDeviceConnection (Direct): Unable to start a session: The host is not paired with the device.
2018-08-02 17:33:48.202902+0200 Safari[14693:1179568] [trace] RWIMobileDeviceConnection (Direct): Unable to stop session: The session is inactive.
2018-08-02 17:33:48.234006+0200 Safari[14693:1179572] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:48.235327+0200 Safari[14693:1179572] Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
Failed to acquire exclusive access to AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db.
2018-08-02 17:33:52.195337+0200 Hockey Crahses to Jira[14702:1180067] [default] Unable to load Info.plist exceptions (eGPUOverrides)
2018-08-02 17:30:28.465503+0200 Hockey Crashes to Jira[14575:1165922] [default] Unable to load Info.plist exceptions (eGPUOverrides)
2018-08-02 17:30:43.565677+0200 Hockey Crashes to Jira[14575:1165922] [default] Unable to load Info.plist exceptions (eGPUOverrides)
Has anyone faced similar problems and has figured out a way of fixing it?
I have the same (random) problem.
It seems the problem disappears after a cleaning of the project (Product/Clean) and of the build folder (Alt on Product/Clean menu)
However the message "[default] Unable to load Info.plist exceptions (eGPUOverrides)" is still present...
It does not seem to be relavant since everything works fine.
I have created a Slack community for Safari App Extensions devs, you are welcome to join us:
Basically, you're trying to run it on a device. For example, if you wish to run an iOS app on iOS-Device, you need provisioning profile. Similarly, if you wish to run an macOS app on macOS device, you've to set provisioning profile for it.
Select Project, select main target, make sure you've set the provisioning profile, team.
Also set the provisioning profile for safari extension target.
Once you're done setting up, run the safari extension.
Go to safari preferences, extensions tab & enable your extension.
Hope that helps. Cheers.
So, apparently :
The Xcode debugger kills the browser if no interaction/messaging is found during a certain lapse of time.
So to avoid this, what you have to do is to write that code inside your injected script :
setInterval(() => safari.extension.dispatchMessage("ping", {}), 1000);
I wrote this article that explains the common problems encountered while developing Safari App Extensions.

AEM 6.2 create backup issue

While creating new online backup of my Author instance it is showing error showing below:
In the log it is showing error:
30.11.2017 12:11:59.105 *ERROR* [ [1512043919094] GET /libs/granite/backup/content/createBackup/content/items/backupform.check.html HTTP/1.1] service: Uncaught SlingException
java.lang.RuntimeException: /home/ubuntu/AEM/Dev/author/crx-quickstart/launchpad/felix/bundle305/data/classes/org/apache/jsp/libs/granite/backup/components/backupform/ (Permission denied)
I have checked the bundle 305 is active. Can anyone suggest why it is unable to create a backup and showing this error.
You seem to be dealing with filesystem-level permissions problem.
/home/ubuntu/AEM/Dev/(...)/ (Permission denied)
This error tells you that the AEM process was denied permission to access or save a file at the path provided.
Check which user started AEM and if the user has the permissions necessary to access the directory that you're trying to use (/home/ubuntu/AEM/Dev). Change the path or the permissions.

Error in setting up Google play services in unity

Following the instruction on google play games plugin for unity, I have not been able to set it up correctly. My application crashes on signing in, with the following log output (with no more details). I've got no luck in finding a probable cause and searches seems to be out of any useful tip.
The actual error is displayed as:
Application ID () must be a numeric value. Please verify that your manifest refers to the correct project ID
The complete log output:
10-08 19:43:49.581 25688-25734/? E/linker: readlink('/proc/self/fd/49') failed: Permission denied [fd=49]
10-08 19:43:49.581 25688-25734/? E/linker: warning: unable to get realpath for the library "/data/data/com.testcompany.testapp/app_.gpg.classloader/d75c8e1bbeab9e1ddffb9d332585db71.dex". Will use given name.
10-08 19:43:49.667 25688-25734/? W/PopupManager: You have not specified a View to use as content view for popups. Falling back to the Activity content view. Note that this may not work as expected in multi-screen environments
10-08 19:43:49.675 25688-26526/? I/GamesNativeSDK: Auth operation started: SIGN IN
10-08 19:43:49.675 25688-26526/? I/GamesNativeSDK: Connecting to Google Play...
10-08 19:43:49.802 10946-10956/? W/GamesServiceBroker: Client connected with SDK 9683000, Services 9683438, and Games 37240038
10-08 19:43:49.837 10946-26540/? E/ValidateServiceOp: Application ID () must be a numeric value. Please verify that your manifest refers to the correct project ID.
10-08 19:43:49.842 25688-25688/? D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
10-08 19:43:49.846 25688-25688/? E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.testcompany.testapp, PID: 25688
java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [main]
Unity version : 5.4.0f3
Device model : LGE Nexus 5
Device fingerprint: google/hammerhead/hammerhead:6.0/MRA58K/2256973:user/release-keys
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: A fatal developer error has occurred. Check the logs for further information.
at$zza.zzc(Unknown Source)
at$zza.zzv(Unknown Source)
at$zze.zzauc(Unknown Source)
at$zzd.handleMessage(Unknown Source)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
I've taken the steps needed to generate OAuth2 client ID and I've successfully applied that to GooglePlayGame plugin in unity. What could be the reason of the error message?
If we refer to the actual error as shown in your log output, the problem is caused by the application ID declared in your Manifest which is actually one of the top setup mistakes committed by developers as shown in this video.
To troubleshoot this kind of error, please check the following:
For Android:
please verify that the value of the #string/app_id resource matches your application's numeric ID. The value of this resource should only contain digits. For example:
<string name="app_id">123456789012</string>
Warning: Do not use the full client ID ( as your app ID. This will result in errors.
For iOS:
The application_ID is the number that Google Play Developer Console assigns to your project. Please note that is not the same as your Apple application_ID.
Then, after checking the application ID, please also check the certificate fingerprint. Please be noted that:
If you are debugging your game using your debug certificate but have configured games services using your release certificate, you should add a second linked app using the same package name and your debug certificate's SHA1 fingerprint. This will allow you to sign in to the application whether it's signed with the debug or release certificates.
For additional tips, refer to these related resources:
Top 7 Google Play games services setup mistakes - Video that describes common Google Play games services setup pitfalls and scenarios.
Android troubleshooting guide - Developer documentation that describes how to troubleshoot issues while developing Android games.
Lastly, this Q&A thread might also help wherein this GitHub post was suggested.
The problem was caused by multiple application configurations in Google play services. Although the game services panel was showing only one application with my package name, there were several instances of the same application configured in google cloud services previously for google cloud messaging and other services. The problem was only solved when I shut down all services, deleted the applications and patiently created one unified application configuration in Google play services.
I got this problem too. Here's My solution:
Delete old version of GooglePlayService and Admob plugins and import the new ones.
Open Android SDK Manager(In Unity, Window -> Google Play Games -> Downloads -> Google Play Gamse SDK(Android)), update the following ones:
Then try to set up Goole Play Service.
Additional, current verion of GooglPlayServices and Admob both import PlayServicesResolver/Editor/Google.JarResolverLib.dll(JarResolverLib.dll), just delete Google.JarResolerLib.dll.
Hope this can help you!