Prometheus file based service discovery - kubernetes

I tried file based service discovery ,But everytime when I change the configmap(which contains static target), I am deleting prometheus pod manually to get config changes. Is there any way that prometheus can get config changes automatically without deleting the prometheus pod? any help on this issue?
I am installing prometheus-operator using helm chart
target.json file
"labels": {
"app": "web",
"env": "dev"
"targets": [
command I used to create configmap
kubectl create cm static-config --from-file=target.json -n monitoring
- name: config-volume
name: static-config
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/prometheus/config
- job_name: 'file-based-targets'
- files:
- '/etc/prometheus/config/target.json'```

Prometheus reloads file_sd_configs automatically using file watches according to the documentation:
It reads a set of files containing a list of zero or more <static_config>s. Changes to all defined files are detected via disk watches and applied immediately. Files may be provided in YAML or JSON format. Only changes resulting in well-formed target groups are applied.
If you need to add more target files you can use a wildcard for the files, for example:
- job_name: 'file-based-targets'
- files:
- '/etc/prometheus/targets/*.json'
If you still need reloading from configmaps you can add another container to the Prometheus CRD and use either the built-in prometheus-operator/prometheus-config-reloader (this is how the Prometheus configuration and rules are reloaded) or one of the following:


Best practice for adding app configuration files into kubernetes pods

I have the following setup:
An azure kubernetes cluster with some nodes where my application (consisting of multiple pods) is running.
I'm looking for a good way to make a project-specific configuration file (a few hundred lines) available for two of the deployed containers and their replicas.
The configuration file is different between my projects but the containers are not.
I'm looking for something like a read-only file mount in the containers, but haven't found an good way. I played around with persistent volume claims but there seems to be no automatic file placement possibility apart from copying (including uri and secret managing).
Best thing would be to have a possiblility where kubectl makes use of a yaml file to access a specific folder on my developer machine to push my configuration file into the cluster.
ConfigMaps are not a proper way to do it (because data has to be inside the yaml and my file is big and changing)
For volumes there seems to be no automatic way to place files inside them at creation time.
Can anybody guide me to a good solution that matches my situation?
You can use a configmap for this, but the configmap includes your config file. You can create a configmap with the content of your config file via the following:
kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=my-config.ini=/path/to/your/config.ini
and the bind it as a volume in your pod:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-pod
- name: mypod
- name: config
mountPath: "/config"
readOnly: true
- name: config
name: my-config #the name of your configmap
Afterwards your config is available in your pod under /config/my-config.ini

how to apply the remote yaml?

I would like to apply the ingress to my kubernetes cluster with ansible community.kubernetes.k8s.
The example on shows me how to apply local files, for instance
- name: Create a Deployment by reading the definition from a local file
state: present
src: /testing/deployment.yml
However I could not find the example with remote file.
With kubectl the deployment of contour ingress can be done as follow:
kubectl apply -f
When I read the docs, I don't see an option to do that.
You could download the file first, then apply it.
- name: retrieve file
dest: /testing/contour.yaml
register: download_contour
- name: create deployment
src: /testing/deployment.yml
when: download_contour.changed

Updating a k8s Prometheus operator's configs to add a scrape target

I have an existing deployment of prometheus operator on my k8s cluster. Now, I want to add a scrape target for a custom exporter I created. I created my prometheus.yaml file, but can't find how to apply this to the existing prometheus operator.
I have no idea how and where you create/modify your prometheus.yaml file, but will show you the convenient way of managing it.
First of all you I would recommend you store prometheus configuration file prometheus.yaml as a configmap. This is super useful plus changes you will do in CM will be automatically without your involving spreading/propagating to the pod that work with/consume this CM.
So after you make changes with new scrapes in CM - it will take some time to propagate changes. Total delay from the moment when the ConfigMap is updated to the moment when new keys are projected to the pod can be as long as kubelet sync period (1 minute by default) + ttl of ConfigMaps cache (1 minute by default) in kubelet.
Now time to make changes live..
Prometheus has an option to reload its configuration on flight. You have 2 options how to do that. More info you can find opening Reloading Prometheus’ Configuration url.
I will stop here only on one solution:
You can send a HTTP POST to the Prometheus web server:
curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/-/reload
Note that as of Prometheus 2.0, the --web.enable-lifecycle command
line flag must be passed for HTTP reloading to work.
If the reload is successful Prometheus will log that it has updated its targets:
INFO[0248] Loading configuration file prometheus.yml source=main.go:196
INFO[0248] Stopping target manager... source=targetmanager.go:203
INFO[0248] Target manager stopped. source=targetmanager.go:216
INFO[0248] Starting target manager... source=targetmanager.go:114
And cherry on cake for you :)
There is a great Prometheus, ConfigMaps and Continuous Deployment that explain how to monitor Prometheus with prometheus(Maybe it will be applicable somehow in your another question). The main stuff I want to show you is that you can automate POST request.
So basically you need a tiny sidecar container that will check CM changes and send POST in case of new changes. This sidecar should be in the same pod with prometheus
Copy pasting example from article here for future reference
- name: prometheus
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/prometheus
- name: watch
image: weaveworks/watch:master-5b2a6e5
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
args: ["-v", "-t", "-p=/etc/prometheus", "curl", "-X", "POST", "--fail", "-o", "-", "-sS", "http://localhost:80/-/reload"]
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/prometheus
- name: config-volume
name: prometheus-config
Documentation for the operator:
But you have to use additionalScrapeConfigsSecret:
enabled: true
name: additional-scrape-configs
key: prometheus-additional.yaml
Else you get the Error cannot unmarshal !!map into []yaml.MapSlice
Here is a better documentation:
According to this, you could add scrape configs without packaging into a secret like this:
additionalScrapeConfigs: |
- job_name: "prometheus"
- targets: ["localhost:9090"]

kubernetes / Best practice to inject values to configMap

I'm new at kubernetes, and Im wondering the best way to inject values to ConfigMap.
for now, I defined Deployment object which takes the relevant values from ConfigMap file. I wish to use the same .yml file for my production and staging environments. so only the values in the configMap will be changed, while the file itself will be the same.
Is there any way to do it built-in in kubernetes, without using configuration management tools (like Ansible, puppet, etc.)?
You can find the links to the quoted text in the end of the answer.
A good practice when writing applications is to separate application code from configuration. We want to enable application authors to easily employ this pattern within Kubernetes. While the Secrets API allows separating information like credentials and keys from an application, no object existed in the past for ordinary, non-secret configuration. In Kubernetes 1.2, we’ve added a new API resource called ConfigMap to handle this type of configuration data.
Besides, Secrets data will be stored in a base64 encoded form, which is also suitable for binary data such as keys, whereas ConfigMaps data will be stored in plain text format, which is fine for text files.
The ConfigMap API is simple conceptually. From a data perspective, the ConfigMap type is just a set of key-value pairs.
There are several ways you can create config maps:
Using list of values in the command line
$ kubectl create configmap special-config --from-literal=special.type=charm
Using a file on the disk as a source of data
$ kubectl create configmap game-config-2 --from-file=docs/user-guide/configmap/kubectl/ --from-file=docs/user-guide/configmap/kubectl/
$ kubectl create configmap game-config-3 --from-file=game-special-key=docs/user-guide/configmap/kubectl/
Using directory with files as a source of data
$ kubectl create configmap game-config --from-file=configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/
Combining all three previously mentioned methods
There are several ways to consume a ConfigMap data in Pods
Use values in ConfigMap as environment variables
- name: test-container
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo $(SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY)" ]
name: special-config
Use data in ConfigMap as files on the volume
- name: test-container
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls /etc/config/" ]
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/config
- name: config-volume
# ConfigMap containing the files
name: special-config
Only changes in ConfigMaps that are consumed in a volume will be visible inside the running pod. Kubelet is checking whether the mounted ConfigMap is fresh on every periodic sync. However, it is using its local ttl-based cache for getting the current value of the ConfigMap. As a result, the total delay from the moment when the ConfigMap is updated to the moment when new keys are projected to the pod can be as long as kubelet sync period + ttl of ConfigMaps cache in kubelet.
Pod that contains in specification any references to non-existent ConfigMap or Secrets won't start.
Consider to read official documentation and other good articles for even more details:
Configuration management with Containers
Configure a Pod to Use a ConfigMap
Using ConfigMap
Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets
Managing Pod configuration using ConfigMaps and Secrets in Kubernetes
You also create configmap
kubectl create configmap special-config \
and access it in the container
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: dapi-test-pod
- name: test-container
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "env" ]
- configMapRef:
name: special-config
restartPolicy: Never
If you're thinking of ansible then I suspect you'll want to look at helm for this. I don't think it is a concern that kubernetes itself would address but helm is a kubernetes project.
If I understand correctly you've got a configmap yaml file and you want to deploy it with one set of values for staging and one for production.
A natural way to do this would be to keep two copies of the file with '-staging' and '-prod' appended on the name and have your CI choose the one for the environment it is deploying to. Or you could have a shell script in your CI that does a sed/replace on the particular values you want to switch for the environment.
Using helm you could pass in command-line parameters at deploy time or via a parameter-file (the values.yaml).

K8S deployment executing shell scripts reading configuration data

In K8S, what is the best way to execute scripts in container (POD) once at deployment, which reads from confuguration files which are part of the deployment and seed ex mongodb once?
my project consist of k8s manifest files + configuration files
I would like to be able to update the config files locally and then redeploy via kubectl or helm
In docker-compose i could create a volume ponting at the directory where the config files resides and then in the command part execute bash -c cmds reading from the config files in the volume. How is this best done in K8S? I don't want to include the configuration files in a image via dockerfile, forcing me to rebuild the image before redeploying again via kubectl or helm
How is this best done in K8S?
There are several ways to skin a cat, but my suggestion would be to do the following:
Keep configuration in configMap and mount it as separate volume. Such a map is kept as k8s manifest, making all changes to it separate from docker build image - no need to rebuild or keep sensitive data within image. You can also use instead (or together with) secret in the same manner as configMap.
Use initContainers to do the initialization before main container is to be brought online, covering for your 'once on deployment' automatically. Alternatively (if init operation is not repeatable) you can use Jobs instead and start it when necessary.
Here is excerpt of example we are using on gitlab runner:
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet
name: ss-my-project
- name: volume-from-config-map-config-files
name: cm-my-config-files
- name: volume-from-config-map-script
- configMap:
name: cm-my-scripts
- key:
mode: 0755
# if you need to run as non-root here is how it is done:
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 999
supplementalGroups: [999]
- image: ...
name: ...
- /scripts/
- name: volume-from-config-map-script
mountPath: "/scripts"
readOnly: true
- mountPath: /usr/share/my-app-config/config.file
name: volume-from-config-map-config-files
subPath: config.file
You can, ofc, mount several volumes from config maps or combine them in one single, depending on frequency of your changes and affected parts. This is example with two separately mounted configMaps just to illustrate the principle (and mark script executable), but you can use only one for all required files, put several files into one or put single file into each - as per your need.
Example of such configMap is like so:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cm-my-scripts
data: |
echo "Doing some work here..."
And example of configMap covering config file is like so:
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: cm-my-config-files
config.file: |
# Some config.file (example name) required in project
# in whatever format config file actually is (just example)
... (here is actual content like "0" or EFG=True or whatever)
Playing with single or multiple files in configMaps can yield result you want, and depending on your need you can have as many or as few as you want.
In docker-compose i could create a volume ponting at the directory where the config files resides and then in the command part execute bash -c cmds reading from the config files in the volume.
In k8s equivalent of this would be hostPath but then you would seriously hamper k8s ability to schedule pods to different nodes. This might be ok if you have single node cluster (or while developing) to ease change of config files, but for actual deployment above approach is advised.