I 've verify the github code . during sign up the user record not going to write into firebase instaed just autheticate the record to firebase authentication .
Can anyone provide the code which able to write the user record (email , password) into fIREBASE real time DB ?
what i trying to achieve beside authentication , system to write user record into real time database as below.
I have the "happy path" of signing up a user implemented using Flutter & AWS Amplify. I have made the user to verify their account using their phone numbers so that the verification code is sent to the phone and the signup process is completed.
I realised that, during testing, one could easily make a mistake. So I want the user to be able to go back and change the phone number so that the verification code is sent to the correct one. However, using Amplify, you cannot change the details if the user is not signed in, and the user cannot be signed in unless their account is "confirmed". Of course, their account cannot be "confirmed" if they don't receive the verification code and with the wrong phone number due to their mistake, they will never receive the verification code...
Has anyone faced the same problem and could help me how to solve this please?
I read that you could use Lambda functions to "auto-confirm" the account without any verification which means they can sign in, which would allow me to change their phone number if they have entered a wrong phone number. But I am not sure if this is the easiest way to do it
I am trying to get notification/email when user logged in and access the course. I am getting emails after I login as admin/teacher and click on block auto attendance than it will send around 40+ emails at a time to my email id. Instead I want when user login it should send me email.
I have tried to add file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot."/blocks/autoattend/file_name.txt","some text",FILE_APPEND) But still I am not able to find out this file. Cron is working fine but seems cron function of this plugin is not calling.
How to get email notification when someone login? How can I debug cron?
I installed auto attendance block and auto attendance mod. Document says auto attendance mod has cron, so updated that file to but when student start learning on course it must send email of attendance.
I currently creating a flutter app with sign up feature and I want to avoid spamming account so I setted up a phone verification to send a code by sms and fill it into the app when signing up (through twilio api). But I want to check before sending the sms if the phone number is already registred in my firestore collection(auth == null). I heard about firebase rules but I don't really know how to build it to be security compliant. I tried to use linkWithCredential but didn't seem to work. If anyone would have any advices for me ?
Thank you :)
You can write a cloud function to check your database if the phone number exists and return the result to the client.
You can login anonymously in order to have an access to the firebase database.
Also, you can provide custom rules for each collection, so for example, your collection can have free access if you want, but don't do it, use anonymously login instead.
I have a pretty big problem.
I have two databases currently in my app. It's a meeting app. I am using MongoDB to store basic user data i.e. his name, surname, email and so on. And on Firebase Realtime Database I am storing the incomingRequests, sentRequests and friendsList.
So the question is following: How can I load massive amounts of data so that I can retrieve the userIds and statuses of the user from Firebase without doing it every time I open the app.
Currently, every time I open my app, I make a request to firebase to get me all of the user Ids that I have as friends. Then I query each userId and post a request to my MongoDB with the userId so that I can get user profile picture and username. I need to fix this because my loading times are 15+ seconds if someone has 100 friends for example.
So in summary, how can I solve this big data problem??
I am a mobile developer and I am using firebase for my app which have built with Cordova and Ionic framework.
So .. I implemented Firebase Auth functionalities such login/signup, email verification, forgot your password, ...
But I found this message today while logging in with app.
"We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual
activity. Try again later."
How do I change the number of login attempts in Firebase?
You can't change login attempts.
A blocked user can retry after a few minutes.
Firebase SDK will throw errors you attempts like following:
multiple times wrong password attempts.
multiple create a new password, anonymous account tries
multiple password recovery tries