How do I properly auth with JWT to openapi UI for Quarkus / smallyre-JWT? - jwt

I have a Quarkus endpoint stood up. Secured by JWT and Roles.
It works in Postman. (Header <Authorization, Bearer ey……>)
I have looked and struggled and found I can’t do a typical #Header or #Parameter annotation exposing this Authorization header—it stomps out that precise value. “Authorization1” I can expose. But not “Authorization”.
I have got a jwt configuration option in the application.YML file. I now get an authentication “padlock” on the UI but whatever I enter there doesn’t get passed to the CURL command in “try it out” mode.
Has anyone solved this problem?
application.yml parts:
jwt-bearer-format: JWT
jwt-security-scheme-value: Bearer
security-scheme: jwt
These images may be useful:

It's not really a bug. There is a configuration that you can specify in Quarkus that allows you to inject the JWT token into each request from Swagger.
There is some work that you need to do in order to accomplish this simply because Swagger will not know beforehand how to read the JWT token and how to reuse it for subsequent calls.
Below is one method that you can use in order to make Swagger calls work in a Quarkus project.
There are a few things to unpack here.
This has been tested to work with Quarkus 2.0.1.Final. Older versions of Quarkus use an old version of SmallRye that has a bug in it when rendering the request interceptor.
Use this configuration in Quarkus quarkus.swagger-ui.request-interceptor to inject the jwt token into the request headers of Swagger. This value goes into your (Do modify this configuration to suit yml files)
quarkus.swagger-ui.request-interceptor=function(req){var authToken=sessionStorage.getItem('authenticationToken');if(authToken){req.headers['Authorization']='Bearer '+authToken;}return req;}
Now go to your Swagger UI and login using the login endpoint that you use. This will return the jwt token. Go to the browser and input the value into your browser's Session Storage under the key 'authenticationToken'
Now when you hit any endpoint that you want to test, Swagger will use the request interceptor (defined in 1) to inject the JWT from your browser's session storage and your calls will work.


Why is quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret being ignored?

I have a SPA (Vue.js) that communicates via REST with a Quarkus Resource API .
I am using my own Keycloak for Authentication/Authorization.
In Keycloak I have two clients in my realm:
Client ID: frontend-client
Access Type: public
Standard Flow enabled
Client ID: backend-client
Access Type: bearer-only
Secret: mySecret
My for my Quarkus API:
My SPA uses the Standard Flow to authenticate with Keycloak and then redirects to my app ✅
Then I can make requests to my API and everything works despite quarkus.oidc.client-id and quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret being commented out ! Why is that? It also works when those lines are not commented out but with false values. 😳
Why is Quarkus ignoring those lines, and, more importantly, why does it work?
Adding the dependency
Allows me to add this to
It now leads to this error:
{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Bearer-only not allowed"}
But at least now the secret is not being ignored, and providing a wrong secret leads to the correct error.
Follow-up question: Why is bearer-only not allowed?
I'm guessing that because your Quarkus application use a bearer only client, it will only check the authenticity of the bearer token using the signature.
Since it will not make any call to Keycloak for additional verifications, it will not use the client id and client secret in your properties.
You need to change the type of the client to confidential if you want quarkus to use that.
By the way, in the quarkus quickstart for protecting service applications : the keycloak client use a confidential client, and bearer only is set to false :

Use two OIDC Auth flows in parallel in Quarkus

I created a Rest-API and a frontend as a self contained system with Quarkus.
The frontend is served statically.
For Authentication i use a kleycloak server and have nearly the same configuration as in this guide from quarkus.
With this config i need to authenticate for the rest-api and the frontend. Thats what i want.
If i try to load the index.html i got redirected to keycloak and back. That works perfectly.
The problem is, that the same thing happens with the rest-api. I got redirected to keycloak with a "302 found"-status code. Here I would like to have an authentication with a bearer token and no redirect. Quarkus has the following configuration for this:
That collides with the configuration for the frontend. Is there a way to use both, one for static files and one for the rest-api?
If I'm not wrong you're looking for a multi-tenant oidc setup(even though you're not designing tenants). The guide and example can be found on the official quarkus website here.
This way you'll have similar setup:
P.S you can replace restapi with more likable name.

Generating an API Client with Swagger OpenAPI 3 with OAuth2 Client Credentials

I am using the Swagger OpenAPI 3.0.2 version for describing my API.
I built swagger-codegen 3.0.5 snapshot from the Swagger gihub repo.
I want a Java client that will obtain the OAUTH2 token for a grant type of client_credentials. I want client credentials because this is one machine talking to another, I am not asking a user for their credentials. I have the following bit in my spec file:
type: oauth2
description: Standard OAUTH2
tokenUrl: my_token_url
scopes: {}
- oAuth2ClientCredentials: []
I want a Basic Authentication header with the client ID and the client secret in the standard base64 encoding with the grant_type as a URL encoded form. This is pretty standard OAuth2 authentication.
I seem to sometimes get code for the OAuth authentication and sometimes not. The python library has nothing for OAuth other than me proving the access token by hand. The Java library doesn't have it unless I ask for retrofit as the base library, but it generates a Bearer Authentication header, rather than a Basic Authentication Header. Retrofit2 doesn't even work, the handlebars template has an illegal character in it that handlebars barfs on.
So what do people do to get their access tokens when they have a client ID and a client secret? Do you craft the code to get the access token by yourself? Or is there some magic way of getting swagger-codegen-cli to generate the code for me, depending on the libraries that I use?
If anyone has managed to get swagger-codegen-cli to generate everything they need for OAuth 2 client credentials with an OpenAPI 3.0 specification, please let me know.

accessing keberos enabled Rest service using Karate

I am trying to set up Karate test framework for our new project. We will be enabling Kerberos authentication to our Rest microservices. Can you please tell me if Karate supports Kerberos aunthentication
Most projects are able to call a normal HTTP end-point and get a token from it which will be used as an auth header. So look for the OAuth and header authentication demos / in the documentation.
Otherwise, take a look at this approach: - so it is possible for you with a little extra work to call into some .NET code for e.g. which you can design to give you the headers / tokens you need.

JWT and KONG with custom authrizations

I went through this tutorial on KONG
I have an understanding of JWT and authorization concepts. I have prototyped JWT with Spring Boot where I could put my own key value like this {"authorizations":"role_admin, role_user"}.
It is easy to do that in Spring Boot but I am not able to find information on how to do this with KONG. Anyone has any info about it?
Kong community edition can handle only the authentication process, (give or deny access to a customer).
Authorization process (what a given customer can do in your application) is handled by your application or by oauth2 introspection plugin which is enterprise edition only
you can write your own authorization server based on X-Consumer-Username request header if user passed authentication or original token header proxied by kong
hope helps
The kong jwt plugin does not support sending custom payload parameters to the upstream api. It does however seem like you can use this plugin (I have not tested it):
If you set Kong to forward all headers you'll get the raw Authorization header with the jwt token. So you could base64 decode the jwt token and pull out the claims/payload parameters you need manually in your service.