"Unable to connect to data source" while using DolphinDB ODBC to connect mssql - plugins

I have installed mssql server2017, unixODBC and tdsodbc on ubuntu 18. After configuring the DSN, I execute this code:
isql -v testjob SA Password1
It shows me an correct connection.
Then I load the ODBC plugin in DolphinDB GUI:
The plugin has been loaded successfully.
I connect the mssql server:
use odbc
conn = connect("Dsn=testjob")
But an error comes:
error connecting to [D]: odbc/src/nanodbc.cpp:1051: 0800: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to
connect to data source
I have tried to connect by other means, but still failed. How to solve this issue?

The problem should be that the ODBC DSN in the connect statement in the DolphinDB GUI is not set correctly. You can try the following connection methods:
conn = odbc::connect("DSN=testjob;Uid=SA;Pwd=Password1;") 


DB2 Connection is not working in DBeaver when i'm trying to connect

i'm trying to connect DB2 Database in DBeaver client, i tried with some of DB2 Drivers, but always it's showing the same error:
My drivers:
What could be the problem?

Connected mongodb with power bi with ODBC Driver

Can you guide me about the connection between mongodb and power bi through ODBC driver. I have connection between them. but i got unexpected errors like:
"OLE DB or ODBC error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E4E." , "OLE DB
or ODBC error: [DataSource.Error] ODBC: ERROR [42S22] [MySQL][ODBC
1.4(w) Driver][mysqld-5.7.12 mongosqld v2.14.3]Unknown column 'COD' in 'field list'."
"DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [08S01] [MYSQL][ODBC 5.3(w) Driver Lost
conection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication
packet', system error: 10060".
Can you tell me where the problem and how can I overcome on it?
I've had the same problem, try to go over the below steps and take a look at my advice under the fourth point (4).
Install mongosqld on your server based on your OS (first prerequisites).
LunchBI connector:
a) Make logs folder and mongosqld.log file in it.
b) Setup mongosqld.conf (IP:<your_server_ip>, PORT:3307)
Install mongosqld as a System Service link
Create a system DSN on your computer based on your OS, link.
Hint: On Windows (in ODBC data source) try to make both ANSI and UNICODE
connectors and do not forget to select a database in the dropdown menu.*
e.g. connect to Mongo via PowerBI via ODBC
a) Select a connector
b) Select the database, that you have selected in the previous dropdown menu.
For more information follow the official guide
you have to install mongosqld on your server and configure the .yalm file.
Inside it you have to uptade 'bind ip' field, by adding the remote ip.

Error connecting to a PostgreSQL Azure database using libpq

I am trying to connect to a PostgreSQL Azure database using libpq on Windows 10. The syntax is as below --
PGconn* pConn = PQconnectdb("host=nameofhost.postgres.database.azure.com port=5432 dbname={your_database} user=postgres#nameofhost password={your_password} sslmode=require");
ConnStatusType ist = PQstatus(pConn);
The connection status is CONNECTION_BAD, and the error message is "SSL SYSCALL error: Connection reset by peer (0x00002746/10054)".
Note that I set up the windows firewall rules correctly. And on the same machine, pgAdmin is able to connect to this PostgreSQL Azure database successfully.
Your help/suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Can't query data on pgAdmin 4 but it works using psql and Python

I have created a postgresql database on rds and I can connect and query it using psql on terminal or sqlalchemy on Python. When using pgAdmin4 I can't query or visualize the data but can create/alter tables, import data, ...
I have also tried connecting it to Metabase and DBeaver but the connection times out.
Any ideas why this is happening?
I have also connected the database using pgAdmin3 and was able to visualize the data and query it, but since I am using postgresql 11.4 it is not fully supported by pgAdmin3.
When I open the query tool on pgAdmin 4 I get this message:
could not send data to server. Socket is not connected could not send
startup packet: Socket is not connected.
Helped me:
changing 'localhost' in connection settings to ''
Disconnecting from server, Changing the connection -Host to localhost under properties, fixed it for me, running PgAdmin 4 in windows 11 connecting to PgSQl in WSL2

connection verification failed for data source - Coldfusion Server Administration

I have just installed ColdFusion 10 and am trying to connect to MySql Server 5.1, but it is showing the error below:
Connection verification failed for data source: cfartgallery2
java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [Macromedia][SQLServer
JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket. Unknown host: MySQL Server The
root cause was that: java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException:
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket. Unknown
host: MySQL Server
Finally after 2 days I solved my own problem of getting the above error. It was due to a missing ODBC connector.
Steps for resolving:
First download and install the ODBC connector of respective version as of your MYSQL server version.
Rhen install vcredist_x64 it is required for sql connectivity.
Then install any SQL Server to create the database and start connecting to it with the datasource you have created in tour CF Administrator.
Hope you can solve your problem with my instructions , if not then please post your queries below.