AspectJ: Only Rest mapped endpoints are intercepted, How to intercept internal called method? [duplicate] - aspectj

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Why does self-invocation not work for Spring proxies (e.g. with AOP)?
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm trying to intercept a method test() using annotation #Myfinder and return value Result.
public #interface Myfinder {}
public class MyAspect {
public void after(JoinPoint joinPoint, Result result) {
But it is intercepted only if I call it through rest api /test. I want to intercept even if this method is called from repair() method.
#RequestMapping(path = "/repair")
public class MyController {
public ResponseEntity<String> repair() {
//some code
test(); // <=============== not intercepted if i call /repair
return ResponseEntity.ok("dummy");
#PostMapping("/test") // <===== intercepted if i call this independently
public Result test() {
return (Result) null;
I want this to be called even if I call /repair
I'm fairly new to AOP

Spring AOP works on proxies. Calling test() from repair() is called a self-invocation. Spring AOP will not be able to advice the method call to test() from repair() , as it will not go through the proxy.
Spring reference documentation : Understanding AOP Proxies . Read through the section starting with The key thing to understand here is that the client code inside the main(..)
If you still wants to intercept and advice such a method call , you can autowire the controller instance to the same class as follows. I would recommended you to refactor the code , but to demonstrate the possibility , following code would work.
#RequestMapping(path = "/repair")
public class MyController {
MyController self;
public ResponseEntity<String> repair() {
//some code
self.test(); // <=============== self reference
return ResponseEntity.ok("dummy");
#PostMapping("/test") // <===== intercepted if i call this independently
public Result test() {
return (Result) null;


Spring Boot Hibernate Postgresql #Transactional does not rollback [duplicate]

I want to read text data fixtures (CSV files) at the start on my application and put it in my database.
For that, I have created a PopulationService with an initialization method (#PostConstruct annotation).
I also want them to be executed in a single transaction, and hence I added #Transactional on the same method.
However, the #Transactional seems to be ignored :
The transaction is started / stopped at my low level DAO methods.
Do I need to manage the transaction manually then ?
Quote from legacy (closed) Spring forum:
In the #PostConstruct (as with the afterPropertiesSet from the InitializingBean interface) there is no way to ensure that all the post processing is already done, so (indeed) there can be no Transactions. The only way to ensure that that is working is by using a TransactionTemplate.
So if you would like something in your #PostConstruct to be executed within transaction you have to do something like this:
public class Something {
protected PlatformTransactionManager txManager;
private void init(){
TransactionTemplate tmpl = new TransactionTemplate(txManager);
tmpl.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
I think #PostConstruct only ensures the preprocessing/injection of your current class is finished. It does not mean that the initialization of the whole application context is finished.
However you can use the spring event system to receive an event when the initialization of the application context is finished:
public class MyApplicationListener implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
// do startup code ..
See the documentation section Standard and Custom Events for more details.
As an update, from Spring 4.2 the #EventListener annotation allows a cleaner implementation:
public class InitService {
public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
public void initialize() {
// use the DAO
Inject self and call through it the #Transactional method
public class AccountService {
private AccountService self;
public void resetAllAccounts(){
private void init(){
For older Spring versions which do not support self-injection, inject BeanFactory and get self as beanFactory.getBean(AccountService.class)
It looks like that since this solution has been posted 1.5 years ago developers are still under impression that if a method,
annotated with #Transactional, is called from a #PostContruct-annotated method invoked upon the Bean initialization, it won't be actually executed inside of Spring Transaction, and awkward (obsolete?) solutions get discussed and accepted instead of this very simple and straightforward one and the latter even gets downvoted.
The Doubting Thomases :) are welcome to check out an example Spring Boot application at GitHub which implements the described above solution.
What actually causes, IMHO, the confusion: the call to #Transactional method should be done through a proxied version of a Bean where such method is defined.
When a #Transactional method is called from another Bean, that another Bean usually injects this one and invokes its proxied (e.g. through #Autowired) version of it, and everything is fine.
When a #Transactional method is called from the same Bean directly, through usual Java call, the Spring AOP/Proxy machinery is not involved and the method is not executed inside of Transaction.
When, as in the suggested solution, a #Transactional method is called from the same Bean through self-injected proxy (self field), the situation is basically equivalent to a case 1.
#Platon Serbin's answer didn't work for me. So I kept searching and found the following answer that saved my life. :D
The answer is here No Session Hibernate in #PostConstruct, which I took the liberty to transcribe:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
private MyDao myDao;
private CacheList cacheList;
public void MyServiceImpl(PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
this.cacheList = (CacheList) new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager).execute(new TransactionCallback(){
public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus transactionStatus) {
CacheList cacheList = new CacheList();
return cacheList;
The transaction part of spring might not be initialized completely at #PostConstruct.
Use a listener to the ContextRefreshedEvent event to ensure, that transactions are available:
public class YourService
implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> // <= ensure correct timing!
private final YourRepo repo;
public YourService (YourRepo repo) {this.repo = repo;}
#Transactional // <= ensure transaction!
public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
Using transactionOperations.execute() in #PostConstruct or in #NoTransaction method both works
public class ConfigurationService implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationService.class);
private ConfigDAO dao;
private TransactionOperations transactionOperations;
public void setTransactionOperations(TransactionOperations transactionOperations) {
this.transactionOperations = transactionOperations;
public void setConfigurationDAO(ConfigDAO dao) {
this.dao = dao;
public void postConstruct() {
try { transactionOperations.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
ResultSet<Config> configs = dao.queryAll();
catch (Exception ex)
LOG.trace(ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void saveConfiguration(final Configuration configuration, final boolean applicationSpecific) {
String name = configuration.getName();
Configuration original = transactionOperations.execute((TransactionCallback<Configuration>) status ->
getConfiguration(configuration.getName(), applicationSpecific, null));
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {

Problems when using EntityFilteringFeature and SelectableEntityFilteringFeature with Jersey 2

I'm new to Jersey 2 and JAX-RS, so probably I'm missing something.
What I'm trying to do is a test program to define a coding style in rest services developing.
The test was written in JAVA and uses JERSEY 2.22.2, JDK 1.8.31, MOXY AS JSON Provider.
I defined a Resource with GET methods to support LIST/DETAIL. Due to the size of my POJO, I used some filters and everything was fine.
// 1) First of all I defined the annotation.
#Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public #interface MyDetailView {
public static class Factory extends AnnotationLiteral<MyDetailView>
implements MyDetailView {
private Factory() {
public static MyDetailView get() {
return new Factory();
// 2) Once defined the annotation, I used to
// programmaticaly exclude the list of subItems in the response...
public class MyPojo {
private List<SubItem> subItems = new ArrayList<SubItem>();
public List<SubItem> getSubItems() {
return subItems;
public void setSubItems(List<SubItem> subItems) {
this.subItems = subItems;
// 3) I registered the EntityFilteringFeature
public class ApplicationConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public ApplicationConfig() {
// 4) Finally, I wrote the code to include/exclude the subItems
The Resource class has getCollection() and getItem() methods...
getCollection() adds the annotation only if filterStyle="detail"
getItem() always add the annotation
public class MyResource extends SecuredResource {
//filterStyle -> "detail" means MyDetailAnnotation
public Response getCollection(
#QueryParam("filterStyle") String filterStyle,
#Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
boolean detailedResponse = "detail".equals(filterStyle);
Annotation[] responseAnnotations = detailedResponse
? new Annotation[0]
: new Annotation[]{MyDetailView.Factory.get()};
//pojo collection...
MyPagedCollection myCollection = new MyPagedCollection();
ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok();
return builder.entity(myCollection, responseAnnotations).build();
public Response getItem(#PathParam("{id}") String idS, #Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
MyPOJO pojo = ...
Annotation[] responseAnnotations = new Annotation[]{MyDetailView.Factory.get()};
return Response.ok().entity(pojo, responseAnnotations).build();
After the first test, I tried to use the SelectableEntityFilteringFeature to allow the client to ask for specific fields in the detail, so I changed the ApplicationConfig
public class ApplicationConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public ApplicationConfig() {
property(SelectableEntityFilteringFeature.QUERY_PARAM_NAME, "fields");
and I've add the "fields" QueryParam to the Resource getItem() method...
public Response getDetail(#PathParam({id}) String id,
#QueryParam("fields") String fields,
#Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
But as long as I registered the SelectableEntityFilteringFeature class, the EntityFilteringFeature class stopped working. I tried to add "fields" parameter to one of the Resource methods, it worked perfectly. But the MyDetailAnnotation was completely useless.
I tried to register it using a DynamicFeature
public class MyDynamicFeature implements DynamicFeature {
public void configure(ResourceInfo resourceInfo, FeatureContext context) {
if ("MyResource".equals(resourceInfo.getResourceClass().getSimpleName())
&& "getItem".equals(resourceInfo.getResourceMethod().getName())) {
context.register(SelectableEntityFilteringFeature.class);, "fields");
Now the questions:
1) Why registering both the SelectableEntityFilteringFeature feature breaks the EntityFilteringFeature?
2) What is the correct way to bind a feature to a method with the DynamicFeature interface?
Thanks in advance.
This is my first post to Stack Overflow, I hope it was written complaining the rules.
Short answer: you can't. It appears to be a bug as of 2.25.1 and up to 2.26(that I tested with).
SelectableEntityFilteringFeature implictily registers EntityFilteringFeature (As mentioned here). So I don't see a need to add this.
Since you need Annotation based filtering, you can exclude registering SelectableEntityFilteringFeature.
You can just do,
// Set entity-filtering scope via configuration.
.property(EntityFilteringFeature.ENTITY_FILTERING_SCOPE, new Annotation[] {MyDetailView.Factory.get()})
// Register the EntityFilteringFeature.
// Further configuration of ResourceConfig.
You can refer to this example for usage and this example for registering the filter.
So you can remove SelectableEntityFilteringFeature and try just the above mentioned way to register it.

How can i define a Hystrix Client Fallback directly in a #FeignClient

I'm tring to define my fallback function directly in the feign defenition as described in the spring documentation, Please see the code below, but i get an error that i can't define a static class " modifier static not allowed here". How can i get the fallback function to run when feign call fails?
#FeignClient(name = "hello", fallback = HystrixClientFallback.class)
protected interface HystrixClient {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/hello")
Hello iFailSometimes();
static class HystrixClientFallback implements HystrixClient {
public Hello iFailSometimes() {
return new Hello("fallback");
Adding #Component to the top of the class worked for me.
class HystrixClientFallback implements HystrixClient {
public Hello iFailSometimes() {
return new Hello("fallback");

AOP using Windsor and bulk registering classes

I am trying to configure an application such that types from assemblyA can be used by my console to allow for logging in an AOP style. The JournalInterceptor will just write out method calls, input and maybe output arguments to a log file or datastore of some kind.
I can register one type at a time but I would like to register all types in one go. Once I get going I may add some filtering to the registered types but I am missing something.
I am trying to use Classes.FromAssemblyContaining but am not sure how to get at an IRegistration instance for the call to WindsorContainer::Register
Any clues?
// otherAssembly.cs
namespace assemblyA
public class Foo1 { public virtual void What(){} }
public class Foo2 { public virtual void Where(){} }
// program.cs
namespace console
using assemblyA;
public class JournalInterceptor : IInterceptor {}
public class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer()
// works but can't be the best way
// how do I do it this way
Foo1 foo = container.Resolve<Foo1>();
Implement a Pointcut. In Castle Windsor this is done by implementing the IModelInterceptorsSelector interface.
It would go something like this:
public class JournalPointcut : IModelInterceptorsSelector
public bool HasInterceptors(ComponentModel model)
return true; // intercept everything - probably not a good idea, though
public InterceptorReference[] SelectInterceptors(
ComponentModel model, InterceptorReference[] interceptors)
return new[]
Then register the Interceptor and the Pointcut with the container:
this.container.Kernel.ProxyFactory.AddInterceptorSelector(new JournalPointcut());
For in-depth explanation, you may want to see this recording.

Add methods to generated WCF client proxy code

I'd like to add one additional method for each service operation in my WCF client proxy code (i.e. the generated class that derives from ClientBase). I have written a Visual Studio extension that has an IOperationContractGenerationExtension implementation, but this interface only seems to expose the ability to modify the service interface, not the ClientBase-derived class.
Is there any way to generate new methods in the proxy client class?
As far as I know, those classes are always partial classes:
public partial class MyWCFServiceClient : ClientBase<IMyWCFService>, IMyWCFService
so you can easily extend them with your own, second file that adds method to the same partial class:
public partial class MyWCFServiceClient
public void NewMethod1()
public void NewMethod2()
I got around this by generating a wrapper class for the ClientBase-derived class during the import process. I actually first tried generating an additional partial class with the same name as the client class, but that caused the rest of the code generation to stop working properly.
So my final generated code looks something like:
(generated by the built-in WCF proxy generator):
public interface ServiceReference1
IAsyncResult BeginWebMethod1(AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState);
void EndWebMethod1(IAsyncResult result);
IAsyncResult BeginWebMethod2(AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState);
void EndWebMethod2(IAsyncResult result);
// ...
public class ServiceReference1Client
public event EventHandler<AsyncCompletedEventArgs> WebMethod1Completed;
public event EventHandler<AsyncCompletedEventArgs> WebMethod2Completed;
public void WebMethod1Async() { /* ... */ }
public void WebMethod2Async() { /* ... */ }
// ...
(generated by my custom IOperationContractGenerationExtension):
public class ServiceReference1Wrapper
private ServiceReference1Client _client;
public ServiceReference1Wrapper(ServiceReference1Client client)
_client = client;
public IObservable<AsyncCompletedEventArgs> WebMethod1()
// ...
public IObservable<AsyncCompletedEventArgs> WebMethod2()
// ...
// ...
Note: I'm using Silverlight, so that's why everything is async.