Pseudo R2 with pglm package in R. (poisson regression with fixed effect model) - linear-regression

I need to calculate the Pseudo R2 from some regressions did with pglm package, with poisson family and model fixed.
where is the Pseudo R2 in the summary? or how I can calculate it?
pglm(y~x+x1, data=pdata, model= within, family=poisson)

For pseudo R2 calculation, you need the log likelihood or deviance of the null model. In your panel glm with model = "within" above, it is not possible to fit a null model. So you cannot calculate pseudo R2.
If you use model = "random" or model = "pooling" it will be possible:
dat = data.frame(y = rpois(50,10),x = runif(50),
x1 = rnorm(50),grp = factor(sample(1:2,nrow(dat),replace=TRUE)))
fit = pglm(y ~ x+x1,data=dat,model="pooling",family="poisson",index="grp")
fit0 = pglm(y ~ 1,data=dat,model="pooling",family="poisson",index="grp")
So using the simplest McFadden rsquared:
We do:
pseudoR2 = as.numeric(1 - logLik(fit)/logLik(fit0))


Parameter estimation using Particle Filter in MATLAB

After reading the docs about "stateEstimatorPF" I get a little confused about how to create the StateTransitionFcn for my case. In my case I have 10 sensors measurments that decay exponentially and I want to find the best parameters for my function model.
The function model is x = exp(B*deltaT)*x_1, where x are the hypotheses, deltaT is the constant time delta in my measurments and x_1 is the true previous state. I would like to use the particle filter to estimate the parameter B. If I guess right, B should be the particles and the weighted mean of this particles should be what I'm looking for.
How can I write the StateTransitionFcn and use the "stateEstimatorPF" to solve this problem?
The code below is what I get so far (and it does not work):
pf = robotics.ParticleFilter
pf.StateTransitionFcn = #stateTransitionFcn
pf.StateEstimationMethod = 'mean';
pf.ResamplingMethod = 'systematic';
measu = [1.0, 0.9351, 0.8512, 0.9028, 0.7754, 0.7114, 0.6830, 0.6147, 0.5628, 0.7090]
states = []
for i=1:10
[statePredicted,stateCov] = predict(pf);
[stateCorrected,stateCov] = correct(pf,measu(i));
states(i) = getStateEstimate(pf)
function predictParticles = stateTransitionFcn(pf, prevParticles,x_1)
predictParticles = exp(prevParticles)*x_1 %how to properly use x_1?%;

EEG data classification with SWLDA using matlab

I want to ask your help in EEG data classification.
I am a graduate student trying to analyze EEG data.
Now I am struggling with classifying ERP speller (P300) with SWLDA using Matlab
Maybe there is something wrong in my code.
I have read several articles, but they did not cover much details.
My data size is described as below.
size(target) = [300 1856]
size(nontarget) = [998 1856]
row indicates the number of trials, column indicates spanned feature
(I stretched data [64 29] (for visual representation I did not select ROI)
I used stepwisefit function in Matlab to classify target vs non-target
Code is attached below.
ingredients = [targets; nontargets];
heat = [class_targets; class_nontargets]; % target: 1, non-target: -1
randomized_set = shuffle([ingredients heat]);
for k=1:10 % 10-fold cross validation
parition_factor = ceil(size(randomized_set,1) / 10);
cv_test_idx = (k-1)*parition_factor + 1:min(k * parition_factor, size(randomized_set,1));
total_idx = 1:size(randomized_set,1);
cv_train_idx = total_idx(~ismember(total_idx, cv_test_idx));
ingredients = randomized_set(cv_train_idx, 1:end-1);
heat = randomized_set(cv_train_idx, end);
[W,SE,PVAL,INMODEL,STATS,NEXTSTEP,HISTORY]= stepwisefit(ingredients, heat, 'penter', .1);
valid_id = find(INMODEL==1);
v_weights = W(valid_id)';
t_ingredients = randomized_set(cv_test_idx, 1:end-1);
t_heat = randomized_set(cv_test_idx, end); % true labels for test set
v_features = t_ingredients(:, valid_id);
v_weights = repmat(v_weights, size(v_features, 1), 1);
predictor = sum(v_weights .* v_features, 2);
m_result = predictor > 0; % class A: +1, B: 0
t_heat(t_heat==-1) = 0;
acc(k) = sum(m_result==t_heat) / length(m_result);
p.s. my code is currently very inefficient and might be bad..
In my assumption, stepwisefit calculates significant coefficients every steps, and valid column would be remained.
Even though it's not LDA, but for binary classification, LDA and linear regression are not different.
However, results were almost random chance.. (for other binary data on the internet, it worked..)
I think I made something wrong, and your help can correct me.
I will appreciate any suggestion and tips to implement classifier for ERP speller.
Or any idea for implementing SWLDA in Matlab code?
The name SWLDA is only used in the context of Brain Computer Interfaces, but I bet it has another name in a more general context.
If you track the recipe of SWLDA you will end up in Krusienski 2006 papers ("A comparison..." and "Toward enhanced P300..") and from there the book where stepwise logarithmic regression is explained: "Draper Smith, Applied Regression Analysis, 1981". However, as far as I am aware of, no paper gives actually the complete recipe on how to implement it (and their details and secrets).
My approach was using stepwiseglm:
lbs=labels % (1,2)
if (stepwiseflag)
mdl = stepwiseglm(H', lbs'-1,'constant','upper','linear','distr','binomial');
if (mdl.NumEstimatedCoefficients>1)
inmodel = [];
for i=2:mdl.NumEstimatedCoefficients
inmodel = [inmodel str2num(mdl.CoefficientNames{i}(2:end))];
H = H(inmodel,:);
TH = TH(inmodel,:);
lbls = classify(TH',H',lbs','linear');
You can also use a k-fold cross validaton approach using matlab cvpartition.
c = cvpartition(lbs,'k',10);
opts = statset('display','iter');
fun = #(XT,yT,Xt,yt)...

Calculate standard error of contrast using a linear mixed-effect model (fitlme) in MATLAB

I would like to calculate standard errors of contrasts in a linear mixed-effect model (fitlme) in MATLAB.
y = randn(100,1);
area = randi([1 3],100,1);
mea = randi([1 3],100,1);
sub = randi([1 5],100,1);
data = array2table([area mea sub y],'VariableNames',{'area','mea','sub','y'});
data.area = nominal(data.area,{'A','B','C'});
data.mea = nominal(data.mea,{'Baseline','+1h','+8h'});
data.sub = nominal(data.sub);
lme = fitlme(data,'y~area*mea+(1|sub)')
% Plot Area A on three measurements
coefv = table2array(dataset2table(lme.Coefficients(:,2)));
bar([coefv(1),sum(coefv([1 4])),sum(coefv([1 5]))])
Calculating the contrast means, e.g. area1-measurement1 vs area1-measurement2 vs area1-measurement3 can be done by summing the related coefficient parameters. However, does anyone know how to calculate the related standard errors?
I know a hypothesis test can be done by coefTest(lme,H), but only p values can be extracted.
An example for Area A is shown below:
I have resolved this issue!
Matlab uses the 'predict' function to estimate contrasts. To find confidence intervals for area A, at measurement +8h in this particular example use:
dsnew = dataset();
dsnew.area = nominal('A');
dsnew.mea = nominal('+8h');
dsnew.sub = nominal(1);
[yh yCI] = predict(lme,dsnew,'Conditional',false)
A result is shown below:

Plot portfolio composition map in Julia (or Matlab)

I am optimizing portfolio of N stocks over M levels of expected return. So after doing this I get the time series of weights (i.e. a N x M matrix where where each row is a combination of stock weights for a particular level of expected return). Weights add up to 1.
Now I want to plot something called portfolio composition map (right plot on the picture), which is a plot of these stock weights over all levels of expected return, each with a distinct color and length (at every level of return) is proportional to it's weight.
My questions is how to do this in Julia (or MATLAB)?
I came across this and the accepted solution seemed so complex. Here's how I would do it:
using Plots
#userplot PortfolioComposition
#recipe function f(pc::PortfolioComposition)
weights, returns = pc.args
weights = cumsum(weights,dims=2)
seriestype := :shape
for c=1:size(weights,2)
sx = vcat(weights[:,c], c==1 ? zeros(length(returns)) : reverse(weights[:,c-1]))
sy = vcat(returns, reverse(returns))
#series Shape(sx, sy)
# fake data
tickers = ["IBM", "Google", "Apple", "Intel"]
N = 10
D = length(tickers)
weights = rand(N,D)
weights ./= sum(weights, dims=2)
returns = sort!((1:N) + D*randn(N))
# plot it
portfoliocomposition(weights, returns, labels = tickers)
matplotlib has a pretty powerful polygon plotting capability, e.g. this link on plotting filled polygons:
ploting filled polygons in python
You can use this from Julia via the excellent PyPlot.jl package.
Note that the syntax for certain things changes; see the PyPlot.jl README and e.g. this set of examples.
You "just" need to calculate the coordinates from your matrix and build up a set of polygons to plot the portfolio composition graph. It would be nice to see the code if you get this working!
So I was able to draw it, and here's my code:
using PyPlot
using PyCall
#pyimport matplotlib.patches as patch
N = 10
D = 4
weights = Array(Float64, N,D)
for i in 1:N
w = rand(D)
w = w/sum(w)
weights[i,:] = w
weights = [zeros(Float64, N) weights]
weights = cumsum(weights,2)
returns = sort!([linspace(1,N, N);] + D*randn(N))
# Plot #
polygons = Array(PyObject, 4)
colors = ["red","blue","green","cyan"]
labels = ["IBM", "Google", "Apple", "Intel"]
fig, ax = subplots()
fig[:set_size_inches](5, 7)
title("Problem 2.5 part 2")
ylabel("Return (%)")
for i in 1:(size(weights,2)-1)
xy=[weights[:,i] returns;
reverse(weights[:,(i+1)]) reverse(returns)]
polygons[i] = matplotlib[:patches][:Polygon](xy, true, color=colors[i], label = labels[i])
legend(polygons, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0)
# savefig("CompositionMap.png",bbox_inches="tight")
Can't say that this is the best way, to do this, but at least it is working.

Using PCA before classification

I am using PCA to reduce number of features before training Random Forest. I first used around 70 principal components out of 125 which were around 99% of the energy (according to eigen values). I got much worse results after training Random Forests with new transformed features. After that I used all the principal components and I got the same results as when I used 70. This made no sense to me since that is the same feature space only in difirent base (the space has only be rotated so that should not affect the boundary).
Does anyone have the idea what may be the problem here?
Here is my code
clear all;
close all;
load patches_training_256.txt
load patches_testing_256.txt
Xtr = patches_training_256(:,2:end);
Xtr = Xtr';
Ytr = patches_training_256(:,1);
Ytr = Ytr';
Xtest = patches_testing_256(:,2:end);
Xtest = Xtest';
Ytest = patches_testing_256(:,1);
Ytest = Ytest';
data_size = size(Xtr, 2);
feature_size = size(Xtr, 1);
mu = mean(Xtr,2);
sigma = std(Xtr,0,2);
mu_mat = repmat(mu,1,data_size);
sigma_mat = repmat(sigma,1,data_size);
cov = ((Xtr - mu_mat)./sigma_mat) * ((Xtr - mu_mat)./sigma_mat)' / data_size;
[v d] = eig(cov);
%[U S V] = svd(((Xtr - mu_mat)./sigma_mat)');
k = 124;
%Ureduce = U(:,1:k);
%XtrReduce = ((Xtr - mu_mat)./sigma_mat) * Ureduce;
XtrReduce = v'*((Xtr - mu_mat)./sigma_mat);
B = TreeBagger(300, XtrReduce', Ytr', 'Prior', 'Empirical', 'NPrint', 1);
data_size_test = size(Xtest, 2);
mu_test = repmat(mu,1,data_size_test);
sigma_test = repmat(sigma,1,data_size_test);
XtestReduce = v' * ((Xtest - mu_test) ./ sigma_test);
Ypredict = predict(B,XtestReduce');
error = sum(Ytest' ~= (double(cell2mat(Ypredict)) - 48))
Random forest heavily depends on the choice of the base. It is not a linear model, which is (up to normalization) rotation invariant, RF completely changes behaviour once you "rotate the space". The reason behind it lies in the fact that it uses decision trees as base classifiers which analyze each feature completely independently, so as the result it fails to find any linear combination of features. Once you rotate your space you change "meaning" of features. There is nothing wrong with that, simply tree based classifiers are rather bad choice to apply after such transformations. Use features selection methods instead (methods which select which features are valuable without creating any linear combinations). In fact, RFs themselves can be used for such task due to their internal "feature importance" computation,
There is already a matlab function princomp which would do pca for you. I would suggest not to fall in numerical error loops. They have done it for us..:)