Is there any way to download Packages (Nuget) from TeamCity? - nuget

I need to extract dependencies from team city build. Does anyone know how to download packages from there?

Just sent a request to where 123 is the build ID you are interested in.
See documentation on details about authentication


If I can use the components by installing syncfusion as a module in my angular project, then why do I need o download and use the Installer

I registered for syncfusion trial for 1 month free, It asks me to download install file, My question is if I can use the components by installing syncfusion as a module in my angular project, then why do I need to download and use the Installer.
If I just reference in my package.json and do npm i I am able to use it. In this case where do I put my license
You need the license so that they can keep an eye on you if you are making more than 1 million USD.
however you don't need to download the installer, just import registerLicense like so and then put your API key within the registerLicense('api key') and you're good to use the component without any popup on the application.
import { registerLicense } from '#syncfusion/ej2-base'
registerLicense('api key');
You can grab the API key from your syncfusion dashboard "Downloads and keys" -> "Get License key".
Yes, you can download our npm package. However, to use our package legally they needed to get license from us by visiting and signing up for license. This is also mentioned in our licensing document in npm package. Please find its content from GitHub link
Online Demo:
We don’t have any source level license validation, so you don’t have to do anything in your application for license validation. Our current license validation are fully based on support and new feature requests.
Please get back to us if you require any more assistance on this.

Is there any benefit of uploading package on nuget?

I am wondering there is no benefit of uploading package on nuget then why people spent too much time to create a package and upload it on nuget?
Yes, We can distributes packages without using nuget.
But think:
How will you manage versions?
How will you Define dependencies for the packages?
Where you will explain technical specifications and documentation of package?
How will you know if your package is useful or not?
How will you know that how many times users has downloaded your package?
How will ensure to your user that your package is valid and went through security checksum?
If you have all the answers then there is no need of uploading packages on nuget.

How to allow users to send issues via e-mail to MantisBT?

In it says, that Mantis allows Input via mail.
I checked config_defaults_inc.php for associated settings, but could not find them. How can I allow my users to send issues to my MantisBT instance?
You will have to install the EmailReporting plugin to enable this feature. You can download the plugin from
Installation of the plugin is straightforward, but configuration can be done only from the plugin page. Please make sure that you read the README before using the plugin.
If you are using MantisHub (MantisBT as a Service), email reporting is included as part of the gold and platinum plans:
You can find the documentation of the feature at:

NuGet private feed not updating DownloadCount

I have set up a small test Nuget private repository on my machine following this guide.
Everything is working perfectly and I can publish packages, update versions, download them etc. The only problem is that the DownloadCount of my packages is always 0 regardless of how many times I download it.
I downloaded NuGet source but could not find a place where this value is updated. Moreover, nuget does not seem to use any DB technology so probably the feed is just generated on demand from the contents of the Packages folder.
Does anyone have any idea if this is a known issue or if it's a problem in my setup or if I should just add some code to the server to record downloads myself?
NuGet.Server based web sites are simply a front-end exposing an OData feed on top of a file share. There's no real database behind it, no indexing, no auditing, tracing, metrics or statistics, or any of that kind of stuff.
You could build it yourself, or take a look at alternatives such as MyGet, ProGet, Artifactory, etc.

How to host a package on

I have an open source project SystemWrapper. Someone recently asked me to add it to NuGet gallery. I had no problem to create a NuGet package. However, I cannot figure out how to add my package to NuGet Gallery.
Can someone point me to a link that describes how I can do that or tell me the steps I need to make.
I think the page at may be what you're looking for.
The basic process appears to be to register for an account at, tell your local NuGet package manager your API key, then "push" your component.
Good luck!