Running Flask at startup as a Service in Windows won't work in background - powershell

Before explaining what my problem is, please know that I have looked up for solutions on similar topics but none of them seems to work nor even to corresponds to my problem.
What I am trying to do:
I have this python code on multiple files that I run with flask with the following command:
python -m flask run --host=
So far, everything works, but I would like this code to automatically run everytime the computer boots. In the future this will be used on mini PCs without any graphical interface nor human intervention.
Since I need to do some configuration checks before running the web server, I've created a powershell script that ends with Flask running (using the previous command).
So far, everything works too. Now we're coming to the problem:
I'd like this script to run when I boot the machine. Specificity: Every things needs to work with Administrator privileges, on the local system without any interaction.
I've tried scheduled tasks but Flask won't run even if the rest of the script works (like creating folders or other things)
Ok, it's not a big deal I have other ways to do it, so I've created a Windows Service in C# to run the Script at startup on the local system.
The script works, I've checked the privileges too, everything's fine but arriving at the flask command line that is supposed to make it run, nothing works.
It's the same thing if I run flask using "pythonw" which is supposed to run python as a background process.
What the problem seems to be:
Well, as long as I run flask and I have either a command prompt or a powershell terminal, everything works greats. But if in a way or another I run the script as a background process, it won't work.
Normally it would take around 30 seconds for Flask to start-up. Here if I try to create a folder right after flask ended starting up (as a test) I can see the folder is created almost instantly, which means the process is immediately killed.
The problem doesn't seem to come from the service itself but really Windows that kills the process I don't know why
I'm running out of idea so if you guys have anything that I could try it would really help me.


google cloud notebook instance run script not in startup

I have a notebook instance with a notebook file. I use the instance's startup script to run this notebook file using papermill.
I want the notebook file to be run only when I remotely start the instance, and not from google cloud console.
I'd like to know if one of these is possible, or if there's another solution:
1 - The script will detect that the instance was started from the dashboard.
2 - I will remove the startups script and use another script that can be run by a remote command.
3 - The shutdown script will remove the startup script.
Script definition is kept under /var/run/google.startup.script for the scenarios mentioned:
Seems complicated detect if the instance was started from the dashboard.
Is feasible to delete the startup script mentioned earlier, and run your own script remotely.
Delete the script.
Before to delete the scrip I suggest you to make a backup of it in case of any issue arises for delete it, also keep in mind that AI Platform Notebooks is a managed service, any admin configuration could cause potential issues in your instance, be careful when deleting or modifying the startup script.
My advise will be actually run a notebook via a Scheduler system, I posted here the multiple options: GCP run a prediction of a model every day

How to run a powershell script on startup in safe mode as an administrator

At the company I work for, we use Bit9 as part of our security stack. We are in the process of upgrade the version to 8.0 (and eventually 8.2) on all of our devices. Between the automatic upgrades and a different script I wrote, I was able to upgrade about 1000. But there are still about 700 left where the CLI password from Bit9 is not working, and the devices are not checking in to allow auto upgrade.
Bit9 has come back and suggested the following:
Boot the endpoint into Safe Mode w/ Networking
Run a script that executes the following Administrative commands from a CMD prompt (please note the proper spacing between start= disabled):
sc config parity start= disabled
sc config paritydriver start= disabled
Boot into Normal Mode
I've written a script that is supposed to do all of this, except I cannot for the life of me get the script to run once the device starts in safe mode. I've tried everything that I can think of:
Placing a batch file in the Startup folder
Scheduled task
Nothing I do is working.
And one other caveat, the user that is logging in (safe mode & normal mode) is not an administrator. It is a regular user. I am kicking off the initial script with BigFix, which does run as an administrator.
Thanks in advance.
I was finally able to get it to work. The service idea was the starting point, though instead of creating a "fake" service, I actually wrote a service in C# that calls the PS script. I was then able to edit the registry, where I made that service able to start in safe mode. That seemed to do the trick. Now the only issue is that I can't seem to disable safe mode programmatically, but I will ask that as a separate question.

Newby Trouble With Remote PowerShell scripts

I do know about the double hop issue. My scenario is: I have a script I want to run remotely that calls another script located on a network share that calls a third script located on a second network share in a different domain.
Currently what I am doing is using Credssp (I've read there can be security issues but this environment is not public facing) to pass credentials for the 1st network share that has script2. I do not have access to the computer with the second domain so I cannot setup credssp on it. In order to work around that, inside of the script2 I am using "net use" command on the third script in order for the script to be able to find the path. I am then using "Copy-Item" to copy the third script on to the machine running script2 (the remote machine).
Up to this step, everything is working when I run script1. I can see script3 is copied over onto the remote machine. When script3 is called, it should make a web request that sends text to stdout (which I pipe to Out-File in script2). However, whenever I try to run the copy of script3 (located on the remote machine) from script2 (running on the remote machine) it does not seem to do anything. If I run script2 locally on the remote machine then it works fine (file is generated from script3's output).
Any idea's on why this won't work? I've tried running script 3 using several variations of invoke-expression, invoke-command, start-process, and even trying to run with cmd. I'm also having trouble getting output on what exactly is causing the issue (stdout and stderr are many times empty when using the different commands). Am I missing some command or tool that may make this easier to troubleshoot? It almost seems like script3 is still running into a double hop issue despite it only making a web request? And if it was running into that, I thought it would have had an error returned.
There my be a better design for doing what I'm trying to do. I'm fairly new to PowerShell and may be over complicating this.
Edit: Rewrote my scripts in python and got it working.

Why do Selenium tests behave different on different machines?

I couldn't find much information on Google regarding this topic. Below, I have provided three results from the same Selenium tests. Why am I getting different results when running the tests from different places?
So our architecture: Bitbucket, Bamboo Stage 1 (Build, Deploy to QA), Bamboo Stage 2 (start Amazon EC2 instance "Test", run tests from Test against recently deployed QA)
Using Chrome Webdriver.
For all three of the variations I am using the same QA URL that our application is deployed on.
I am running all tests Parallelizable per fixture
The EC2 instance is running Windows Server 2012 R2 with the Chrome browser installed
I have made sure that the test solution has been properly deployed to the EC2 "test" instance. It is indeed the exact same solution and builds correctly.
First, Local:
Second, from EC2 Via SSM Script that invokes the tests:
Note that the PowerShell script calls the nunit3-console.exe just like it would be utilized in my third example using the command line.
Lastly, RDP in on EC2 and run tests from the command line:
This has me perplexed... Any reasons why Selenium is running different on different machines?
This really should be a comment, but I can't comment yet so...
I don't know enough about the application you are testing to say for sure, but this seems like something I've seen testing the application I'm working on.
I have seen two issues. First, Selenium is checking for the element before it's created. Sometimes it works and sometimes it fails, it just depends on how quickly the page loads when the test runs. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Second, the app I'm testing is pretty dumb. When you touch a field, enter data and move on to the next, it, effectively, posts all editable fields back to the database and refreshes all the fields. So, Selenium enters the value, moves to the next field and pops either a stale element error or can't find element error depending on when in the post/refresh cycle it attempts to interact with the element.
The solution I have found is moderately ugly, I tried the wait until, but because it's the same element name, it's already visible and is grabbed immediately which returns a stale element. As a result, the only thing that I have found is that by using explicit waits between calls, I can get it to run correctly consistently. Below is an example of what I have to do with the app I'm testing. (I am aware that I can condense the code, I am working within the style manual for my company)
By nBaseLocator = By.XPath("//*[#id='attr_seq_1240']");
IWebElement baseRate = driver.FindElement(nBaseLocator);
baseRate.SendKeys(Keys.Home + xBaseRate + Keys.Tab);
If this doesn't help, please tell us more about the app and how it's functioning so we can help you find a solution.
#Florent B. Thank you!
EDIT: This ended up not working...
The tests are still running different when called remotely with a powershell script. But, the tests are running locally on both the ec2 instance and my machine correctly.
So the headless command switch allowed me to replicate my failed tests locally.
Next I found out that a headless chrome browser is used during the tests when running via script on an EC2 instance... That is automatic, so the tests where indeed running and the errors where valid.
Finally, I figured out that the screen size is indeed the culprit as it was stuck to a size of 600/400 (600/400?)
So after many tries, the only usable screen size option for Windows, C# and ChromeDriver 2.32 is to set your webDriver options when you initiate you driver:
ChromeOptions chromeOpt = new ChromeOptions();
webDriver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOpt);
Just to update
Screen size is large enough.
Still attempting to solve the issue. Anyone else ran into this?
AWS SSM Command -> Powershell -> Run Selenium Tests with Start-Process -> Any test that requires an element fails because ElementNotFound or ElementNotVisible exceptions.
Using POM for tests. FindsBy filter in c# is not finding elements.
Running tests locally on EC2 run fine from cmd, powershell and Powershell ISE.
The tests do not work correctly when executing with the AWS SSM Command. Cannot find any resources to fix problem.

running a script on startup and have it restart if crashed in debian

I have program that I need to run at startup in the background, so far I have it in rc.local like so:
sudo ./simple_program &
However this does not take into consideration if the program crashes. I need it so that whenever the program crashes, it is restarted again.
I think the approach is to write a bash script and run that instead in rc.local, where the bash script calls the simple_program and reruns it if needed. However, I'm not quite sure exactly what to do here. Could someone provide me a template?
Try with monit or daemontools, they are specifically designed to supervise other processes