How I can do to connect my database in EA - enterprise-architect

I'm new to enterprise architect and would like to know how I can do to connect my database in EA. I need to see the relationship diagrams to do documentation.
I've tried to see the manual provided by sparxs, but I still couldn't.
can anybody help me?
I stopped at step 3 - Select 'PostgreSQL UNICODE' from the list. (
The mentioned option does not appear in the list.
My version is 15


How do you create a Reports diagram in Enterprise Architect?

I am trying to create a Reports diagram with a model document and report specification in Enterprise Architect. The embarrassing part of this is that I've done this before, but can't work out how I did it. And I didn't take notes which I probably should do since this is something like a once every 2 years task for me.
In an older EA project, I have model document w/ custom templates in a reports diagram that will generate a data dictionary. Works great and I want that same thing for an EA project for a different, unrelated project.
But I can seem to figure out the first step, which is that Reports Diagram.
I am using version EA 13.0.1307.
Make sure you have the required MDG technology active.
You need the Core Extentions MDG to be able to create documentation diagrams
Create a Documentation Diagram
When creating a new diagram select Extented from the left pane, and Documentation from the right pane
Now the toolbox should show the elements you need to create your virtual document.

Talend - tTutorialRow custom component not working

I've been following the steps within this tutorial, but the final step is not working for me. I mean, Talend does not show the tTutorialRow component in the Palette.
I've been checking the Troubleshooting section of this other document as suggested, with no success.
I've seen other questions in SOF, but they are about going a step beyond, once the basic tutorial is running.
So, is there a way of watching what is happening? Some logs? Just to have hints about what is happening.
My Talend Open Studio (for Data Integration) version is 6.2.0.
It seem I was following the wrong tutorial (maybe it is outdated with regards to new versions of Talend).
I found this other one who worked for me. It is about using the Component Designer perspective of the Studio.

Entity Framework 6, Postgres (npgsql) and EF Power Tools

I have some trouble using the EF Power Tools and I searched now for several days but I didn't find any solution for my problem.
Maybe someone has a new idea or hint for me. My problem is that when I want to create a Preview Data Model VS says that it couldn't find the required ADO.NET driver. I'm working with Postgres and EF 6.
It worked several days before but, as far as I can see within my source control nothing important changed. So I started to search for a solution and tried several things. I guess it has something to do with my app.config but I have no idea what I'm exactly missing there.
The app it self runs great and also the connection to the db works fine, only the EF power tools seems to have a problem.
It would be great if anyone could help me.
Regards Alex

Entity Framework with Oracle

I have installed the ODAC 11 and I would like to use it with EF Database First but it doesn't appear in the "Choose Data Source" dialog just the SQL Server providers.
I don't know how to go further.
I need a little help, please.
I'm not sure what you installed, but this has support for Entity Framework. I've used it before with no issue.

How to get Npgsql working with EF4?

hey I know it's an old question but I'm a little stuck trying to even get Npgsql to work with EF4 at all! I can't seem to register the provider wherever it needs to go in order for it to show up in the the Entity Data Model Wizard.
When trying to create a new model, I try and create the connection to the Postgres database in the "Change Data Source" dialog. But the only providers in here are differing flavours of MSSQL and "". The data provider combo on this form doesn't show Npgsql or anything postgres related.
I have already done the usual of registering npgsql and the mono security assemblies in the GAC. I've modified machine.config (32 and 64bit) to have the provider factory entry required.
I'm using VS2010 SP1 on Windows 7 64bit & Npgsql I'm developing for .NET4.
Any ideas of how to get this working would be much appreciated.
Unfortunately Npgsql doesn't have support for VS Wizards.
We have a very early work in progress which you can give a try.
Checkout our downloads page and look for the file.
Follow the install instructions there and let me know if it works ok for you.
Again, sorry for the lack of support.
I hope it helps.