Is Context Broker Federation possible with NGSI LD? - fiware-orion

NGSI LD does not seem to define or implement "/op/notify", which was the endpoint of "Context Broker Federation" implemented in NGSIv2.
Is there an equivalent function in NGSI LD?
■ manual
■ Spec

Orion-LD does not implement federation yet. The concept is being defined in ETSI ISG CIM and until it is decided exactly how it is to work (in a standard way), it cannot be implemented (unless we're willing to reimplement it once it gets defined in ETSI).
That said, Scorpio (another NGSi-LD broker) implements its own "NEC proprietary" federation scheme.
About "/op/notify", it is actually implemented in Orion-LD (POST /ngsi-ld/ex/v1/notify), it's just not meant for federation but for maintaining a local copy of some other broker's entities, based on subscriptions/notifications. This feature in brand new and was added to Orion-LD a few weeks ago.


OpenAPI as a single source of truth - limitations

One of the benefits being promoted for API-first design or OpenAPI is that of their use as a single source of truth. To my mind, these schemas only serve as a contract - the actual source of truth for your API lies in your microservices implementation (typically a http endpoint).
How can OpenAPI claim to be a single source of truth when the contract cannot be enforced until the implementation on the API side is complete? I realise there is tooling available to assist with this, such as validation middleware that can be used to match your request and response against your schema, however this is typically only validated at the point that a network request is made, not at compile time.
Of course you could write api tests to validate, but this is very much dependent on good test coverage and not something you get out of the box.
TLDR - OpenAPI markets itself as being a single source of truth for APIs, but this simply isn't true until your API implementation matches the spec. What tools/techniques (if any) can be used to mitigate this?
Did a bit of additional research into available tooling and found a solution that helps mitigate this issue:
open-api-backend (and presumably other such libraries) have capabilities to map your api routes/handlers to a specific openAPI operation or operationID. You can then enforce schema validation such that only routes defined in the spec can be implemented, else a fail-fast error is thrown)

How are AbsoluteExpiration, AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow and SlidingExpiration used on DistributedCacheEntryOptions?

I'm in charge of implementing a session state server with ASP.NET Core gRPC, and its corresponding client, to have session state management for a load-balanced group of ASP.NET Core applications. That means the client must implement IDistributedCache for that.
The methods Set and SetAsync have a parameter of type DistributedCacheEntryOptions and this class has the properties AbsoluteExpiration, AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow and SlidingExpiration. I presume these properties can be used to signal when a cache entry has expired, but how are they used and how am I to interpret them? Seeing that the 3 properties are nullables, is it that only one of the three is to be populated?
So, as far as I can tell, you're supposed to use only one of those properties (the one that matches your use case). In my case, all I had to do is to use SlidingExpiration and that covered my use case. Other contexts might require other strategies.

Single endpoint instead of API - what are the disadvantages?

I have a service, which is exposed over HTTP. Most of traffic input gets into it via single HTTP GET endpoint, in which the payload is serialized and encrypted (RSA). The client system have common code, which ensures that the serialization and deserialization will succeed. One of the encoded parameters is the operation type, in my service there is a huge switch (almost 100 cases) that checks which operation is performed and executes the proper code.
case OPERATION_1: {
operation = new Operation1Class(basicRequestData, serviceInjected);
case OPERATION_2: {
operation = new Operation2Class(basicRequestData, anotherServiceInjected);
The endpoints have a few types, some of them are typical resource endpoints (GET_something, UPDATE_something), some of them are method based (VALIDATE_something, CHECK_something).
I am thinking about refactoring the API of the service so that it is more RESTful, especially in the resource-based part of the system. To do so I would probably split the endpoint into the proper endpoints (e.g. /resource/{id}/subresource) or RPC-like endpoints (/validateSomething). I feel it would be better, however I cannot make up any argument for this.
The question is: what are the advantages of the refactored solution, and what follows: what are the disadvantages of the current solution?
The current solution separates client from server, it's scalable (adding new endpoint requires adding new operation type in the common code) and quite clear, two clients use it in two different programming languages. I know that the API is marked as 0-maturity in the Richardson's model, however I cannot make up a reason why I should change it into level 3 (or at least level 2 - resources and methods).
Most of traffic input gets into it via single HTTP GET endpoint, in which the payload is serialized and encrypted (RSA)
This is potentially a problem here, because the HTTP specification is quite clear that GET requests with a payload are out of bounds.
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request.
It's probably worth taking some time to review this, because it seems that your existing implementation works, so what's the problem?
The problem here is interop - can processes controlled by other people communicate successfully with the processes that you control? The HTTP standard gives us shared semantics for our "self descriptive messages"; when you violate that standard, you lose interop with things that you don't directly control.
And that in turn means that you can't freely leverage the wide array of solutions that we already have in support of HTTP, because you've introduce this inconsistency in your case.
The appropriate HTTP method to use for what you are currently doing? POST
REST (aka Richardson Level 3) is the architectural style of the world wide web.
Your "everything is a message to a single resource" approach gives up many of the advantages that made the world wide web catastrophically successful.
The most obvious of these is caching. "Web scale" is possible in part because the standardized caching support greatly reduces the number of round trips we need to make. However, the grain of caching in HTTP is the resource -- everything keys off of the target-uri of a request. Thus, by having all information shared via a single target-uri, you lose fine grain caching control.
You also lose safe request semantics - with every message buried in a single method type, general purpose components can't distinguish between "effectively read only" messages and messages that request that the origin server modify its own resources. This in turn means that you lose pre-fetching, and automatic retry of safe requests when the network is unstable.
In all, you've taken a rather intelligent application protocol and crippled it, leaving yourself with a transport protocol.
That's not necessarily the wrong choice for your circumstances - SOAP is a thing, after all, and again, your service does seem to be working as is? which implies that you don't currently need the capabilities that you've given up.
It would make me a little bit suspicious, in the sense that if you don't need these things, why are you using HTTP rather than some messaging protocol?

Get a resource in rest API based on an alternative identificator

What would be a rest API convention to get a resource based on a different identificator?
For example
Since this could be considered as a dupliate resource and setting routes for this could be a problem, what is an alternative then would follow rest API guidelines?
or something else?
Short answer
You could use both /resource/{id} and /resource/{guid}. Many frameworks support regular expressions for matching path parameter values.
Long answer
REST is an architectural style and not a cookbook for designing URIs (see notes below). It doesn't enforce any URI design and it's totally up to you to pick the URIs that better identify your resources.
What you should keep in mind is: it's perfectly fine to have multiple mappings for the same entity. And each mapping is a resource, according to Fielding's dissertation:
A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time.
With that being said, if you are supporting DELETE, it's important to mention how it's supposed to work:
4.3.5. DELETE
The DELETE method requests that the origin server remove the association between the target resource and its current functionality. In effect, this method is similar to the rm command in UNIX: it expresses a deletion operation on the URI mapping of the origin server rather than an expectation that the previously associated information be deleted. [...]
Note 1: The URI syntax is defined in the RFC 3986. As general rule, the path is organized in hierarchical form (with segments separated by /) and can contain non-hierarchical data in the query component (starting with ?).
Note 2: The REST architectural style is described in the chapter 5 of Roy T. Fielding's dissertation and it defines a set of constraints that must be followed by the applications that follow such architecture. However it says nothing about what the URIs must be like.
Note 3: The examples of a popular article written by Martin Fowler explaining a model defined by Leonard Richardson suggest a URI structure that looks friendly and easy to read.
I wouldn't normally duplicate an endpoint. The question would be:
why does one client have an id while another has a guid?
what design choice allowed that to happen?
I would leave it as a single resource endpoint:
so clients who access resources via their id will use the above endpoint. I'd allow clients who access resources via their guid to exchange what they have (guid) for what they need (id):
The above returns a resource id for the given resource guid. The client can then call the main resource endpoint with the id they have just received:
but ultimately I'd look into why some clients use a guid rather than an id and change that so all clients access the API in the same way.

Isn't resource-oriented really object-oriented?

When you think about it, doesn't the REST paradigm of being resource-oriented boil down to being object-oriented (with constrained functionality, leveraging HTTP as much as possible)?
I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad thing, but rather that if they are essentially the same very similar then it becomes much easier to understand REST and the implications that such an architecture entails.
Update: Here are more specific details:
REST resources are equivalent to public classes. Private classes/resources are simply not exposed.
Resource state is equivalent to class public methods or fields. Private methods/fields/state is simply not exposed (this doesn't mean it's not there).
While it is certainly true that REST does not retain client-specific state across requests, it does retain resource state across all clients. Resources have state, the same way classes have state.
REST resources are are globally uniquely identified by a URI in the same way that server objects are globally uniquely identified by their database address, table name and primary key. Granted there isn't (yet) a URI to represent this, but you can easily construct one.
REST is similar to OO in that they both model the world as entities that accept messages (i.e., methods) but beyond that they're different.
Object orientation emphasizes encapsulation of state and opacity, using as many different methods necessary to operate on the state. REST is about transfer of (representation of) state and transparency. The number of methods used in REST is constrained and uniform across all resources. The closest to that in OOP is the ToString() method which is very roughly equivalent to an HTTP GET.
Object orientation is stateful--you refer to an object and can call methods on it while maintaining state within a session where the object is still in scope. REST is stateless--everything you want to do with a resource is specified in a single message and all you ever need to know regarding that message is sent back in a single response.
In object-orientation, there is no concept of universal object identity--objects either get identity from their memory address at any particular moment, a framework-specific UUID, or from a database key. In REST all resources are identified with a URI and don't need to be instantiated or disposed--they always exist in the cloud unless the server responds with a 404 Not Found or 410 Gone, in whch case you know there's no resource with that URI.
REST has guarantees of safety (e.g., a GET message won't change state) and idempotence (e.g., a PUT request sent multiple times has same effect as just one time). Although some guidelines for particular object-oriented technologies have something to say about how certain constructs affect state, there really isn't anything about object orientation that says anything about safety and idempotence.
I think there's a difference between saying a concept can be expressed in terms of objects and saying the concept is the same as object orientation.
OO offers a way to describe REST concepts. That doesn't mean REST itself implements OO.
You are right. Dan Connolly wrote an article about it in 1997. The Fielding thesis also talks about it.
Objects bundle state and function together. Resource-orientation is about explicitly modeling state(data), limiting function to predefined verbs with universal semantics (In the case of HTTP, GET/PUT/POST/DELETE), and leaving the rest of the processing to the client.
There is no equivalent for these concepts in the object-orientation world.
Only if your objects are DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) - since you can't really have behavior other than persistence.
Yes, your parallel to object-orientation is correct.
The thing is, most webservices (REST, RESTful, SOAP,..) can pass information in the form of objects, so that isn't what makes it different. SOAP tends to lead to fewer services with more methods. REST tends to lead to more services (1 per resource type) with a few calls each.
Yes, REST is about transfer of objects. But it isn't the whole object; just the object's current state. The implicit assumption is that the class definitions on both sides of the REST are potentially similar; otherwise the object state has been coerced into some new object.
REST only cares about 4 events in the life on an object, create (POST), retrieve (GET), update (PUT) and delete. They're significant events, but there's only these four.
An object can participate in lots of other events with lots of other objects. All the rest of this behavior is completely outside the REST approach.
There's a close relationship -- REST moves Objects -- but saying they're the same reduces your objects to passive collections of bits with no methods.
REST is not just about objects, its also about properties :: a post request to /users/john/phone_number with a new phone number is not adding a new object, its setting a property of the user object 'john'
This is not even the whole state of the object, but only a change to a small part of the state.
It's certainly not a 1:1 match.