keycloak-js How to authenticate AND authorize users - keycloak

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how to link together authenticating and authorizing users in my frontend using Keycloak and the keycloak-js adapter.
To preface this: I know that the keycloak-js adapter requires the client to have public as the Access Type.
My main question is how can I use Keycloak authentication AND authorization via the same client. If the Access Type MUST be set to public for the keycloak-js adapter to work, then how can I restrict access to my API depending on the users permissions?
Will I need two clients for this? One for authentication and one for authorization? If so, how can I use the access token from the authentication client in the authorization client?
My current setup in Keycloak is as follows:
Realm: admin-service
Client: admin-service-api
Access Type: confidential (because I want to use authorization to restrict api requests according to permission levels)
Root URL: http://localhost:8080/
Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:8080/*
My authorization setup for admin-service-api is as follows:
Resources: Books Resource
Uri (these are my API endpoints):
Default Policy
Books Policy:
Realm roles:
admin (the required checkbox is not checked)
Default Permission
Books Resource Permission:
Resources: Books Resource
Apply Policy: Books Policy
So with this setup, I have restricted my API (which is written in GoLang) to only allow requests if the requesting user has the appropriate permissions by making a request to the Keycloak API via https://my.auth.server/auth/realms/{{realm_name}}/protocol/openid-connect/token to retrieve the users access token and a list of the users permissions.
From there I can use this access token to make requests to my API to create/read/update/delete books so long as my test-user has the admin role. If my user does not have the admin role, the user is presented with an unauthorized message (401).


Keycloak Resource Server authorization flow

I'm new to Keycloak and trying to find out if authorization services (Resource Server) can fit my requirements.
I have the following scenario: A client app is trying to access my API endpoints which are behind the API gateway. I want to authenticate (using id and secret) the app and if it's App A allow it access to the endpoint /credits, if it's App B allow it access to the endpoint /debits.
I assume that API gateway should verify if a call should be rejected or not.
Could you please tell me what should my workflow look like and what Keycloak functionality should I use?
I'd add roles CREDITS_CLIENT and DEBITS_CLIENT to the API_SERVICE realm in keycloak.
Then, I'd create app-a-service-account and app-b-service-account in that realm, the former with CREDITS_CLIENT role and the later with DEBITS_CLIENT role.
In the gateway or API controller, endpoint /credits requires role CREDITS_CLIENT and endpoint /debits requires role DEBITS_CLIENT.
On each call, check if the details in the jwt include the role that authorizes the account/user to access the endpoint.

Get authorization from remote API

I’m using Keycloak (OIDC) for authentication, and I want to add permissions of users to their access token.
My problem is that our permissions are managed by a dedicated application, and that we can recover them by an API.
So : How can I add authorizations to the claims of an access token, by getting these authorizations from a remote API?

How to get Keycloak user information via REST without admin role

I'm using keycloak as authorization server. The users send own username/password to MyWebApp and MyWebApp with grant_type: password get the token and then response token to the user. Now I want to my users be able to get their information, change their password and everything related to themselves RESTFUL. When I send a rest request to /{realm}/users/{id} to get user information, The keycloak get 403 error response. How can I get user information without admin access from keyclaok?
Note: I've seen this question, But I want to give the user edit profile too.
I think you are using Oauth with Grant type=password. If the token you mentioned is generate by Keycloak. You can request user information to Keycloak using /userinfo endpoint.
This is example of endpoint:
This is how to send the parameters:
GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Gp7b5hiURKpWzEXgMJP38EnYimgxlBC1PpS2zGXUqe
As far as i know in new versions of Keycloak, Account application (~/auth/realms/{realm}/account) will be implemented as REST backend so your users will be able to work with their profile data in RESTful way (check out keycloak blog).
If you can't wait too long for such feature, you could implement your own REST backend for user profile operations. It mean that you have to implement REST endpoint Service Provider, and integrate to that API your custom set of Keycloak Roles (Your also may to implement endpoint without checks for any roles, so only bearer authentication required). Check Keycloak development docs, also you could use Keycloak sources, especially package as implementation example.
PS. For viewing user info, consider using User Info OIDC endpoint (See Hlex answer). It also could be customized via OIDC mappers (Clients -> {client Id} -> Mappers tab)

is there an admin API for keycloak to get the OIDC installation JSON

I have tried this URL :, though with no help.
i have an access token to call admin API's
Xtreme Biker is right.
I could get the url from UI console.
using client name, client-id can be retrieved using endpoint
The catch is the access token that has to be supplied to the admin endpoints to respond successfully.
Access token shall be retrieved using a credentials of a user who has 'manageclients' access to the client role of the realm under which the client is registered.

Oauth2: how should the resource server know if the access token is valid?

I'm implementing an Ouath2 authentication with Spring for our mobile API. So far it works but I don't know how I should keep the resource server separate. So I have an auth server which gives out tokens and refresh tokens using the password grant-type. Meaning the user would log into the mobile app, which sends the auth server the client id/client secret along with the user's
credentials, which results in an access token and a refresh token for the user with the appropriate (ROLE_USER) privileges. Another web based client is for the admins who do the same and get the ROLE_ADMIN privilege etc.
This works well so far.
Now if any client sends a request to the resource server what should happen? Should the resource server check the token's validity? If so in what way? Or should the auth server copy the token into the resource-server's database?
If you #EnableResourceServer you get a filter that checks access tokens. It needs to share a TokenStore with the auth server. That's about it to get something working.