Tagging tables/columns in Snowflake - tags

A quick question please -
Is there a good way of storing classification tags in Snowflake at table/column level? For example, tag a column with PII flag.
I then like to read these tags through JDBC API.
Appreciate your thoughts.

Object tagging is one of the new features announced at the Snowflake Summit in June. It is currently in Private Preview.

I think Currently we have only one option of using the COMMENT for such need but this is also not that much flexible.
We may need to wait for snowflake to enable the classification and tagging feature for Public preview to solve this c


How do I consume and display a DCAT file on DKAN

I would like to use DKAN to consume a DCAT file containing a data catalog and display it on the UI but am not sure how to do this or where instructions to do this are documented.
Are you trying to consume DCAT to create a data visualization or consume DCAT metadata to import datasets?
Either way DKAN doesn't currently support that, however if we understand the use case it may be something we can add to the roadmap. There is an open issue for harvesting DCAT metadata as datasets into DKAN here: https://github.com/GetDKAN/dkan/issues/868 . If you can comment on that issue with your use case that would be very helpful. We create our roadmap based off of community feedback so would like to hear from you.

IBM DataConnect refine operations

The supported list of transformations in IBM's ETL service DataConnect in Bluemix Cloud are these ones here: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/dataworks1/using_operations.html#concept_h4k_5tf_xw
I have looked and looked but with no luck, what if I want to transform some of my data with an operation that is not included here? For example run custom code in a column and get some specific output?
Data Connect does not currently support refine operations outside of those provided with the service. We are adding new features and functionality weekly, but if you have a specific operation in mind, please let us know.
I will find out for you if we have the ability to execute custom code on our roadmap.
Wesley - IBM Bluemix Data Connect Engineering
As Wes mentions above in the short term we will continue to add new data preparation and transformation capabilities to the service. Currently there is no extensibility that allows you to code new transformations.
In the longer term we are considering allowing users to edit/extend pipelines using languages like Scala and Python. We don't have a defined date for these new capabilities.
Hernando Borda
IBM Bluemix Data Connect Product Manager

Is it possible to store Audit4j audit events into MongoDB?

We want to save audit4j events/logs (which are usually stored in text file) to mongodb.
Is it possible with some existing adapter/plugin? Or need to write on? If we need to write any documentation which can be referred to?
Most of the article talks about auditing mongodb changes itself, hence we are confused.
Any pointer will be appreciated.
Thanks and regards
There's a plugin available on github https://github.com/nipunthathsara/Audit4j-MongoDB

MultiShardQuery on SQL Azure Elastic Scale with Entity Framework

I am new in Azure and I am trying to implement multishard query using Elastic Scale and Entity Framework. Unfortunately I am not able to find any example solutions or good practises to achieve that target. Can anyone help me in this issue? I would be very grateful for some materials to study or hints. Thank you in advance.
Thanks for your question on multi-shard queries with Elastic Scale and EF. Currently, a straight-forward integration like the one you probably saw for data-dependent routing is not available for multi-shard queries. This is an area we are currently investing in, though. Please contact me directly over email at torsteng(at)microsoft(dot)com and we can discuss whether your use case is a good fit and we can get you unblocked.
Update for 2015, Having come across similar requirements, I contacted Torsten to see if the situation has changed, kindly he got back to me.
Hi Matt,
If your cross-db querying scenario with EF is limited to read-only access on >the shards, I’d suggest to take a look at Elastic Query for SQL DB – currently >in preview. The best entry points are probably the following documents:
Overview: https://azure.microsoft.com/enus/documentation/articles/sql-database-elastic-query-overview/
Step-by-step tutorial: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/sql-database-elastic-query-getting-started/
With Elastic Query set up, you can point an EF DbContext to the external tables >you have defined using the Elastic Query DDL. That DbContext can then be used >for everything that requires cross-db querying. This is a somewhat intricate >mix between code-first and db-first. But, it should get you off the ground.
The instructions seem simple enough, but do involve setting up another database (at the moment premium) in azure. Hope that helps.
Coming back to the thread since now the sample for using elastic database tools (previously known as Elastic Scale) is now available with EF here.
Hope this helps!
Silvia Doomra

Which Framework or CMS for Google-Video like site?

I am working on a Web Project similar to Google-Video.
As for now, I want to start coding the site.
I know some PHP, HTML and MySQL.
I already have:
Database built and ready (in MySQL)
Links and Tags in the Database
The thing is, I don't want to code everything from hand.
As I've seen so far, with CMS it's not possible to use my own database. Or am I wrong?
And what Framework would you suggest me?
Looking forward for your advice!
You should probably start over, but use your existing DB design as your logical schema to be implemented in the CMS you eventually choose.
Go to http://cmsmatrix.org/ and compare Drupal, Joomla!, eZ Publish and TYPO3 for the best fit for your requirements.
Also, pay attention to the search engine features available with each one. e.g. eZ Publish eZ Find is based on Lucene.
In terms of functionality ( but excluding add management and your specific layout or graphic-design) you should be able to create a reasonable clone within a few hours using eZ. Here is one example http://untoldstories.eu/ezinfo/about