Get Kafka consume time for each group - apache-kafka

I want to get the consumed time for each message by each group in Kafka, but I don't want the committed time that is persisted in consumer_offsets topic, because it is possible that message is consumed but is not committed and I want the consume time not committed time.
In nutshell, I need the consumed time for each message by each group.
Is there a way to get this time?


capturing the data which is just about to get discarded from kafka topic?

Kafka topic's retention period is 7 days. But I need to push data which is expiring because of retention period to new kafka topic or some other storage.
So is there any method where I can access the data which is going to be deleted after 7 days just before it gets deleted? or way to set up some process where it will automatically push data which is going to get deleted to some place else.
Since 0.10 version of kafka each message has a timestamp. Simply setup a consumer group that starts every hour and processes each topic partition from the initial offset (auto.offset.reset=earliest) and pushes on the new topic the messages with the timestamp with incoming expiration (one hour width), then the consumer group stops and is restarted one hour later.

Multiple consumers with same group id

I am a beginner in Kafka. I understood that multiple consumers with same group id can't consume messages from the same partition in a topic. I am wondering what may happen if multiple Kafka consumers from a consumer group read the same message from a partition and why its a bad thing.
Obviously processing the same record multiple times is almost never intended, but it more comes down to offset management
If multiple consumers in a group read the same message and commit the offset of the message to indicate it's successfully been processed, then the final commit (the slowest consumer) always wins. Meanwhile, other consumers would've already continued processing other data.
When that happens, and any consumer client restarts, it would need to rewind to the last committed offset, despite having already processed messages afterwards

Use case: To construct a message that disppears after sometime in kafka

I have scenario where i want to send message to a alert service that would process the message and would send it to hipchat.
But I want the message to be active only for a minute. If hipchat is down (hypothetical) then the message should not be sent to hipchat.
I am using kafka so one of the service sends the message to kafka then the message is consumed by alert service(it polls the service) which processes the message (kafka consumer) while processing it checks that the time now and the time of the message is not greater than one minute. If not, it sends the message to hipchat aynchronously.
I want a way to construct a self destruction message so that i automatically disappears after one minute. Is there a way to do it with kafka ? OR is there a better alternate than kafka (flink/sqs). If yes, how?
You can make use of the Kafka topic configurations and as described in the Topic Level Configs.
The should be set to 1 minute (60000 ms) and the should be set to 0 in your case. That way, the messages will stay in the Kafka Topic for one minute before they get deleted. However, that also means that you might loose messages if your consumer takes more then one minute to consume all messages (especially when reading a topic from beginning).
Details on those configurations are: The amount of time to retain delete tombstone markers for log compacted topics. This setting also gives a bound on the time in which a consumer must complete a read if they begin from offset 0 to ensure that they get a valid snapshot of the final stage (otherwise delete tombstones may be collected before they complete their scan). This configuration controls the maximum time we will retain a log before we will discard old log segments to free up space if we are using the "delete" retention policy. This represents an SLA on how soon consumers must read their data. If set to -1, no time limit is applied.

Is it possible consumer Kafka messages after arrival?

I would like to consume events from a kafka topic after the time they arrive. The time on which I want the event to be consumed is in the payload of the message. Is it possible to achieve something like that in Kafka? What are the drawbacks of it?
Practical example: a message M is produced at 12:10, arrives to my kafka topic at 12:11 and I want the consumer to poll it at 12:41 (30 minutes after arrival)
Kafka has a default retention period of all topic for 7 days. You can therefore consume up to a week's data at any moment, the drawback being network saturation if you are constantly doing this.
If you want to consume data that is not at the latest offset, then for any new consumer group, you would set auto.offset.reset=earliest. Otherwise for existing groups, you would need to use kafka-consumer-groups --reset command in order to re-consume an already consumed record.
Sometimes you may want to start from beginning of a topic, for example, if you have a compacted topic, in order to rebuild the "deltas" of the data within a topic - lookup the "Stream / Table Duality"
The time on which I want the event to be consumed is in the payload of the message
Since KIP-32 every message has a timestamp outside the payload, by the way
I want the consumer to poll it ... (30 minutes after arrival)
Sure, you can start a consumer whenever, as long as the data is within the retention window, you will get that event.
There isn't a way to finely control when that happens that other than acually making your consumer at that time, for example 30 minutes later. You could play with max.poll.records and, but I find anything larger than a few seconds really isn't a use-case for Kafka.
For example, you could rather have a TimerTask around a consumer thread, or Spark or MapReduce scheduled with an Oozie/Airflow task that reads a max amount of records.

Kafka producer buffering

Suppose there is a producer which is running and I run a consumer a few minutes later. I noticed that the consumer will consume old messages that has been produced by the producer but I don't want that happens. How can I do that? Is there any config parameters in broker to be set and solve this problem?
It really depends on the use case, you didn't really provide much information about the architecture. For instance - once the consumer is up, is it a long running consumer, or does it just wake up for a short while and consumes new messages arriving?
You can take any of the following approaches:
Filter ConsumerRecord by timestamp, so you will automatically throw away messages that were produced over configurable time.
In my team we're using ephemeral groups. That is - each time the service goes up, we generate a new group id for the consumer group, setting auto.offset.reset to latest
Seek to timestamp - since kafka 0.10 you can seek to a certain position. Use consumer.offsetsForTimes to get the offset of each topic partition for the desired time, and then use to get to the given offset.
If you use a consumer group, but never commit to kafka, then each time the a consumer is assigned to a topic partition, it will start consuming according to auto.offset.reset policy...