Exactly once in kafka streams- not working - apache-kafka

I am testing exactly once in kafka streams by shutting down multiple brokers.
But when i restart the brokers same message is getting produced multiple times on outbound topic.
I am using confluent version 6.1.0
Setting processing guarantee to exactly once beta
acks is set to all
Can any one please help me understand if i am missing any configurations?


Kafka Connect Skipping Messages due to Confluent Interceptor

I am seeing following messages in my connect log
WARN Monitoring Interceptor skipped 2294 messages with missing or invalid timestamps for topic TEST_TOPIC_1. The messages were either corrupted or using an older message format. Please verify that all your producers support timestamped messages and that your brokers and topics are all configured with log.message.format.version, and message.format.version >= 0.10.0 respectively. You may also experience this if you are consuming older messages produced to Kafka prior to any of those changes taking place. (io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringInterceptor)
I have changed my kafka broker with this
I am guessing this is reducing my overall producer throughput and I am trying load testing.
I don't want to remove the confluent interceptor because it helps me with throughput and consumer lag.
CONNECT_PRODUCER_INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES: "io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringProducerInterceptor"
CONNECT_CONSUMER_INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES: "io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringConsumerInterceptor"
Any way to not skip those messages, I am using pepperbox to produce messages and it doesn't have timestamp
"messageId":{{SEQUENCE("messageId", 1, 1)}},
"messageBody":"{{RANDOM_ALPHA_NUMERIC("abcedefghijklmnopqrwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRWXYZ", 2700)}}",
"messageCategory":"{{RANDOM_STRING("Finance", "Insurance", "Healthcare", "Shares")}}",
Thanks in advance!
Look at the Kafka version in the pom, and you'll see it's using Kafka 0.9
Timestamps were added to Kafka as of 0.10.2.
As the error says Please verify that all your producers support timestamped messages.
Recompile the project with a new version, and all produced records will automatically have a timestamp, and therefore not be skipped.
Or, use a different tool like JMeter or Kafka Connect Datagen.

Flink Kafka integration issues

Built a fraud detection kind of app.
Business logic is all fine, but when putting into production, Kafka cluster is becoming unstable.
The topic to which it wrote have approx 80 events/sec. post running for > 1 hours Kafka broker offsets are getting corrupted.
Which is making consumers on this broker to fail.
Haven’t find any issues with load testing on non-prod environments.
Not sure what was causing issues.
Topic config: single partition, replication 3.
Kafka version - 2.1
Flink version - 1.11.2-scala-2.12
Using same version for Kafka consumer, Kafka producer.
Any suggestions are welcomed, what can be the cause.

Kafka : Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms with only one broker down

We have a kafka producer configured as -
Replication Factor is 3 and total number of partition currently is 108
Rest of the properties are default.
This producer was running absolutely fine. Then, due to some reason, one of the broker went down. Then, our producer started to show the log as -
"Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms". Nothing else was there in the log and we were seeing this error. In some interval, few requests were getting blocked, even if producer was async.
This issue was resolved when the broker was again up and running.
What can be the reason of this? One broker down should not affect the system as a whole as per my understanding.
Posting the answer for someone who might face this issue -
The reason is older version of Kafka Producer. The kafka producers take bootstrap servers as list. In older versions, for fetching metadata, producers will try to connect with all the servers in Round Robin fashion. So, if one of the broker is down, the requests going to this server will fail and this message will come.
Upgrade to newer producer version.
can reduce metadata.fetch.timeout.ms settings: This will ensure the main thread is not getting blocked and send will fail soon. Default value is 60000ms. Not needed in higher version
Note: Kafka send method is blocked till the producer is able to write to buffer.
I got the same error because I forgot to create the topic. Once I created the topic the issue was resolved.

When does Kafka delete a topic?

I am very new to Kafka and I am dabbling about with it.
Say I have Kafka running on a Debian machine and I have managed to create a topic with a 100 messages on it.
After that initial burst of activity (i.e. placing a 100 messages onto the topic via some Kafka Producer) the Topic is just sat there idle with nothing happening (no consumers consuming and no producers producing)
I am aware of a Message Retention Policy setting, which I believe has a default value of 7 days. Let's say those 7 days pass, and the messages are indeed removed from the Topic, but what about the Topic itself?
Will Kafka eventually kill that Topic?
Also, what happens when I manually go and pull out the power cord for the machine that Kafka is running on? Will the Topic be discarded? Or will I still have my topic after I start up the machine, run ZooKeeper and create a Kafka Broker?
Any light on this matter would be appreciated.
Thank you
No, Kafka will keep the topic. It sounds like a bad idea that Kafka deletes topics by itself.
Before version 1.0.0 the topic deletion option (delete.topic.enable) was set to false by default. So it wasn't even possible to delete it without changing the config.
So the answer for you question would be Kafka never deletes topics.

Consume from Kafka 0.10.x topic using Storm 0.10.x (KafkaSpout)

I am not sure if this a right question to ask in this forum. We were consuming from a Kafka topic by Storm using the Storm KafkaSpout connector. It was working fine till now. Now we are supposed to connect to a new Kafka cluster having upgraded version 0.10.x from the same Storm env which is running on version 0.10.x.
From storm documentation (http://storm.apache.org/releases/1.1.0/storm-kafka-client.html) I can see that storm 1.1.0 is compatible with Kafka 0.10.x onwards supporting the new Kafka consumer API. But in that case I won't be able to run the topology in my end (please correct me if I am wrong).
Is there any work around for this?
I have seen that even if the New Kafka Consumer API has removed ZooKeeper dependency but we can still consume message from it using the old Kafka-console-consumer.sh by passing the --zookeeper flag instead of new –bootstrap-server flag (recommended). I run this command from using Kafka 0.9 and able to consume from a topic hosted on Kafka 0.10.x
When we are trying to connect getting the below exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
at storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader.getBrokerInfo(DynamicBrokersReader.java:81) ~[stormjar.jar:?]
at storm.kafka.trident.ZkBrokerReader.<init>(ZkBrokerReader.java:42) ~[stormjar.jar:?]
But we are able to connect to the remote ZK server and validated that the path exists:
./zkCli.sh -server remoteZKServer:2181
[zk: remoteZKServer:2181(CONNECTED) 5] ls /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
[3, 2, 1, 0]
As we can see above that it's giving us expected output as the topic has 4 partitions in it.
At this point have the below questions:
1) Is it at all possible to connect to Kafka 0.10.x using Storm version 0.10.x ? Has one tried this ?
2) Even if we are able to consume, do we need to make any code change in order to retrieve the message offset in case of topology shutdown/restart. I am asking this as we will passing the Zk cluster details instead of the brokers info as supported in old KafkaSpout version.
Running out of options here, any pointers would be highly appreciated
We are able to connect and consume from the remote Kafka topic while running it locally using eclipse. To make sure storm does not uses the in-memory zk we have used the overloaded constructor LocalCluster("zkServer",port), it's working fine and we can see the data coming. This lead us to conclude that version compatibility might not be the issue here.
However still no luck when deployed the topology in cluster.
We have verified the connectivity from storm box to zkservers
The znode seems fine also ..
At this point really need some pointers here, what could possibly be wrong with this and how do we debug that? Never worked with Kafka 0.10x before so not sure what exactly are we missing.
Really appreciate some help and suggestions
Storm 0.10x is compatible with Kafka 0.10x . We can still uses the old KafkaSpout that depends on zookeeper based offset storage mechanism.
The connection loss exception was coming as we were trying to reach a remote Kafka cluster that does not allow/accept connection from our end. We need to open specific firewall port so that the connection can be established. It seems that while running topology is cluster mode all the supervisor nodes should be able to talk to the zookeeper, so the firewall should be open for each one of them.