Juniper Ansible Json Formatting - juniper

I'm trying to output a retrieved Juniper json config file using to_nice_json. I can't use a post playbook tool such as "json.tool" but I'd rather pull the config and save it in nice_json format.
Below is my task that creates a serialized json file.
- name: Save device "json" config
provider: "{{ netconf }}"
retrieve: "committed"
format: "json"
dest: "{{ temp_config_file }}"
- name: Copy temp json file to timestamped file
src: "{{ temp_config_file }}"
dest: "{{ conf_file_json }}.json"

Add the filter "to_nice_json" to the destination and that should do the trick:
- name: Copy temp json file to timestamped file
src: "{{ temp_config_file }}"
dest: "{{ conf_file_json | to_nice_json }}.json"


Ansible loop based on fact to Restart Kafka Connector Failed Tasks

Here I want to restart Kafka Connect tasks if they are in failed state using ansible-playbook, I have fetched connector tasks state using 'set_fact'
I want to create a loop over collected facts to restart Kafka Connector Tasks using connector name and task id.
- name: Gethering Connector Names
url: "{{scheme }}://{{ server }}:{{ port_no }}/connectors"
user: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
method: GET
force_basic_auth: yes
status_code: 200
register: conn_stat
- name: Checking for Connector status
url: "{{scheme }}://{{ server }}:{{ port_no }}/connectors/{{ abc_conn_name }}/status"
user: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
method: GET
force_basic_auth: yes
loop: "{{ conn_name }}"
loop_var: abc_conn_name
conn_name: "{{ conn_stat.json }}"
register: conn_stat_1
- name: Gethering Failed task id
failed_connector_name_task_id: "{{ conn_stat_1 | json_query('results[].json[].{name: name ,id: [tasks[?state == `RUNNING`].id [] | [0] ]}') }}"
- name: Failed connector name with tasks id
var: failed_connector_name_task_id
Getting below values from fact, which I need to push into loop
"failed_connector_name_task_id": [
"id": [
"name": "test-connector-sample"
"id": [
"name": "confluent-connect"
"id": [
"name": "confluent-test-1"
"changed": false
value need to be posted
- name: Restart Connector Failed tasks
url: "{{scheme }}://{{ server }}:{{ port_no }}/connectors/**{{name of connector}}**/tasks/**{{task ID}}**/restart"
user: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
method: POST
force_basic_auth: yes
status_code: 200
register: conn_stat
name of connector,
task ID want to use in loop.
In above I need to setup loop for tasks.
As we can see above connector 'confluent-test-1' have three tasks in failed state, so it need to be iterate three times with task 'confluent-test-1'.
This is a typical case where you want to use subelements, either through the aforementioned filter or lookup. Here is an example using the filter
- name: Restart Connector Failed tasks
url: "{{scheme }}://{{ server }}:{{ port_no }}/connectors/{{ }}/tasks/{{ item.1 }}/restart"
user: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
method: POST
force_basic_auth: yes
status_code: 200
loop: "{{ failed_connector_name_task_id | subelements('id', skip_missing=True) }}"
References worth to read:
ansible loops
subelements filter
You can actually remove your last unnecessary set_fact task with e.g. the following construct:
- name: Restart Connector Failed tasks
failed_connector_name_task_id: "{{ conn_stat_1 | json_query('results[].json[].{name: name ,id: [tasks[?state == `RUNNING`].id [] | [0] ]}') }}"
url: "{{scheme }}://{{ server }}:{{ port_no }}/connectors/{{ }}/tasks/{{ item.1 }}/restart"
user: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
method: POST
force_basic_auth: yes
status_code: 200
loop: "{{ failed_connector_name_task_id | subelements('id', skip_missing=True) }}"

Couldn't find api version for Microsoft.DataFactory/factories?api-version=2018-06-01

I am querying the data factories within a resource group but I couldn't make it work. I can query it through the rest api but not through azure_rm_resource_info ansible module:
- name: Check if Data Factory ({{ az_datafactory_name }}) already exists
auth_source: auto
client_id: "{{ az_client_id }}"
secret: "{{ az_secret }}"
tenant: "{{ az_tenant_id }}"
subscription_id: "{{ az_subscription_id }}"
url: "{{ az_subscription_id }}/resourceGroups/{{ az_resource_group_name }}/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories?api-version=2018-06-01"
register: az_datafactory
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Couldn't find api version for Microsoft.DataFactory/factories?api-version=2018-06-01"}
Thanks for the tip of #MrVitaminP. Changing the url seems to solve my problem:
url: "{{ az_subscription_id }}/resourceGroups/{{ az_resource_group_name }}/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories"

Error: "datetime' is not json serializable" in Ansible playbook

I am getting below error while passing below date format to Ansible Tower REST API in extra_vars with Ansible uri module in body section.
date_slot: '2022-04-04T13:42:00' - variable
- name: "add extra vars "
url: "{{ tower_gui_url }}/api/v2/workflow_job_templates/{{ workflow_id }}/"
method: PATCH
url_username: "{{ tower_gui_username }}"
url_password: "{{ tower_gui_password }}"
body_format: json
body: { "extra_vars": "---\ndate_slot: {{ date_slot }}" }
validate_certs: false
force_basic_auth: true
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
Getting below error
datetime' is not json serializable
any idea on error, how to resolved it?

Replacing variables in external file through playbook

I would like to use variables (vars.yaml) to replace the content in a config file (config.yaml) and automatise the process in the playbook (playbook.yaml). But I can't found a type of process that automaticly search for vars inside an external file through the playbook.yaml.
My files look like this :
var1: content1
var2: content2
var3: content3
apiVersion: 1
- name: {{ var1 }}
type: {{ var2 }}
access: proxy
url: {{ var3 }}
- name: Deploy
hosts: localhost
- include_vars: ./vars.yaml
- name: Update config file
# Something to replace all vars in the config file using the content of vars.yaml
Can you help me and tell me if there is something possible instead of doing a regex for each variable ...?
The file with the unresolved variables is actually a template. Let's name it this way
shell> cat config.yaml.j2
apiVersion: 1
- name: {{ var1 }}
type: {{ var2 }}
access: proxy
url: {{ var3 }}
Use the template module to update config.yaml, e.g.
- include_vars: vars.yaml
- name: Update config file
src: config.yaml.j2
dest: config.yaml
shell> cat config.yaml
apiVersion: 1
- name: content1
type: content2
access: proxy
url: content3

Helm lint error but everything looks ok to me

I'm getting this error when linting my helm project
$ helm lint --debug
==> Linting .
[INFO] Chart.yaml: icon is recommended
[ERROR] templates/: render error in "myProject/templates/configmap.yaml": template: myProject/templates/configmap.yaml:26:27: executing "myProject/templates/configmap.yaml" at <.Values.fileServiceH...>: can't evaluate field fileHost in type interface {}
Error: 1 chart(s) linted, 1 chart(s) failed
This is my configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: myProject-configmap
tkn.yaml: |
iss: "{{ .Values.iss }}"
aud: "{{ .Values.aud }}"
db.yaml: |
database: "{{ .Values.database }}"
user: "{{ .Values.user }}"
host: "{{ }}"
dialect: "{{ .Values.dialect }}"
min: "{{ .Values.pool.min }}"
max: "{{ .Values.pool.max }}"
acquire: "{{ .Values.pool.acquire }}"
idle: "{{ .Values.pool.idle }}"
fileservice.yaml: |
fileHost: "{{ .Values.fileServiceHost.fileHost }}"
notificationservice.yaml: |
notificationHost: "{{ .Values.notificationservice.notificationHost }}"
organizationservice.yaml: |
organizationHost: "{{ .Values.organizationservice.organizationHost }}"
organizations.yaml: |
organizations: {{ .Values.organizations | toJson | indent 4 }}
epic.yaml: |
redirectUri: "{{ .Values.redirectUri }}"
This is my /vars/dev/fileservice.yaml file
fileHost: ''
What is wrong that i'm getting this lint error?
You want to either use .Files.Get to load the yaml files or take the yaml content that you have in the yaml files and capture it in the values.yaml so that you can insert it directly in your configmap with toYaml.
If the values are just static and you don't need the user to override them then .Files.Get is better for you. If you want to be able to override the content in the yaml files easily at install time then just represent them in the values.yaml file.