Pass a variable to a content object containing a tx_news plugin - typo3

This is very similar to my question Counter for mask elements in a TYPO3 column
I need to pass a variable (in my case, the value of cObj:parentRecordNumber which is the counter for the current item in it's column) to the template.
In the main page template:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.content.pageteasers" />
In typoscript:
lib.content {
pageteasers < styles.content.get
pageteasers {
select {
where = colPos=2
max = 8
// this passes the variable elementCounter to the fluid template of the rendered mask content element:
renderObj.mask_teaser {
variables {
elementCounter = TEXT
elementCounter.value = {cObj:parentRecordNumber}
elementCounter.insertData = 1
// this should pass the same value to a rendered tx_news plugin:
variables {
elementCounter = TEXT
elementCounter.value = {cObj:parentRecordNumber}
elementCounter.insertData = 1
// it doesn't. what about these trial & error:
renderObj.list < .variables
renderObj.plugin.tx_news < .variables
renderObj.list.20.news_pi1 < .variables
renderObj.news_pi1 < .variables
// none of these seem to work either
And then in the rendered CE template (News/List.html)
<f:debug title="" inline="1">{_all}</f:debug>
I don't manage to see the above variable in here. What is the correct way to pass the variable from TS to the news fluid template?
PS Another try was using the Good Old Register
pageteasers < styles.content.get
pageteasers {
select {
where = colPos=2
max = 8
append {
elementCounter = TEXT
elementCounter.value = {cObj:parentRecordNumber}
elementCounter.insertData = 1
And in the template:
{v:variable.register.get(name: 'elementCounter')}
but that is NULL

Your try via register could work. But you have to care, where you are doing what...
LOAD_REGISTER is of type string/stdWrap and not a cObject per definition. If you wanna use content based on a cObject, you can declare this via the stdWrap-property (as shown in the examples):
1.param.cObject = TEXT = GP:the_id
So, in your case it should like:
elementCounter.cObject = TEXT = cObj:parentRecordNumber
Appending at the right place
You are trying to use append directly as a property of pageteasers (which is a copy of styles.content.get which is of type CONTENT.
CONTENT does not have an append-property. In addition, you would put the register in front of the entire content, not the individual content elements.
=> It's needed as part of the renderObj, so it's rendered per CE.
The renderObj of CONTENT is of type CASE, which also has no stdWrap-properties directly. But it has a property stdWrap with stdWrap-properties...
So, you can end up with this snippet:
lib.content {
pageteasers {
renderObj {
stdWrap {
append {
elementCounter.cObject = TEXT = cObj:parentRecordNumber


How to escape variables in Typoscript setup?

I'm trying to wrap an image with additional HTML elements and parameters, using Typoscript in a Setup Template.
So far, I've managed to wrap elements with HTML, but I'd like to add some parameters as well. The problem occurs, when I try to escape variables in variables - I can't pass UID from one of the parameters.
Below is the sample:
lib.parseFunc_RTE {
tags.img = TEXT
tags.img {
current = 1
preUserFunc = Netresearch\RteCKEditorImage\Controller\ImageRenderingController->renderImageAttributes
dataWrap = |
The problematic part is here: title="file:{parameters:data-htmlarea-file-uid}:title"
I've tried using {file:{parameters:data-htmlarea-file-uid}:title}, but it still doesn't work and shows error within rendered element:
The only working example is when I hardcode the UID ({file:120:title}), but it should be added dynamically, as there are many images.
How can I escape this "double variables"? Or maybe there is another solution to make it work?
Here's the full solution of my problem, thanks to #Jo Hasenau
lib.parseFunc_RTE {
tags.img = COA
tags.img {
10 = TEXT
10 {
dataWrap = file:{parameters:data-htmlarea-file-uid}:title
wrap3 = <a href="{parameters:src}" class="lightbox" title="{|}"
insertData = 1
20 = TEXT
20 {
dataWrap = file:{parameters:data-htmlarea-file-uid}:description
wrap3 = data-lightbox-caption="{|}" data-lightbox-width="{parameters:width}" data-lightbox-height="{parameters:height}" rel="lightbox-group">
insertData = 1
30 = TEXT
30 {
current = 1
preUserFunc = Netresearch\RteCKEditorImage\Controller\ImageRenderingController->renderImageAttributes
wrap = |</a>
You can use dataWrap and/or insertData multiple times either by using the official order of stdWrap functions or by squeezing in another "level" of stdWrap functions with stdWrap.functionName
In this case it's the order of functions combined with a COA to separate the original wrap into smaller chunks and some additional braces provided by another wrap.
lib.parseFunc_RTE {
tags.img = COA
tags.img {
10 = TEXT
10 {
preUserFunc = Netresearch\RteCKEditorImage\Controller\ImageRenderingController->renderImageAttributes
dataWrap = file:{parameters:data-htmlarea-file-uid}:title
wrap3 = <a href="{parameters:src}" class="lightbox" title="{|}" data-lightbox-caption="{file:120:title}" data-lightbox-width="{parameters:width}" data-lightbox-height="{parameters:height}" rel="lightbox-group">
20 = TEXT
20.current = 1
20.wrap = |</a>
preUserFunc will be executed first, then the first dataWrap will create the actual variable name, followed by wrap3 to get the necessary curly braces, finalized by insertData to fill in all the other variables together with the generated variable.
The order in this code is just for better readability, but the actual order of function calls within stdWrap is predefined in the PHP code and follows exactly the order of function descriptions in the official docs:

Typo3 10.4.4 Gridelements 10.0.0 extension not working

Hey I am pretty new to typo3 and I want to build a website.
I am running version 10.4.4 of TYPO3 with the bootstrap package installed.
I have tried to follow the guide on
I have copied the TypoScript into my template setup, but there is no output on the frontend.
Remember I am new to this so I don't understand the TypoScript well yet.
So any ideas to what I could do?
I want to use GriElements so that I can create my own layouts on my page. The standard layouts are good but I need more freedom than what they offer.
I can get output on the frontend without GridElements, but when I use the extension only the content in the GridElements block wont show. If I remove the standard TypoScript from the example on the manual page for this extension i get an error saying "Oops an error occurred! Code:" and then a code that changes every time I update the page.
My TypoScript on my template looks like this:
page.includeCSS.1 = fileadmin/user_upload/template/css/fonts.css
page.includeCSS.theme = fileadmin/user_upload/template/css/custom-theme.scss
# plugin.tx_bootstrappackage._LOCAL_LANG.da.readmore = test (NOT WORKING)
page.meta.robots = noindex, nofollow
page.meta.robots.replace = 1
page.10.partialRootPaths.3 = fileadmin/user_upload/template/partials/ContentElements/
page.10.partialRootPaths.4 = fileadmin/user_upload/template/Partials/Page/
page.10.dataProcessing.10.levels = 3
page.includeJSFooterlibs.bootstrap_navbar = fileadmin/user_upload/template/js
page.includeJSFooterlibs.bootstrap_navbar = fileadmin/user_upload/template/js/navbar.js
lib.contentElement.partialRootPaths.20 = fileadmin/user_upload/template/partials/ContentElements/
lib.contentElement.partialRootPaths.20 = fileadmin/user_upload/template/Partials/ContentElements/
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup {
// stdWrap functions being applied to each element
columns {
default {
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
# You can use registers to i.e. provide different image settings for each column
20 =< tt_content
# And you can reset the register later on
# if you want to provide your own templating, just insert a cObject here
# this will prevent the collected content from being rendered directly
# i.e. cObject = TEMPLATE or cObject = FLUIDTEMPLATE will be available from the core
# the content will be available via fieldnames like
# tx_gridelements_view_columns (an array containing each column)
# or tx_gridelements_view_children (an array containing each child)
# tx_gridelements_view_column_123 (123 is the number of the column)
# or tx_gridelements_view_child_123 (123 is the UID of the child)
lib.tt_content.shortcut.pages = COA
lib.tt_content.shortcut.pages {
10 = USER
10 {
userFunc = tx_gridelements_view->user_getTreeList
20 {
table = tt_content
select { = register:pidInList
where = colPos >= 0
orderBy = colPos,sorting
orderBy.dataWrap = FIND_IN_SET(pid,'{register:pidInList}'),|
tt_content.shortcut.5 = LOAD_REGISTER
tt_content.shortcut.5 {
tt_content_shortcut_recursive.field = recursive
tt_content.shortcut.20 {
0 {
tables := addToList(pages)
conf.pages < lib.tt_content.shortcut.pages
1 {
tables := addToList(pages)
conf.pages < lib.tt_content.shortcut.pages
tt_content.gridelements_pi1 >
tt_content.gridelements_pi1 = COA
tt_content.gridelements_pi1 {
#10 =< lib.stdheader
20 = COA
20 {
10 = USER
10 {
userFunc = tx_gridelements_view->main
setup {
default < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
The statics i included is:
Bootstrap Package: Full Pacakage (bootstrap_package)
Bootstrap Package: Bootstrap 4.x (SCSS) (bootstrap_package)
XML Sitemap (seo)
Gridelements w/DataProssing (recommended) (gridelements)
Gallery (bm_image_gallery)
New TypoScript with DataProcessing
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup =< lib.contentElement
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup {
templateName.field = tx_gridelements_backend_layout
templateName.ifEmpty = GridElement
layoutRootPaths {
1 = EXT:gridelements/Resources/Private/Layouts/
partialRootPaths {
1 = EXT:gridelements/Resources/Private/Partials/
templateRootPaths {
1 = EXT:gridelements/Resources/Private/Templates/
dataProcessing {
10 = GridElementsTeam\Gridelements\DataProcessing\GridChildrenProcessor
10 {
default {
as = children
# Default options of the grid children processor
# Change them according to the needs of your layout
# Read more about it in the TypoScript section of the manual
# options {
# sortingDirection = ASC
# sortingField = sorting
# recursive = 0
# resolveFlexFormData = 1
# resolveBackendLayout = 1
# respectColumns = 1
# respectRows = 1
# }
My includes:
Fluid Contetn Elements (fluid_styled_content)
Fluid Contetn Elements CSS (fluid_styled_content)
Bootstrap Package: Full Pacakage (bootstrap_package)
Bootstrap Package: Bootstrap 4.x (SCSS) (bootstrap_package)
XML Sitemap (seo)
Gridelements w/DataProssing (recommended) (gridelements)
Gallery (bm_image_gallery)
The error I get:
Tried resolving a template file for controller action "Standard->3" in format ".html", but none of the paths contained the expected template file (Standard/3.html). The following paths were checked: /httpdocs/typo3conf/ext/bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentElements/, /httpdocs/typo3conf/ext/gridelements/Resources/Private/Templates/
You probably missed to include the static template of gridelemnts. To do so edit your TS-Root-Template, select in the dropdown at the top "Info/Modify", hit the button "Edit the whole template record", go to tab "Includes" and select gridelements static setup in the Multiselect box on the right.
Please provide more information:
Which static templates have you included at all? Maybe you forgot to include fluid_styled_content?
How does your Typoscript/Flexform setup look like?
For what do you need gridelements?
EDIT: bootstrap_package did not very well together with gridelements in the past. Maybe you should first try to install Benjamin Knott's extension autogrids (see this issue on github for more information)
EDIT 2: Try this Typoscript, it just wraps a section around all elements but maybe you will then see your content in the frontend:
tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup {
section < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
section {
wrap >
dataWrap = <section id="c{field:uid}">|</section>
I installed an extension that is called "Grids for bootstrap" included it in the template and it worked.
Thnaks for all the help you guys gave!
I think your problem is coming from your fluid code for gridelemnts, you didn't use the right syntax maybe.

How can I make a Condition in TypoScript for loading different JavaScript-Files to different Backend-Layouts? (TYPO3)

After a "long way" with Google, Searching and many tries:
I created a lib.variable for the current Page:
lib.currentPage = TEXT = page:uid
If I debug it in my FluidTemplate in the Frontend with:
Testing currentPage: <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.currentPage" />
I got the correct value.
Now I want to use that Variable in a Condition in my pageSetup.ts like follows:
[DB:pages:lib.currentPage:backend_layout = pagets__pagelayout_logoclaim_subpage]
page.includeJSFooter.belayoutlogoclaim = EXT:rm_base/Resources/Public/JS/be_logoclaim.js
I testet this with some other Conditions, but nothing works like expected.
Tested Conditions:
[page|backend_layout = pagelayout_logoclaim_subpage]
[globalVar = TSFE:page|backend_layout = pagelayout_logoclaim_subpage]
I also tested the Condition in the TypoScript Object Browser, and here it looks like good working:
TypoScript Object Browser - If I activate the Condition
SourceCode in the Frontend on a Site with the correct PageLayout
I need this, because I have two different Menus, and they need different JavaScripts, to avoid wrong behaviour in the Frontend.
I inserted the pageLayouts like this:
page = PAGE
page {
10 {
partialRootPath = EXT:rm_base/Resources/Private/Templates/Fluid/Partials/
layoutRootPath = EXT:rm_base/Resources/Private/Templates/Fluid/Layouts/
file.stdWrap.cObject = CASE
file.stdWrap.cObject { = pagelayout
// Default-Template is LogoFull_Subpage (No Navigation Dependence)
default = TEXT
default.value = EXT:rm_base/Resources/Private/Templates/Fluid/LogoFull_Subpage.html
// LogoClaim - Subpage
pagets__pagelayout_logoclaim_subpage = TEXT
pagets__pagelayout_logoclaim_subpage.value = EXT:rm_base/Resources/Private/Templates/Fluid/LogoClaim_Subpage.html
You see: The Backendlayouts are in Files of my Extension, not in the Database-Table: backend_layouts.
Update 2:
I would prefer a TypoScript-Way, if someone knows how - with external BE-Layouts. Thank you.
As I've seen the prefix pagets__ ,I guess that the problem here is that the backend_layouts are not stored in the database, so I think that a condition about that would not work.
If you are using a different html template for each backend layout and you are running TYPO3 8.7.x there is a different way to solve this issue: Add to your template file a new section called:
<f:section name="FooterAssets">
<!--your code here-->
This section will be loaded just before the closing of </body>. As far as I remember you don't even have to call this section in your layout file.
i would opt for using the VHS extension which provides an asset viewhelper.
you than include the asset view helper into the frontend template you are rendering. and it takes care about plaching the javascript in the header / footer
it allows also to definde dependancies and loads the script in the correct order. also supports concatination / minification ...
an example include might look like this:
<v:asset.script path="EXT:your_ext/Resources/Public/JavaScript/menu_a.js" dependencies="jquery" />
this requires you that you specified "jquery" via typoscript (or another assit view helper)
example typoscript:
plugin.tx_vhs.settings.asset.jquery {
path = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jquery.js
type = js
I found another solution, that uses a TypoScript Custom Condition:
First I create a BackendlayoutCondition.php in my Extension here:
Its content is this (See Comments for more Detail):
namespace RM\RmBase\TypoScript;
use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Configuration\TypoScript\ConditionMatching\AbstractCondition;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager;;
class BackendlayoutCondition extends AbstractCondition
* Evaluate condition
* #param array $conditionParameters
* #return bool
public function matchCondition(array $conditionParameters)
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\DebuggerUtility::var_dump($conditionParameters,'cond Params');
# Return false if in Backend (Condition for Frontend only)
if (!$GLOBALS['TSFE']) return false;
# QueryBuilder for Table: pages
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('pages');
# Check if current BackendLayout is inside the $conditionParameters
if (!empty($conditionParameters) && substr($conditionParameters[0], 0, 1) === '=') {
# Trim the Parameter to get the correct Value of the Parameter (behind '=')
$conditionParameters[0] = trim(substr($conditionParameters[0], 1));
# Get Backendlayout on this Page
$backendLayoutOnThisPage = $queryBuilder
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('uid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(intval($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id), \PDO::PARAM_INT))
# Store Backendlayout Value of the current Page in $backendLayoutOnThisPage
$backendLayoutOnThisPage = $backendLayoutOnThisPage->fetch()['backend_layout'];
} else {
# If no ConditionParameter was set return false
return false;
# Check if parent BackendLayout_NextLevel is inside the $conditionParameters
if ($backendLayoutOnThisPage == '') {
# Get pageRepository
$objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
$pageRepository = $objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\Page\\PageRepository');
# Get Rootline of the current Page
$pageRootline = $pageRepository->getRootLine(intval($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id));
# Set rootlineIndex to the Parent Page Index
$rootlineIndex = count($pageRootline)-2;
# Check Parent Page Backendlayout_NextLevel till 0 or Backendlayout found
while ($rootlineIndex > 0) {
if ($pageRootline[$rootlineIndex]['backend_layout_next_level'] == $conditionParameters[0]) {
return true;
} else {
# No BackendLayout_NextLevel found till 0
return false;
} else {
# If Condition Backendlayout found return true, otherwise return false
if ($backendLayoutOnThisPage == $conditionParameters[0]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
(Edited 2)
Than I just have to use the following Condition in my pageSetup.ts:
[RM\RmBase\TypoScript\BackendlayoutCondition = pagelayout_logoclaim_subpage]
page.includeJSFooter.belayoutlogoclaim = EXT:rm_base/Resources/Public/JS/be_logoclaim.js
Now I have this Sourcecode in the Frontend:
<script src="/typo3conf/ext/rm_base/Resources/Public/JS/be_logoclaim.js?1523005944" type="text/javascript"></script>
not that:
<script src="/typo3conf/ext/rm_base/Resources/Public/JS/be_logoclaim.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
if I use the FooterAssets method:
<f:section name="FooterAssets">
<script src="/typo3conf/ext/rm_base/Resources/Public/JS/be_logoclaim.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Edit: I found some errors in my Answer, i fix it and edit my answer then.
Edit2: Now the Condition checks the Backendlayouts and the Backendlayouts_Nextlevel Fields for Backendlayouts to get all possible BE-Layouts including the inherited.
The problem with the backend_layout field is that there also is a field backend_layout_next_level which affects subpages. so you can't build a simple condition.
Either you use stdWrap.if where you can calculate the current value for backend_layout overlaying an inherited value from backend_layout_next_level.
Or you define a userfunc where you evaluate it yourself in PHP.
Be aware that layouts defined in records have another prefix than layouts defined in pagesTS.
temp.layout = CASE
temp.layout { = levelfield:-1, backend_layout_next_level, slide
key.override.field = backend_layout
default = TEXT
default.value = default-layout
1 = TEXT
1.value = layoutdefinition_from_record
pagets__layout2 = TEXT
pagets__layout2.value = layoutdefinition_from_pageTSconfig
sitepackage__layout3 = TEXT
sitepackage__layout3.value = layoutdefinition_from_sitepackage
Now you can use temp.layout for further decisions:
10 = TEXT
10.field = bodytext
10.wrap = <div class="demo">|</div>
10.wrap.if {
equals.cObject < temp.layout
value = default-layout

Result of SQL to Userfunc in TypoScript

I am very new to Typo3/TypoScript and I wondered if and how it is possible to give the result of a sql-statement in TypoScript to a php function.
I've managed the userFunc so far, but i'm getting confused with the rest.
Here is my try:
temp.pidList = CONTENT
temp.pidList {
table = tx_eepcollect_sessions
#table = tt_content
select {
pidInList < plugin.tx_eepcollect_pi1.pid_list
where {
stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
stdWrap.cObject {
data = global : _COOKIE | tx_eepcollect_pi1
wrap = ses_id='|'
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10.field = ses_data
#30 = TEXT = debug:data
includeLibs.user_idList = fileadmin/services/user_IdList.php
temp.ListOfIds = USER
temp.ListOfIds.userFunc = user_IdList->get_IdList
#temp.pidList = TEXT
#temp.pidList = {"1275":{"id":"1275","tx_eepcollect_pi1":{"prozess":"add","pid":"1275","ctrl":"1360858765"},"cHash":"e90b62584f3f0e4f71bf1100faf39d83"}}
temp.ListOfIds.userFunc.jsonList < temp.pidList
temp.mainContent = COA_INT
temp.mainContent.10 = TEXT
temp.mainContent.10.stdWrap.cObject < temp.ListOfIds
The output is an array of a lot of stuff, but not the result of the database-query.
TypoScript is not a programming language, so it is not executed in any meaning. You should think about TS as set of instructions for the Core.
So, following line:
temp.ListOfIds.userFunc.jsonList < temp.pidList
will not put result of temp.pidList into temp.ListOfIds.userFunc.jsonList, as you would expect from a programming language - it will simply copy set of instructions, so at the end you'll have following structure:
temp.ListOfIds = USER
temp.ListOfIds.userFunc = user_IdList->get_IdList
temp.ListOfIds.userFunc.jsonList = CONTENT
temp.ListOfIds.userFunc.jsonList.table = tx_eepcollect_sessions
And since jsonList is your custom property you need to bring stdWrap to it by following method:
temp.ListOfIds.userFunc.jsonList.cObject < temp.pidList
$jsonList = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf['jsonList'], $conf['jsonList.']);
I assume, that you call it from a method get_IdList of class user_IdList with two params: $content and $conf.
As an additional measerue, you can make it as extension with a kickstarter or extension builder, so it'll be easier for you to work with configuration.
Another thing is, that your code have potential SQL injection vulnerability here:
where {
stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
stdWrap.cObject {
data = global : _COOKIE | tx_eepcollect_pi1
wrap = ses_id='|'
So, you may consider reading about markers

typo3, typoscript, TMENU/HMEN: Special formatting for item after current item

It there any way to apply special formatting for the menu item immediately after the current item,
that is CUR + 1. Something like: = HMENU {
1 = TMENU {
NO = 1
NO = {
# The currently selected item
CUR = 1
allWrap = ...
# The next item
CUR + 1 = 1
CUR + 1 {
allWrap = ...
I would appreciate any feedback you might have. Also alternatives: Can write a PHP class/function instead of writing this in typoscript.
Unfortunately this is not possible with just TypoScript. I don't really see a good solution with PHP really either. You could however do it with PHP, but you will need to load the same menu items like in your menu itself inside PHP. Which makes it very inefficient and not flexible at all.
I would say add a special class attribute to the link or wrap and perform your formatting with JavaScript. Where the item coming after the active one is modified.
So I manage to solve this myself. The answers is to use a so-called register to mark if we've passed the current object or not. For example: = HMENU {
1 = TMENU {
NO = 1
NO = {
# Render using Common Object Array (COA)
stdWrap.cObject = COA
stdWrap.cObject {
# Normal Case (However the an item should normally be rendered
10 = TEXT
10 {
if { = register:cid
20 = TEXT
20 {
if { = register:data
# Unset the register (after we've done with our special formatting)
30.cid= 0
# The currently selected item
CUR = 1
# Render using Common Object Array (COA)
stdWrap.cObject = COA
stdWrap.cObject {
# However the Current item should normally be rendered
10 = TEXT
10.field = title
# Mark that we've reached the current item
20.cid= 1
A register, set using LOAD_REGISTER, is basically a type of run-time variable, which can be set and reset in the course of iterating through the menu items (or whatever). As such it can be used to note our progress through the menu items, particularly noting if we've passed the current menu item (CUR) or not.
rant begin Hardly an elegant solution considering that typoscript is domain-specific language which is mainly used for this normatting stuff like menus./rant end