Typing of return type after mongodb projection - mongodb

I am making a graphql resolver in rust, and am only fetching the fields from the graphql query in my mongodb database. However Rust complains that the fetched data, of course, is now not of the same type as the specified return type. What is the right way to do something like this.
I guess I could do #[serde(default)], but that doesn't work exactly as expected (I will explain later)
use async_graphql::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use mongodb::{bson::doc, bson::oid::ObjectId, options::FindOptions, Collection};
#[derive(SimpleObject, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Post {
#[serde(rename = "_id")]
pub id: ObjectId,
pub title: String,
// I could do something like
// #[serde(default)]
pub body: String,
impl Post {
async fn text_snippet(&self) -> &str {
let length = self.body.len();
let end = min(length, 5);
struct Query;
impl Query {
// fetching posts
async fn posts<'ctx>(&self, ctx: &Context<'ctx>) -> Vec<Post> {
let posts = ctx.data_unchecked::<Collection<Post>>();
let projection = // getting the projection doc here based on graphql fields, lets say doc! {"title": 1}
let options = FindOptions::builder().limit(10).projection(projection).build();
let cursor = posts.find(None, options).await.unwrap();
cursor.try_collect().await.unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![])
But when I run the query
posts {
i get
thread 'actix-rt:worker:0' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { kind: BsonDecode(DeserializationError { message: "missing field `body`" }), labels: [] }', server/src/schema/post.rs:20:46
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
and when i do the #[serde(default)] stuff on body, and I then query textSnippet and not body, the textSnippet is an empty string.
How do i fix this?

Could you wrap every field in Post with an Option and let the try_collect fill the returned fields for you?

You can create a struct with those fileds you need and use a collection of the new struct.
use async_graphql::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use mongodb::{bson::doc, bson::oid::ObjectId, options::FindOptions, Collection};
#[derive(SimpleObject, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Post {
#[serde(rename = "_id")]
pub id: ObjectId,
pub title: String,
// I could do something like
// #[serde(default)]
pub body: String,
#[derive(SimpleObject, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct PostTitle {
#[serde(rename = "_id")]
pub id: ObjectId,
pub title: String,
struct Query;
impl Query {
// fetching posts
async fn posts<'ctx>(&self, ctx: &Context<'ctx>) -> Vec<PostTitle> {
let posts = ctx.data_unchecked::<Collection<PostTitle>>();
let projection = doc! {"title": 1}
let options = FindOptions::builder().limit(10).projection(projection).build();
let cursor = posts.find(None, options).await.unwrap();
cursor.try_collect().await.unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![])


Using the cursor in mongodb-rust sync

I took the code from the documentation, but it doesn't work.
pub fn get_countries(&self) {
let cursor = self.countries.find(None, None);
for doc in cursor {
println!("{}", doc?)
mongodb::sync::Cursor<bson::Document> doesn't implement std::fmt::Display
mongodb::sync::Cursor<bson::Document> cannot be formatted with the default formatter
the ? operator can only be applied to values that implement std::ops::Try
the ? operator cannot be applied to type mongodb::sync::Cursor<bson::Document>
Also the cursor.collect() does not work correctly.
the method collect exists for enum std::result::Result<mongodb::sync::Cursor<bson::Document>, mongodb::error::Error>, but its trait bounds were not satisfied
method cannot be called on std::result::Result<mongodb::sync::Cursor<bson::Document>, mongodb::error::Error> due to unsatisfied trait bounds
I tried using cursor.iter() or cursor.into_iter(), the result was the same
Full code of module
use bson::Document;
use mongodb::{
sync::{ Collection, Database},
pub struct Core {
db: Database,
countries: Collection<Document>,
impl Core {
pub fn new(db: &Database) -> Core {
Core {
db: db.clone(),
countries: db.collection("countries"),
pub fn get_country(&self, name: &String) -> Result<Option<Document>, Error> {
self.countries.find_one(bson::doc! { "idc": name }, None)
pub fn get_countries(&self) {
let cursor = self.countries.find(None, None);
for doc in cursor {
println!("{}", doc?)
It seems that the doc value is returning a Cursor, so I'm guessing that cursor must be rather the Result<Cursor<T>> type returned by the Collection::find method. https://docs.rs/mongodb/latest/mongodb/sync/struct.Collection.html#method.find
Shouldn't you unwrap (or handle the result with a proper match) your self.countries.find(None, None) result ?
pub fn get_countries(&self) {
let cursor = self.countries.find(None, None).unwrap();
for doc in cursor {
println!("{}", doc?)
My solution
pub fn get_countries(&self) -> Vec<Document> {
let cursor = self.countries.find(None, None).unwrap();
let mut total: Vec<Document> = Vec::new();
for doc in cursor {

Save Nested Struct with Rust mongodb returns error the trait `From<T>` is not implemented for `Bson`

I have a struct to model an Item. But some of its field depends of other struct. And I want to save this nested object into mongodb with MongoDB Rust Driver. (https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-rust-driver)
use mongodb::bson::doc;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct CustomUnit {
pub unit: String,
pub multiplier: f64,
// Item depends on CustomUnit struct above. Nested object, JSON-like
struct Item {
pub name: String,
pub qty: f64,
pub unit: CustomUnit ,
// declare an item and an unit
let my_unit = CustomUnit {unit: "BOX".to_string(), multiplier: 12.0};
let a = Item {name: "FOO Item".to_string(), qty: 10.0, unit: my_unit};
// later in the code I extracted the value for each field
let name = a.name.clone();
let qty = a.qty;
let unit = a.unit;
let doc = doc! {
"name": name.clone(),
"qty": qty,
"unit": unit,
// throws an error: "the trait `From<CustomUnit>` is not implemented for `Bson`"
db.collection(COLL).insert_one(doc, None).await
this displays an error message:
_^ the trait `From<CustomUnit>` is not implemented for `Bson`
= help: the following implementations were found:
<Bson as From<&T>>
<Bson as From<&[T]>>
<Bson as From<&str>>
<Bson as From<Regex>>
and 19 others
= note: required by `std::convert::From::from`
= note: this error originates in a macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
How to implement this From<CustomUnit> for Bson trait ?
impl From<CustomUnit> for Bson {
fn from(unit: CustomUnit) -> Self {
// what to do here ? and how to return a Bson document ?
// there's no explanation in rust-mongodb manual
Since doc! internally converts each field into Binary JSON (BSON). doc! converts known types into BSON automatically, but since unit is a user made struct, it doesn't know how to.
use mongodb::bson;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct CustomUnit {
pub unit: String,
pub multiplier: f64,
let doc = doc! {
"name": name.clone(),
"qty": qty,
"unit": bson::to_bson(&unit).unwrap(),

MongoDB doesn't save document when timestamps are initialized in struct

I am having a very weird issue when trying to save a data in Mongodb by the Rust driver. This is my struct
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
struct Info {
#[serde(rename = "_id", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
id: Option<bson::oid::ObjectId>,
name: String,
created_at: i64,
updated_at: i64,
And this is my actix route handler function
async fn post_request(info: web::Json<Info>, data: web::Data<State>) -> impl Responder {
let name: &str = &info.name;
let document = Info {
id: None,
name: name.to_string(),
created_at: Utc::now().timestamp_millis(),
updated_at: Utc::now().timestamp_millis(),
// Convert to a Bson instance:
let serialized_doc = bson::to_bson(&document).unwrap();
let doc = serialized_doc.as_document().unwrap();
let collection = data.client.database("test1").collection("users");
let result = collection.insert_one(doc.to_owned(), None).await.unwrap();
I am getting the Utc struct by chrono crate.
When i am trying to save the data in MongoDB by hitting the route, It doesn't gets saved. But, oddly, when i comment out the created_at and updated_at in struct and handler, it gets saved. If i don't use structs and try to save it as a raw document, by storing created_at and updated_at in variables, then also it gets saved, but not by structs. I am new to rust so maybe i am doing something wrong. Please help

How to store actix_web Json to mongodb?

Trying to store incomming data into mongo using r2d2-mongodb and actix_web.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Weight {
desc: String,
grams: u32,
fn store_weights(weights: web::Json<Vec<Weight>>, db: web::Data<Pool<MongodbConnectionManager>>) -> Result<String> {
let conn = db.get().unwrap();
let coll = conn.collection("weights");
for weight in weights.iter() {
coll.insert_one(weight.into(), None).unwrap();
I can't seem to understand what/how I need to convert weight into to use with insert_one.
The above code errors into error[E0277]: the trait bound 'bson::ordered::OrderedDocument: std::convert::From<&api::weight::Weight>' is not satisfied
The signature for insert_one is:
pub fn insert_one(
doc: Document,
options: impl Into<Option<InsertOneOptions>>
) -> Result<InsertOneResult>
Document is bson::Document, an alias for bson::ordered::OrderedDocument.
Your type Weight does not implement the trait Into<Document>, which is required for weight::into(). You could implement it, but a more idiomatic way would be using the Serialize trait with bson::to_bson:
fn store_weights(weights: Vec<Weight>) -> Result<&'static str, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let conn = db.get()?;
let coll = conn.collection("weights");
for weight in weights.iter() {
let document = match bson::to_bson(weight)? {
Document(doc) => doc,
_ => unreachable!(), // Weight should always serialize to a document
coll.insert_one(document, None)?;
to_bson returns an enum, Bson, which can be Array, Boolean, Document, etc. We use match to make sure it is Document.
I've used ? instead of unwrap, to make use of the Result return type. Make sure the errors are Into<Error> for your Result type.
Returning &'static str instead of allocating a new String for each request.

Type of expression is ambiguous without more context in Xcode 11

I'm trying to refer to an [Item] list within an #EnvironmentObject however when accessing it within a SwiftUI List, I get the error. What I don't understand is, this error doesn't pop up when following Apple's Landmark tutorial.
As far as I can tell, the [Item] list is loading correctly as I can print it out and do other functions with it. It just bugs out when using it for a SwiftUI List Is there something I've missed?
struct ItemHome : View {
#EnvironmentObject var dataBank: DataBank
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(dataBank.itemList) { item in
Text("\(item.name)") // Type of expression is ambiguous without more context
Supporting code below:
Item Struct:
struct Item {
var id: Int
var uid: String
var company: String
var item_class: String
var name: String
var stock: Int
var average_cost: Decimal
var otc_price: Decimal
var dealer_price: Decimal
var ctc_price: Decimal
final class DataBank : BindableObject {
let didChange = PassthroughSubject<DataBank, Never>()
var itemList: [Item] = load("itemsResults.json") {
didSet {
func load<T: Decodable>(_ filename: String, as type: T.Type = T.self) -> T {
let data: Data
guard let file = Bundle.main.url(forResource: filename, withExtension: nil)
else {
fatalError("Couldn't find \(filename) in main bundle.")
do {
data = try Data(contentsOf: file)
} catch {
fatalError("Couldn't load \(filename) from main bundle:\n\(error)")
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
return try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
} catch {
fatalError("Couldn't parse \(filename) as \(T.self):\n\(error)")
"id": 1,
"uid": "a019bf6c-44a2-11e9-9121-4ccc6afe39a1",
"company": "Bioseed",
"item_class": "Seeds",
"name": "9909",
"stock": 0,
"average_cost": 0.0,
"otc_price": 0.0,
"dealer_price": 0.0,
"ctc_price": 0.0
"id": 2,
"uid": "a019bf71-44a2-11e9-9121-4ccc6afe39a1",
"company": "Pioneer",
"item_class": "Seeds",
"name": "4124YR",
"stock": 0,
"average_cost": 0.0,
"otc_price": 0.0,
"dealer_price": 0.0,
"ctc_price": 0.0
Apparently I missed making sure my models (Item in this case) conformed to the Identifiable protocol fixed it. Still, I wish Apple was more clear with their error messages.
As you mentioned in your answer, a ForEach needs a list of Identifiable objects. If you don't want to make your object implement that protocol (or can't for some reason), however, here's a trick:
I had the same problem and it wasn't something related to the line itself, it was related to the curly braces/brackets, so that if someone faced the same problem and doesn't know where the problem is, try to trace the curly braces and the brackets
To conform to Identifiable, just give the id or uid variable a unique value.
An easy way to do this is this:
var uid = UUID()
So your full struct would be:
struct Item: Identifiable {
var id: Int
var uid = UUID()
var company: String
var item_class: String
var name: String
var stock: Int
var average_cost: Decimal
var otc_price: Decimal
var dealer_price: Decimal
var ctc_price: Decimal
Xcode may show this error in many cases. Usually when using higher order functions (like map) and reason may be "anything".
There are two types:
Error is in higher order function. In this case your only option is to carefully read the block of code. Once again there may be different kinds of problems.
In some cases higher order function does not have any problem by itself, but there may be a compile time error in function that's called from the body of the higher order function.
Unfortunately Xcode does not point to this error sometimes.
To detect such errors and save lot of time, easy workaround is to temporarily comment higher order function and try to build. Now Xcode will show this error function and will show more reasonable error.