Db2 on Cloud: How to upload a CSV? - db2

I have an IBM Cloud account and provisioned Db2 on Cloud with the lite plan. I'm facing some issues in uploading a CSV File.
Based on the course instruction we should be able to upload the CSV file under the column manage and Click the button "open the console" and load the CSV. I am unable to locate the button "open the console".

In many cloud environments, services and their features change more often than in on-premises products. For Db2 on Cloud, the button "Open Console" seems to be the "Go to UI" now. That should bring up the management console / UI. Expect that the UI has changed there, too. I recommend reading the FAQ for the Db2 lite plan and information about the ongoing migration.


Moving Watson Assistant project from one IBM account to another?

I'm trying to move my Watson Assistant project from one account to another and I'm struggling to figure out how to export the data and logs to begin working on this project from my colleagues IBM account.
Do you know how I can do this and will all the statistics and history still be available in the new account?
If you are using the "new experience", backup and restore is discussed here in the Watson Assistant documentation. Similar information on backup / restore is available for the Classic Watson Assistant.
Do not expect to have an entirely, fully identical instance. I would recommend to check the topic on failover options. It discusses what makes up a deployed in-use assistant.

Unable to create project in IBM Cloud

I am following the steps given in "Getting started: Using IBM DataStage SaaS" and still not able to create project in IBM cloud platform (IBM Cloud Pak for Data).
Confirm your limit for creation is not surpassed. Also check your account CUH storage.
If all that does not work, click on the IBM support on the top pane and you will be redirected to the support url.

Cloud Data Fusion - enabling Wrangler

I am unable to enable the wrangler from the Cloud Data Fusion console. I do get to a screen but it looks nothing like what is in the tutorials or documentation.
When I enable the wrangler, I get to a screen as shown in the attached image.
This happens in the developer version of Cloud Data Fusion, however, the wrangler screen comes up correctly under the Basic edition.
Wrangler screen
This only means two things,
Your url to wrangler seems to have a workspace ID. When backend gets unknown workspace id it responds with an error. Do you happen to open this from within the pipeline studio (from wrangler transform)?
If not #1 then your wrangler system app seems to be having issue. Did you had to start the wrangler app from UI (Click on "Enable Wrangler" button?). Wrangler and AppFabric logs would be helpful to debug this issue.
Will update this answer based on the logs and errors you are seeing.

Unable to add a service to IBM Watson Studio

I cannot create a project in IBM Watson Studio for an online course (sponsored by IBM by the way). I keep getting this error:
"You can only have one instance of a Lite plan per service. To create a new instance, either delete your existing Lite plan instance or select a paid plan".
I am performing the following steps:
1.Watson Studio
2.Create (Lite Plan Option)
3.Get Started
4.Create Project
5.Create Empty Project
6.Select Storage Service --> Here I get the error message
I need to create a Jupyter Notebook in IBM Watson Studio in order to complete the course.
I've deleted the Watson instance and started from scratch several times. I have also created a new account and tried the solutions posted on this forum for similar cases, without success.
Thank you in advance for your help
Looks like you have Lite account on IBM Cloud and here's the limitation with the account type
You can provision one instance of any service in the IBM Cloud catalog
that has a Lite plan.
You can check What's available with your Lite account of IBM Cloud here.
You may have to delete the other service provisioned under Lite plan before creating the Cloud Object Storage service or you can choose the Standard plan of Cloud Object storage service.
To check the Lite services which you already created in your account, navigate to Resource list. You may have to delete

Adding Existing SAPUI5 Applications in HANA Cloud Portal site

I am new to HANA Cloud portal. I have created a standalone SAPUI5 Application following the below steps:
SAP HANA Cloud Platform
I have not set any destinations since I am using dummy data for now. The app works fine standalone but when I add it to a site in the HANA cloud portal the application fails with the error "could not open App.Try again Later". I have followed the below steps. Please let me know if I have missed put anything:-
1) Created a site from the site directory screen with a blank site temppplate.
2) Next I selected the app I want to add into the site from the account apps section in the left navigation inside the flpportal service and added it[using the forward icon].
3) Then when I try to add it as a menu configuration it shows up in the list and gets added but when I publish the site I get the above error mentioned.
Am I missing any step or doing it wrong altogether? BTW I am using a HANA trial account for now.
Also, I would like to know whether this is the correct way to do it. Also, any documentation on the same will be helpful
Adding the error description. The name of the app is Kpidemo: