I have a 7zip-compressed string (LZMA2) and I want to unzip that into memory via Powershell without using the file-system, but with no luck. I am able to unzip regular zip-strings, but no 7z-strings. Here a sample code to show my attempt so far:
# define settings for http-client:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
$handler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
$client = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($handler)
# get the 7z-compressed EPG-file:
$url = [string]::Concat('http://www.', 'vuplus', '-', 'community.net', '/ryt', 'ec/ryt', 'ecDE_Basic', '.xz')
$result = $client.GetAsync($url).Result
$data = $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
# unzip:
$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)
$ziparr = $enc.GetBytes($data)
$in = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new($ziparr)
$mem = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new()
$mode = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress
$zip = [System.IO.Compression.GzipStream]::new($in, $mode)
$arr = $mem.ToArray()
$unzippedText = $enc.GetString($arr)
If that is not possible via OS/.net-functions, is there any way to use 7za.dll for such without using the file-system?
I have found a solution by using the dll from the 7zipSharp-Package and the 7z64.dll. Here the code-snippet:
# define settings for http-client:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
$handler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
$client = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($handler)
# get the 7z-compressed EPG-file:
$url = [string]::Concat('http://', 'www.vuplus', '-', 'community.net', '/ryt', 'ec/ryt', 'ecDE_Basic', '.xz')
$result = $client.GetAsync($url).Result
$data = $result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result
# references:
# https://globalcdn.nuget.org/packages/sevenzipsharp.net45.1.0.19.nupkg
# https://github.com/squid-box/SevenZipSharp/raw/dev/SevenZip/7z64.dll
Add-Type -Path "C:\temp\SevenZipSharp.dll"
$ex = [SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor]::new($data)
$mem = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new()
$ex.ExtractFile(0, $mem)
$arr = $mem.ToArray()
$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)
$unzippedText = $enc.GetString($arr)
How can I decode the body of a jdownloader *.DLC container file with Powershell?
I have managed to write a small Powershell snippet to decrypt a DLC container file based on the PyLoad code reference.
It prompts for a given file, decrypts the content and puts the URLs into the clipboard.
For the archives here the working sample code:
# script for decoding a DLC-file:
Remove-Variable * -ea 0
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
$utf8 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
# file selector:
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Windows.Forms'
$browser = [System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog]::new()
$browser.Filter = 'DLC files (*.dlc)|*.dlc'
$browser.InitialDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads"
$null = $browser.ShowDialog()
$fileName = $browser.FileName
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($fileName)) {break}
$dlc = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($fileName)
$len = $dlc.Length
$key = $dlc.Substring($len-88)
$data = $dlc.Substring(0,$len-88)
$bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($data)
$aesKey = 'cb99b5cbc24db398'
$aesIV = '9bc24cb995cb8db3'
$url = "http://service.jdownloader.org/dlcrypt/service.php?srcType=dlc&destType=pylo&data=$key"
$result = Invoke-WebRequest $url
$rc64 = ([xml]$result.Content).rc
$rc = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($rc64)
$aes = [System.Security.Cryptography.Aes]::Create()
$aes.Key = $utf8.GetBytes($aeskey)
$aes.IV = $utf8.GetBytes($aesIV)
$aes.Padding = [System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode]::None
$dec = $aes.CreateDecryptor()
$result = $dec.TransformFinalBlock($rc, 0, $rc.Length)
$aes.key = $result
$aes.IV = $result
$dec = $aes.CreateDecryptor()
$enc = $dec.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
$b64 = $utf8.GetString($enc).Trim([char]0)
$byte = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64)
$xml = [xml]$utf8.GetString($byte)
$urlList = foreach($url64 in $xml.dlc.content.package.file.url) {
$urlb = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($url64)
$urlList | Set-Clipboard
Here is also a short demo how to encode any text into a DLC-format:
# DLC-encryption:
# get a random encryption key (RCP):
$bytes = [System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes]::new($null,8)
$hexbin = [System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapHexBinary]::new($bytes.Salt)
$rcp = $hexbin.ToString().ToLower()
# let jdownloader generate an RC-value for this key:
$url = "http://service.jdownloader.org/dlcrypt/service.php?jd=1&srcType=plain&data=$rcp"
$result = Invoke-WebRequest $url
$rc = ([xml]"<xml>$($result.Content)</xml>").xml.rc
# if we store the rcp/rc-pair, then we could decode a DLC in offline mode
# encode any information with our initial key:
$data = 'something to encode'
$bytes = $utf8.GetBytes($data)
$aes = [System.Security.Cryptography.Aes]::Create()
$rcb = $utf8.GetBytes($rcp)
$aes.Padding = [System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode]::Zeros
$enc = $aes.CreateEncryptor($rcb, $rcb)
$out = $enc.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
# the DLC-content is a concatenation of the base64-string of the encrypted data
# plus the base64-string of the RC which corresponds to our initial RCP-key.
$data = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($out)
write-host "$data$rc"
And here a correct XML-format of a decrypted DLC container. All(!) shown values here (strings/numbers/dates) must be in base64-format. I just decoded them all to make it a bit easier to understand them. Some elements or values might be optional, some may be subject of change. I have not tested that in details. It is just a readable format of a single DLC-file I created with JDownloader:
<package category="various" comment="" name="Packagename">
As stated in the Title, I would like to add an image into a Word document. Though my goal is to NOT use a path (stating where the image is located).
**Like this: **
$word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$word.visible = $true
$document = $word.documents.Add()
$selection = $word.selection
$newInlineShape = $selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture($path)
But rather using some type of Base64String, so that this skript works with every device, regardless if the image path doesn't exist.
My attempt:
$word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$word.visible = $true
$document = $word.documents.Add()
$selection = $word.selection
$base64ImageString = [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $path -encoding byte))
$imageBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($base64ImageString)
$ms = New-Object IO.MemoryStream($imageBytes, 0, $imageBytes.Length)
$ms.Write($imageBytes, 0, $imageBytes.Length);
$alkanelogo = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream($ms, $true)
$pictureBox = new-object Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$pictureBox.Width = $alkanelogo.Size.Width;
$pictureBox.Height = $alkanelogo.Size.Height;
$pictureBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(153,223)
$pictureBox.Image = $alkanelogo;
$newInlineShape = $selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture($pictureBox.Image)
Note: The variable "$path" is only here as a placeholder
I've figured it out. I downloaded the image to my local computer, converted it to a base64 string and then back to an image.
So that this script works with every user regardless of there path, I built in it to download the file to a specific path (that I created).
Powershell will then extract the image from the path I created.
$filepath = 'C:\temp\image.png'
$folderpath = 'C:\temp\'
if([System.IO.File]::Exists($filepath -or $folderpath)){
rmdir 'C:\temp\image.png'
$b64 = "AAA..."
$bytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($b64)
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($filepath, $bytes)
mkdir 'C:\temp\' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$b64 = "AAA..."
$bytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($b64)
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($filepath, $bytes)
I want to download only a single file from an online ZIP archive via Powershell.
For this I created a demo-code which is already working, but I am still struggling to get the correct parsing logic on the ZIP-directory. Here is the code I have so far:
# demo code downloading a single DLL file from an online ZIP archive
# and extracting the DLL into memory for mounting it to the main process.
Remove-Variable * -ea 0
# definition for the ZIP archive, the file to be extracted and the checksum:
$url = 'https://github.com/sshnet/SSH.NET/releases/download/2020.0.1/SSH.NET-2020.0.1-bin.zip'
$sub = 'net40/Renci.SshNet.dll'
$md5 = '5B1AF51340F333CD8A49376B13AFCF9C'
# prepare HTTP client:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
$handler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
$client = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($handler)
# get the length of the ZIP archive:
$req = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url)
$req.Method = 'HEAD'
$length = $req.GetResponse().ContentLength
$zip = [byte[]]::new($length)
# get the last 10k:
# how to get the correct length of the central ZIP directory here?
$start = $length-10kb
$end = $length-1
$client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add('Range', "bytes=$start-$end")
$result = $client.GetAsync($url).Result
$last10kb = $result.content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result
$last10kb.CopyTo($zip, $start)
# get the block containing the DLL file:
# how to get the exact file-offset from the ZIP directory?
$start = $length-3537kb
$end = $length-3201kb
$client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add('Range', "bytes=$start-$end")
$result = $client.GetAsync($url).Result
$block = $result.content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result
$block.CopyTo($zip, $start)
# extract the DLL file from archive:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
$stream = [System.IO.Memorystream]::new()
$archive = [System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new($stream)
$entry = $archive.GetEntry($sub)
$bytes = [byte[]]::new($entry.Length)
[void]$entry.Open().Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
# check MD5:
$prov = [Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider]::new().ComputeHash($bytes)
$hash = [string]::Concat($prov.foreach{$_.ToString("x2")})
if ($hash -ne $md5) {write-host 'dll has wrong checksum.' -f y ;break}
# load the DLL:
# use the single demo-call from the DLL:
$test = [Renci.SshNet.NoneAuthenticationMethod]::new('test')
Only open point in this code is the correct method to identify the length of the central directory at the end of the ZIP archive and how to get the correct file-offset for the single file to be extracted (in my code I just found the ranges by pure try&error).
I already checked this wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)#Structure and also the PKWARE definitions https://gist.github.com/steakknife/820b73ebf25146180198febdb6f0e183 but beside the block definitions I could not find a programmatical approach to get the offset for ethe EOCD and the individual file. Can someone help here, please?
After a couple of additional tests I came to this solution:
# demo code downloading a single DLL file from an online ZIP archive
# and extracting the DLL into memory to mount it finally to the main process.
Remove-Variable * -ea 0
# definition for the ZIP archive, the file to be extracted and the checksum:
$url = 'https://github.com/sshnet/SSH.NET/releases/download/2020.0.1/SSH.NET-2020.0.1-bin.zip'
$sub = 'net40/Renci.SshNet.dll'
$md5 = '5B1AF51340F333CD8A49376B13AFCF9C'
'prepare HTTP client:'
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
$handler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
$client = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($handler)
'get the length of the ZIP archive:'
# dont use System.Web.HttpRequest, it is frequently hanging:
$req = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage]::new('HEAD', $url)
$result = $client.SendAsync($req).Result
$zipLength = $result.Content.Headers.ContentLength
$zip = [byte[]]::new($zipLength)
'get the last 10k:'
$start = $zipLength-10kb
$end = $zipLength-1
$client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add('Range', "bytes=$start-$end")
$result = $client.GetAsync($url).Result
$last10kb = $result.content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result
$last10kb.CopyTo($zip, $start)
"get the 'End of CD' block:"
$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)
$end = $enc.GetString($last10kb, $last10kb.Length-256, 256)
$eocd = [regex]::Match($end, 'PK\x05\x06.*').value
$eocd = $enc.GetBytes($eocd)
'get the central directory:'
$cdLength = [bitconverter]::ToUInt32($eocd, 12)
$cdStart = [bitconverter]::ToUInt32($eocd, 16)
$cd = [byte[]]::new($cdLength)
[array]::Copy($zip, $cdStart, $cd, 0, $cdLength)
'search all file headers for correct file name:'
$fileHeaders = [regex]::Split($enc.GetString($cd),'PK\x01\x02')
foreach ($header in $fileHeaders) {
$len = $header.Length
if ($len -ge 42) {
$bytes = $enc.GetBytes($header)
$nameLength = [bitconverter]::ToUInt16($bytes, 24)
if ($nameLength -eq $sub.length -and ($nameLength + 42) -le $len) {
$name = $header.Substring(42, $nameLength)
if ($name -eq $sub) {
$size = [bitconverter]::ToUInt32($bytes, 16) + 256
$start = [bitconverter]::ToUInt32($bytes, 38)
if (!$start) {write-host 'we could not find file in the ZIP archive' -f y ;break}
'get the block containing the file:'
$end = $start+$size
$client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add('Range', "bytes=$start-$end")
$result = $client.GetAsync($url).Result
$block = $result.content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result
$block.CopyTo($zip, $start)
'extract the DLL file from archive:'
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
$stream = [System.IO.Memorystream]::new()
$archive = [System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new($stream)
$entry = $archive.GetEntry($sub)
$bytes = [byte[]]::new($entry.Length)
[void]$entry.Open().Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
'check MD5:'
$prov = [Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider]::new().ComputeHash($bytes)
$hash = [string]::Concat($prov.foreach{$_.ToString("x2")})
if ($hash -ne $md5) {write-host 'dll has wrong checksum.' -f y ;break}
'load the DLL:'
'use the single demo-call from the DLL:'
$test = [Renci.SshNet.NoneAuthenticationMethod]::new('test')
I am looking for a solution to parse an error-response of a given web-service.
Below sample works great in general, but if the response is larger than 64kb then the content is not availabe in the exception at all.
I have seen some solutions recommending to use webHttpClient and increase the MaxResponseContentBufferSize here, but how can I do this for a given WebClient-object?
Is there any option to change that BufferSize globally for all net-webcalls like below TLS12-settings?
Here is my sample-code:
# using net-webclient to use individual user-side proxy-settings:
$web = new-object Net.WebClient
[Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$url = "address to web-service"
try {
$response = $web.DownloadString($url)
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
# this part needs to work even if the error-response in larger than 64kb
# unfortunately the response-object is empty in such case
$message = $_.Exception.Response
$stream = $message.GetResponseStream()
$reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader ($stream)
$body = $reader.ReadToEnd()
write-host "#error:$body"
I solved it at the end by switching to system.net.httpclient.
That way I still repect any custom proxy-settings and also avoid the above mentioned 64kb-limit in any error-response. Here a sample how to use it:
$url = "address to web-service"
$cred = Get-Credential
# define settings for the http-client:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
$ignoreCerts = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator
$handler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
$handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = $ignoreCerts
$handler.Credentials = $cred
$handler.PreAuthenticate = $true
$client = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($handler)
$client.Timeout = [System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(10)
$result = $client.GetAsync($url).result
$response = $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
write-host $response
I'm trying convert a bunch of pictures and videos, but when I convert it to a new format I obviously lose the properties of the original file. I'd like to be able to read the "Date taken" property from the old file and update it on the new one using powershell.
I can't test it right now (don't have any images with XIF data laying around, but I think this should work:
$pic = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap('C:\PATH\TO\SomePic.jpg')
$bitearr = $pic.GetPropertyItem(36867).Value
$string = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($bitearr)
$DateTime = [datetime]::ParseExact($string,"yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss`0",$Null)
In general, you can access any extended property for a file shown in explorer through the shell GetDetailsOf method. Here's a short example, adapted from another answer:
$file = Get-Item IMG_0386.jpg
$shellObject = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$directoryObject = $shellObject.NameSpace( $file.Directory.FullName )
$fileObject = $directoryObject.ParseName( $file.Name )
$property = 'Date taken'
$index = 5;
$directoryObject.GetDetailsOf( $directoryObject.Items, $index ) -ne $property;
++$index ) { }
$value = $directoryObject.GetDetailsOf( $fileObject, $index )
However, according to the comments on another question, there is no general-purpose mechanism for setting these properties. The System.Drawing.Bitmap class that EBGreen mentioned will work for images, but I'm afraid I also do not know of a .NET option for video files.
This works for me, thanks to the above help and others.
Get-ChildItem C:\YourFolder\Path | Where-Object {$_.extension -eq '.jpg'} |
ForEach-Object {
$path = $_.FullName
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$bitmap = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($path)
$propertyItem = $bitmap.GetPropertyItem(36867)
$bytes = $propertyItem.Value
$string = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($bytes)
$dateTime = [DateTime]::ParseExact($string,"yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss`0",$Null)
$_.LastWriteTime = $dateTime
$_.CreationTime = $dateTime
To read and write the "date taken" property of an image, use the following code (building on the answer of #EBGreen):
$path = "C:\PATH\TO\SomePic.jpg"
$pathModified = "C:\PATH\TO\SomePic_MODIFIED.jpg"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$bitmap = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($path)
$propertyItem = $bitmap.GetPropertyItem(36867)
$bytes = $propertyItem.Value
$string = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($bytes)
$dateTime = [DateTime]::ParseExact($string,"yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss`0",$Null)
$dateTimeModified = $dateTime.AddDays(1) # Set new date here
$stringModified = $dateTimeModified.ToString("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss`0",$Null)
$bytesModified = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($stringModified)
$propertyItem.Value = $bytesModified