What is the correct way to await the completion of two Tasks in Swift 5.5 in a function that does not support concurrency? - swift

I have an app that does some processing given a string, this is done in 2 Tasks. During this time i'm displaying an animation. When these Tasks complete i need to hide the animation. The below code works, but is not very nice to look at. I believe there is a better way to do this?
let firTask = Task {
/* Slow-running code */
let airportTask = Task {
/* Even more slow-running code */
Task {
_ = await firTask.result
_ = await airportTask.result
self.isVerifyingRoute = false

Isn't the real problem that this is a misuse of Task? A Task, as you've discovered, is not really of itself a thing you can await. If the goal is to run slow code in the background, use an actor. Then you can cleanly call an actor method with await.
let myActor = MyActor()
await myActor.doFirStuff()
await myActor.doAirportStuff()
self.isVerifyingRoute = false
However, we also need to make sure we're on the main thread when we talk to self — something that your code omits to do. Here's an example:
actor MyActor {
func doFirStuff() async {
print("starting", #function)
await Task.sleep(2 * 1_000_000_000)
print("finished", #function)
func doAirportStuff() async {
print("starting", #function)
await Task.sleep(2 * 1_000_000_000)
print("finished", #function)
func test() {
let myActor = MyActor()
Task {
await myActor.doFirStuff()
await myActor.doAirportStuff()
Task { #MainActor in
self.isVerifyingRoute = false
Everything happens in the right mode: the time-consuming stuff happens on background threads, and the call to self happens on the main thread. A cleaner-looking way to take care of the main thread call, in my opinion, would be to have a #MainActor method:
func test() {
let myActor = MyActor()
Task {
await myActor.doFirStuff()
await myActor.doAirportStuff()
#MainActor func finish() {
self.isVerifyingRoute = false
I regard that as elegant and clear.

I would make the tasks discardable with an extension. Perhaps something like this:
extension Task {
func finish() async -> Result<Success, Failure> {
await self.result
Then you could change your loading task to:
Task {
defer { self.isVerifyingRoute = false }
await firTask.finish()
await airportTask.finish()


Swift: Have a timeout for async/await function

Is there a way to attach a timeout to stop an async function if it takes too long?
Here's a simplified version of my code:
func search() async -> ResultEnum {
// Call multiple Apis one after the other
Task.init {
let searchResult = await search()
switch searchResult {
// Handle all result scenarios
I would like to have a deadline for the search() async function to provide a result, otherwise it should terminate and return ResultEnum.timeout.
Thank you Rob for your comments, and for the link you provided.
I had to make some changes though, For some reason the initial task fetchTask kept going even after cancellation, until I added Task.checkCancellation() to it.
Here's what the code looks like now, if anyone is facing a similar issue:
func search() async throws -> ResultEnum {
// This is the existing method as per my initial question.
// It calls multiple Apis one after the other, then returns a result.
// Added the below method to introduce a deadline for search()
func search(withTimeoutSecs: Int) async {
let fetchTask = Task {
let taskResult = try await search()
try Task.checkCancellation()
// without the above line, search() kept going until server responded long after deadline.
return taskResult
let timeoutTask = Task {
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: UInt64(withTimeoutSecs) * NSEC_PER_SEC)
do {
let result = try await fetchTask.value
return result
} catch {
return ResultEnum.failed(NetworkError.timeout)
// Call site: Using the function (withTimeout:) instead of ()
Task.init {
let searchResult = await search(withTimeoutSecs: 6)
switch searchResult {
// Handle all result scenarios

How to resume a continuation ensuring that the result is delivered on the MainActor?

I have a continuation:
func a() async -> Int {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
continuation.resume(returning: 3)
I would like all callers of this function to receive the result on the MainActor. I wouldn't like the caller to have to explicitly specify this rescheduling. I don't want this:
func c() async {
let three = await a()
await MainActor.run {
What I instead want is for the entire code after returning to be performed on the MainThread until the next suspension point, something like this:
func c1() async {
let three = await a()
b(three) // Guaranteed main thread, although nothing speaks of it here
In a way, I want a to declare that I return only on main actor!, like this:
func a() #MainActor async -> Int {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
continuation.resume(returning: 3)
Is there any way to even do this?
Both commenters have suggested that I annotate the enclosing functions c and c1 with #MainActor.
func c() async {
let three = await a()
await MainActor.run {
This doesn't do it like I need it. It says:
every time I await somebody, they must return on the main thread
But what I need instead is this:
every time somebody awaits me, they must get my result on the main thread
No, there is no way to do this.
If you await some function, you can decide on which thread will it return.
But being an await-able function, you can not make sure that your result will be delivered to the caller on a particular and/or main thread.

Unit testing a class that depends on an async function

I have a view model with a state property enum that has 3 cases.
protocol ServiceType {
func doSomething() async
final class ViewModel {
enum State {
case notLoaded
case loading
case loaded
private let service: ServiceType
var state: State = .notLoaded
init(service: ServiceType) {
self.service = service
func load() async {
state = .loading
await service.doSomething()
state = .loaded
I want to write a unit test that asserts that after load is called but before the async function returns, state == .loading .
If I was using completion handlers, I could create a spy that implements ServiceType, captures that completion handler but doesn't call it. If I was using combine I could use a schedular to control execution.
Is there an equivalent solution when using Swift's new concurrency model?
As you're injecting the depencency via a protocol, you're in a very good position for providing a Fake for that protocol, a fake which you have full control from the unit tests:
class ServiceFake: ServiceType {
var doSomethingReply: (CheckedContinuation<Void, Error>) -> Void = { _ in }
func doSomething() async {
// this creates a continuation, but does nothing with it
// as it waits for the owners to instruct how to proceed
await withCheckedContinuation { doSomethingReply($0) }
With the above in place, your unit tests are in full control: they know when/if doSomething was called, and can instruct how the function should respond.
final class ViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
func test_viewModelIsLoadingWhileDoSomethingSuspends() {
let serviceFake = ServiceFake()
let viewModel = ViewModel(service: serviceFake)
XCTAssertEquals(viewModel.state, .notLoaded)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "doSomething() was called")
// just fulfilling the expectation, because we ignore the continuation
// the execution of `load()` will not pass the `doSomething()` call
serviceFake.doSomethingReply = { _ in
Task {
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 0.1)
XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.state, .loading)
The above test makes sure doSomething() is called, as you likely don't want to validate the view model state until you're sure the execution of load() reached the expected place - afterall, load() is called on a different thread, so we need an expectation to make sure the test properly waits until the thread execution reaches the expected point.
The above technique is very similar to a mock/stub, where the implementation is replaced with a unit-test provided one. You could even go further, and just have an async closure instead of a continuation-based one:
class ServiceFake: ServiceType {
var doSomethingReply: () async -> Void = { }
func doSomething() async {
, and while this would give even greater control in the unit tests, it also pushes the burden of creating the continuations on those unit tests.
You can handle this the similar way you were handling for completion handler, you have the choice to either delay the completion of doSomething using Task.sleep(nanoseconds:) or you can use continuation to block the execution forever by not resuming it same as you are doing with completion handler.
So your mock ServiceType for the delay test scenario looks like:
struct HangingSevice: ServiceType {
func doSomething() async {
let seconds: UInt64 = 1 // Delay by seconds
try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: seconds * 1_000_000_000)
Or for the forever suspended scenario:
class HangingSevice: ServiceType {
private var continuation: CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>?
deinit {
func doSomething() async {
let seconds: UInt64 = 1 // Delay by seconds
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
self.continuation = continuation

How to make an async Swift function "#synchronized"?

I'd like to create an async function which itself using async calls. I also want to ensure that only one call is actively processed in any moment. So I want an async #synchronized function.
How to do that? Wrapping the function's body inside the dispatchQueue.sync {} does not work as it expects synchronised code. Also it seems that DispatchQueue in general is not designed to have async code blocks / tasks to execute.
This code communicates with hardware, so async in nature, that's why I want an async interface for my library. (I don't want to block the app while the stages of communication happen.) But certain operations can't be executed parallel on the hardware, so I have to go through synchronisation so the certain operations won't happen at the same time.
You can have every Task await the prior one. And you can use actor make sure that you are only running one at a time. The trick is, because of actor reentrancy, you have to put that "await prior Task" logic in a synchronous method.
E.g., you can do:
actor Experiment {
private var previousTask: Task<Void, Error>?
func startSomethingAsynchronous() {
previousTask = Task { [previousTask] in
let _ = await previousTask?.result
try await self.doSomethingAsynchronous()
private func doSomethingAsynchronous() async throws {
let id = OSSignpostID(log: log)
os_signpost(.begin, log: log, name: "Task", signpostID: id, "Start")
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 2 * NSEC_PER_SEC)
os_signpost(.end, log: log, name: "Task", signpostID: id, "End")
Now I am using os_signpost so I can watch this serial behavior from Xcode Instruments. Anyway, you could start three tasks like so:
import os.log
private let log = OSLog(subsystem: "Experiment", category: .pointsOfInterest)
class ViewController: NSViewController {
let experiment = Experiment()
func startExperiment() {
for _ in 0 ..< 3 {
Task { await experiment.startSomethingAsynchronous() }
os_signpost(.event, log: log, name: "Done starting tasks")
And Instruments can visually demonstrate the sequential behavior (where the ⓢ shows us where the submitting of all the tasks finished), but you can see the sequential execution of the tasks on the timeline:
I actually like to abstract this serial behavior into its own type:
actor SerialTasks<Success> {
private var previousTask: Task<Success, Error>?
func add(block: #Sendable #escaping () async throws -> Success) {
previousTask = Task { [previousTask] in
let _ = await previousTask?.result
return try await block()
And then the asynchronous function for which you need this serial behavior would use the above, e.g.:
class Experiment {
let serialTasks = SerialTasks<Void>()
func startSomethingAsynchronous() async {
await serialTasks.add {
try await self.doSomethingAsynchronous()
private func doSomethingAsynchronous() async throws {
let id = OSSignpostID(log: log)
os_signpost(.begin, log: log, name: "Task", signpostID: id, "Start")
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 2 * NSEC_PER_SEC)
os_signpost(.end, log: log, name: "Task", signpostID: id, "End")
The accepted answer does indeed make tasks run serially but it does not wait for a task to be finished and does not propagate errors. I use the following alternative to support the catching of errors.
actor SerialTaskQueue<T> {
private let dispatchQueue: DispatchQueue
init(label: String) {
dispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: label)
func add(block: #Sendable #escaping () async throws -> T) async throws -> T {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
dispatchQueue.sync {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
Task {
defer {
do {
let result = try await block()
continuation.resume(returning: result)
} catch {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)

Concurrently run async tasks with unnamed async let

With Swift concurrency, is it possible to have something almost like an 'unnamed' async let?
Here is an example. You have the following actor:
actor MyActor {
private var foo: Int = 0
private var bar: Int = 0
func setFoo(to value: Int) async {
foo = value
func setBar(to value: Int) async {
bar = value
func printResult() {
print("foo =", foo)
print("bar =", bar)
Now I want to set foo and bar using the given methods. Simple usage would look like the following:
let myActor = MyActor()
await myActor.setFoo(to: 5)
await myActor.setBar(to: 10)
await myActor.printResult()
However this code is sequentially run. For all intents and purposes, assume setFoo(to:) and setBar(to:) may be a long running task. You can also assume the methods are mutually exclusive (don't share variables & won't affect each other).
To make this code current, async let can be used. However, this just starts the tasks until they are awaited later on. In my example you'll notice I don't need the return value from these methods. All I need is that before printResult() is called, the previous tasks have completed.
I could come up with the following:
let myActor = MyActor()
async let tempFoo: Void = myActor.setFoo(to: 5)
async let tempBar: Void = myActor.setBar(to: 10)
let _ = await [tempFoo, tempBar]
await myActor.printResult()
Explicitly creating these tasks and then awaiting an array of them seems incorrect. Is this really the best way?
This can be achieved with a task group using withTaskGroup(of:returning:body:). The method calls are individual tasks, and then we await waitForAll() which continues when all tasks have completed.
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
let myActor = MyActor()
group.addTask {
await myActor.setFoo(to: 5)
group.addTask {
await myActor.setBar(to: 10)
await group.waitForAll()
await myActor.printResult()
I made your actor a class to allow concurrent execution of the two methods.
import Foundation
final class Jeep {
private var foo: Int = 0
private var bar: Int = 0
func setFoo(to value: Int) {
print("begin foo")
foo = value
print("end foo \(value)")
func setBar(to value: Int) {
print("begin bar")
bar = value
print("end bar \(bar)")
func printResult() {
print("printResult foo:\(foo), bar:\(bar)")
let jeep = Jeep()
let blocks = [
{ jeep.setFoo(to: 1) },
{ jeep.setBar(to: 2) },
// ...WORK
RunLoop.current.run(mode: RunLoop.Mode.default, before: NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 5) as Date)
Replace WORK with one of these:
// no concurrency, ordered execution
for block in blocks {
// concurrency, unordered execution, tasks created upfront programmatically
Task {
async let foo: Void = blocks[0]()
async let bar: Void = blocks[1]()
await [foo, bar]
// concurrency, unordered execution, tasks created upfront, but started by the system (I think)
Task {
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
for block in blocks {
group.addTask { block() }
// when the initialization closure exits, all child tasks are awaited implicitly
// concurrency, unordered execution, awaited in order
Task {
let tasks = blocks.map { block in
Task { block() }
for task in tasks {
await task.value
// tasks created upfront, all tasks start concurrently, produce result as soon as they finish
let stream = AsyncStream<Void> { continuation in
Task {
let tasks = blocks.map { block in
Task { block() }
for task in tasks {
continuation.yield(await task.value)
Task {
// now waiting for all values, bad use of a stream, I know
for await value in stream {
print(value as Any)