Execute commands using gMSA account - powershell

I need to fetch the VM details using gMSA account
$Username = 'domain\gMSA-Auto$'
Connect-VIServer -server 192.xxx.xxx.xxx -User $Username
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Confirm:$false
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -WebOperationTimeoutSeconds -1 -Scope Session -Confirm:$false
I used gMSA to schedule scripts but don't have idea how to use it here.
Please if anyone can help me with it


Exchange hybrid enviornment powershell add user with a mailbox

What is the best way to add a user in a hybrid on-prem/o365 deployment with a mailbox? If I go into Exchange Admin Center on either the on-prem or o365 and add a recipient it replicates it out to the other EAC as well as adding the user to active directory on prem. Looking thru the powershell documentation it looks like the New-Mailbox command should do that but I cant get it to work. Here is what I have so far.
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $credential -ShowProgress $true
Connect-AzureAD -Credential $credential
Connect-MsolService -Credential $credential
New-Mailbox -MicrosoftOnlineServicesID $uName"#mydomain.com" -Name "$fName $lName" -Password $secureString -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $true
This creates the mailbox/user in o365 portal but not in on/off-prem EAC or active directory.
First Create user and Assign a License
"New-ADUser -Name "user" -Accountpassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "AccountPassword") -Enabled $true"
Enable remote Mailbox
"Enable-RemoteMailbox user -RemoteRoutingAddress user#domain.mail.onmicrosoft.com"

Password Reset Script Setup for Delegated Control User Group

I am trying to delegate a user group (non-administrators) to handle password reset for an organizational unit. Since I can't install Active Directory Users and Computers on the client computer, I wrote the two following scripts:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName DC -FilePath \\DC\SharedFolder\passwordreset.ps1
Function GenerateStrongPassword ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][int]$PasswordLength)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$PassComplexCheck = $false
do {
If ( ($newPassword -cmatch "[A-Z\p{Lu}\s]") `
-and ($newPassword -cmatch "[a-z\p{Ll}\s]") `
-and ($newPassword -match "[\d]") `
-and ($newPassword -match "[^\w]")
} While ($PassComplexCheck -eq $false)
return $newPassword
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$newPassword = GenerateStrongPassword(13)
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $newPassword -Force
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity test -NewPassword $securePassword -Reset
It works fine on the administrator account, but it doesn't work on any user of the user group I delegate control to. It complaints about...
PS C:\Users\User1\Downloads> powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file test.ps1
[DC] Connecting to remote server DC failed with the following error message : Access is
denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (DC:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AccessDenied,PSSessionStateBroken
I have verified that the user group has the following permission over the organizational unit:
Reset password
Read pwdLastSet
Write pwdLastSet
I also verified that the user group has read and read & execute permission on the shared folder and PowerShell script file. What other permission am I missing to get this to work for a non-administrator user account.
The main clue here is this:
[DC] Connecting to remote server DC failed with the following error message : Access is denied.
It looks like your users do not have permission to create remote PowerShell sessions on the DC. You'll need to grant them rights to execute commands on the DC.
If this is a Domain Controller you may want to consider setting up a session with a session configuration on the DC that they can import into their local session and use the ActiveDirectory cmdlets from there rather than allowing them to execute things on the DC itself. Or perhaps spin up a VM with the AD module installed that they can execute the script on. Most security personnel would frown at giving non-essential users access to execute things on your domain controller.

You have modified the global:DefaultVIServer and global:DefaultVIServers system variables. This is not allowed. Invoke-VMScript

I am trying to run Invoke-VMScript inside a PowerShell workflow. The below code is working:
function Test-Workflow {
Connect-VIServer -Server -Username admin -Password password123
# Invoke VMScript..
Invoke-VMScript -VM myVirtualMachine01 -GuestUser 'administrator' -GuestPassword password123 -ScriptText ls c:\
The above works correctly. However running as a workflow:
workflow Test-Workflow {
Connect-VIServer -Server -Username admin -Password password123
# Invoke VMScript..
Invoke-VMScript -VM myVirtualMachine01 -GuestUser 'administrator' -GuestPassword password123 -ScriptText ls c:\
I get the error:
You have modified the global:DefaultVIServer and
global:DefaultVIServers system variables. This is not allowed. Please
reset them to $null and reconnect to the vSphere server.
What am I doing wrong?
PowerCLI used in conjunction with PoSh Workflows does some very odd things.
To work around some of the oddness, connect to the vCenter server prior to running the workflow and then pass the session secret through to the workflow.
For more detailed information, check out this blog post: http://www.lucd.info/2015/03/17/powercli-and-powershell-workflows/

Unlocking an AD user with Powershell

I’m new to Powershell and am struggling to make a script work. I’ve read many articles here on Overflow and elsewhere and don’t see what I’m doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to create a script that will unlock an AD user remotely while I'm logged-on to may computer as a local admin. Here's my script:
Import-module Activedirectory
New-PSSession -ComputerName <Remote ComputerName> -Credential
<domain admin credential>
Import-Module Activedirectory
Read-host “Press any key”
I try to execute this from my computer logged-on as a local admin, but pass domain admin credentials. The script is run as an administrator in Powershell. After I enter my domain password and indicate which user I want to unlock, the message I get is: “Insufficient access rights to perform the operation”.
If I run this code interactively in Powershell, line by line, it will unlock the account. If I run a script asking only to see if the user is locked, it will give me an answer. If I run the above script from my computer logged-on as the domain admin, it will run and unlock the user.
I don’t understand why it will not run when I’m logged-on as local admin, given that I’m passing domain admin credentials. Any help would be appreciated.
You're creating a PSSession, but not using it. Try something like this (untested):
$computer = "test1"
$cred = Get-Credential
$user = Read-Host User to unlock
$sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -Credential $cred
Invoke-Command -Scriptblock { param($ADuser) Import-Module Activedirectory; Unlock-ADAccount -Identity $ADuser } -ArgumentList $user -Session $sess
Read-host “Press any key”
Although you could create a PSSession, if you have RSAT installed and have access to the ActiveDirectory module there is no need to do that. Instead, just use the credential parameter on each AD cmdlet. For instance, to unlock a user account using alternate credentials, use the following:
Unlock-ADAccount -Identity username -Credential (get-credential)

set-aduser takes too long

I have written a script to update a lot of users in Active Directory. It is taking about 10 seconds to run the update, and that seems like too long.
Here is my command:
Set-ADUser $userName -StreetAddress $address1 -Server "MyWickedCoolServerName"
I also tried something like this:
Set-ADUser $userName –Replace #{st=$address1} -Server "MyWickedCoolServerName"
As you can see I have to specify the server each time since we don't have the default one set up, could this be causing the issue? Also, I am running this script remotely on my pc which is not on the domain, so I have to use "runas" to run powershell and have access to AD. Could that be causing the issue?
Any suggestions on what I can look at to see where the performance issue is?
Your command will not work, because your computer is not joined to the Active Directory domain. Since you said that your computer is not domain-joined, you will have to use the -Credential parameter of the Set-ADUser command in order to run it successfully.
$Credential = Get-Credential;
Set-ADUser -Identity $userName -StreetAddress $address1 -Server MyWickedCoolServerName -Credential $Credential;