how to create credentials for purview account using net SDK? -

I only search this SDK about purview account ,not sure which method I can invoke to create credentials

Unfortunately, there is no SDK available to create credentials for purview account using .Net SDK.
Currently, it's possible to create via Azure Portal.
I will let you know once it available.


Facebook On-Premises to Cloud APIs

How to migrate On-Premise API to Cloud APIs of facebook . It is asking to create test users.How to create test users so that my App can be reviewd ?
Source Link.

No subscription of azure on eclipse

I am trying to deploy my web app on azure but no available subscription is appearing where I have already subscribed in my azure account .
Check the subscriptions available on your Azure account
In the Eclipse >Tools>Azure>Sign-in
You can sign-in with device login or using Service Principal.
Here I have signed with device login - After clicking on device login you have to copy the code from Eclipse and paste the code in browser and then the final step is Logging into Azure using username password or Current user if already signed-in.
Refer here for more information on signing to Azure account using Eclipse.

Authorize an user from my angular application to access Azure DevOps REST API services

I am trying to use Microsoft Identity Platform to authorize users to access Azure DevOps REST APIs in my Angular SPA, similar to how it is done for Graph API authorization. Do I use Azure Portal and register my app and include the Azure DevOps API with user_impersonation scope?
You don't need to use Microsoft Identity Platform to access Azure DevOps REST APIs.
For angular application that want access to resources like Azure DevOps REST API's, you can click Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript (MSAL.js) for detailed information.
And here is a code sample.

Is it possible to clone an Azure Devops repository using an OAuth token

I am trying to implement an integration between a web-based code editor and Azure Devops. I am trying to use OAuth to get user authorization and then to make a clone of a repository on behalf of the user.
For GitHub I can use the OAuth access token as a username to clone the repository. Is there a similar functionality for Azure Devops?
Is there a similar functionality for Azure Devops?
The answer is yes.
Azure DevOps Services uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize your app for a user and generate an access token. And we need make sure Authorised scopes include code (Read) when we generate the OAuth token:
Please refer this document and this blog for some more details.
Since OAuth 2.0 is not supported on Azure DevOps Server
(I saw you add Azure DevOps Server tag on your post). Client
Libraries are a series of packages built specifically for extending
Azure DevOps Server functionality. For on-premises users, we recommend
using Client Libraries, Windows Auth, or Personal Access Tokens
(PATs) to authenticate on behalf of a user.

Setting Up TFS Aggregator CLI on Azure Function App

I'm trying to set up a new instance of Aggregator CLI as an Azure function app. I've created the app on Azure and think I've installed Aggregator CLI, but don't know how to save my Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) Personal Access Token (PAT) to Aggregator in order for the app to authenticate against DevOps. To be clear, I am not trying to install the server plugin (which requires an on-prem instance of TFS) nor am I trying to configure the webhooks version (which has been deprecated).
What I've done so far
Created a new resource group on Azure
Created a function app on Azure with storage account and application insights
Created an Azure service principle
Assigned permissions to the Azure service principle
Downloaded v0.9.8 from
Deployed the code to the function app
Created a PAT in Azure DevOps
Expected behaviour
I expect to be able to save the PAT to the Aggregator_VstsToken application setting on the function app, so that the app can authenticate against VSTS. doesn't describe how to do this. I expect to see the application settings shown in this screenshot on the app.
Actual behaviour
There isn't an application setting called Aggregator_VstsToken on the function app. There aren't any other Aggregator-specific settings either.
Azure DevOps (VSTS) cloud
Azure Function App