Visual Studio Code: How to change color of modified repository? - visual-studio-code

I work with over 30 to 40 repositories and submodules in a visual studio code. All this repositories are shown as source control. I want to highlight modified repositories in source control by changing their colors. Right now i could not find any option to change colors of modified repositories. How to change the colors of this repositories in source control.
Changed repositories right now show a simple asterick (*) mark near branch name. How to change its color for better highlighting.


VSCode: Git changes not highlighted with badges or gutter indicators

Changed lines were not highlighted with gutter indicators near the line number (e.g., orange and green) as normal. The changed/new file was not labeld with a "M" or "U" badge in the file tree (Explorer). The file was displayed as a modified file in the source contral panel though.
Old repositories do not have this issue, but newly cloned repos have this issue.
This issue is the same as the one reported in this Github issue, but the solution there did not work for me.

How to restore VSC conflict highlighting?

So in visual studio code when you merge and have conflicts, visual studio code will highlight the current change in green and the incoming change in blue. However when you have different conflicts in many files, after resolving the first file and I go to the next one, these highlightings don't show up anymore. I still have the HEAD >>>>>> ======= and all that stuff that tells me where the conflicts are but it is not in color and the buttons to "Accept Current"/"Accept Incoming"/"Accept both" are gone as well. Does anyone know how to tell visual studio code to show those highlightings again in the rest of the files?
Go to Settings -> Extensions -> Git
or search for merge editor
Deselect Git: Merge Editor
** Update **
VS Code just released a fix in v1.71 that restores the old conflict decorators if the Open Merge Editor is selected.

Is it possible to change the linting error color in VS Code in the tree?

Visual Studio Code has a feature where it will change the color of a filename in the file tree when there is a linting error. Unfortunately the error color looks a little harsh for me:
Is there a way I can change the error color here? I know I can disable it completely with problems.decorations.enabled, but I would prefer to have them enabled, but just not be so hard on the eyes. I've gone through the theme customizations available here, but I haven't found anything related the the problems.decorations.
There are two other settings you can look at:
"explorer.decorations.colors": false,
"explorer.decorations.badges": false
and some colorCustomizations (see git decorator colors)
Git Colors
gitDecoration.modifiedResourceForeground: Color for
modified git resources. Used file labels and the SCM viewlet.
gitDecoration.deletedResourceForeground: Color for deleted git
resources. Used file labels and the SCM viewlet.
gitDecoration.untrackedResourceForeground: Color for untracked git
resources. Used file labels and the SCM viewlet.
gitDecoration.ignoredResourceForeground: Color for ignored git
resources. Used file labels and the SCM viewlet.
gitDecoration.conflictingResourceForeground: Color for conflicting git
resources. Used file labels and the SCM viewlet.
However, there doesn't seem to be a way to change the color of the problem colors. Modified, untracked and ignored all work fine though. You can change the file name color back to uncolored with the
"explorer.decorations.colors": false,
Try with:
"list.errorForeground": "#00AA00"
This will change the color to green ("#00AA00").
In my case, I used it to add color to the High Contrast Theme because, for some reason, it was missing the error color in the file explorer.
Here's what I changed for that specific theme:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Default High Contrast]": {
"list.errorForeground": "#00AA00"

What's the star icon in eclipse? How to erase them?

I'm using eclipse4.2.2.I cloned a repository from github and then created a pydev project in the same directory.Here's what the navigator looks like:
As you see,the star icons and red background color are really annoying.
Could somebody explain what those things are, and how to get rid of them?Thank you!
I'm assuming you're on Git Repository Exploring perspective and star means it's a new / modified file (source control wise). In a way this is a helpful extra information to show you which file has changed since last commit
Changing to other perspective might no longer show the stars. Have a look at the perspective switcher (normally at the top right corner)

GUI for "svn blame" with a slider for history

Does anyone know UI tool (Eclipse plugin would be great, but any other, for Linux/Windows is acceptable) that allows to see difference of some part of code, but also allows switch between revisions quickly, e.g. by using slider.
I like the Team -> Show Annotation... functionality. It colors the left side of the editor and groups changed lines by color. When you hover over one section you get the commit details (revision/author/date/comment).
I've used SVN time lapse view with some success.
It would be nice if Tortoise SVN blame included this history slider feature.