Running a Python file on command prompt launches vscode instead - visual-studio-code

I'm trying to launch a python script on windows command prompt, but instead of it doing it, it opens the script on vscode instead. I searched the options in vscode and didn't find anything. How can I stop this behavior?
I simply changed the default program for .py files

You need to change the default application for .py files to python.exe.
This will instruct Windows to pass the filename of the python script you're trying to open to python.exe, which will execute it.
As a bonus, if you change the PATHEXT environment variable to include .py extension. This will allow you to run a python script without prefixing it with python command when working in a shell.
Python installer does this by default, but if it isn't there, you can add it.


Set the path in portable vscode installation powershell terminal

I have multiple versions of vscode installed on my system with portable mode. I start each of them via a desktop shortcut. Since they are in portable mode, their installation directories are not in the default PATH variable.
When I make a new powershell terminal window, the portable vscode directory is not on the path. I need the command "code" in the terminal window to run the same vscode version that the terminal shell is running in. In other words, if I am running a portable vscode, and I open a powershell terminal and type the command "code", I want it to run the code.exe file that is the same as the vscode I am running it in, and not a different one, and not get the "object not found" message. For various reasons I do not want to have to type the full path.
So, in essence, I want to add a directory to the path variable when vscode starts up, with that directory being the base directory of the vscode itself.
You need to set this in: File/Preferences/Settings then select Workspace, there go to: Terminal/Integrated:Cmd and there specify An explicit start path where the terminal will be launched.

VSCode CLI install extension from local file with powershell

I am trying to use PowerShell to install a VSCode extension from a local file (not from the internet).
When I use Start-Process and give the appropriate file path, it opens VSCode, stalls the script, and does not install the extension. When I close VSCode, the script terminates without error, but still the extensions is not installed.
I need the exact syntax to install a VSCode extension from PowerShell silently (no new window).
I've tried just about every syntax variation.
Instead of using Start-Process, call the default name for VS Code: code. VS Code has some nice CLI options when you call this, one of which is --install-extension. Heres an example of what you can call in powershell or in a .ps1 script that would do this:
code --install-extension path/to/extension.ts
or if you have made an extension pack to help automate the install of multiple extensions at once:
code --install-extension path/to/extensionPack.vsix

How to use Python3 on the VScode terminal?

Is there a way to force VS Code to use only python3? It always defaults to python2.7 no matter what I try. I've tried selecting the correct interpreter as python3.7. When I open up terminal, it immediately uses python2.7, In the settings it is pointing at 3.7, but the built in terminal which is nice, always defaults to 2.7.
First, understand that the integrated terminal of VSCode, by default, uses the same environment as the Terminal app on Mac.
The shell used defaults to $SHELL on Linux and macOS, PowerShell on
Windows 10 and cmd.exe on earlier versions of Windows. These can be
overridden manually by setting* in user
The default $SHELL on Mac is /bin/bash which uses python for Python2.7. So VS Code will just use the same python to mean Python2.7. When you open a bash shell, it will load your ~/.bash_profile to apply custom aliases and other configurations you added into it.
One solution to your problem is edit your ~/.bash_profile to alias python to python3. But I do not recommend this because this affects all your bash sessions, even those outside of VS Code. This can lead to nasty side effects when you run scripts that need python to be the system Python2.7.
You can instead configure VSCode to load its own aliases, for its own integrated terminal. First, create a file named vscode.bash_profile in your home directory:
$ cat ~/vscode.bash_profile
alias python=$(which python3)
On my env, python3 is Python3.7. You can set it to the what's applicable on your env (ex. maybe python3.7). Then, in VS Code, look for the Terminal shell args setting:
and then open your settings.json and add these lines:
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx": [
Finally, restart VS Code. The next time you open the VS Code terminal, python should now be using your Python 3 installation. This should not affect your bash session outside of VS Code.
Note that, if you have some custom settings from the default ~/.bash_profile, you may want to copy it over to your ~/vscode.bash_profile, so that you can still use it on VS Code (ex. changes to PATH, git-completion scripts..).

Using Scrapy with Windows Powershell

I'm unable to use scrapy commands via the Windows Powershell however I can use it via python using execute from scrapy.cmdline.
When I type anything beginning with scrapy, the 'open with' dialogue window pops up asking which program I'd like to use to open the file 'scrapy', which contains the following:
from scrapy.cmdline import execute
I've tried:
adding a . ahead of scrapy as suggested here
adding python ahead of commands suggested here
all of the above in cmd instead of PS
When I use scrapy through the Python interpreter everything functions correctly, does anybody have any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
I'm using PS version 2.0, Python 2.7.6 on Windows 7.
I'm guessing you have c:\Python27\Scripts\ folder in your PATH environment variable ($env:PATH to find out) - depends on your Python version, of course, it may be in that Enthought Canopy folder path, for instance.
When you type scrapy, Windows is finding the scrapy file (which you don't know exists, and that's why you say "there aren't any files") and trying to run it, but can't because it has no extension.
You are prompted to open it in a program, and you choose a text editor, and see the content (because there is a file). Instead you could choose to open it with Python - e.g. browsing to the C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy32\User\Scripts\python.exe file and choosing that. Or c:\python27\python.exe if you have that.
To fix it without having to choose a file, you need to specify both where the Python interpreter is and where the scrapy file is, e.g.
python scrapy startproject myproject has to become something like
C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\Scripts\scrapy startproject C:\Users\username\Documents\projects\myproject
(You will have to find out where Python.exe and scrapy are on your system. I am deliberately ignoring the Enthought path you show because I don't know anything about how it installs, and what folders it uses).
Edit: I suggest not changing the PATH because it might unintentionally break other things, and instead creating a wrapper for the scrapy launcher:
Rename Scripts\scrapy to Scripts\scrapy-helper
Create a file named Scripts\scrapy.bat with the content
C:\Python27\python.exe c:\Python27\Scripts\scrapy-helper %*
With the correct paths for your system. When you type scrapy at the command prompt, Windows/PowerShell will find it, run it as a batch file, call the right Python to run the right scrapy script, and pass any parameters you used through to Python.

How to get Powershell to run SH scripts

Can someone please tell me how I get Powershell to run .sh scripts? It keeps just trying to open the file i need in Notepad when I run this command:
.\ 123
I've added .SH to my PATHEXT environment variable and also added the Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 directory to the Path environment variable.
PowerShell scripts have a .ps1 extension (along with other supported extensions such as psm1,psd1 etc) it will not run other extensions other than that.
I had also got the same issue when i am trying to run .sh files. The solution is you need to enable bash shell by typing bash.After enabling Bash on Windows, you can run .sh files by typing bash ./ But i have tried through git bash with typing . it worked well. These are the two solutions that I have found, and you can try whatever you wish.