Reusing postgresql database from volume in docker-compose - postgresql

When I created volume in Docker using command:
docker volume create pg-data
Then I set up basic postgresql database from postgres image:
docker run --rm -v pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data --name pg-docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5433:5432 postgres
Everything worked fine. Database persist and I can even access it directly from the host. I created several roles here like app_user_1.
Now then I wanted to spin up postgresql in container using docker-compose. I shutdown the above postgresql container beforehand.
There I have this settting:
version: '3.7'
image: postgres
- pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
- 5432
restart: always
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
build: .
- ./app:/app
- 8001:8000
- db
However it seems that even though I mapped the same volume and used same env settings as in docker run command the postgresql instance in container created with docker-compose has no databases and no roles at all.
I get the following error:
psql: error: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
psql: error: FATAL: role "app_user_1" does not exist
So it seems it behaves as though as it is different instance of postgresql.
When I restarted the first container with docker run everything was there (all the databases and roles).
Any idea why this is happening? How can I reuse the databases from the first container in the docker-compose?

You need to define the volume you wish to use (the one you created manually with docker volume create as external to docker-compose as it was created externally
This is because the volumes created by docker-compose are 'internal' to it, so using ones created by just docker are 'external'. =)
Ref the offical docs at
The change to your compose file would be as follows:
external: true
(Just that last line)
Hope that helps! =)
Additional Note
You can confirm this, by performing a docker volume ls | grep pg-data command which will list all volumes, then only show you the ones referencing 'pg-data'.
On my system where I was testing before I gave my answer, I get the following:
docker volume ls | grep pg-data
local pg-data
local postgresstackoverflow_pg-data
As you can see, the docker volume create one is listed first, as a local volume called 'pg-data', then the docker-compose.yml created one is next prefixed by the naming convention of docker-compose with the directory name that it was in at the time.


Unable to name a Mongo database in Docker compose

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong. All I am trying to do is name a Mongo database using docker compose.
I have a docker compose file that looks like this:
version: "3"
image: mongo
- 27017:27017
- mongo-db:/data/db
I run docker docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build and it runs. I then open Robo 3T and connect to my container but every time I do the database is called test and not mydbname. Any ideas? TIA
The environment variables are only used to create a new database if no database already exists. You map a volume to /data/db and that volume probably contains an existing database named 'test'.
Find the volume using docker volume ls. It's called something like <directory name>_mongo-db. Then delete it using docker volume rm <volume name>.
Now Docker will create a new, empty volume and Mongo will create a new database when you start the container. And it'll use the values from the environment variables.

Getting a Docker postgres container to use hosts database files

I have a Postgres database running on my host. The datafiles for the database is stored at /usr/local/var/postgresql#13.
To get the full system running easily I'd like to have a Docker with a Postgres service running for other Docker apps to connect to. I would however like to have the Docker Postgres service to use the existing datafiles on the host ...
How do I set up the volume correctly to point to the hosts database files?
Do have to have a user/password when running the Docker against existing datafiles?
I have the following but can get the volume to work ...
version: "3.9"
build: .
- 8081:3011
- db
- PGDATABASE=loggingtestdb
- PGUSER=postgres
- PGPASSWORD=postgres
image: postgres
- 5432:5432
- /usr/local/var/postgresql#13 <--- Need help here.
How do I map the container pg datafile location to the hosts pg datafile location? 🙏
Update 1
This is the datafile folder for the db on the host
After comments I updated the volumes to below
- /usr/local/var/postgresql#13:/var/lib/postgresql/data
But when running docker compose I only get
Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist: /usr/local/var/postgresql#13
Update 2
/use/local works fine. But as soon as I add the /var folder to the path Docker for some reason can’t find it … What am I missing here?

How to delete postgres database within docker container

I am trying to figure out how to completely remove a docker container with a postgres database and rebuild using docker-compose?
I created a server and database container using docker-compose. The database did not get set up how I wanted, so I would like to remove the database and rebuild. I assumed the easiest solution, given it is brand new would be to stop the container from running, remove the container and then run docker-compose again.
I have followed those steps, do not see any of the containers. I do not see any volumes associated with the containers. However, when I run docker-compose it appears to be using the postgres database that was previously created?
Here is what my docker-compose files consists of with user/password/db name extracted.
image: "node:10"
user: "node"
working_dir: /home/node/app
- ./:/home/node/app
- 3030:3030
command: "npm start"
- db
image: postgres:latest
restart: always
POSTGRES_DB: [db_name]
- ./data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
I expected that by using:
docker stop [container] to stop the container, then
docker rm [container] to remove the container
I could rebuild fresh with docker-compose up
You can list the volumes used by docker with this command:
docker volume ls
Then, if needed, you can inspect the volumes to find which one your database uses:
docker volume inspect xyzvolumename
After locating the volume used by your database, delete it for a fresh start:
docker volume rm locatedvolumename
Docker stop and docker rm will not work untill you remove bind mount volume from your docker-compose.
Remove this from your docker-compose
- ./data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
or delete everything from host directory inside

How to persist data on a volume when using docker swarm mode?

New to Docker and I'm trying to set Postgres and pgadmin4 to run as a single service on docker for Mac inside a virtual machine. Everything works but as soon as I stop the service my data is gone. I'm using a named volume to persist data but probably doing something wrong. What is it?
Here's my setup:
# create my VM
docker-machine create dbvm
# set the right environment
eval $(docker-machine env dbvm)
Here's my docker-compose.yaml file:
version: '3'
image: postgres
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
- pgdata:/pgdata
- 5432:5432
image: fenglc/pgadmin4
- 5050:5050
- pgadmindata:/pgadmindata
With docker-compose.yaml, I run:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml dbstack
I can do everything on this setup, but if I run docker stack rm dbstack the data is gone after this, but the volumes still exist.
$ docker volume ls
local 0c15b0b22c6b850e8768c14045da166253424dda4df8d2e13df75fd54d833412
local 22bab81d9d1de0e07de97363596b096f944752eba617ff574a0ab525239227f5
local 6da6e29fb98ad0f66d7da6a75dc76066ce014b26ea43567c55ed318fda707105
local dbstack_pgadmindata
local dbstack_pgdata
What am I missing?
Unless you have it in some config not shown, I believe you need to map to the default data location inside the container e.g., pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
#Idg is partially correct. postgres data lives at /var/lib/postgresql/data per the Docker Hub readme.
But for it to work in your named volume, you can't use a path on the left side, so correct value would be:
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
Then the postgres data will stay in that named volume, on the node it was created on.

Permission denied when running `mkdir` inside of a Docker container

I am using Docker Compose to run several containers, including one with a Postgres image. I am attempting to add a volume to that container to persist my data across container builds. However, I am receiving an error when it tries to create a directory for this volume within the container.
I run:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
And I receive the following error:
ERROR: for cxbenchmark_db_1 Cannot start service db: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:368: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:57: mounting \\"/var/lib/docker/volumes/69845a017b4465e9122852a75ca194db473df95fa218658b8a60fb56eba9be9e/_data\\" to rootfs \\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged\\" at \\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged/var/lib/postgresql/data\\" caused \\"mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged/var/lib/postgresql/data: permission denied\\"\""
My full docker-compose.yml looks like this (note the service called db where the volume is defined):
version: '3'
image: nginx:latest
- 80:8000
- ./src:/src
- ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d
- ./src/static:/static
- web
build: .
command: bash -c "python makemigrations && python migrate && gunicorn cx_benchmark.wsgi -b"
- db
- ./src:/src
- ./src/static:/static
- 8000
image: postgres:latest
- /private/var/lib/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
- 5432:5432
Any ideas for how to solve?
The error you are seeing is not a problem (necessarily) with the explicit volume bind mount in your compose file, but rather with the VOLUME declaration in the main postgres official Docker image Dockerfile:
VOLUME /var/lib/postgresql/data
Since you haven't provided a mount-point for this directory (but rather the parent), the docker engine is creating a local volume and then trying to mount that volume into your already bind-mounted location and getting a permissions error.
For clarity, here is the volume the docker engine created for you:
And here is the directory location at which it is trying to bind mount that dir; on top of your bind mount from /private/var/lib/postgresql:
mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged/var/lib/postgresql/data: permission denied
Now, I think the reason this is failing is that you may have turned on user namespaces in your Docker engine ("userns-remap" flag/setting) such that the container doesn't have permissions to create a directory in that root-owned location on your host. Barring that, the only other option is that the postgres container is starting as a non-root user, but I don't see anything in your compose file or the official Dockerfile for the latest release that uses the USER directive.
As an aside, since you are ending up with double-volumes because your bind mount doesn't match the VOLUME specifier in the postgres Dockerfile, you could change your compose file to mount to /var/lib/postgresql/data and get around that extra volume being created. Especially if you expect your DB data to end up in /private/var/lib/postgresql, as it may be surprising to find it isn't there, but rather in the /var/lib/docker/volumes/.. location.