Draw shape around cursor on macOS using Swift [duplicate] - swift

This question already has an answer here:
How do I change my cursor on the whole screen? (not only current view/window)
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm pretty new to macOS and swift development and I have been watching a few tutorials to figure this out. I also watched a udemy course that worked on 18 macOS projects which got me nowhere
All I want to do is a macOS menu bar app that will add a cursor highlight that should look something like:
I could get the cursor changed to an image doing the following
import SpriteKit
class CursorView: SKView {
override func resetCursorRects() {
if let targetImage = NSImage(named: "cursor") {
let cursor = NSCursor(image: targetImage,
hotSpot: CGPoint(x: targetImage.size.width / 2,
y: targetImage.size.height / 2))
addCursorRect(frame, cursor: cursor)
Three things wrong with this:
SKView is a class from SpriteKit and I don't think I should use that for my use-case
This calls the addCursorRect that add the changes to a window frame (I need to all the time regardless of the frame)
I can't have 100's of images for each style I would set in the future for the highlight color, size, or opacity
So, I'm here trying to understand how I can do this for a menu bar app that should be available on all screens and achieve a highlight as should in the above picture
Not sure if this matters but I'm using storyboard and don't mind switching to SwiftUI
I could really use some help from the community on this. Thank you

You can annotate the system mouse by drawing something around it. This can be done by
adding an CGEvent tap to capture mouse events
drawing the annotation around the cursor using a custom window
Here is a simple example application
import SwiftUI
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
var mouseTap: CFMachPort?
private var window: NSWindow = {
// Create the SwiftUI view that provides the window contents.
let contentView = Circle()
.stroke(lineWidth: 2)
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
// Create the window and set the content view.
let window = NSWindow(
contentRect: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 34, height: 34),
styleMask: [.borderless],
backing: .buffered,
defer: false
window.contentView = NSHostingView(rootView: contentView)
window.backgroundColor = .clear
window.level = NSWindow.Level.statusBar
return window
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
if let tap = createMouseTap() {
if CGEvent.tapIsEnabled(tap: tap) {
let runLoopSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, tap, 0)
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), runLoopSource, CFRunLoopMode.commonModes)
mouseTap = tap
} else {
print("tap not enabled")
mouseTap = nil
} else {
print("tap not enabled")
func createMouseTap() -> CFMachPort? {
withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &window) { pointer in
tap: .cgSessionEventTap,
place: .headInsertEventTap,
options: CGEventTapOptions.listenOnly,
eventsOfInterest: (1 << CGEventType.mouseMoved.rawValue | 1 << CGEventType.leftMouseDragged.rawValue),
callback: mouseMoved,
userInfo: pointer.baseAddress
func mouseMoved(proxy: CGEventTapProxy, type: CGEventType, event: CGEvent, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Unmanaged<CGEvent>? {
let window = context!.assumingMemoryBound(to: NSWindow.self).pointee
// using CGPoint+SIMD extension from https://gist.github.com/Dev1an/7973cee9d960479b35b705f88b7f38c4
window.setFrameOrigin(event.unflippedLocation - 17)
return nil
Note that this implementation does require the user to allow the keyboard input option in "Universal Access" in "System Preferences".


Draw an NSWindow over the entire screen, from corner to corner, including the menu bar and dock

The bounty expires in 2 days. Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty.
JonLuca wants to draw more attention to this question.
I want to draw an NSWindow for an overlay application that completely covers the users screen - from corner to corner. I've got a borderloss, non activating panel that takes over the entire page.
import Foundation
import AppKit
import SwiftUI
class FullScreenPanel: NSPanel {
override func constrainFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect, to screen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect {
return frameRect
final class Panel: FullScreenPanel, NSWindowDelegate {
init(contentRect: NSRect, backing: NSWindow.BackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool) {
contentRect: contentRect,
styleMask: [.borderless, .nonactivatingPanel],
backing: backing,
defer: flag
self.level = .mainMenu + 3
self.collectionBehavior.insert(.fullScreenAuxiliary) // Allows the panel to appear in a fullscreen space
self.titleVisibility = .hidden
self.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
self.isMovable = false
self.isMovableByWindowBackground = false
self.isReleasedWhenClosed = false
self.isOpaque = false
self.delegate = self
func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: Notification) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
I'm instantiating this with the NSScreen.main.frame CGRect
mainWindow = Panel(
contentRect: NSScreen.main!.frame,
backing: .buffered, defer: false)
However, when the window shows up, it still shows up under the menu bar. The constrainFrameRect function shows that somewhere internally the y value of the frame goes from 0 to to -44.
The window should also not trigger the native fullscreen effect, where it becomes a new "Desktop" that you can swipe between.
I think that you use NSPanel class incorrectly. Official Documentation for NSPanel:
A special kind of window that typically performs a function that is auxiliary to the main window.
Your window is probably main (Because it takes up the whole screen and is the only visible one), so the NSPanel is not necessary, just use generic NSWindow.
Use an NSWindowController for better code organisation.
NSApplication.shared.presentationOptions = [.hideDock, .hideMenuBar]
to hide the dock and menu bar completely and
NSApplication.shared.presentationOptions = [.autoHideDock, .autoHideMenuBar]
to make them appear when you hover over the position where they have been by default.
Warning! This code might block your whole screen. Consider adding an exit button or a shortcut (In the current version you can use Cmd + Tab to focus on another window). In the worst case you must reboot your computer by holding down the power button.
class FullScreenWindowController: NSWindowController {
let viewController = FullScreenViewController()
init() {
super.init(window: NSWindow(contentViewController: viewController))
// Remove the window header
window?.styleMask = .borderless
window?.setFrame(window!.screen!.frame, display: true)
// Dock and Menu Bar are completely inaccessible
// NSApplication.shared.presentationOptions = [.hideDock, .hideMenuBar]
// Dock and Menu Bar will automatically hide when not needed
NSApplication.shared.presentationOptions = [.autoHideDock, .autoHideMenuBar]
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
To use the above class, just create an instance of it:
let fullScreenWindowController = FullScreenWindowController()
Also I used this view controller:
class FullScreenViewController: NSViewController {
override func loadView() {
let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: "Full Screen Window")
label.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 48)
view = label
OK I'm pretty noob in this however you could try the below (please don't flame if not working, it's just a suggestion lol I can delete the answer given if you hate it)
final class Panel: FullScreenPanel, NSWindowDelegate {
init(contentRect: NSRect, backing: NSWindow.BackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool) {
let menuBarHeight = NSStatusBar.system.thickness
let adjustedContentRect = NSRect(x: contentRect.origin.x,
y: contentRect.origin.y + menuBarHeight,
width: contentRect.size.width,
height: contentRect.size.height - menuBarHeight)
contentRect: adjustedContentRect,
styleMask: [.borderless, .nonactivatingPanel],
backing: backing,
defer: flag
// Rest of your code...
// Rest of your code...

How set Position of window on the Desktop in SwiftUI?

How to set window coordinates in SwiftUI on MacOS Desktop? For example, should the window appear always in the center or always in the upper right corner?
Here is my version, however, I shift the code and close it, when I open it, it appears first in the old place, and then jumps to a new place.
import SwiftUI
let WIDTH: CGFloat = 400
let HEIGTH: CGFloat = 200
struct ForVSCode_MacOSApp: App {
#State var window : NSWindow?
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ContentView(win: $window)
struct WindowAccessor: NSViewRepresentable{
#Binding var window: NSWindow?
func makeNSView(context: Context) -> some NSView {
let view = NSView()
let width = (NSScreen.main?.frame.width)!
let heigth = (NSScreen.main?.frame.height)!
let resWidth: CGFloat = (width / 2) - (WIDTH / 2)
let resHeigt: CGFloat = (heigth / 2) - (HEIGTH / 2)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.window = view.window
self.window?.setFrameOrigin(NSPoint(x: resWidth, y: resHeigt))
self.window?.isReleasedWhenClosed = false
return view
func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSViewType, context: Context) {
and ContentView
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#Binding var win: NSWindow?
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("it finally works!")
.frame(width: WIDTH, height: HEIGTH, alignment: .center)
.background(WindowAccessor(window: $win))
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
#Binding var win: NSWindow?
static var previews: some View {
ContentView(win: .constant(NSWindow()))
.frame(width: 250, height: 150, alignment: .center)
I do have the same issue in one of my projects and thought I will investigate a bit deeper and I found two approaches to control the window position.
So my first approach to influence the window position is by pre-defining the windows last position on screen.
Indirect control: Frame autosave name
When the first window of an app is opened, macOS will try to restore the last window position when it was last closed. To distinguish the different windows, each window has its own frameAutosaveName.
The windows frame is persisted automatically in a text format in the apps preferences (UserDefaults.standard) with the key derived from the frameAutosaveName: "NSWindow Frame <frameAutosaveName>" (see docs for saveFrame).
If you do not specify an ID in your WindowGroup, SwiftUI will derive the autosave name from your main views class name. The first three windows will have the following autosave names:
By setting an ID for example WindowGroup(id: "main"), the following autosave names are used (again for the first three windows):
When you check in your apps preferences directory (where UserDefaults.standard is stored), you will see in the plist one entry:
NSWindow Frame main-AppWindow-1 1304 545 400 228 0 0 3008 1228
There are a lot of numbers to digest. The first 4 integers describe the windows frame (origin and size), the next 4 integers describe the screens frame.
There are a few things to keep in mind when manually setting those value:
macOS coordinate system has it origin (0,0) in the bottom left corner.
the windows height includes the window title bar (28px on macOS Monterey but may be different on other versions)
the screens height excludes the title bar
I don't have documentation on this format and used trial and error to gain knowledge about it...
So to fake the initial position in the center of the screen I used the following function which I run in the apps (or the ContentView) initializer. But keep in mind: with this method only the first window will be centered. All the following windows are going to be put down and right of the previous window.
func fakeWindowPositionPreferences() {
let main = NSScreen.main!
let screenWidth = main.frame.width
let screenHeightWithoutMenuBar = main.frame.height - 25 // menu bar
let visibleFrame = main.visibleFrame
let contentWidth = WIDTH
let contentHeight = HEIGHT + 28 // window title bar
let windowX = visibleFrame.midX - contentWidth/2
let windowY = visibleFrame.midY - contentHeight/2
let newFramePreference = "\(Int(windowX)) \(Int(windowY)) \(Int(contentWidth)) \(Int(contentHeight)) 0 0 \(Int(screenWidth)) \(Int(screenHeightWithoutMenuBar))"
UserDefaults.standard.set(newFramePreference, forKey: "NSWindow Frame main-AppWindow-1")
My second approach is by directly manipulating the underlying NSWindow similar to your WindowAccessor.
Direct control: Manipulating NSWindow
Your implementation of WindowAccessor has a specific flaw: Your block which is reading view.window to extract the NSWindow instance is run asynchronously: some time in the future (due to DispatchQueue.main.async).
This is why the window appears on screen on the SwiftUI configured position, then disappears again to finally move to your desired location. You need more control, which involves first monitoring the NSView to get informed as soon as possible when the window property is set and then monitoring the NSWindow instance to get to know when the view is becoming visible.
I'm using the following implementation of WindowAccessor. It takes a onChange callback closure which is called whenever window is changing. First it starts monitoring the NSViews window property to get informed when the view is added to a window. When this happened, it starts listening for NSWindow.willCloseNotification notifications to detect when the window is closing. At this point it will stop any monitoring to avoid leaking memory.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct WindowAccessor: NSViewRepresentable {
let onChange: (NSWindow?) -> Void
func makeNSView(context: Context) -> NSView {
let view = NSView()
return view
func updateNSView(_ view: NSView, context: Context) {
func makeCoordinator() -> WindowMonitor {
class WindowMonitor: NSObject {
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
private var onChange: (NSWindow?) -> Void
init(_ onChange: #escaping (NSWindow?) -> Void) {
self.onChange = onChange
/// This function uses KVO to observe the `window` property of `view` and calls `onChange()`
func monitorView(_ view: NSView) {
view.publisher(for: \.window)
.sink { [weak self] newWindow in
guard let self = self else { return }
if let newWindow = newWindow {
self.monitorClosing(of: newWindow)
.store(in: &cancellables)
/// This function uses notifications to track closing of `window`
private func monitorClosing(of window: NSWindow) {
.publisher(for: NSWindow.willCloseNotification, object: window)
.sink { [weak self] notification in
guard let self = self else { return }
.store(in: &cancellables)
This implementation can then be used to get a handle to NSWindow as soon as possible. The issue we still face: we don't have full control of the window. We are just monitoring what happens and can interact with the NSWindow instance. This means: we can set the position, but we don't know exactly at which instant this should happen. E.g. setting the windows frame directly after the view has been added to the window, will have no impact as SwiftUI is first doing layout calculations to decide afterwards where it will place the window.
After some fiddling around, I started tracking the NSWindow.isVisible property. This allows me to set the position whenever the window becomes visible. Using above WindowAccessor my ContentView implementation looks as follows:
import SwiftUI
import Combine
let WIDTH: CGFloat = 400
let HEIGHT: CGFloat = 200
struct ContentView: View {
#State var window : NSWindow?
#State private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("it finally works!")
Text(window?.frameAutosaveName ?? "-")
.frame(width: WIDTH, height: HEIGHT, alignment: .center)
.background(WindowAccessor { newWindow in
if let newWindow = newWindow {
monitorVisibility(window: newWindow)
} else {
// window closed: release all references
self.window = nil
private func monitorVisibility(window: NSWindow) {
window.publisher(for: \.isVisible)
.dropFirst() // we know: the first value is not interesting
.sink(receiveValue: { isVisible in
if isVisible {
self.window = window
.store(in: &cancellables)
private func placeWindow(_ window: NSWindow) {
let main = NSScreen.main!
let visibleFrame = main.visibleFrame
let windowSize = window.frame.size
let windowX = visibleFrame.midX - windowSize.width/2
let windowY = visibleFrame.midY - windowSize.height/2
let desiredOrigin = CGPoint(x: windowX, y: windowY)
I hope this solution helps others who want to get more control to the window in SwiftUI.

NSPanel not hiding when focus is lost

I am trying to create a window like Spotlight.
As in Spotlight it should hide when the background is clicked. I tried doing it unsuccessfully with NSWindow but I was lead to believe using NSPanel instead would solve the problem.
However, even when using NSPanel the window does not hide.
Here is the code I'm using.
let panel = NSPanel(contentRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200), styleMask: [.titled, .nonactivatingPanel], backing: .buffered, defer: true)
panel.level = .mainMenu
panel.collectionBehavior = [.canJoinAllSpaces, .fullScreenAuxiliary]
It is due to used window level (.mainMenu which is above all windows), so you need to hide it explicitly via delegate methods
so assuming you create window/panel in your controller, make that controller a delegate of window
panel.delegate = self
and implement something like
extension ViewController { // << your controller class here
func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: Notification) {
if let panel = notification.object as? NSWindow {

Highlight NSWindow under mouse cursor

Since this is quite a lot of code and it probably helps if there is a sample project where you can better understand the current problem I made a simple sample project which you can find on GitHub here: https://github.com/dehlen/Stackoverflow
I want to implement some functionality pretty similar what the macOS screenshot tool does. When the mouse hovers over a window the window should be highlighted. However I am having issues only highlighting the part of the window which is visible to the user.
Here is a screenshot of what the feature should look like:
My current implementation however looks like this:
My current implementation does the following:
1. Get a list of all windows visible on screen
static func all() -> [Window] {
let options = CGWindowListOption(arrayLiteral: .excludeDesktopElements, .optionOnScreenOnly)
let windowsListInfo = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(options, CGMainDisplayID()) //current window
let infoList = windowsListInfo as! [[String: Any]]
return infoList
.filter { $0["kCGWindowLayer"] as! Int == 0 }
.map { Window(
frame: CGRect(x: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["X"] as! CGFloat,
y: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["Y"] as! CGFloat,
width: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["Width"] as! CGFloat,
height: ($0["kCGWindowBounds"] as! [String: Any])["Height"] as! CGFloat),
applicationName: $0["kCGWindowOwnerName"] as! String)}
2. Get the mouse location
private func registerMouseEvents() {
NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: [.mouseMoved]) {
self.mouseLocation = NSEvent.mouseLocation
return $0
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: [.mouseMoved]) { _ in
self.mouseLocation = NSEvent.mouseLocation
3. Highlight the window at the current mouse location:
static func window(at point: CGPoint) -> Window? {
// TODO: only if frontmost
let list = all()
return list.filter { $0.frame.contains(point) }.first
var mouseLocation: NSPoint = NSEvent.mouseLocation {
didSet {
//TODO: don't highlight if its the same window
if let window = WindowList.window(at: mouseLocation), !window.isCapture {
highlight(window: window)
} else {
private func removeHighlight() {
highlightWindowController = nil
func highlight(window: Window) {
highlightWindowController = HighlightWindowController()
highlightWindowController?.highlight(frame: window.frame, animate: false)
class HighlightWindowController: NSWindowController, NSWindowDelegate {
// MARK: - Initializers
init() {
let bounds = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100)
let window = NSWindow(contentRect: bounds, styleMask: .borderless, backing: .buffered, defer: true)
window.isOpaque = false
window.level = .screenSaver
window.backgroundColor = NSColor.blue
window.alphaValue = 0.2
window.ignoresMouseEvents = true
super.init(window: window)
window.delegate = self
// MARK: - Public API
func highlight(frame: CGRect, animate: Bool) {
if animate {
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 0.1
let target = animate ? window?.animator() : window
target?.setFrame(frame, display: false)
As you can see the window under the cursor is highlighted however the highlight window is drawn above other windows which might intersect.
Possible Solution
I could iterate over the available windows in the list and only find the rectangle which does not overlap with other windows to draw the highlight rect only for this part instead of the whole window.
I am asking myself whether the would be a more elegant and more performant solution to this problem. Maybe I could solve this with the window level of the drawn HighlightWindow? Or is there any API from Apple which I could leverage to get the desired behavior?
I messed around with your code, and #Ted is correct. NSWindow.order(_:relativeTo) is exactly what you need.
Why NSWindow.level wont work:
Using NSWindow.level will not work for you because normal windows (like the ones in your screenshot) all have a window level of 0, or .normal. If you simply adjusted the window level to, say "1" for instance, your highlight view would appear above all the other windows. On the contrary, if you set it to "-1" your highlight view would appear below all normal windows, and above the desktop.
Problems to be introduced using NSWindow.order(_: relativeTo)
No great solution comes without caveats right? In order to use this method you will have to set the window level to 0 so it can be layerd among the other windows. However, this will cause your highlighting window to be selected in your WindowList.window(at: mouseLocation) method. And when it's selected, your if-statement removes it because it believes it's the main window. This will cause a flicker. (a fix for this is included in the TLDR below)
Also, if you attempt to highlight a window that does not have a level of 0, you will run into issues. To fix such issues you need to find the window level of the window you are highlighting and set your highlighting window to that level. (my code didn't include a fix for this problem)
In addition to the above problems, you need to consider what happens when the user hovers over a background window, and clicks on it without moving the mouse. What will happen is the background window will become front.. without moving the highlight window. A possible fix for this would be to update the highlight window on click events.
Lastly, I noticed you create a new HighlightWindowController + window every time the user moves their mouse. It may be a bit lighter on the system if you simply mutate the frame of an already exsisting HighlightWindowController on mouse movement (instead of creating one). To hide it you could call the NSWindowController.close() function, or even set the frame to {0,0,0,0} (not sure about the 2nd idea).
TLDR; Show us some code
Here's what I did.
1. Change your window struct to include a window number:
struct Window {
let frame: CGRect
let applicationName: String
let windowNumber: Int
init(frame: CGRect, applicationName: String, refNumber: Int) {
self.frame = frame.flippedScreenBounds
self.applicationName = applicationName
self.windowNumber = refNumber
var isCapture: Bool {
return applicationName.caseInsensitiveCompare("Capture") == .orderedSame
2. In your window listing function ie static func all() -> [Window], include the window number:
refNumber: $0["kCGWindowNumber"] as! Int
3. In your window highlighting function, after highlightWindowController?.showWindow(nil), order the window relative to the window you are highlighting!
highlightWindowController!.window!.order(.above, relativeTo: window.windowNumber)
4. In your highlight controller, make sure to set the window level back to normal:
window.level = .normal
5. The window will now flicker, to prevent this, update your view controller if-statement:
if let window = WindowList.window(at: mouseLocation) {
if !window.isCapture {
highlight(window: window)
} else {
Best of luck and have fun swifting!
I forgot to mention, my swift version is 4.2 (haven't upgraded yet) so the syntax may be ever so slightly different.
I'm not used to Swift, sorry, but it seems to me the natural solution to this would be to use - orderWindow:relativeTo:. In ObjC that would be (added just after the highlight window is shown):
[highlightWindow orderWindow:NSWindowAbove relativeTo:window];
And let the window server handle all the details of hiding obscured portions. Of course, this creates a different headache of keeping the highlight window directly above the target window as users move stuff around on-screen, but...

Display window on OSX using Swift without XCode or NIB

Disclaimer: I'm attempting the following exercise because I think it will be instructive. I'm interested in how it might be done. So please don't be too hasty to jump in with "This is the wrong way to do it, you should never do it like this!"
Working from the commandline with my favourite text editor, I would like to construct a minimal Swift program that displays a window.
It's a GUI/Cococa hello world, if you like.
In the same spirit, I want to avoid NIB.
So, No XCode, No NIB.
I would like to:
compile it with the swift compiler
create a #! swift script which runs using the Swift interpreter
If I can do both of those things I will feel my feet on the ground and be much more at ease upgrading to Xcode.
I tried the following:
import Cocoa
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow!
let newWindow = NSWindow(contentRect : NSScreen.mainScreen()!.frame
, styleMask : NSBorderlessWindowMask
, backing : NSBackingStoreType.Buffered
, defer : false)
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
newWindow.opaque = false
newWindow.movableByWindowBackground = true
newWindow.backgroundColor = NSColor.whiteColor()
func applicationWillTerminate(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to tear down your application
However, attempting to run this from the command line fails:
pi#piBookAir.local ~ /Users/pi/dev/macdev:
โค swift window.swift
window.swift:3:1: error: 'NSApplicationMain' attribute cannot be used in a
module that contains top-level code
window.swift:1:1: note: top-level code defined in this source file
import Cocoa
What's the correct way to eliminate the error?
Porting this code from objective-c to Swift, you get
import Cocoa
let nsapp = NSApplication.shared()
let menubar = NSMenu()
let appMenuItem = NSMenuItem()
NSApp.mainMenu = menubar
let appMenu = NSMenu()
let appName = ProcessInfo.processInfo.processName
let quitTitle = "Quit " + appName
let quitMenuItem = NSMenuItem.init(title:quitTitle,
appMenuItem.submenu = appMenu;
let window = NSWindow.init(contentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 200),
window.title = appName;
Save it as minimal.swift, compile
swiftc minimal.swift -o minimal
and run
You will get an empty window and a menu bar with a menu named like the application and a quit button.
Why it works exactly, I don't know. I'm new to Swift and Cocoa programming, but the linked website explains a bit.
Make a file TestView.swift (like this):
import AppKit
class TestView: NSView
override init(frame: NSRect)
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder: NSCoder)
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
var colorgreen = NSColor.greenColor()
override func drawRect(rect: NSRect)
let h = rect.height
let w = rect.width
let color:NSColor = NSColor.yellowColor()
let drect = NSRect(x: (w * 0.25),y: (h * 0.25),width: (w * 0.5),height: (h * 0.5))
let bpath:NSBezierPath = NSBezierPath(rect: drect)
NSLog("drawRect has updated the view")
Make a file TestApplicationController.swift (like this):
import AppKit
final class TestApplicationController: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate
/// Seems fine to create AppKit UI classes before `NSApplication` object
/// to be created starting OSX 10.10. (it was an error in OSX 10.9)
let window1 = NSWindow()
let view1 = TestView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000))
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification)
window1.setFrame(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000), display: true)
window1.contentView = view1
window1.opaque = false
// window1.backgroundColor = view1.colorgreen
// window1.displayIfNeeded()
func applicationWillTerminate(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to tear down your application
Make a file main.swift (like this):
// main.swift
// CollectionView
// Created by Hoon H. on 2015/01/18.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Eonil. All rights reserved.
import AppKit
let app1 = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
let con1 = TestApplicationController()
app1.delegate = con1
The last file must not be renamed, main.swift is apparently a special name for swift (otherwise the example will not compile).
Now, enter this (to compile the example):
swiftc -sdk /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk TestView.swift TestApplicationController.swift main.swift
Run the code by entering:
It shows a main window (centered) with a nice green collor and a yellow rectangle within it).
You can kill the app by entering Control-C.
Note that this is a swift compilation not an interpreter running, so you have a native app.
Note that -sdk and the path to MacOSX10.11.sdk is essential (otherwise the code will not compile).
Note also that this compilation depends on the latest Xcode distribution, so update MacOSX10.11.sdk to MacOSX10.10.sdk or whatever is in the SDKs directory.
It took a while to find this out ...
Based on the other solutions I wrote a recent version of a single file app.
Requirements: Swift 5.6, Command Line Tools, no XCode, no XIB, no Storyboard.
One file, one class, run it with swift app.swift.
file: app.swift
import AppKit
class App : NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
let app = NSApplication.shared
let name = ProcessInfo.processInfo.processName
let status = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
let window = NSWindow.init(
contentRect: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 200),
styleMask: [.titled, .closable, .miniaturizable],
backing: .buffered,
defer: false
override init() {
window.title = name
window.hidesOnDeactivate = false
window.isReleasedWhenClosed = false
let statusMenu = newMenu()
status.button?.title = "๐Ÿค“"
status.menu = statusMenu
let appMenu = newMenu()
let sub = NSMenuItem()
sub.submenu = appMenu
app.mainMenu = NSMenu()
#IBAction func activate(_ sender:Any?) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { self.window.orderFrontRegardless() }
#IBAction func deactivate(_ sender:Any?) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { self.window.orderOut(self) }
private func newMenu(title: String = "Menu") -> NSMenu {
let menu = NSMenu(title: title)
let q = NSMenuItem.init(title: "Quit", action: #selector(app.terminate(_:)), keyEquivalent: "q")
let w = NSMenuItem.init(title: "Close", action: #selector(deactivate(_:)), keyEquivalent: "w")
let o = NSMenuItem.init(title: "Open", action: #selector(activate(_:)), keyEquivalent: "o")
for item in [o,w,q] { menu.addItem(item) }
return menu
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ n: Notification) { }
func applicationDidHide(_ n: Notification) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { self.window.orderOut(self) }
let app = NSApplication.shared
let delegate = App()
app.delegate = delegate
The 64 lines of code above provide the following features and fixes over the previous solutions:
app menu is visible and usable
status menu can be clicked and is usable
both menus have working key keybindings
dock item appears when window is open:
dock item hides when window is closed:
window is preserved on close and reused on open:
window.hidesOnDeactivate = false
window.isReleasedWhenClosed = false
Tested on M1 Pro. Here is how it looks.
Pass the -parse-as-library flag to swiftc:
swiftc -parse-as-library window.swift
That said, you'll just end up running into a second error when you do this:
2015-06-10 14:17:47.093 window[11700:10854517] No Info.plist file in application bundle or no NSPrincipalClass in the Info.plist file, exiting