flutter I want to get List<int> values ​as ints one by one - flutter

I want to get List values ​​as ints one by one.
where movieId requires an int value.
help me please
thank you
Future<MovieDetailModel> getMovieDetail(int? movieId) async {
try {
http.Response res = await http
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 8),
onTimeout: () async => new http.Response('{}', 404));
if (res.statusCode == 404) {
return MovieDetailModel.fromJson({});
Map<String, dynamic> result = jsonDecode(res.body);
MovieDetailModel movies = MovieDetailModel.fromJson(result);
return movies;
} catch (e) {
print('MovieDetail $e');
return MovieDetailModel.fromJson({});
where user.userMovieId value is List .
Widget userMovie(UserModel user) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: this._movieDetailProvider.movies(**user.userMovieId!**),
(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<MovieDetailModel> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {}
Future<MovieDetailModel> movies(int movieId) async {
MovieDetailModel movieList = await _movieRepo.getMovieDetail(movieId);
return movieList;


flutter type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<List<Product>>'

I got FutureBuilder snapshot error when I parsing my JSON i got the:
type 'List' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<List>'
is it my Product model error or a parsing error?
my code
late Future<List<Product>> productFuture = getProducts();
static Future<List<Product>> getProducts() async {
var url = '${Constants.API_URL_DOMAIN}action=catalog&category_id=$id';
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
final body = jsonDecode(response.body);
return body['data'].map((e)=>Product.fromJson(e)).toList();
future: productFuture,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
} else if (snapshot.hasData) {
final catalog = snapshot.data;
return buildCatalog(catalog!);
} else {
print('SNAPSOT DATA ${snapshot.data}');
return Text("No widget to build");
Use List.from
return List.from(body['data'].map((e)=>Product.fromJson(e)));
static Future<List<Product>> getProducts() async {
var url = '${Constants.API_URL_DOMAIN}action=catalog&category_id=$id';
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
final body = jsonDecode(response.body);
return List.from(body['data'].map((e)=>Product.fromJson(e)));
Try to convert all List<Product> --> List<dynamic>

How to read List of Instance of '_JsonQuerySnapshot' in Flutter

I am trying to read the data from a list that has the data of Instance of '_JsonQuerySnapshot'.
In the below code I am trying to get the data from DB
getData() async {
var db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
var categoryList = [];
.then((DocumentSnapshot doc) {
var listSubCol = doc["categoryCollection"];
listSubCol.forEach((id) {
.then((snapshot) {
return categoryList;
Below is the code where I am printing the values.
future: getData(),
builder: (BuildContext context, snapshot){
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text("Something went wrong");
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
print('Data: ${snapshot.data}');
return Text("Text");
return Text("Text Outside");
I got a null value.
Can anyone please help me with how to get the data?
The getData is a Future<void>, so when the FutureBuilder is completed the snapshot.data is always null.
Change getData to return a List of whatever you are getting.
Future<List<Categories>> getData() async {
var db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
final List<Categories> categoryList = [];
await db.collection('categories')
.then((DocumentSnapshot doc) {
var listSubCol = doc["categoryCollection"];
listSubCol.forEach((id) {
.then((snapshot) {
return categoryList;
return categoryList;
getData() async {
var db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
await db.collection('categories').doc(value).get().then((DocumentSnapshot doc) {
var listSubCol = doc["categoryCollection"];
listSubCol.forEach((id) {
db.collection('categories').doc(value).collection(id).get().then((snapshot) {
snapshot.docs.forEach((element) {
return categoryList;
return categoryList;
using the above method i got the data from Firestore.

Flutter Multiple functions in a FutureBuilder

In a Future Builder im trying to use two methods with different types, both of them fetch data from the api,
the main problem that im having is that both of the function have different types, so im having problem on putting
the two methods because of their types. I tried using
Future.wait(Future[]) aswell but i was getting many errors, there errors where mostly on List,
im still trying to learn how Future Builders work, i worked with FutureBuilders before but didnt have to use two functions inside the FutureBuilder. So if anyone could implement their solution on my code, that would really help and maybe add some comments on why did you make the change so i learn for the future. As a bonus im getting the List is not a subtype of type Map<String, dynamic> error aswell so if anyone could help with that too it would be very helpful. Tried looking into stack over flow answers for that but i couldnt figure it out since i was getting an error on this part
buildSwipeButton() {
return MenuPage(
sendData: fetchLoginData()// i was getting error here,
buildSwipeButton() {
return MenuPage( // other class name from a different file
sendData: fetchLoginData(),
buildSwipeButton2() {
return MenuPage( // other class name from a different file
sendData2: fetchWorkingLocationData(),
Future<LoginData>? fetchLoginData() async {
var url = 'https://dev.api.wurk.skyver.co/api/employees';
String basicAuth = 'Basic ' +
var response = await http.get(
headers: <String, String>{'authorization': basicAuth},
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return LoginData.fromJson(
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load LoginData');
Future<WorkingLocationData>? fetchWorkingLocationData() async {
var url = 'https://dev.api.wurk.skyver.co/api/locations';
String basicAuth = 'Basic ' +
var response2 = await http.get(
headers: <String, String>{'authorization': basicAuth},
if (response2.statusCode == 200) {
return WorkingLocationData.fromJson(
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load Working Location Data');
// other file where im trying to use Future Builder
late LoginData data;
Future<LoginData>? sendData;
Future<WorkingLocationData>? sendData2;
body: FutureBuilder<LoginData>(
future: sendData, // trying to use sendData and sendData2
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
LoginData? data1 = snapshot.data;
data = data1!;
return afterLoginBody();
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text('${snapshot.error}');
return Center(child: const CircularProgressIndicator());
Try below code hope its help to you.
late LoginData data;
Future<LoginData>? sendData;
Future<WorkingLocationData>? sendData2;
body: FutureBuilder<LoginData>(
Future.wait([sendData, sendData2]),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<List<dynamic>> snapshot{
snapshot.data[0]; //sendData
snapshot.data[1]; //sendData2
You can try this:
Future? _future;
Future<dynamic> sendData() async {
final data1 = await sendData1();
final data2 = await sendData2();
return [data1, data2];
void initState() {
_future = sendData()();
future: _future,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return CupertinoActivityIndicator();
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return SomethingWentWrong();
final data1= snapshot.data[0] as YourDataModel;
final data2 = snapshot.data[1] as YourDataModel;

How to access future content

I have this function that is working inside a future builder:
Future<Data> fetchData(String barCode, String url) async {
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url + barCode));
Map<String, dynamic> novoJson = json.decode(utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes));
novoJson.forEach((key, value) {
if (value == null) {
novoJson.update(key, (value) => "Não encontrado");
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return Data.fromJson(novoJson);
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load album');
class Data {
final Map<String, dynamic> response;
Data({required this.response});
factory Data.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Data(response: json);
Now i'm trying to access the json it returns inside a ElevatedButton, like this:
onPressed: () {
if (_formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
var futureData = fetchData(myController.text, args.url);
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(title: animacaoRespostaApi());
futureData.whenComplete(() {
return Navigator.pushNamed(context, args.rota, arguments: ParametrosRetornoConsulta(myController.text, args.url));
But when print it I get an instance of Future instead of the object, and I can't access it's content with futureData['id'] for example.
How can I make futureData stop being an Future and become a iterable object ?
Future<Data> fetchData is Future, you need to use await for data.
onPressed: () async {
if (_formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
var futureData = await fetchData(myController.text, args.url);

How to do stream builder to get data from bloc in flutter

I am new in BLOC and I am trying to read respond from api.. but whenever I call stream builder... my widget always stops in wait... here is my code
here is api provider file
class Provider {
final _url = '...';
Future<List<LoginRespon>> login(a, b) async {
List<LoginRespon> datalogin = [];
try {
bool trustSelfSigned = true;
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()
..badCertificateCallback =
((X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) =>
IOClient http = new IOClient(httpClient);
final response = await http.post(_url,
headers: {
HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: 'application/json',
body: json.encode({
"aa": a,
"bb": b,
Map<String, dynamic> responseJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (responseJson["status"] == "200") {
status: responseJson['status'],
data: Data(
name: responseJson['data']['name'],
position: responseJson['data']['pos'])));
return datalogin;
} else {
} on Exception {
return datalogin;
and here is for stream builder
? StreamBuilder(
stream: bloc.login(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return Text("success");
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text(
return Text("wait..");
: FlatButton(
child: Text("Login"),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
isClick = true;
is there a way so that I can call print(snapshot.data) inside if (snapshot.hasData)
You need to pass argument which required in method otherwise it will not successfully responce (200) and it will throw error.