Currently, I have an issue with one of the libs that I use in the project, it simply won't let me make the build for the iOS simulator.
Getting the following error message:
Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked library '!##$%^&.a' was built for iOS.
In my class I have the following code:
void !##$%^&_init(void);
I have tried to exclude the file when building the app for the iPhone simulator by adding it in Build Settings > Build Options > Excluded Source File Names > Any iOS Simulator SDK
I have also tried to exclude the following architectures: arm64, arm64e, and armv7.
Setting Build Active Architecture Only to YES, didn't do the trick for me, nor validating build product nor validate workspace.
Actually, none of the above-mentioned solutions worked for me, so I had to ask this question here.
As a workaround you should be able to change Build system to "Legacy Build System" under File/Project Settings.
The proper solution would be to package your library as XCFramework.
I have the custom framework name LogginFramework and I use it in my project. I can debug and I can call the class of LogginFramework in my simulator. Now I tried to archive my project to send to the tester, build failed and showing" Use of unresolved identifier 'CryptoHelper'" How can I solve this issue? I already added framework in Embedded binaries and "Linked framework in Libraries" My Swift 3 app rebuilds and runs successfully on all simulators except for Generic iOS Device. If I try to archive it or do a rebuild on Generic iOS Device, I get a No such module error relating to my custom frameworks.
I tried build,clean,delete drived-data but still error
Hope this will help you
Select your Project in Targets.
Then search for Skip install.
Change it into NO.
Then archive your custom framework. (make sure to use Generic
iOS Device ) as a target device.
Export it to where you want.
Then use it with your project.
I am writing a program in Swift using Mac OS Sierra and Xcode 8.3.2 and am using the RandomKit module from: I am using the basic Swift Package Manager to import the package into my project.
My program builds and runs fine, but when I go to archive it, I get an error saying "No such module 'RandomKit'
It highlights my code:
import RandomKit
Does anyone know why this would build and run but fail when I attempt to archive?
By default, when you Run in XCode, it uses the Debug configuration, and when you Archive, it uses the Release configuration. In Build Settings, look at the Build Active Architecture Only setting. By default, it is Yes for Debug, and No for Release.
This means that when you Run, XCode only builds for the simulator's architecture, but when you Archive, it builds for all possible iOS architectures.
Now, look at the settings for RandomKit to see what architectures it is built for. It needs to include all of the iOS architectures, like arm64, armv7, and armv7s.
After probably 4 hours I finally figured it out. I think this must be a bug in Xcode, but here is my workaround.
In this folder:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<My App Name>/Build/Products/Debug
I found RandomKit.framework and ShiftOperations.framework. I copied those two files into the root directory of my Xcode Project, and then linked the frameworks under General in my Xcode Project.
Linking Frameworks
So I have a brand new app I created last night for iOS6, using XCode 4.5. I can properly develop on my iPhone 4 with iOS6.
Today I got my new iPhone 5 with iOS6 and, after updating the certificates with the new device UUID, I tried to run my app on it and got this error:
XCode cannot run using the selected device. Choose a destination with
a supported architecture in order to run on this device.
I've enabled the device for development. Both armv7 and armv7s are on the settings.
I have included the sources from the Facebook 3.0 SDK and the linker flag '-lsqlite3.0'. I'm guessing the issue has to be related, but cannot figure what is wrong.
Any ideas how to solve it?
PS: The issue happens too when running the app on the simulator. No idea what changed on my project or XCode between last night and today, other than I have a new device and new certificates.
The selected destination does not support the architecture for which the selected software is built. Switch to a destination that supports that architecture in order to run the selected software.
Also you need to select the compiler LLVM in
Project --> Build Settings --> Build Options
I have found the same issue while running an OLD project on XCode 5.0 and My solution is:
You need to do following steps for getting out with this:
1. Set Valid Architectures : armv7,armv7s
2. Set compiler as LLVM in Project ---> Build Settings ---> Build Options.
3. Set Base and Deployment sdk properly.
This is my solution. Happy To Help.
You need to add armv7s to your valid architectures under your Target's Build Settings.
You included src/Framework/Resources/Info.plist when added Facebook SDK files to your project. Just remove it from your project and everything will work again. Guaranteed! :)
I have solve the problem using the below steps.
Close the Xcode
Delete the application from device
Restart the device
then re-run the application
it is working fine..
Make sure the bundle name (in plist file) is same as the project name. I changed it and it worked.
One of my 3rd party libraries couldn't run on armv7s so I removed that option. I also removed armv6 and kept armv7 as the only option. It built and ran on the phone with only armv7.
I have solve the problem using the below steps.
Close the Xcode
Delete the application from device
Restart the device
then re-run the application
it working fine..
I faced this problem because Build settings-> Complier for C/C++/Objective c was set wrong.
So I changed it to default compiler available, it worked!
Just need to select the compiler LLVM in
Targets --> Build Settings --> Build Options
I ran into the same problem. When I check the compiler it is showing incompatible compiler. you need to make it valid one. To set valid compiler follow the steps
select your
project----> build settings-->
on the search bar type compiler and search
now you can find build options under build options you will find compiler for c/c++/objective c set it to valid one.
So basically I created a new project, copied all the sources and everything seems to work fine. At least the app runs.
I am not sure which setting was causing the problem.
I had an issue with an out of data library that was built for iOS 4.x and I was building a new app for iOS 6 with iPhone 5 support. I received this error and the only way I resolved it was to make armv7 the only architecture and valid architecture listed in my project and target build settings.
remove info.plist refrence. And then re-drag info.plist to proj but don't copy to "target"
You just goto Build setting Then valid architecture Replace armv7 armv7s instead of armv7 .Then it will work fine .
Ok, not sure if this is the Problem in Your Project. But what fixed it for me, was to change the Name of the Info.plist File.
I changed the name from Info.plist to my-project-info.plist
also change it under target-build-settings/Packaging/Info.plist
Than delete the App from Devices/Simulators and re-run the App through Xcode
In my Case, everything worked fine since than. In my Case there was nothing wrong with the specifications made in the plist file or with the valid architectures.
some times this happens when your project was build in xcode 4.5 and you are trying to run in xcode 5.0.
so in my case I found the solution.
Change your compiler for C/C++/ObjectiveC Go to Build
Settings->Build OPtions->compiler for C/C++/ObjectiveC; select
Default(Apple LLVM5.0)
I've created a iPhone static library project with two targets like this
--> Library (Device) target
--> Library (simulator) target
The device target has the SDK set to the device so it produces an armv6/7 library and the simulator target is set to the simulator SDK so it produces an i386 library.
The issue I'm having is that the SDK settings on the targets keep getting overridden by the XCode active target setting. i.e. if I build the device target, but the XCode window is showing the active SDK as being the simlulator, XCode will build a simulator library instead of a device library, ignoring the settings of the target. Although it will put it into the *-iphoneos/ directory in the build directories!
I originally had the same issue with another static library project, and after a lot of playing around got everything to work correctly. i.e. The targets ignore the XCode active SDK because they have their own specifications of what to build.
The problem is that I don't know what made it work in that project and I have not been able to reproduce the issue in it either.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?
OK, I think I've figured it out.
Set the project SDK to the general setting, ie. Simulator SDK so that you get the APIs and libraries correct during coding.
Set each target to the SKD it needs to build. ie. device SDK or simulator SDK.
Leave XCodes SDK set to current SDK, effectively telling it to not override the targets.
I have searched for hours however I still have no clue what is wrong with my configuration.
My project uses a self-written libray (myLib). This library is compiled to work only for simulator and it works perfectly there.
What do have to change so it compiles for my iPhone Device as well?
This is my current warning:
ld: warning: in /.../myLib.a, file is not of required architecture
This is my configuration (of myLib.a)
I found a lot of articles explaining the reason for this error however I could not find a solution:
The simulator runs on an x86
architecture, while the device uses an
ARM architecture.
What do I have to change to get my library working on my iPhone?
What I did so far:
Cleaned both projects
Set library to 'Device' (3.1)
Built the library
Dragged the .a file of my library into my application
This works in simulator but setting the active sdk to device still raises a file is not of required architecture error.
I also tried mahboudz ( thanks for your support) link.
It explains howto built the project using a shell script.
However XCode keeps complaining that the library file is of the wrong architecture and the build fails.
This has to be a really stupid beginners mistake.
You need to add both .a files,the one built for the device (build/$config-iphoneos)and the one built for the sim (build/$config-iphonesimulator) to the new project. Make sure you name them differently before dropping them in. This is how admob and similar offering ship their static libs.
You need to compile your library for Intel so the Simulator can use it (which I gather you have done already), and then compile it for ARM, so it can run on the iPhone. Then you have to merge the two libraries. There are different ways to accomplish that, or make it more automatic.
Here are some links to help you:
I've met the same problem too. But seems you don't need to drag two .a files into the app project to solve this problem. This is what I did:
Drag the static library project into app project's framework group
"Get Info" for the target in app project
Set the direct dependency of static library
Make clean all unnecessary builds(for example the simulator build) in the static library project
Build in the app project