How to resolve "No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted" in free tier? - azure-devops

I've just started with Azure DevOps pipelines and just created a very simple pipeline with a Maven task. For now I don't care for parallelism and I'm not sure in which way I've added it to my pipeline. Is there any way to use the Maven task on the free tier without parallelism?
This is my pipeline:
- master
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- task: Maven#3
My thought was that tasks are always parallel? Other than that I cannot see where's the parallel step.

First - tasks are always executed sequentially. And 1 sequential pipeline is documented as "1 parallel agent", yes naming could be better. Due to the changes laid out below new accounts now get zero parallel agents, and a manual request must be made to get the previous default of 1 parallel pipeline and the free build minutes.
See this:
We have temporarily disabled the free grant of parallel jobs for public projects and for certain private projects in new organizations. However, you can request this grant by submitting a request. Existing organizations and projects are not affected. Please note that it takes us 2-3 business days to respond to your free tier requests.
More background information on why these limitations are in play:
Change in Azure Pipelines Grant for Private Projects
Change in Azure Pipelines Grant for Public Projects
Changes to Azure Pipelines free grants
TLDR; People were using automation to spin up 1000's of Azure DevOps organizations, adding a pipeline and using the service to send spam, mine bitcoin or for other nefarious purposes. The fact that they could do so free, quick and without any human intervention was a burden on the team. Automatic detection of nefarious behavior proved hard and turned into an endless cat-and-mouse game. The manual step a necessary evil that has put a stop to this abuse and is in no way meant as a step towards further monetization of the service. It's actually to ensure a free tier remains something that can be offered to real peopjle like you and me,

This is absurd. 'Free-tier' is not entirely free unless you request again!
Best Option: Use self-hosted pool. It can be your laptop where you would like to run tests.
MS azure doc here
and use above pool in YAML file
pool: MyPool
Request access to MS:
Folks, you can request here. Typically it get approved in a day or two.
##[error]No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted. To request a free parallelism grant, please fill out the following form

The simplest solution is to change the project from public to private so that you can use the free pool. Private projects have a free pool by default.
Consider using a self hosted pool on your machine as suggested otherwise.
Here's the billing page.

If you're using a recent version of MacOS with Gatekeeper, this "security enhancement" is a serious PITA for the unaware as you get 100s of errors where each denied assembly has to be manually allowed in Security.
Don't do that.
After downloading the agent file from DevOps and BEFORE you unzip the file, run this command on it. This will remove the attribute that triggers the errors and will allow you to continue uninterrupted.
xattr -c vsts-agent-osx-x64-V.v.v.tar.gz ## replace V.v.v with the version in the filename downloaded.
# then unpack the gzip tar file normally:
tar xvfz vsts-agent-osx-x64-V.v.v.tar.gz
Here are all the steps you need to run, including the above, so that you can move past the "hosted parallelism" issue and continue testing immediately, either while you are waiting for authorization or to skip it entirely.
Go to Project settings -> Agent pools
Create new Agent pool, call it "local" (Call it whatever you want, or you can also do this in the Default agent pool)
Add a new Agent and follow the instructions which will include downloading the Agent for your OS (MacOS here).
Run xattr -c vsts-agent-osx-x64-V.v.v.tar.gz on the downloaded file to remove the Gatekeeper security issues.
Unzip the archive with tar xvfz vsts-agent-osx-x64-V.v.v.tar.gz
cd into the archive directory and type ./ Here the most important configuration option is Server URL which will be{organization name} Defaults are fine for the rest. Continue until you are back at the command prompt. At this point, if you were to look inside DevOps either in your new agent pool or Default (depending on where you put it) You'll see your new agent as "offline" so run:
./ which will bring your agent online. Your agent is now running and listening for you to start your job. Note this will tie up your terminal window.
Finally, in your pipeline YAML file configure your job to use your local agent by specifying the name of the agent pool where the self-hosted agent resides, like so:
- main
name: local
# vmImage: ubuntu-latest

I faced the same issue. I changes the project visibility from Public to Private and then it worked. No requirement to fill a form or to purchase anything.
Best Regards,


Azure Devops - Manage, Run and Track one-time Sql Scripts

We have a database project that uses a dacpac to deploy schema changes and also allows a pre-deployment and post-deployment script.
However, we frequently have to run one-off scripts and security would prefer that developers not have write access in prod (we do not have DBA role at this time). I'm trying to find a solution that would work with azure devops to store one-time run scripts in git, run the script if it has not been run before, and not run the script the next time the pipeline runs. We'd like this done through devops so the SP has access to run the queries and not the dev, and anything flowing through the pipe has been through our peer review process, plus we have record of what was executed.
I'm looking for suggestions from anyone who has done this or is aware of any product which can do this.
Use liquibase. Though I would have it as part of my code base you can also use it from the CLI and run your scripts using that tool.
Liquibase keeps track of what SQL files you have published across deployments so you can have multiple stages say DIT, UAT, STAGING, PROD and it can apply the remaining one off SQL changes over time.
Generally unless you really need support, I doubt you'd need the commercial version. The opensource version is more than sufficient for my system needs and I have a relatively complex system already.
The main reason I like liquibase over other technologies is it allows for SQL based change sets. So the learning curve is a lot lower.
Two tips:
don't rely on the automatic computation of the logicalFilePath, explicitly set it even if it is repeating yourself. This allows you to refactor your scripts so instead of lumping everything into a single folder you may group them later on.
Name your scripts with the date first. That way you can leverage the natural sorting order.
I've faced a similar problem in the past:
Option 1
If you can afford to have an additional table in your database to keep track of what was executed or not, your problem can be easily solved, there is a tool which helps you:
Then you would have a new repository let's call it OneOffSqlScriptsRepository and your pipeline would consume this repository:
- repository: OneOffSqlScriptsRepository
endpoint: OneOffSqlScriptsEndpoint
type: git
Thus you'd create a pipeline to run this DbUp application consuming the scripts from the OneOffSqlScripts repository, the DB would take care of executing the scripts only once (it's configurable).
The username/password for the database can be stored safely in the library combined with azure keyvaults, so only people with the right access rights could access them (apart from the pipeline).
Option 2
This option assumes that you wanna do everything by using only the native resources that azure pipelines can provide.
Create a OneOffSqlScripts as in option1
Create a ScriptsRunner repository
In the ScriptRunner repository, you'd create a folder containing a .json file with the name of the scripts and the amount of times (or a boolean) you've had run them.
"id": 1
"scriptName" : "myscript1.sql"
"runs": 0 //or hasRun : false
Then write a python script that reads and writes a json file by updating the amount of runs, thus you'd need to update your repository after each pipeline run. It would mean that your pipeline will perform a git commit / push operation after each run in case there new scripts to be run.
The algorithm is like these, the implementation can be tuned.

Using azure powershell to copy data from one slot to another in pipeline/release

I've created a pipeline and release in azure devops, but before i perform a swap of the slots i need to copy files from 'production' slot to my 'staging' slot. This is because our customer uploads file to the webapp itself (at least for now).
I've been doing some research and i dont think this is possible with a task in azure devops. I think its possible using powershell though.
Have anyone done this before?
This won't be possible out of the box. But you can do this over FTP. Here you have an example how to configure FTP access to you web app. And it would be the same for slot. So what you need is:
configure FTP access on your production slot
configure FTP access on your slot
copy files from production slot - here unfortunately there is no out of the box task to do this, so you need to use powershell like here
upload task to your slot using FTP Upload task
It would getting worse a bit if your slot is not long lived and you create it automatically. I'm not 100% sure, but it came to my mind that actually credential for you production slot may work also for other slots. So then you can skip second bullet and it should not be an issue with dynamically created slots.
Example powershell task:

how does Microsoft hosted agent relate to vmImage types?

I am a free tier user of Azure DevOps, as indicated in, each user is entitled to 10 parallel jobs.
when i login to see the available agent in the Azure Pipeline pool, I see the following:
I am just curious, are the agents listed here equivalent to 10 virtual machines? if so, how man of them are windows images? how many mac images? or those are just wild cards and they can be provisioned to be any vmImage type during run time?
Or those are just wild cards and they can be provisioned to be any
vmImage type during run time?
Just consider them as wildcards, they can be provisioned to be any vmImage type during queue time.
Azure Devops provides some predefined variables about agent, for me I use this script in CMD task to confirm statements above:
echo ID: $(Agent.Id)
echo OS: $(Agent.OS)
echo Name: $(Agent.Name)
echo MachineName: $(Agent.MachineName)
We can disable some of those agents and enable part of them, then we can make sure one specific agent is used to run the pipeline. Here's part of the result list:
So you can consider it as wildcard, those agent can represent any vmImage type. It's not recommended to disable any of those agents in normal situation, it's just for test purpose. Normally if those agents are enabled in Public project, you can easily run ten pipelines(no matter what OS system) at the same time.

Connect containerized self-hosted agent with Azure DevOps

I followed the instructions in the ms docs guide, and the agent started without any issues. However it never showed up in my agent pool. I tried a different version of the script found on github and it connected immediately. Is there anything else I can do to try and troubleshoot this? Logs from the non-working agent below
❯ kubectl logs azpagent-55864668dc-zgdrn
1. Determining matching Azure Pipelines agent...
2. Downloading and installing Azure Pipelines agent...
3. Configuring Azure Pipelines agent...
>> End User License Agreements:
Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.
A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:
>> Connect:
Connecting to server ...
>> Register Agent:
Scanning for tool capabilities.
Connecting to the server.
Successfully replaced the agent
Testing agent connection.
2019-08-03 04:22:56Z: Settings Saved.
4. Running Azure Pipelines agent...
Starting Agent listener interactively
Started listener process
Started running service
Scanning for tool capabilities.
Connecting to the server.
2019-08-03 04:23:08Z: Agent connect error: The signature is not valid.. Retrying until reconnected.
Not really sure what else to try -- has anyone else seen this issue, or had success with the linux agent guide?
Looking at the error message:
The signature is not valid.
There might be a problem with the provided PAT. I'd suggest generating a new PAT, as described by this guide, and trying again.
Let me know if this has helped.
According to the error info The signature is not valid..
Are you using and building sources from a TFVC repository which requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.
If so have a try with building from Git repo.
The doc you referred a different version of the script which is deprecated. It's for an old build agent.
According to this and related error The signature is not valid.. Retrying until reconnected. Few things I would suggest:
You may on a pretty old agent version , try the latest version agent
You need to restart the agent process in order to make those
environment take affect.
Check with your IT department, make sure the network between your
build machine and tfs server/Azure DevOps Service is reliable, see
whether there is any change in your network.
Also make sure your build machine/VM not run out of resource.
In case this or a similar issue occurs for anyone else, the suggestion from #juliobbv was very helpful. If you comment out the last line of the script, and replace it with
./bin/Agent.Listener run & wait $!
you can get a clearer view of any error messages.
In my case, I didn't realize that AGENT_NAME and POOL were no longer the same variable, and the original error message didn't indicate that the issue was my lack of permissions to the default pool.
My final changes to the script are below -- I defaulted to the agent name using the hostname, and maintained the previous behavior of using a custom pool
./ --unattended \
--agent "$(hostname)" \
--url "$AZP_URL" \
--auth PAT \
--token $(cat "$AZP_TOKEN_FILE") \
--pool "${AZP_POOL:-Default}" \
--work "${AZP_WORK:-_work}" \
--replace \
--acceptTeeEula & wait $!

How to trigger a build within a build chain after x days?

I am currently using Teamcity to deploy a web application to Azure Cloud Services. We typically deploy using powershell scripts to the Staging Slot and thereafter do a manual swap (Staging to Production) on the Azure Portal.
After the swap, we typically leave the Staging slot active with the old production deployment for a few days (in the event we need to revert/backout of the deployment) and thereafter delete it - this is a manual process.
I am looking to automate this process using Teamcity. My intended solution is to have a Teamcity build kick off x days after the deployment build has suceeded (The details of the build steps are irrelevant since I'd probably use powershell again to delete the staging slot)
This plan has pointed me to look into Teamcity build chains, snapshot dependencies etc.
What I have done so far is
correctly created the build chain by creating a snapshot dependency on the deployment build configuration and
created a Finish Build Trigger
At the moment, the current approach kickoffs the dependent build 'Delete Azure Staging Web' (B) immediately after the deployment build has succeeded. However, I would like this to be a delayed build after x days.
Looking at the above build chain, I would like the build B to run on 13-Aug-2016 at 7.31am (if x=3)
I have looked into the Schedule Trigger option as well, but am slightly lost as to how I can use it to achieve this. As far as I understand, using a cron expression will result in the build continuously running which is not what I want - I would like for the build B to only execute once.
Yes this can be done by making use of the REST api.
I've made a small sample which should convey the fundamental steps. This is a PowerShell script that will clear the triggers on another build configuration (determined by the parameter value in the script) and add a scheduled trigger with a start time X days on from the current time (determined by the parameter value in the script)
1) Add a PowerShell step to the main build, at the end and run add-scheduled-trigger as source code
2) Update the parameter values in the script
$BuildTypeId - This is the id of the configuration you want to add the trigger to
$NumberOfDays - This is the number of days ahead that you want to schedule the trigger for
There is admin / admin embedded in the script = Username / Password authentication for the REST api
One this is done you should see a scheduled trigger created / updated each time you build the first configuration
Hope this helps