What is the best way to implement Global Discovery Server and Certificate Management? Does open62541 support these services or is there some better library that could be used (not necessarily open source)?
There is a sample code for a GDS from the OPC Foundation here. But it is only community maintained and managing devices via Pull and Push can be quite cumbersome with the GDS Client application. But it was used for a while in IOP Workshops and for V1.04 operation with RSA certs should still work according to standards.
There are some commercial GDS offerings in the pipeline by different vendors, given security is in the play I recommend use rather commercial ones.
For implementing and testing the GDS Pull/Push services for a UA server the sample server should be sufficient.
For one of my application, I have implemented Web socket using socket.io and hosted in IIS. Currently socket connection helping to provide two way connection between client (React) and server (node.js).
As I mentioned, I have hosted my application in IIS. I have few doubts regarding Turn Windows features on or off -> Internet Information services -> World wide Web Services -> Application Development Features -> WebSocket Protocol. I have tested my application without enabling this feature, its working fine, but I would like to confirm below stuffs.
WebSocket Protocol
Do I really need to enable WebSocket protocol feature to make websocket work in my application? If so, how now it is working fine without enabling (I haven't do performance and stress testing, I may face issue on this).
What if I not enabling this feature? in short what is the actual use of this feature?
It would be helpful if anyone answer the above questions. Thanks in advance.
WebSocket as part of the HTTP stack requires a bunch of things to be ready on Windows (across multiple components), so hope this answer helps a little.
HTTP.sys, a driver deep down in Windows OS, is upgraded to support the necessary packet communication required by the protocol.
The IIS WebSocket module, an IIS extension which many other Microsoft frameworks (like SignalR) depend on.
So WebSocket support is by default on in HTTP.sys, and you don't need the IIS module if your framework (socket.io) has no dependency there.
Note that the "Summary" section provides several useful links,
and the same article also reveals that IIS WebSocket module has
conflicts with socket.io.
I have the task of implementing iot device management using Eclipse Leshan. I have difficulty understanding how Eclipse Leshan works in connecting IOT sensors with servers and cloud. Is it true if I declare that Eclipse Leshan does not require a gateway like Eclipse Kura to connect into server and cloud?
Does anyone know where the complete documentation about Eclipse Leshan is? it would be very helpful if there were examples of programs in implementing the eclipse leshan.
Thank you
Eclipse Leshan is a library for implementing applications that use the LWM2M protocol to manage devices. As such, your application can use Leshan's Java API in order to interact with devices that also support LWM2M.
LWM2M does not per se mandate a transport protocol. However, the spec is written assuming that CoAP over UDP is used for that purpose. In fact, the LW in LWM2M stands for Lightweight and as such, using CoAP as the transport protocol makes a lot of sense for managing constrained devices.
Eclipse Leshan itself does not connect to a server or cloud but instead is usually part of an application that is hosted on a server (on the cloud). However, you need to implement that application yourself because Leshan, as indicated above, is just a library. The devices then interact with your LWM2M enabled application. Because CoAP/UDP uses standard IP, this interaction can occur over public internet infrastructure if desirable in your use case, i.e. no gateway is necessarily needed. You can, however, also connect your devices to a local gateway, e.g. Kura, and then connect the gateway to your LWM2M server in the cloud instead. It really depends on your use case and the capabilities of the devices.
We have a need: to provide secure, guaranteed file transfer in our distributed network (Managed File Transfer-class solution, MFT). For that purpose we expect IBM MQ FTE to be ok. But it is quite expensive one.
So, is there any comparable open-source enterprise solution to consider instead IBM MQ FTE?
I'm currently assessing ways to impelement authentication&authorzation in a .NET SOA environment(ASP.NET MVC, WCF).
I have concluded that using Windows Identity Foundation with a STS should fullfill our criteria.
I'm having hard time finding any suitable STS to work with WIF other than ADFS. I know there are multiple options, but there is no documentation/experience available how well these play together with WIF.
Summa summarum, multiple questions:
Is this dumb idea?
Is there any STS product that plays together with WIF smoothly? Any resources on this?
Are there products that allows me to implement centralized(yet scalable) authorization(even with XACML support)?
What is your experience using WSO2 Identity Server with ADFS/WIF?
WSO2 Identity Server has some XACML capabilities but how can these be used in authorization with WCF services?
There is Starter STS
which has lately been replaced by the IdentityServer:
It's been for a while and has some features ADFS lacks (like the ability to use a MembershipProvider to authenticate users).
Also, crafting your own STS is relatively easy. There are some good tutorials around, I've also written few posts on this:
WSO2 Identity Server can be integrated with ADFS. Also it can be run as an XACML engine. XACML engine is exposed to out side as a SOAP end point as well as a Thrift end point.
Disclaimer : I am an architect at WSO2.
No experience of WSO2 but if you don't want to use ADFS you'll have no problems with Identity Server. Both ADFS and Identity Server and more commercial products such as Ping Identity play very nicely with WIF.
I am developing an OPC client and need a free OPC server that can both simulate values and set values static. Is there such a server freely available?
I use Matrikon OPC explorer
you can download it for free, just need to register, it can simulate server and client on the same machine and also access servers remotely, i tested it on several OS along with several OPC servers.
I am developing OPC client->server->device Emulator (C++)
Check out Prosys OPC Simulation Server. It does exactly what you need.
i use Kepware Server ,it restart every 2H, but for testing, is not a problem. Also, you can connect a PLC. In Matrikon you also can do it, but with more limitations..
If you check the www.opcfoundation.org website, you can find tools for creating OPC clients and servers. I don't remember specifically which ones, but some of these come with 'simulation servers' so that you can test your code.