How to make a custom content element containing header, bodytext, image from tt_content inline in TYPO3 / TCA overrides? - typo3

I want to get an array of custom content objects into my fluid template, so I can build an unordered List.
This is what I want to build:
unordered list of li elements containing image, header, bodytext
In my backend I build a custom element like this:
my custom content element with fields image, header, bodytext from tt_content
What I want to achieve is, that I have a container and in it I can have my custom content element. When expanding it, I can add header, image and bodytext. So that i basically get an array of custom content Elements that I can loop over in my fluid template.
It should look like this:
each entry should be my custom content element with image, header, bodytext when expanding.
Thanks a lot for help!

You can use the extension gridelements to create a container that can hold unlimited content elements and use its template to loop over the partial which creates your content element.

If you want to do it the TYPO3 way instead of using Grid Elements..
I see you already know how to make a custom content element. To make children within your content element you could make an extra SQL field xxx_foreign.
You need to make 2 content elements. The child you know how to make.
The TCA for the inline field of the parent and needed extra colPos in the backendLayout you can find here
Then you will need in typoscript a dataprocessor I will give an example in which the child contains assets (media). In that case you need a nested solution:
tt_content {
xxx_education_block < lib.xxxCustomContentElements
xxx_eheducation_block {
templateName = xxxEducationBlock
dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
10 {
if.isTrue.field = xxx_educations
table = tt_content
pidInList.field = pid
where = xxx_foreign=###uid### AND deleted=0 AND hidden=0
orderBy = sorting
markers {
uid.field = uid
as = xxxEducations
dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
10 {
if.isTrue.field = assets
references {
fieldName = assets
as = assets
To add this to the content wizard:
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.blocks {
header = Xxx blokken
after = common
elements {
xxx_education_block {
iconIdentifier = content-bullets
title = XXX - Education intro block
description = Introblock xxx
tt_content_defValues {
CType = xxx_education_block
show := addToList(xxx_education_block)
If you do a debug in Fluid you should now be able to iterate over the children and the assets of the children.


TYPO3 Text Media Element should get class from selected sys category

I want to reach the following:
I'm creating an new content element "text media", fill out title, text and perhaps select an image. I also created categories which I select under the tab "categories".
Now I want to integrate these selected categories in the fluid template to make it work as an javascript filter.
How can I achieve this task?
You can use a DataProcessor to get the category data. You need to extend the TypoScript for the textmedia element.
Category example:
DataProcessor documentation:
Here you can see the default textmedia TS, added object 30:
# Text & Media:
# Any number of media wrapped right around a regular text element.
# CType: textmedia
tt_content.textmedia =< lib.contentElement
tt_content.textmedia {
templateName = Textmedia
dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
10 {
references.fieldName = assets
20 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\GalleryProcessor
20 {
maxGalleryWidth = {$styles.content.textmedia.maxW}
maxGalleryWidthInText = {$styles.content.textmedia.maxWInText}
columnSpacing = {$styles.content.textmedia.columnSpacing}
borderWidth = {$styles.content.textmedia.borderWidth}
borderPadding = {$styles.content.textmedia.borderPadding}
# Get categories
30 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcession\DatabaseQueryProcessor
30 {
put the login in...
stdWrap {
editIcons = tt_content: header [header_layout], bodytext, assets [imageorient|imagewidth|imageheight], [imagecols|imageborder], image_zoom
editIcons { = LLL:EXT:fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Language/FrontendEditing.xlf:editIcon.textmedia

TYPO3 7.4 display categories

I'm trying to display the categories of the current page.
Because I'm not that good in TYPO3, I first tried displaying all the categories before trying to display the current one.
The following snippet somehow doesn't work.
lib.categorized_content = RECORDS
lib.categorized_content {
categories.field = selected_categories
categories.relation.field = category_field
tables = tt_content
conf.tt_content = TEXT
conf.tt_content {
stdWrap.field = header
stdWrap.typolink.parameter = {field:pid}
stdWrap.typolink.parameter.insertData = 1
stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>
wrap = <ul>|</ul>
This is where I got this snippet from:
I'm using <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.categorized_content" /> to implement it into my template.
Can someone help?
selected_categories and category_field are flexform field (as you can see from the suffix .field of the configuration property) from the Special Menu content element.
You have to replace those with the actual value.

Get rid of "csc-frame" div wrap in TYPO3

Here is my code:
10 {
source = uid
tables = tt_content
Here I'm just creating a menu through content element and I wanted to remove the default div with class=csc-frame csc-frame-frame1 from the rendered content
I used like this:
10 {
conf.tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default = TEXT
source = uid
tables = tt_content
but this will remove only csc_default div.
This might do the trick. Make sure to include it before the navigation definition.
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default >

"Menu of subpages" doesn't work in a Typo3 Fluid template while fetching a record from a page

I'm trying to add a "user controlled" footer in the main layout of a Typo3 Fluid based template.
This means that I've added a backend layout with four columns in a special back-end page called "footer page". A user is able to add content elements in those columns using the WEB > PAGE module.
Whenever a user adds a content element (text, text w/images, bullet lists, etc...) in one of the columns, everything works and the content is correctly displayed.
But when the user tries to add a special menu content element, the menu isn't displayed and the column container stays empty.
the main layout
<div id="footer">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.footer" />
main PAGE typoscript
page = PAGE
page {
# Regular pages always have typeNum = 0
typeNum = 0
10 {
#file = {$filepaths.templates}index_f.html
partialRootPath = {$filepaths.templates}partials/
layoutRootPath = {$filepaths.templates}layouts/
variables {
footer < lib.footer
lib.footer typoscript
lib.footer = COA
lib.footer {
10 {
table = tt_content
select.pidInList = {$contentpage.footerPID}
select.where = colPos = 901
select.orderBy = sorting
stdWrap.wrap = <div id="footer-widget-1" class="col205">|</div>
20 {
table = tt_content
select.pidInList = {$contentpage.footerPID}
select.where = colPos = 902
select.orderBy = sorting
stdWrap.wrap = <div id="footer-widget-2" class="col205">|</div>
Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?
Typo3 version is 6.0.4
You may want to have a look at the VHS extension for TYPO3 - it contains one ViewHelper in particular which would let you render content elements from any column on any page (by UID). It can even render content elements from a list of content element UIDs (which you could specify in TypoScript, select in a FlexForm, make editable in the constants editor etc.):
Many times the ViewHelpers from VHS will let you do exactly the same as TS lets you do, but do so directly in Fluid and with the option to manually control the HTML that is output.
Claus aka. NamelessCoder

how to hide a marker or content parts if no content in typo3

i got a template with a marker ###whatever### its set as TEXT and filled with .value
i need to hide or empty the marker IF one of the columns are empty (in my case the normal column colPos=0)
This is a condition preventing the display of the marker's data if there's no content in the normal (colPos=0) column.
# ...your definitions...
# Check whether there's any content in the column 0
if.isTrue.cObject = CONTENT
if.isTrue.cObject {
table = tt_content
select {
where = colPos=0
renderObj < tt_content
YOUR_MARKER obviously has to be the correct path, e.g. page.10.subparts.YOUR_MARKER.