How to repeat powershell command again and again? - powershell

Is there anyway we can repeat powershell script once it end? i want to run this command and once it complete i want this command to run again. i don't want to use task scheduler.
gci . -Recurse -Directory | % { if(!(gci -Path $_.FullName)) {ri -Force -Recurse $_.FullName} }

i usually use while loop
while ($true) {
# do something


Run all .exe in a folder

I'm playing with malware in a VM and every script I try gets stuck. Basically I need to run every .exe in a folder. Tried batch files using start, powershell, etc. The issue happens when AV moves some file to quarentine, or some process keep running then the script doesn't jump to the next one.
CMD start works but shows popups when doesn't find some file, then you have to keep clicking to jump to the next file.
These works but get stuck after a while:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\LAB\Desktop\test' | ForEach-Object {
>> & $_.FullName
>> }
Same here:
for %%v in ("C:\Users\LAB\Desktop\test\*.exe") do start "" "%%~v"
and here:
for %%i in (C:\Users\LAB\Desktop\test\*.exe) do %%i
You need to provide some form of code to allow us to help you troubleshoot it; this is not a request a script page.
Anyways, you would be looking at something like this:
#Assuming the .exe's are located in C Root.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ | Where-Object {$_.Extension -like ".exe"}| Foreach {Start-Process $_.FullName}
#In Ps, we like to filter as far left as possible for faster results.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -File "*.exe" | Foreach {Start-Process $_.FullName}
#Running the commands as jobs so it doesnt wait on any to finish before running the next.
Start-Job { Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -File "*.exe" | Foreach {Start-Process $_.FullName} }
Start-Sleep 2
Get-Job | Remove-Job
Please refer to the following link: How to ask a question

Windows PowerShell is in NonInteractive mode. Read and Prompt functionality is not available

I am new to the power shell scripting. I am trying to delete all files except one folder and one file. I run this script by using jenkins it showing error called " Windows PowerShell is in NonInteractive mode. Read and Prompt functionality is not available." And i am trying to run this script in powershell window but it asking Confirmation [Y/N]. I need to run this script by using jenkins please help me.
$Path = "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\work"
$exclude = #("*.old", "*")
Get-ChildItem $Path -Exclude $exclude | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop| echo Y
You need to add the Recurse parameter to the remove command.
Like that:
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
guiwhatsthat is correct your code should like this;
$Path = "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\work"
$exclude = #("*.old", "*")
Get-ChildItem $Path -Exclude $exclude | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop

How to make a script run only while another one is running

I need your help resolving an exercise in Powershell.
I have to make a script which runs only when another one is running.
For example, I have to run a script which deletes files older than 1 day while a script which restarts a process runs.
I tried to use jobs to make the script run in parallel but I haven't had any succes.
--The script to delete files
Get-ChildItem -Path "a path" -include *.txt -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $DateToDelete} | Remove-Item -Force
--The script to restart a process
Get-Process notepad | Stop-Process | Start-Process
I think your problem is with the second script, you can't restart a process like that.
If you tried this line Get-Process notepad | Stop-Process | Start-Process in the console it will prompt you requesting the FilePath to the process you want to start, that's because Stop-Process do not return any result to the pipeline and then Start-Process is not receiving anything from the pipeline.
Look here to see how to restart process using PowerShell
And take a look at this MS module Restart-Process
Use this code to run scripts as job:
$days = -1
$currentDate = Get-Date
$DateToDelete = $currentDate.AddDays($days)
start-job -ScriptBlock {
Get-ChildItem -Path "a path" -include *.txt -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $DateToDelete} | Remove-Item -Force
start-job -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process notepad | Stop-Process

PowerShell through Group Policy

I have two separate PowerShell (.ps1) files that I'd like to run one after the other when a user logs on to a PC. They're fairly straightforward tasks. The first copies a shortcut from a network location to all users AppData folder.
Copy-Item -Path "\\Server\Share\*.lnk" -Destination "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
The second .ps1 file removes a load of bloatware from Windows 10, I won't put all the code in here as it's quite repetitive but it basically lists a load of apps and finally removes them.
$AppList = #(
foreach ($App in $AppList) {
Get-AppxPackage -Name $App | Remove-AppxPackage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If I place the two files into the same logon policy, the first script will run but the second one doesn't until the user logs off and back on again (I'd like them both to run at the same time).
I've tried placing them both in the same file and separating then with a ;, this didn't work so tried and, again no joy. I've also tried creating a master file (with the two .ps1 files in the same location) and running the following, again this didn't work.
&"$PSScriptroot\Copy Devices and Printers Shortcut.ps1" &"$PSScriptroot\BloatwareRemoval.ps1"
I've also tried separating the above with ; and and with no joy.
Edit I've resolved this with the following pd1 file:
Get-ChildItem \\File\Location | ForEach-Object {
& $_.FullName
As per the comments, this script you should save as a .ps1 file and call it however you want. It will do both the operations together. I have added error handling but ideally you should parse them in a file so that you can refer in case of any failure.
If( (Test-Path -Path "\\Server\Share\*.lnk") -and (Test-Path -Path "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"))
Copy-Item -Path "\\Server\Share\*.lnk" -Destination "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
"Invalid path. Kindly validate. "
#("*Microsoft.3dbuilder*","*AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress*","*Microsoft.WindowsAlarms*","*Microsoft.Asphalt8Airborne*")|% {
Get-AppxPackage -Name $_ | Remove-AppxPackage -ErrorAction stop
Hope it helps.
I've resolved this with the following pd1 file:
Get-ChildItem \\File\Location | ForEach-Object {
& $_.FullName

Powershell not copying files and not throwing exception

I am not understanding what is happening.
I am attempting to copy and paste dll's from one directory and another.
gci -path $FromPath -Include ("*.dll", "*.pdp") | ? {$_.Name -match "appMaskA|appMaskB|appMaskC"} | foreach{Copy-item $_.Fullname -destination $ToPath -force}
Now that command works for one function that I have it in, but not for this one...
Now, this command is moving dll's to a different server. Not certain why it isn't working.
And if it isn't working it should throw an exception. I did wrap that command in a try catch by the way? Should I be catching a specific exception?
What does your $ToPath look like? If your code is wrapped in try/catch add -ErrorAction Stop parameter to your copy statement as the default value is to continue so the catch block will never be executed.
gci -path $FromPath -Include ("*.dll", "*.pdp") | ? {$_.Name -match "appMaskA|appMaskB|appMaskC"} | foreach{Copy-item $_.Fullname -destination $ToPath -force -ErrorAction Stop}
Does this need to be Powershell or can you use XCOPY via a BASH/CLI script. Using XCOPY you can access C Drive by doing
Maybe this works for you:
gci -path $FromPath -Include *.dll,*.pdp | where {$_.Name -match "appMaskA|appMaskB|appMaskC"} | Copy-item -path $_ -destination $ToPath -force
For complicated and/or large copying jobs I would use the program robocopy. Robocopy is part of Windows. Execute this command to verify its location:
Get-Command robocopy|select path