How to access UITextfield placeholder in Unit Test? - swift

How can I access the placeholder value of a UITextfield inside XCTestCase? Currently I'm getting an error 'Ambigous use of placeholder'.
import XCTest
#testable import Project
class Tests: XCTestCase {
func testExample() {
let login = UIStoryboard(name: Storyboards.Authentication, bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LoginViewController") as! LoginViewController
let _ = login.view
XCTAssertEqual("Email ID", login.emailTextField.placeholder)

Not sure what type you have in LoginViewController.
From my understanding, you have some custom type. I guess you have the same property declared placeholder in your custom type.
If this is the case, you just suggest to Swift what exactly type you need.
I guess for testing you need UITextField.
let textField = UITextField() //works fine, direct type
let typed = (login.emailTextField as? UITextField)


Going from one storyboard to another from a tableView in Swift 5 / Cocoa

have search on that topic without finding a solution that work.
I am building a accounting application with several storyboard. Main, Customer( clients), invoice (factures)... etc. I can go from the main storyboard to the customer of Invoice storyboard by click a button no problem... The button (main SB) is linked to the Customer or Invoice storyboard reference.
In the clients storyboard, I have a tableView with that list the purchased historic of that customer. I would like to to be able to double clic on a specific invoice, and open that invoice in the Invoice storyboard.
The double clic part work fine, print message work... but the program crash after with the message: Could not cast value of type '__NSCFBoolean' (0x7fffaab000c8) to '__C.NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator'
That code was taken andadapted from another post. I have tried different variation withou success ie same error message.
I have not work on the part where I transfer the Invoice number from the client SB to the Invoice SB. I will likely transfer the Invoice number with a segue and have the Invoices program look if that variable if not nil, after loading
Invoice storyboard filename : factures.storyboard
facture ViewController Class : FacturesVC
ViewController storyboardID : facturesVC_id
#objc func tableViewDoubleClick(_ sender:AnyObject) {
if tableView.selectedRow >= 0 {
print ("VC545:", tableView.selectedRow)
//let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "factures", bundle: nil)
//let VC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "facturesVC_id") // give same error
let VC = NSStoryboard(name: "factures", bundle: nil).instantiateController(withIdentifier: "facturesVC_id") as! FacturesVC
self.present(VC as NSViewController, animator: true as! NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator)
Your code does not make sense.
It looks like you are trying to call present(_:animator:). If you call that, you need to pass it an animator (an object of type NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator.)
Your code does not create a NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator.
Here is an outline of how you need to change it:
let vc = NSStoryboard(name: "factures", bundle: nil).instantiateController(withIdentifier: "facturesVC_id") as! FacturesVC
let animator = // Code to create an NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator
self.present(vc, animator: animator)
I haven't worked with NSViewControllerPresentationAnimators before. (I mostly work with iOS these days.) You should probably search for tutorials on NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator if you are unsure how to proceed.
Finally, I have found the answer I was looking for...
Here is the code.
#objc func tableViewDoubleClick(_ sender:AnyObject) {
if tableView.selectedRow >= 0 {
let srow = tableView.selectedRow
//print ("VC551:", srow)
fact_nb = Int(fact_tbv[srow].id_f) ?? 0 // invoice nb that you want to segue
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "factures", bundle: nil)
let VC = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "facturesVC_id")
//self.presentAsSheet(VC as! NSViewController) work fine for sheet
// self.presentingViewController // data are laoded but nothing show up
// self.presentAsModalWindow(VC as! NSViewController) // OK for modal, cannot be resize , yellow button missing on bar
// self.present(VC as! NSViewController, animator: false as! NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator) // true or false... need a animator
let window = NSWindow(contentViewController: VC as! NSViewController)
let windowController = NSWindowController(window: window)
//see How to Perform Segue
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "gotofact", sender: nil) // segue identifier name : gotofact
override func prepare(for segue: NSStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let sb = segue.destinationController as! FacturesVC
print ("VC569:", fact_nb)
sb.factnb = fact_nb

Could not load Main.Storyboard in XCUITest

I am try to make UITestCase for UIViewcontrollers, But when I load main storyboard in my QuizAppUITests, It could not identify from Bundle and it's gives below error
Could not find a storyboard named 'Main' in bundle NSBundle </Users/mac/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CC199C69-F398-4A7C-882E-BFD3E72B95D3/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/BCC3F88D-E08C-4491-8340-699EAF98AB28/> (loaded) (NSInvalidArgumentException)
I have added Main Storyboard in QuizAppUITests Target as well
And below is my code for test
import XCTest
#testable import QuizApp
class QuizViewControllerUITests: XCTestCase {
func makeSUT() -> QuizViewController {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle(for: type(of: self)))
let sut = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "QuizViewController") as! QuizViewController
_ = sut.view
return sut
func test_loadQuizViewController() {
let sut = makeSUT()
sut.headerQuestion = "Q1"
XCTAssertEqual(sut.headerQuestion, "Q1")
Is there any required to change in BuildSetting of QuizAppUITests Target?
None of this makes sense for a UI test. Instead, put your code into your unit test target, which is QuizAppTests.
My book iOS Unit Testing by Example has a chapter called "Load View Controllers". Looking there for what it says about storyboard-based view controllers:
Don't include the storyboard in your test target. Put it only in your app target.
Then you can load the storyboard with UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
There's a new way to instantiate the view controller that doesn't require force-casting. Instead of instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:), use instantiateViewController(identifier:) and assign it to an explicitly typed variable.
Like this:
let sut: QuizViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(
identifier: "QuizViewController"
Since you use the name of the class as the identifier, we can even get rid of the string. This protects us from typos, at compile time:
let sut: QuizViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(
identifier: String(describing: QuizViewController.self)
Finally, instead of _ = sut.view, we can be more explicit about loading the view:
This hooks up the outlet connections.
Again, all this belongs in your unit test target QuizAppTests, not your UI test target QuizAppUITests.
For your actual tests, don't just assign a property in your system under test and check that it was assigned. That doesn't prove anything. Instead, I'd focus on testing:
That outlets are not nil
That interacting with controls does what you want
That navigation works
That view appearance hasn't changed from an approved snapshot
This can all be done with TDD.

Swift: [NSNib _initWithNibNamed:bundle:options:] could not load the nibName

I am building a Cocoa app for production and when I create an NSViewController for routing without NSStoryboard instantiate, I got the error like below.
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[NSNib _initWithNibNamed:bundle:options:] could not load the nibName: ContentFully.AnotherController in bundle (null).
Actually I solved my problem via using an NSViewController to adding NSStoryboard but I would like to learn what is going on when I call it programmatically and why did crash?
Working scenario
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Dashboard", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialController() as! AnotherController
Crashed scenario
let vc = AnotherController()
self.view.window?.contentViewController = vc
Even if I create a class fully programmatically and non-relational with NSStoryboard I could not use it when I change the contentViewController. Is it necessary to search every controller in NSBundle for Swift?
Thanks in advance
A very simple working version would be:
import Cocoa
class AnotherController: NSViewController {
override func loadView() {
view = NSView(frame: NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 400.0, 270.0))
let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: "Another Controller")
I can call that from my first controller using the code you say crashes and get the expected result.
#IBAction func replaceMe(_ sender: Any) {
let vc = AnotherController()
self.view.window?.contentViewController = vc

custom Swift function has errors

I have formulated the function below so that I can re-use it in my ios app. However, I am unable to build my app because my function below has errors indicated to me but I cannot see what is wrong with it. The function is intended to move the user to a new page in the ios app. Please can someone advise?
func goToPage(goto storyBoardId: String, ofType typeUIViewController: UIViewController.Type) -> UIViewController {
let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let newPage = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: storyBoardId) as! typeUIViewController // Error: use of undeclared type 'typeUIViewController'
self.present(newPage, animated: true, completion: nil)
return newPage
Your function expects a return value of type UIViewController and you return nothing. So either return an instance you create (if you need one). Or remove return value.
There's a slightly modified variation of your function with generics, which does just what you want. The #discardableResult word before the function tells the compiler that the result can be omitted.
func goToPage<T>(goto storyBoardId: String,
ofType typeUIViewController: T.Type) -> T
where T: UIViewController {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let newPage = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: storyBoardId) as! T
self.present(newPage, animated: true, completion: nil)
return newPage
// Ignore return value
goToPage(goto: "Page", ofType: ViewController.self)
// Preserve return value:
// Thanks to generics, page and page2 types are inferred by the compiler
// page is CustomController and page2 is LoginController
// and you can access corresponding interface:
var page = goToPage(goto: "Page", ofType: CustomController.self)
var page2 = goToPage(goto: "Page", ofType: LoginController.self)
I see that Honey suggests the right idea, but the problem with typecasting still persists. The reason of that is that the compiler has no idea what kind of type typeUIViewController is. In fact, it is not actually even a type, it's only an inner name of the variable. And there is no way compiler could infer the type of it (to use with as operator). Hence, one of the proper ways to achieve what you are trying is by using generics. Consider generic T as a pattern which meets certain condition.
You need to change UIViewController to UIViewController.Type. For more see here
because a parameter of UIViewController can accept a UIViewController instance e.g. UIViewController(). However you need to get its type information (you don't need an instance), therefore it has to be a parameter of type UIViewController.Type so the value you pass can be something like SomeUIViewControllerSubclass.self which is NOT an instance...
So you have to do this:
func goToPage(goto storyBoardId: String, ofType typeUIViewController: UIViewController.Type) -> UIViewController {
let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let newPage = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: storyBoardId) as! typeUIViewController
self.present(newPage, animated: true, completion: nil)

Why do I need to force the type using this Swift generic function?

I had some repetitive UIViewController boiler-plate scattered around that I wanted to encapsulate, so I defined this generic UIViewController extension method:
extension UIViewController {
func instantiateChildViewController<T: UIViewController>(
storyboardName: String? = nil,
identifier: String? = nil
) -> T {
let storyboard: UIStoryboard!
if let name = storyboardName {
storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: name, bundle: nil)
else {
storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "\(T.self)", bundle: nil)
let vc: T!
if let identifier = identifier {
vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: identifier) as! T
else {
vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController()! as! T
return vc
However, when I use this extension like so:
class ChildViewController: UIViewController { /*...*/ }
class ParentViewController: UIViewController {
private var childVC: ChildViewController!
func setupSomeStuff() {
self.childVC = self.instantiateChildViewController() //<-- Compiler error
let vc: ChildViewController = self.instantiateChildViewController() //<-- Compiles!
self.childVC = vc
I get the compiler error Cannot assign value of UIViewController to type ChildViewController! on the line with the comment above. However, if I use an intermediate variable that I explicitly give a type to it works.
Is this a Swift bug? (Xcode 8.1) My interpretation of how generics work is that in this case T should equal the more specific ChildViewController, not the less constrained UIViewController. I get the same issue if I defined childVC as private var childVC: ChildViewController?, the only work-around I've found is the local variable, which obviously makes the extension less compelling, or to do an explicit cast like:
self.childVC = self.instantiateChildViewController() as ChildViewController
I've seen this too. I think there's some weird behavior around Optionals the compiler isn't dealing with as expected.
If you change the return value of the function to an optional value it should work without a problem.
func instantiateChildViewController<T: UIViewController>(//whateverParams) -> T!
func instantiateChildViewController<T: UIViewController>(//whateverParams) -> T?
Also, your childVC should be a var rather than a let if you're going to set it anyplace other than an initializer