Swift 5.5, when to use `Task.suspend` in custom async implementation? - swift

The new Async/Await syntax looks great! but I wonder how to implement my own asynchronous implementation.
I've stumbled upon this API:
https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/task/3862702-suspend (overview in yield)
https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/task/3814840-yield (renamed to suspend)
This API allows me to suspend a task manually whenever I choose. The problem is, I'm am not sure how SHOULD I do it, in order to benefit from concurrency AND not avoid bad practices.
In other word, I don't know the best practices of Task.suspend()
for example:
func example() async {
for i in 0..<100 {
print("example", i)
await Task.suspend() // <-- is this OK?
Some specific questions:
how often should one call on suspend?
should suspend be called before an intensive operation, or after? (for example: IO, Crypto, etc...)
should there be a maximum amount of calls to suspend?
what is the "price" of calling suspend intensively?
when should one NOT call suspend?
are there any other ways to implement this kind of concurrency (async/await style, not GCD)
Real life example, I'm implementing a function that encrypts the content of a big file, since it is an IO+Crypto intensive task it should be async, I wonder how to use Task.suspend (or any other async/await tools) to make it asynchronous.

Calling Task.suspend() will suspend the current task for a few milliseconds in order to give some time to any tasks that might be waiting, which is particularly important if you’re doing intensive work in a loop and all your tasks use the same priority. Otherwise your heavy task can stop all asynchronous code in your app. For instance:
func f() async {
for _ in 0...10 {
var arr = (1...10000).map {_ in arc4random()}
func z() async {
// Run in parallel
Task {
await f()
Task {
await z()
As you can see z() waits for f() because it does long-running operation of sorting a large array many times. To fix this you can add Task.suspend() in your loop:
func f() async {
for _ in 0...10 {
var arr = (1...10000).map {_ in arc4random()}
await Task.suspend() // Voluntarily suspend itself
async/await works on its own cooperative concurrent queues and if you don't want to do suspending consider moving your task to non-default priority(queue) e.g. Task(priority: .background) or run your heavy task on your separate queue.


How to add a timeout to an awaiting function call

What's the best way to add a timeout to an awaiting function?
/// lets pretend this is in a library that I'm using and I can't mess with the guts of this thing
func fetchSomething() async -> Thing? {
// fetches something
// if fetchSomething() never returns then doSomethingElse() is never ran. Is there anyway to add a timeout to this system?
let thing = await fetchSomething()
I wanted to make the system more robust in the case that fetchSomething() never returns. If this was using combine, I'd use the timeout operator.
One can create a Task, and then cancel it if it has not finished in a certain period of time. E.g., launch two tasks in parallel:
// cancel the fetch after 2 seconds
func fetchSomethingWithTimeout() async throws -> Thing {
let fetchTask = Task {
try await fetchSomething()
let timeoutTask = Task {
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 2 * NSEC_PER_SEC)
let result = try await fetchTask.value
return result
// here is a random mockup that will take between 1 and 3 seconds to finish
func fetchSomething() async throws -> Thing {
let duration: TimeInterval = .random(in: 1...3)
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: UInt64(TimeInterval(NSEC_PER_SEC) * duration))
return Thing()
If the fetchTask finishes first, it will reach the timeoutTask.cancel and stop it. If timeoutTask finishes first, it will cancel the fetchTask.
Obviously, this rests upon the implementation of fetchTask. It should not only detect the cancelation, but also throw an error (likely a CancellationError) if it was canceled. We cannot comment further without details regarding the implementation of fetchTask.
For example, in the above example, rather than returning an optional Thing?, I would instead return Thing, but have it throw an error if it was canceled.
I hesitate to mention it, but while the above assumes that fetchSomething was well-behaved (i.e., cancelable), there are permutations on the pattern that work even if it does not (i.e., run doSomethingElse in some reasonable timetable even if fetchSomething “never returns”).
But this is an inherently unstable situation, as the resources used by fetchSomething cannot be recovered until it finishes. Swift does not offer preemptive cancelation, so while we can easily solve the tactical issue of making sure that doSomethingElse eventually runs, if fetchSomething might never finish in some reasonable timetable, you have deeper problem.
You really should find a rendition of fetchSomething that is cancelable, if it is not already.
// You can use 'try and catch'. Wait for the fetch data inside the try block. When it fails the catch block can run a different statement. Something like this:
await getResource()
try {
await fetchData();
} catch(err){
// program continues

Controlling time with async await in Swift

Up to now I've been using Combine and the PointFree TestSchedulers https://github.com/pointfreeco/combine-schedulers to "control time" in my tests.
I can make a request and then assert values at certain points in the process without any trouble.
func testFetchContentSuccess() {
let queue = TestSchedulerOf<DispatchQueue>(now: .init(.now()))
let sut = sut(queue: queue.eraseToAnyScheduler())
XCTAssertEqual(sut.content, .notAsked)
XCTAssertEqual(sut.content, .loading) // this would be impossible without a TestScheulder as the mock endpoint would return immediately.
queue.advance() // this is what I'm looking for from async await
assertSnapshot(matching: sut.content, as: .dump)
Is there a way to do something similar with async await?
Yes, and it's awesome!
You can just declare test methods as async, then await right in the test method.
So if this test is really about the results of the fetch, it could just be:
func testFetchContentSuccess() {
let sut = ContentFetcher()
XCTAssertEqual(sut.content, .notAsked)
await sut.fetchContent()
assertSnapshot(matching: sut.content, as: .dump)
I have lots of tests that use XCTestExpectation, and most get a lot shorter and easier to read when they're converted to be async/await based.

F# async: parent/child cancellation?

So here we go: given a Confluent.Kafka IConsumer<>, it wraps it into a dedicated async CE and consumes as long as cancellation hasn't been requested. This piece of code is also defends itself against the OperationCancelledException and runs finally block to ensure graceful termination of consumer.
let private consumeUntiCancelled callback (consumer: IConsumer<'key, 'value>) =
async {
let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
while not ct.IsCancellationRequested do
let consumeResult = consumer.Consume(ct)
if not consumeResult.IsPartitionEOF then do! (callback consumeResult)
| :? OperationCanceledException -> return ()
Question #1: is this code correct or am I abusing the async?
So far so good. In my app I have to deal with lots of consumers that must die altogether. So, assuming that consumers: seq<Async<unit>> represents them, the following code is what I came up with:
async {
for consumer in consumers do
do! (Async.StartChild consumer |> Async.Ignore).
I expect this code to chain childs to the parent's cancellation context, and once it is cancelled, childs gonna be cancelled as well.
Question #2: is my finally block guaranteed to be ran even though child got cancelled?
I have two observations about your code:
Your use of Async.StartChild is correct - all child computations will inherit the same cancellation token and they will all get cancelled when the main token is cancelled.
The async workflow can be cancelled after you call consumer.Consume(ct) and before you call callback. I'm not sure what this means for your specific problem, but if it removes some data from a queue, the data could be lost before it is processed. If that's an issue, then I think you'll need to make callback non-asynchronous, or invoke it differently.
In your consumeUntilCancelled function, you do not explicity need to check while not if ct.IsCancellationRequested is true. The async workflow does this automatically in every do! or let!, so you can replace this with just a while loop.
Here is a minimal stand-alone demo:
let consume s = async {
while true do
do! Async.Sleep 1000
printfn "%s did work" s
printfn "%s finalized" s }
let work =
async {
for c in ["A"; "B"; "C"; "D"] do
do! Async.StartChild (consume c) |> Async.Ignore }
Now we create the computation with a cancellation token:
// Run this in F# interactive
let ct = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
Async.Start(work, ct.Token)
// Run this sometime later
Once you call ct.Cancel, all the finally blocks will be called and all the loops will stop.

How to block until an async function completes [duplicate]

I'm on the way to evaluate Dart for a German company by porting various Java programs to Dart and compare and analyze the results. In the browser Dart wins hands down. For server software performance seemed to be a serious isssue (see this question of me) but that got mostly defused.
Now I'm in the area of porting some "simple" command-line tools where I did not expect any serious problems at all but there is at least one. Some of the tools do make HTTP requests to collect some data and the stand-alone Dart virtual machine only supports them in an asynchronous fashion. Looking through all I could find it does not seem to be possible to use any asynchronous call in a mostly synchronous software.
I understand that I could restructure the available synchronous software into an asynchronous one. But this would transform a well-designed piece of software into something less readable and more difficult to debug and maintain. For some software pieces this just does not make sense.
My question: Is there an (overlooked by me) way to embed an asynchronous call into a synchronously called method?
I imagine that it would not be to difficult to provide a system call, usable only from within the main thread, which just transfers the execution to the whole list of queued asynchronous function calls (without having to end the main thread first) and as soon as the last one got executed returns and continues the main thread.
Something which might look like this:
var synchFunction() {
var result;
asyncFunction().then(() { result = ...; });
resync(); // the system call to move to and wait out all async execution
return result;
Having such a method would simplify the lib APIs as well. Most "sync" calls could be removed because the re-synchronisation call would do the job. It seems to be such a logical idea that I still think it somehow exists and I have missed it. Or is there a serious reason why that would not work?
After thinking about the received answer from lm (see below) for two days I still do not understand why the encapsulation of an asynchronous Dart call into a synchronous one should not be possible. It is done in the "normal" synchronous programing world all the time. Usually you can wait for a resynchronization by either getting a "Done" from the asynchronous routine or if something fails continue after a timeout.
With that in mind my first proposal could be enhanced like that:
var synchFunction() {
var result;
.then(() { result = ...; })
.whenComplete(() { continueResync() }); // the "Done" message
resync(timeout); // waiting with a timeout as maximum limit
// Either we arrive here with the [result] filled in or a with a [TimeoutException].
return result;
The resync() does the same that would normally happen after ending the main method of an isolate, it starts executing the queued asynchronous functions (or waits for events to make them executable). As soon as it encounters a continueResync() call a flag is set which stops this asynchronous execution and resync() returns to the main thread. If no continueResync() call is encountered during the given timeout period it too aborts the asynchronous execution and leaves resync() with a TimeoutException.
For some groups of software which benefit from straight synchronous programing (not the client software and not the server software) such a feature would solve lots of problems for the programer who has to deal with asynchrounous-only libraries.
I believe that I have also found a solution for the main argument in lm's argumentation below. Therefore my question still stands with respect to this "enhanced" solution which I proposed: Is there anything which really makes it impossible to implement that in Dart?
The only time that you can wrap an async method in a synchronous one is when you don't need to get a return value.
For example if you want to disable the save button, save results to the server asynchronously and re-enable the save button when the job is done you can write it like this:
Future<bool> save() async {
// save changes async here
return true;
void saveClicked() {
saveButton.enabled = false;
.then((success) => window.alert(success ? 'Saved' : 'Failed'))
.catchError((e) => window.alert(e))
.whenComplete(() { saveButton.enabled = true; });
Note that the saveClicked method is fully synchronous, but executes the save method asynchronously.
Note that if you make saveClicked async, not only do you have to call it using the async pattern, but the entire method body will run asynchronously so the save button will not be disabled when the function returns.
For completeness the async version of saveClicked looks like this:
Future<Null> saveClicked() async {
saveButton.enabled = false;
try {
bool success = await save();
window.alert(success ? 'Saved' : 'Failed');
catch (e) {
finally {
saveButton.enabled = true;
Yes, this is way late, but I think this is a cool feature new people should know about.
There is a way, but the Dart docs warn against it (and it's somehow "experimental", although the implications aren't really discussed).
The waitFor command.
You basically pass in an asynchronous function that returns a Future, an optional timeout parameter, and the waitFor function will return the result.
For example:
final int number = waitFor<int>(someAsyncThatReturnsInt);
The resync function cannot be implemented in Dart's current execution model.
Asynchronous execution is contagious. A synchronous function must return before any other asynchronous events can execute, so there is no way to synchronously wait for asynchronous execution.
Execution in Dart is single-threaded and event based. There is no way for the resync function to block without it also blocking all other execution in the same isolate, so the pending async operations will never happen.
To block the synchronous execution, and continue executing something else, you need to preserve the entire call stack up to that point, and reinstate it later when the synchronous operations have completed. If you have that functionality, then there are probably better ways to do things than Future and Stream :)
Also, waiting for "all async execution" isn't well-defined in an event based system. There might be a broadcast Stream emitting events coming in from the network, a periodic timer, or a receive port getting data from another isolate, or some other source of events that you can't wait for because they come from outside the isolate, or event the process. When the current isolate shuts down, it might send a final shut-down message to another isolate, so effectively the "async execution" isn't over until the isolate dies.
Using the async/await syntax, you won't get synchronous operation, but it will be easier to code the similar asynchronous operation:
function() async {
var result = await asyncFunction();
return result;
It won't wait for async operations that aren't reflected in the Future returned by asyncFunction, but that's the job of asyncFunction to not complete until its operations are complete.
Dart is inherently async. Trying to avoid asynchronity won't work out.
There are sync versions of some API calls for example in dart:io and in some situations it might seem simpler to use them instead but because there aren't sync versions for all methods/functions you can't avoid async entirely.
With the recent introduction of the async/await feature programming async become much simpler and the code looks almost like sync code (but it isn't).
If a call went async it stays async. As far as I know there is nothing you can do about it.
import 'package:synchronized_lite/synchronized_lite.dart';
import 'dart:async';
// Using Lock as a mixin to further mimic Java-style synchronized blocks
class SomeActivity with Lock {
bool _started = false;
Future<bool> start() async {
// It's correct to return a Future returned by synchronized()
return synchronized(() async {
return false;
// perform the start operation
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
_started = true;
return true;
Future<void> stop() async {
// It's also correct to await a synchronized() call before returning
// It's incorrect to neither await a synchronized() call nor return its Future.
await synchronized(() async {
// perform the stop operation`enter code here`
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
_started = false;
// Prints:
// Started
// Stopped
main() async {
var a = SomeActivity();
await a.stop();
/*Since the Await statement can be used in only asynchronous methods. Then we do two methods.I thinking first we call the async method and then we constantly query the null result for the non-async method. Then we get a synchronized model. In this way, we will wait for the answer in the non-async method. Such a method comes to my mind. But as far as I can see, there is no escape from the async working model in flutter dart language. Need to get used to it.It may be unprofessional, but I wanted to share the solution that came to my mind. hope it helps.
Stock resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync;
bool waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = false;
Stock WaitStockQueryByBarcodeAsync(String barcode, int timeOut) {
var startTime = new DateTime.now();
while (!waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted) {
Duration difference = DateTime.now().difference(startTime);
if (difference.inMilliseconds > timeOut) {
throw TimeoutException("Timeout Exceeded");
//we must scope time. Because it can be enter endless loop.
return resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync;
void CallStockQueryByBarcodeAsync(String barcode) async {
waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = false;
resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync = null;
var stock = await StockQueryByBarcodeAsync(barcode);/*your target async method*/
waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = true;
resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync = stock;
In my case, I had to initialize the database connection from constructor. I am pretty new in Flutter and I don't know what are the best practices right now. But, here is what I did.
class Storage {
late Database database;
Storage() {
getConnection().then((value) => database = value);
Future<Database> getConnection() async {
return await openDatabase('ims.db');
All I have done, is used the callback method to assign the value when the value is available.
Here's a solution based on staggering the start of the async function with start times at least 1 second apart, when calls come in almost simultaneously.
Use the lastKnownTime to calculate the delta, where the initial value is 0
Once the delta is not some huge number, you know it's a duplicate call.
class StartConversationState extends State<StartConversationStatefulWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_delayPush(); // this is the call that gets triggered multiple times
int lastKnownTime = 0;
int delayMillis = 3000;
_delayPush() async {
delayMillis += 1500;
await new Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delayMillis));
int millisSinceEpoch = new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
int delta = millisSinceEpoch - lastKnownTime;
// if delta is less than 10 seconds, means it was a subsequent interval
if (delta < 10000) {
print('_delayPush() , SKIPPING DUPLICATE CALL');
// here is the logic you don't want to duplicate
// eg, insert DB record and navigate to next screen

How do I sequentially loop an observable in RxSwift?

I am trying to create a stream that polls a network service. At the moment it queries the service then completes after a short delay. I'd like the onward stream to restart rather than completing thereby polling the service forever.
You could do something like ...
But repeat in RxSwift is actually repeatElement and so actually generates a stream of observables. You could possibly concatMap these into a flattened serial sequence but RxSwift does not have the concatMap operator.
So how do I loop an observable in RxSwift?
I'd like the requests to be sequential, not concurrent so flatMap is not an option since it merges streams leading to overlapping requests. I'm looking for something similar to how retry() works but restarting onComplete not onError
Observable.repeatElement(myPollingStream, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance).concat()
repeatElement(_:scheduler:) will create an infinite stream of polling queries.
contat() will then make sure each polling query is completed before subscribing to the next.
While the above works in theory, without a backpressure implemetation, repeatElements(_:scheduler:) will emit events until you eventually run out of memory. This makes this solution not viable as of RxSwift 3.0. More details can be found in this issue on RxSwift repository.
Option 1: Recursive function
Your myPollingStream:
func myPollingStream() -> Observable<Result> {
return Observable<String>.create { observer in
// your network code here
return Disposables.create()
Then you create a a recursive function:
func callMyPollingStream() {
.subscribe(onNext: { result in
callMyPollingStream() // when onNext or onCompleted, call it again
Option 2: Use interval
let _ = Observable<Int>
.interval(5, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.subscribe(onNext: { _ in
let _ = myPollingStream().subscribe()
With this option, myPollingStream() function will be called every 5 seconds.