Annotation Browser view Problem in UIMA RUTA - uima

I'm running same set of script and input in older version of uima ruta 2.8.1 in that Annotation Browser view is opening fine. But while using UIMA RUTA version 3.1.0(same script and input also same) but here Annotation Browser view is not opening error as shown as below screenshot.

You probably need to provide more memory for your Eclipse, i.e. increase the maximum Java Heap size. This can be done with e.g. -Xmx5000m in your eclipse.ini.
There are several blog post and stackoverflow questions with detailed howtos.


Using multiple seeders with UIMA Ruta

We've tried various approaches to using multiple seeders with UIMA Ruta but can't seem to find a method that works consistently.
We tried creating 2 separate Eclipse projects: one for each seeder. In this scenario, the Parameter Setting for our custom seeder gets overwritten with the default seeder class. This seems to happen randomly - we can't pin down a cause. Any ideas?
We also tried moving both seeders within the same aggregate engine in one Eclipse project (one Ruta AE for each script with the seeder class assigned on the AE). In this scenario it seems that, regardless of the order the scripts are executed, only the first seeder is being used. The second script runs with the first script's seeder. Any ideas on this?
We would love to hear how others have successfully managed to use multiple seeders. Thanks!
The multiple seeder functionality should work correctly. I just added a test here.
Please provide more information about the version and the build environement.
Trying to answer the question: I assume you use the simple ruta projects? Maybe you set the values in the generated analysis engine description, which will be overridden by using the template RutaEngine.xml. You need the perform the changes in that description. In case you use the ruta-maven-plugin, the same applies the configuration of the template.
DISCLAIMER: I am a developer of UIMA Ruta

How/are you supposed to use the DKPro libraries with UIMA Ruta?

I have studied the default UIMA Ruta Workbench Eclipse project enough to significantly understand its moving parts - for instance, why the input/ and output/ folders behave as they do, how to accomplish the project using the jcasgen and other Maven plugins, etc.
But even after hours of studying the project and playing with Maven to try to get it to work, I still have a lot of trouble doing something very simple: using the DKPro libraries (the types especially) from a Ruta script.
My fundamental question is this: what is the path of least resistence towards using the types and analysis components from the DKPro and TC libraries within a Ruta script?
My specific questions are:
I noticed that in the desc/type folder of many api jars there are TypeSystemDescription XML files that would appear to be appropriate for use with Ruta. Is there some way of getting a "master" TypeSystemDescription XML file for the DKPro components?
Is there a project of significant complexity that uses both Ruta and DKPro that I can study?
What is the distinction between an AnalysisEngine as in what you do with Ruta scripts and an Analysis Component you write in Java?
Edited to reflect less frustration
Actually, the Ruta and DKPro people do workshops together and sit happily around the campfire afterwards - or at least in a cocktail bar and have some drinks. Unfortunately, we don't get around to doing that very often.
The kind and number of questions you are asking calls for a tutorial ;)
Did you have a look the slides and examples from our joint workshop at GSCL 2013?
It includes several examples of how to use DKPro Core and Ruta together. In those examples, there is a Maven project responsible for fetching the DKPro Core dependencies and separate Ruta projects then have a dependency on that Maven project and use the analysis engines.
It should also work to have a single project with both, the Ruta and Maven natures.
The way to get a single type descriptor for all DKPro Core types in your classpath (or rather for all uimaFIT-enabled types in your classpath) is
OutputStream os = ...
Check out the GSCL 2013 tutorial examples.
AnalysisComponent represents the view from the inside, i.e. from the perspective of the developer of components (the view from within the framework). AnalysisEngine represents the view from the outside, i.e. from the user of a component/workflow. However, typically one would say "I'm implementing a new analysis engine" and mean "I'm going to subclass JCasAnnotator_ImplBase (an implementation of AnalysisComponent)". See also this post on the UIMA developer mailing list.
Disclosure: I am a DKPro Core developer and an Apache UIMA developer.

Alternative for SearchPreferencePage class [duplicate]

I could not find in eclipse 3.7.2 version.It was available on eclipse 3.2.2. Can any one help me on finding that why this class has been removed from latest version and is there any alternative for this class on new version.
Is there any limit related methods on eclipse 3.7.2 plugins?
This is an internal class and consequently is not part of the Eclipse API and is subject to change without notice (see Eclipse API Rules of Engagement).
However it is still present in Eclipse 4.3 but is marked x-internal:=true in the Export-Package in the MANIFEST.MF. It is also present in Eclipse 3.8, in both cases in the plug-in.
The table limits which used to be in the preference page were removed some time ago, probably when the option to show the results in a tree was added.
Further research shows the limit was moved from the preferences page to the Search Filters dialog in the drop down menu of the search view. The limit configured here can be accessed using the getElementLimit() method of
getElementLimit() returns null if there is no limit.

Running NavigOwl plugin for Protégé

I'm working on a semantic-web project and I'm looking for real-life ontologies to test a couple of applications an algorithms. What I'm searching for are different sizes and structures, something that will allow me to benchmark the company's solutions, preferably, not home-made mocks, but something that is actually used. Unfortunately, looking at the entire ontology using OntoGraf is a little cumbersome.
I found a Protégé plugin called NavigOwl, which seems to be perfect for the task of viewing an entire ontology at once and judging its general complication and structure. The thing is, I can't get it to work.
I download the plugin from HERE and follow the instructions.
I put the jar in the plugin directory of my Protégé install.
I open protege and load an ontology
I go to Window>Tabs and select NavigOwl
A NavigOwl tab appears but it only contains the class hierarchy view, while the rest of the window is grey. It's simply blank, as shown below:
Clicking any of the classes in the hierarchy view does not change anything.
I googled for a solution and I managed to find this thread on The poster says he fixed the problem but he doesn't know how. Resetting the tab to default state is among the implied solutions but it doesn't work for me. Closing and reopening the tab, as well as Protégé itself changes nothing.
Have you encountered the problem? What could be the cause?
I'm using Protégé 4.1.0 Build 239 with the bundled JRE (1.5.0) on Windows 7 home premium x64.
I've tried both the JAR available here (NavigOwl plugin for Protégé 4.1) and the one mentioned in Protégé wiki at Stanford, here (version 1.1.0) but the situation persists.
I had came across the same problem but when i upgraded the JDK it started working. though i do not propose upgrading was the solution but it is working now.

Eclipse can't handle CSS3 Animations

I was wondering if anybody could tell me why eclipse seems determined to not format the code for css3 animations correctly, more specifically it inserts newlines into the keyframe rules. ANy tips on how to fix this?
Accordingly to this comment
Also, CSS3 is not the default CSS-level. So when the time comes you'll
need to modify the Web Content Settings at either the project level or
file level by right clicking on the project or file and selecting
Properties. Select Web Content Settings and change CSS Profile to
"Cascading Style Sheets, level 3".
Verify if your version of the WTP is, at least, 3.2.3.
Try it. If you still go into formatting problems I suggest you to add an issue at Eclipse Bug track.
You can also try installing Aptana Studio 3 Eclipse plugin version.