how to handle long running request in akka http route - scala

i am using akka http one of my routes is interacting with an external service via akka http client side api and the httpRequest is continuously running i am unable to make it work
here is my use case -> i am interacting with a janus server and doing a long poll get request as soon as the server responded back with an 'keepAlive' or an "event" i am requesting again and so on the server keeps on responding
all of this is happening inside an actor and i have an akka htttp route which is intiailising the first request
here is my code
final case class CreateLongPollRequest(sessionId:BigInt)
class LongPollRequestActor (config: Config) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case CreateLongPollRequest(sessionId) =>
senderRef = Some(sender())
val uri: String = "localhost:8080/" + sessionId
val request = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, uri)
val responseFuture = Http(context.system).singleRequest(request)
.onComplete {
case Success(res)
Unmarshal(res.entity.toStrict(40 seconds)) { result =>
val responseStr ="Actor LongPollRequestActor: long poll responseStr {}",responseStr)
senderRef match {
case Some(ref) =>
ref ! responseStr
case None =>"Actor LongPollRequestActor: sender ref is null")
case Failure(e) =>log.error(e)
final case class JanusLongPollRequest(sessionId: BigInt)
class JanusManagerActor(childMaker: List[ActorRefFactory => ActorRef]) extends Actor {
var senderRef: Option[] = None
val longPollRequestActor = childMaker(1)(context)
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case JanusLongPollRequest(sessionId)=>
senderRef = Some(sender)
def keepAlive(sessionId:BigInt,sender__Ref: Option[ActorRef]):Unit= {
val senderRef = sender__Ref
val future = ask(longPollRequestActor, CreateLongPollRequest(sessionId)).mapTo[String] //.pipeTo(sender)
if (janus.equals("keepalive")) {
val janusRequestResponse = Future {
JanusSessionRequestResponse(janus = janus)
senderRef match {
case Some(sender_ref) =>
else if (janus.equals("event")) {
//some fetching of values from server
val janusLongPollRequestResponse = Future {
JanusLongPollRequestResponse(janus = janus,sender=sender, transaction=transaction,pluginData=Some(pluginData))
senderRef match {
case Some(sender_ref) =>
def createLongPollRequest: server.Route =
path("create-long-poll-request") {
post {
entity(as[JsValue]) {
json =>
val sessionID = json.asJsObject.fields("sessionID").convertTo[String]
val future = ask(janusManagerActor, JanusLongPollRequest(sessionID)).mapTo[JanusSessionRequestResponse]
onComplete(future) {
case Success(sessionDetails) =>"janus long poll request created")
val jsonResponse = JsObject("longpollDetails" -> sessionDetails.toJson)
complete(OK, routeResponseMessage.getResponse(StatusCodes.OK.intValue, ServerMessages.JANUS_SESSION_CREATED, jsonResponse))
case Failure(ex) =>
now the above route createLongPollRequest worked fine for the first time I can see the response and for the next attempts i am getting a dead letter as follows
[INFO] [akkaDeadLetter][07/30/2021 12:13:53.587] [] [akka://demo-Janus-ActorSystem/deadLetters] Message [com.ifkaar.lufz.janus.models.janus.JanusSessionRequestResponse] from Actor[akka://demo-Janus-ActorSystem/user/ActorManager/ManagerActor#-721316187] to Actor[akka://demo-Janus-ActorSystem/deadLetters] was not delivered. [4] dead letters encountered. If this is not an expected behavior then Actor[akka://demo-Janus-ActorSystem/deadLetters] may have terminated unexpectedly. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
probably this is causing the issue after the first iteration
IS there a way where i can get a response in my akkahttp route when ever my backend server responds?

The Actor should only reply once to the CreateLongPollRequest and it should only do this when it has valid data. If the poll fails the Actor should just issue another poll request.
It is difficult to give more help without the details of the Actor.


AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on after [5000 ms]

I am trying to build a money transaction system using akka-http for REST API and akka actors for AccountActors.
post {
(path("accounts" / "move-money") & entity(as[MoveMoneyRequest])) { moveMoneyRequest =>
(bankActor ? moveMoneyRequest).map(x => MoveMoneyResponse("Money Transfer Successful!"))
The bankActor is created inside a main app
val bankActor = mainActorSystem.actorOf(Props(classOf[BankingActor], accountService), name = "bankActor")
Inside BankActor, we have:
def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive {
case req: MoveMoneyRequest =>
val fromAcc = createAccountActor(Some(req.fromAccount))
val toAcc = createAccountActor(Some(req.toAccount))
fromAcc ? DebitAccount(req.tranferAmount)
become(awaitFrom(fromAcc, toAcc, req.tranferAmount, sender))
private def createAccountActor(accountNum: Option[String]): ActorRef = {
actorOf(Props(classOf[AccountActor], accountNum, accountService))
Question: Now, for the first API call everytime, it's successful but seems the actor dies/shuts down and the ? (ask) does not find the actor as the message does not reach the receive method. Do I need to make the ask call different?
The correct directive to deal with futures is onComplete, for example
post {
(path("accounts" / "move-money") & entity(as[MoveMoneyRequest])) { moveMoneyRequest =>
val fut = (bankActor ? moveMoneyRequest).map(x => MoveMoneyResponse("Money Transfer Successful!"))
case util.Success(_) => complete(StatusCodes.OK)
case util.Failure(ex) => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError)
More details in the docs.

Spray Dead Letter msg

I'm trying to execute the following code
trait CustomHttpService extends HttpService {
import MyJsonProtocol._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
implicit def executionContext = actorRefFactory.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
val offerActor = actorRefFactory.actorOf(Props[OfferActor], "offer-actor")
val defaultRoute = {
path("offer" / JavaUUID) { uuid =>
get {
respondWithMediaType(`application/json`) {
complete {
(offerActor ? Get(uuid)).mapTo[Offer]
class OfferActor extends Actor {
override def receive = {
case Get(id) =>
val future = OfferService.genericService.getById(id)
future.onComplete {
case Success(s) =>
s match {
case Some(offer) => sender ! offer
case None => println("none")
case Failure(f) => f
case id: String => println("received string id: " + id)
case _ => println("receive nothing")
Initially I was trying to return directly the future, but it was giving me an error, complaining about the promise that I was trying to cast to my Offer object.
Then I just ugly solve my future inside my actor to finally get the Offer and then return it to the sender.
Doing this I'm getting the following:
[06/09/2015 15:16:43.056]
[akka://spray-system/deadLetters] Message
[com.spray.entity.Offer] from
Actor[akka://spray-system/user/spray-actor/offer-actor#-617290326] to
Actor[akka://spray-system/deadLetters] was not delivered. [2] dead
letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with
configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and
Indeed, I'm sending a msg with an Offer that I got from the database.
Instead if I simply create an Offer like this, works perfectly.
case Get(id) => sender ! Offer(Some(id), "offer", new DateTime())
I'm believing the future.onComplete inside the actor is causing something wrong.
Any thoughts?
sender is really a function, so you could write sender() to show that it is not just accessing an immutable value. When you call sender inside the future.onComplete the value of sender isn't valid anymore.
I've run into this problem before and the way I worked around was by saving the value of sender outside of the future:
class OfferActor extends Actor {
override def receive = {
case Get(id) =>
val future = OfferService.genericService.getById(id)
val replyTo = sender
future.onComplete {
case Success(s) =>
s match {
case Some(offer) => replyTo ! offer
case None => println("none")
case Failure(f) => f
case id: String => println("received string id: " + id)
case _ => println("receive nothing")
Well, just solved it trying to block my future.
I just created a blocked version of
Where I blocked it with
then it worked!
So basically I had to let akka embrace my call with a future using the ask pattern but do blocking operations inside the actor.

Why does connection close automatically after 1 minute using Akka TCP?

I'm writing an Interactive Broker API using Scala and Akka actors.
I have a Client actor that connects to the server and communicate with the IO manager to send requests and receive responses from TWS. The connection works fine and I'm able to send a request and get the response.
Then I receive automatically a PeerClosed message from the IO manager after 1 minute. I would like that the connection stays open unless I explicitly close it. I tried to set keepOpenOnPeerClosed = true but it changes nothing.
Here is the Actor:
class Client(remote: InetSocketAddress, clientId: Int, extraAuth: Boolean, onConnected: Session => Unit, listener: EWrapper) extends Actor {
final val ClientVersion: Int = 63
final val ServerVersion: Int = 38
final val MinServerVerLinking: Int = 70
import Tcp._
import context.system
IO(Tcp) ! Connect(remote)
def receive = {
case CommandFailed(_: Connect) =>
print("connect failed")
context stop self
case c#Connected(remote, local) => {
val connection = sender()
connection ! Register(self, keepOpenOnPeerClosed = true)
context become connected(connection,1)
val clientVersionBytes = ByteString.fromArray(String.valueOf(ClientVersion).getBytes() ++ Array[Byte](0.toByte))
println("Sending Client Version " + clientVersionBytes)
sender() ! Write(clientVersionBytes)
def connected(connection: ActorRef, serverVersion: Int): Receive = {
case request: Request =>
print("Send request " + request)
connection ! Write(ByteString(request.toBytes(serverVersion)))
case CommandFailed(w: Write) =>
connection ! Close
print("write failed")
case Received(data) => {
implicit val is = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.toArray))
EventDispatcher.consumers.get(readInt()) match {
case Some(consumer) => {
consumer.consume(listener, serverVersion)
case None => {
listener.error(EClientErrors.NoValidId, EClientErrors.UnknownId.code, EClientErrors.UnknownId.msg)
case _ : ConnectionClosed => context stop self
I don't have the same behaviour if I connect using IBJts API (using a standard Java Socket)
Have you tried it with the keep alive option?
sender ! Tcp.SO.KeepAlive(on = true)

spray.can.Http$ConnectionException: Premature connection close

In my below test, I tried to simulate a timeout and then send a normal request. however, I got spray.can.Http$ConnectionException: Premature connection close (the server doesn't appear to support request pipelining)
class SprayCanTest extends ModuleTestKit("/SprayCanTest.conf") with FlatSpecLike with Matchers {
import system.dispatcher
var app = Actor.noSender
protected override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
app = system.actorOf(Props(new MockServer))
override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
"response time out" should "work" in {
val setup = Http.HostConnectorSetup("localhost", 9101, false)
connect(setup).onComplete {
case Success(conn) => {
conn ! HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, "/timeout")
expectMsgPF() {
case Status.Failure(t) =>
t shouldBe a[RequestTimeoutException]
"normal http response" should "work" in {
val setup = Http.HostConnectorSetup("localhost", 9101, false)
connect(setup).onComplete {
case Success(conn) => {
conn ! HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, "/hello")
expectMsgPF() {
case HttpResponse(status, entity, _, _) =>
status should be(StatusCodes.OK)
entity should be(HttpEntity("Helloworld"))
def connect(setup: HostConnectorSetup)(implicit system: ActorSystem) = {
// for the actor 'asks'
import system.dispatcher
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(1 second)
(IO(Http) ? setup) map {
case Http.HostConnectorInfo(connector, _) => connector
class MockServer extends Actor {
//implicit val timeout: Timeout = 1.second
implicit val system = context.system
// Register connection service
IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(self, interface = "localhost", port = 9101)
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case _: Http.Connected => sender ! Http.Register(self)
case HttpRequest(GET, Uri.Path("/timeout"), _, _, _) => {
sender ! HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity("ok"))
case HttpRequest(GET, Uri.Path("/hello"), _, _, _) => {
sender ! HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity("Helloworld"))
and My config for test:
spray {
can {
client {
response-chunk-aggregation-limit = 0
connecting-timeout = 1s
request-timeout = 1s
host-connector {
max-retries = 0
I found that in both cases, the "conn" object is the same.
So I guess when RequestTimeoutException happens, spray put back the conn to the pool (by default 4?) and the next case will use the same conn but at this time, this conn is keep alive, so the server will treat it as chunked request.
If I put some sleep in the second case, it will just passed.
So I guess I must close the conn when got RequestTimeoutException and make sure the second case use a fresh new connection, right?
How should I do? Any configurations?
You should not block inside an Actor (your MockServer). When it is blocked, it is unable to respond to any messages. You can wrap the Thread.sleep and response inside a Future. Or even better: use the Akka Scheduler. Be sure to assign the sender to a val because it may change when you respond to the request asynchronously. This should do the trick:
val savedSender = sender()
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(3 seconds){
savedSender ! HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity("ok"))

Asynchronous http requests using Netty and Scala actors

Asynchronous http requests using Netty and Scala actors
Hey hope someone can give me a hand with this.
I am trying to use the Scala Actors and libraries to get make asynchronous http requests. (Yes I know Scala actors are being deprecated but this is a learning exercise for me)
I have written an actor HttpRequestActor that accepts a message in the form of a case class RequestPage(uri:URI).
When it receives the message it creates the necessary Netty objects need to make a http request, I have based most of the code from the [HttpSnoopClient] ( example.
I create a client and pass the current actor instance to my implementation of ChannelPipelineFactory which also passes the actor to my implementation of SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, where I have overridden the messageReceived function.
The actor instance is passed as a listener, I create a request using the DefaultHttpRequest class and write to the channel to make the request.
There is a blocking call to an actor object using the ChannelFuture object returned from writing to the channel. When the messageRecieved function of my handler class is called I parse the response of the netty http request as a string, send a message back to actor with the content of the response and close the channel.
After the future is completed my code attempts to send a reply to the calling actor with the http content response received.
The code works, and I am able to get a reply, send it to my actor instance, print out the content and send a message to the actor instance release resources being used.
Problem is when I test it, the original call to the actor does not get a reply and the thread just stays open.
Code Sample - HttpRequestActor
my code for my HttpRequestActor class
import scala.actors.Actor
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http._
import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ClientBootstrap
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors,CancellationException}
import org.jboss.netty.util.CharsetUtil
import scala.concurrent.{ Promise, Future }
* #author mebinum
class HttpRequestActor extends Actor {
//initialize response with default uninitialized value
private var resp:Response = _
private val executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool
private val executor2 = Executors.newCachedThreadPool
private val factory = new NioClientSocketChannelFactory(
private val allChannels = new DefaultChannelGroup("httpRequester")
def act = loop {
react {
case RequestPage(uri) => requestUri(uri)
case Reply(msg) => setResponse(Reply(msg))
case NoReply => println("didnt get a reply");setResponse(NoReply)
case NotReadable => println("got a reply but its not readable");setResponse(NotReadable)
case ShutDown => shutDown()
private def requestUri(uri:URI) = {
makeChannel(uri) map {
channel => {
val request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET, uri.toString)
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.HOST, uri.getHost())
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.CLOSE)
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HttpHeaders.Values.GZIP)
val writeFuture = channel.write(request).awaitUninterruptibly()
FutureReactor !? writeFuture match {
case future : ChannelFuture => {
future.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
def operationComplete(future:ChannelFuture) {
// Perform post-closure operation
println("current response is " + resp)
sendResponse("look ma I finished")
this ! ShutDown
//thread ends only if you send a reply from here
//println("this is final sender " + sender)
//reply("I am the true end")
private def makeChannel(uri:URI) = {
val scheme = Some(uri.getScheme()).getOrElse("http")
val host = Some(uri.getHost()).getOrElse("localhost")
val port = Utils.getPort(uri.getPort, uri.getScheme)
// Set up the event pipeline factory.
val client = new ClientBootstrap(factory)
client.setPipelineFactory(new PipelineFactory(this))
//get the promised channel
val channel = NettyFutureBridge(client.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port)))
private def setResponse(aResponse:Response) = resp = aResponse
private def sendResponse(msg:String) = {
println("Sending the response " + msg)
private def shutDown() = {
println("got a shutdown message")
val groupFuture = allChannels.close().awaitUninterruptibly()
override def exceptionHandler = {
case e : CancellationException => println("The request was cancelled"); throw e
case tr: Throwable => println("An unknown exception happened " + tr.getCause()); throw tr
trait Response
case class RequestPage(url:URI)
case class Reply(content:String) extends Response
case object NoReply extends Response
case object NotReadable extends Response
case object ShutDown
object FutureReactor extends Actor{
def act = //loop {
react {
case future: ChannelFuture => {
if (future.isCancelled) {
throw new CancellationException()
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
throw future.getCause()
if(future.isSuccess() && future.isDone()){
class ClientHandler(listener:Actor) extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler {
override def exceptionCaught( ctx:ChannelHandlerContext, e:ExceptionEvent){
throw e.getCause()
override def messageReceived(ctx:ChannelHandlerContext, e:MessageEvent) = {
var contentString = ""
var httpResponse:Response = null.asInstanceOf[Response]
e.getMessage match {
case (response: HttpResponse) if !response.isChunked => {
println("STATUS: " + response.getStatus);
println("VERSION: " + response.getProtocolVersion);
val content = response.getContent();
if (content.readable()) {
contentString = content.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)
httpResponse = Reply(contentString)
//notify actor
httpResponse = NotReadable
case chunk: HttpChunk if !chunk.isLast => {
//get chunked content
contentString = chunk.getContent().toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)
httpResponse = Reply(contentString)
case _ => httpResponse = NoReply
println("sending actor my response")
listener ! httpResponse
println("closing the channel")
//send the close event
class PipelineFactory(listener:Actor) extends ChannelPipelineFactory {
def getPipeline(): ChannelPipeline = {
// Create a default pipeline implementation.
val pipeline =
pipeline.addLast("codec", new HttpClientCodec())
// Remove the following line if you don't want automatic content decompression.
pipeline.addLast("inflater", new HttpContentDecompressor())
// Uncomment the following line if you don't want to handle HttpChunks.
//pipeline.addLast("aggregator", new HttpChunkAggregator(1048576))
pipeline.addLast("decoder", new HttpRequestDecoder())
//assign the handler
pipeline.addLast("handler", new ClientHandler(listener))
object NettyFutureBridge {
import scala.concurrent.{ Promise, Future }
import scala.util.Try
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
import{ Channel, ChannelFuture, ChannelFutureListener }
def apply(nettyFuture: ChannelFuture): Future[Channel] = {
val p = Promise[Channel]()
nettyFuture.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener {
def operationComplete(future: ChannelFuture): Unit = p complete Try(
if (future.isSuccess) {
else if (future.isCancelled) {
println("Was cancelled")
throw new CancellationException
else {
throw future.getCause
Code to test it
val url = ""
test("Http Request Actor can recieve and react to message"){
val actor = new HttpRequestActor()
val response = actor !? new RequestPage(new URI(url))
match {
case Reply(msg) => {
println("this is the reply response in test")
assert(msg != "")
case NoReply => println("Got No Reply")
case NotReadable => println("Got a not Reachable")
case None => println("Got a timeout")
case s:Response => println("response string \n" + s)
case x => {println("Got a value not sure what it is"); println(x);}
Libraries used:
- Scala 2.9.2
- 3.6.1.Final
- Junit 4.7
- scalatest 1.8
- I am also using #viktorklang NettyFutureBridge object gist to create a scala future for the Channel object returned
How can I send a reply back to the actor object with the content of response from Netty and end the thread?
Any help will be much appreciated
I don't know Scala, but I had a similar issue. Try specifying the content-length header of the response.
In plain java:
HttpRequest r = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.POST, uri);
ChannelBuffer buffer = ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer(input);
r.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.HOST, "host");
r.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
r.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, buffer.readableBytes());
r.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.CLOSE);
Otherwise the server has no idea when the content is completed from the client, unless the client closes the connection.
You can also use chunked encoding, but you'll have to implement the chunk encoding yourself (At least I don't know of a library in Netty that does it).