Define identifiers in foreign languages - unicode

At the moment, in my tokens.mll, I have defined the following tokens to build latin_identifier.
let decimal_digit = ['0'-'9']
let first_latin_identifier_character = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let subsequent_latin_identifier_character = first_latin_identifier_character | '\x5F' (* underscore *) | decimal_digit
let latin_identifier = first_latin_identifier_character subsequent_latin_identifier_character*
However, this setting does not cover identifiers like ZÄHLENWENNS, SENÃODISP, TipoDeAusência_Férias.
Does anyone know how to make identifiers cover spanish, french, german, and even chinese?

One option is to switch to sedlex
which has built-in support for unicode classes of codepoints (in particular id_start and id_continue).


Characters and digits of Chapter four of the Unicode Standard

In a language specification, there is
'_' | '\' | ? any code points which are characters as defined by the Unicode character properties, chapter four of the Unicode Standard ?;
Could anyone tell me how to correctly represent that any code points which are characters as defined by the Unicode character properties, chapter four of the Unicode Standard in a lexer?
Similarly, there is
name-start-character | decimal-digit | full-stop | ? any code points which are digits
as defined by the Unicode character properties, chapter four of the Unicode standard ?;
Does anyone know how to faithfully represent that any code points which are digits as defined by the Unicode character properties, chapter four of the Unicode standard in a lexer?
I have found this, but it is too hard for me to understand.
PS: I use sedlex to write my lexer.
Edit 1:
Previously, I used the following code to make name_start_character. Even though it was not fully complete, it worked more or less.
let first_Latin_identifier_character = [%sedlex.regexp? ('a'..'z') | ('A'..'Z') ]
let subsequent_Latin_identifier_character = [%sedlex.regexp? first_Latin_identifier_character | '\x5F' (* underscore *) | ('0'..'9')]
let latin_identifier = [%sedlex.regexp? first_Latin_identifier_character, (Star subsequent_Latin_identifier_character)]
let cP936_initial_character = [%sedlex.regexp? 0xff21 .. 0xff3a | 0xff41 .. 0xff5a | 0x3001 .. 0x2014 | 0x2016 .. 0x2026 | 0x3014 .. 0x2103 | 0x00a4 .. 0x2605 | 0x2488 .. 0x216b | 0x3041 .. 0xfa29]
let cP936_subsequent_character = [%sedlex.regexp? cP936_initial_character | 0xff3f | 0xff10 .. 0xff19]
let first_sChinese_identifier_character = [%sedlex.regexp? first_Latin_identifier_character | cP936_initial_character]
let subsequent_sChinese_identifier_character = [%sedlex.regexp? subsequent_Latin_identifier_character | cP936_subsequent_character]
let simplified_Chinese_identifier = [%sedlex.regexp? first_sChinese_identifier_character, (Star subsequent_sChinese_identifier_character)]
let cjk_character = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x4E00 .. 0x9FFF | 0x3400 .. 0x4DBF | 0x20000 .. 0x2A6DF | 0x2A700 .. 0x2B73F | 0x2B740 .. 0x2B81F |
0x2B820 .. 0x2CEAF | 0xF900 .. 0xFAFF | 0x2F800 .. 0x2FA1F]
let cjk_identifier = [%sedlex.regexp? (Plus cjk_character)]
let korean_character = [%sedlex.regexp? 0xAC00 .. 0xD7A3]
let korean_identifier = [%sedlex.regexp? Plus korean_character]
let japanese_character = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x3000 .. 0x303f | 0x3040 .. 0x309f | 0x30a0 .. 0x30ff | 0xff00 .. 0xffef] (* except CJK unifed ideographs - Common and uncommon kanji (4e00 - 9faf) *)
let japanese_identifier = [%sedlex.regexp? Plus japanese_character]
let cP2_character_874 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x0082|0x0083|0x0084|0x2026|0x0086|0x0087|0x0088|0x0089|0x008a|0x008b|0x008c|0x008d|0x008e|0x008f|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x0098|0x0099|0x009a|0x009b|0x009c|0x009d|0x009e|0x009f|0x00a0|0x0e01|0x0e02|0x0e03|0x0e04|0x0e05|0x0e06|0x0e07|0x0e08|0x0e09|0x0e0a|0x0e0b|0x0e0c|0x0e0d|0x0e0e|0x0e0f|0x0e10|0x0e11|0x0e12|0x0e13|0x0e14|0x0e15|0x0e16|0x0e17|0x0e18|0x0e19|0x0e1a|0x0e1b|0x0e1c|0x0e1d|0x0e1e|0x0e1f|0x0e20|0x0e21|0x0e22|0x0e23|0x0e24|0x0e25|0x0e26|0x0e27|0x0e28|0x0e29|0x0e2a|0x0e2b|0x0e2c|0x0e2d|0x0e2e|0x0e2f|0x0e30|0x0e31|0x0e32|0x0e33|0x0e34|0x0e35|0x0e36|0x0e37|0x0e38|0x0e39|0x0e3a|0xf8c1|0xf8c2|0xf8c3|0xf8c4|0x0e3f|0x0e40|0x0e41|0x0e42|0x0e43|0x0e44|0x0e45|0x0e46|0x0e47|0x0e48|0x0e49|0x0e4a|0x0e4b|0x0e4c|0x0e4d|0x0e4e|0x0e4f|0x0e50|0x0e51|0x0e52|0x0e53|0x0e54|0x0e55|0x0e56|0x0e57|0x0e58|0x0e59|0x0e5a|0x0e5b|0xf8c5|0xf8c6|0xf8c7|0xf8c8]
let cP2_character_1250 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x201a|0x0083|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x0088|0x2030|0x0160|0x2039|0x015a|0x0164|0x017d|0x0179|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x0098|0x2122|0x0161|0x203a|0x015b|0x0165|0x017e|0x017a|0x00a0|0x02c7|0x02d8|0x0141|0x00a4|0x0104|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00a8|0x00a9|0x015e|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x017b|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x02db|0x0142|0x00b4|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x00b8|0x0105|0x015f|0x00bb|0x013d|0x02dd|0x013e|0x017c|0x0154|0x00c1|0x00c2|0x0102|0x00c4|0x0139|0x0106|0x00c7|0x010c|0x00c9|0x0118|0x00cb|0x011a|0x00cd|0x00ce|0x010e|0x0110|0x0143|0x0147|0x00d3|0x00d4|0x0150|0x00d6|0x00d7|0x0158|0x016e|0x00da|0x0170|0x00dc|0x00dd|0x0162|0x00df|0x0155|0x00e1|0x00e2|0x0103|0x00e4|0x013a|0x0107|0x00e7|0x010d|0x00e9|0x0119|0x00eb|0x011b|0x00ed|0x00ee|0x010f|0x0111|0x0144|0x0148|0x00f3|0x00f4|0x0151|0x00f6|0x00f7|0x0159|0x016f|0x00fa|0x0171|0x00fc|0x00fd|0x0163|0x02d9]
let cP2_character_1251 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x0402|0x0403|0x201a|0x0453|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x20ac|0x2030|0x0409|0x2039|0x040a|0x040c|0x040b|0x040f|0x0452|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x0098|0x2122|0x0459|0x203a|0x045a|0x045c|0x045b|0x045f|0x00a0|0x040e|0x045e|0x0408|0x00a4|0x0490|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x0401|0x00a9|0x0404|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x0407|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x0406|0x0456|0x0491|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x0451|0x2116|0x0454|0x00bb|0x0458|0x0405|0x0455|0x0457|0x0410|0x0411|0x0412|0x0413|0x0414|0x0415|0x0416|0x0417|0x0418|0x0419|0x041a|0x041b|0x041c|0x041d|0x041e|0x041f|0x0420|0x0421|0x0422|0x0423|0x0424|0x0425|0x0426|0x0427|0x0428|0x0429|0x042a|0x042b|0x042c|0x042d|0x042e|0x042f|0x0430|0x0431|0x0432|0x0433|0x0434|0x0435|0x0436|0x0437|0x0438|0x0439|0x043a|0x043b|0x043c|0x043d|0x043e|0x043f|0x0440|0x0441|0x0442|0x0443|0x0444|0x0445|0x0446|0x0447|0x0448|0x0449|0x044a|0x044b|0x044c|0x044d|0x044e|0x044f]
let cP2_character_1252 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x201a|0x0192|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x02c6|0x2030|0x0160|0x2039|0x0152|0x008d|0x017d|0x008f|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x02dc|0x2122|0x0161|0x203a|0x0153|0x009d|0x017e|0x0178|0x00a0|0x00a1|0x00a2|0x00a3|0x00a4|0x00a5|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00a8|0x00a9|0x00aa|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x00af|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x00b2|0x00b3|0x00b4|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x00b8|0x00b9|0x00ba|0x00bb|0x00bc|0x00bd|0x00be|0x00bf|0x00c0|0x00c1|0x00c2|0x00c3|0x00c4|0x00c5|0x00c6|0x00c7|0x00c8|0x00c9|0x00ca|0x00cb|0x00cc|0x00cd|0x00ce|0x00cf|0x00d0|0x00d1|0x00d2|0x00d3|0x00d4|0x00d5|0x00d6|0x00d7|0x00d8|0x00d9|0x00da|0x00db|0x00dc|0x00dd|0x00de|0x00df|0x00e0|0x00e1|0x00e2|0x00e3|0x00e4|0x00e5|0x00e6|0x00e7|0x00e8|0x00e9|0x00ea|0x00eb|0x00ec|0x00ed|0x00ee|0x00ef|0x00f0|0x00f1|0x00f2|0x00f3|0x00f4|0x00f5|0x00f6|0x00f7|0x00f8|0x00f9|0x00fa|0x00fb|0x00fc|0x00fd|0x00fe|0x00ff]
let cP2_character_1253 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x201a|0x0192|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x0088|0x2030|0x008a|0x2039|0x008c|0x008d|0x008e|0x008f|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x0098|0x2122|0x009a|0x203a|0x009c|0x009d|0x009e|0x009f|0x00a0|0x0385|0x0386|0x00a3|0x00a4|0x00a5|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00a8|0x00a9|0xf8f9|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x2015|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x00b2|0x00b3|0x0384|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x0388|0x0389|0x038a|0x00bb|0x038c|0x00bd|0x038e|0x038f|0x0390|0x0391|0x0392|0x0393|0x0394|0x0395|0x0396|0x0397|0x0398|0x0399|0x039a|0x039b|0x039c|0x039d|0x039e|0x039f|0x03a0|0x03a1|0xf8fa|0x03a3|0x03a4|0x03a5|0x03a6|0x03a7|0x03a8|0x03a9|0x03aa|0x03ab|0x03ac|0x03ad|0x03ae|0x03af|0x03b0|0x03b1|0x03b2|0x03b3|0x03b4|0x03b5|0x03b6|0x03b7|0x03b8|0x03b9|0x03ba|0x03bb|0x03bc|0x03bd|0x03be|0x03bf|0x03c0|0x03c1|0x03c2|0x03c3|0x03c4|0x03c5|0x03c6|0x03c7|0x03c8|0x03c9|0x03ca|0x03cb|0x03cc|0x03cd|0x03ce|0xf8fb]
let cP2_character_1254 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x201a|0x0192|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x02c6|0x2030|0x0160|0x2039|0x0152|0x008d|0x008e|0x008f|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x02dc|0x2122|0x0161|0x203a|0x0153|0x009d|0x009e|0x0178|0x00a0|0x00a1|0x00a2|0x00a3|0x00a4|0x00a5|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00a8|0x00a9|0x00aa|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x00af|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x00b2|0x00b3|0x00b4|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x00b8|0x00b9|0x00ba|0x00bb|0x00bc|0x00bd|0x00be|0x00bf|0x00c0|0x00c1|0x00c2|0x00c3|0x00c4|0x00c5|0x00c6|0x00c7|0x00c8|0x00c9|0x00ca|0x00cb|0x00cc|0x00cd|0x00ce|0x00cf|0x011e|0x00d1|0x00d2|0x00d3|0x00d4|0x00d5|0x00d6|0x00d7|0x00d8|0x00d9|0x00da|0x00db|0x00dc|0x0130|0x015e|0x00df|0x00e0|0x00e1|0x00e2|0x00e3|0x00e4|0x00e5|0x00e6|0x00e7|0x00e8|0x00e9|0x00ea|0x00eb|0x00ec|0x00ed|0x00ee|0x00ef|0x011f|0x00f1|0x00f2|0x00f3|0x00f4|0x00f5|0x00f6|0x00f7|0x00f8|0x00f9|0x00fa|0x00fb|0x00fc|0x0131|0x015f|0x00ff]
let cP2_character_1255 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x201a|0x0192|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x02c6|0x2030|0x008a|0x2039|0x008c|0x008d|0x008e|0x008f|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x02dc|0x2122|0x009a|0x203a|0x009c|0x009d|0x009e|0x009f|0x00a0|0x00a1|0x00a2|0x00a3|0x20aa|0x00a5|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00a8|0x00a9|0x00d7|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x00af|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x00b2|0x00b3|0x00b4|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x00b8|0x00b9|0x00f7|0x00bb|0x00bc|0x00bd|0x00be|0x00bf|0x05b0|0x05b1|0x05b2|0x05b3|0x05b4|0x05b5|0x05b6|0x05b7|0x05b8|0x05b9|0x05ba|0x05bb|0x05bc|0x05bd|0x05be|0x05bf|0x05c0|0x05c1|0x05c2|0x05c3|0x05f0|0x05f1|0x05f2|0x05f3|0x05f4|0xf88d|0xf88e|0xf88f|0xf890|0xf891|0xf892|0xf893|0x05d0|0x05d1|0x05d2|0x05d3|0x05d4|0x05d5|0x05d6|0x05d7|0x05d8|0x05d9|0x05da|0x05db|0x05dc|0x05dd|0x05de|0x05df|0x05e0|0x05e1|0x05e2|0x05e3|0x05e4|0x05e5|0x05e6|0x05e7|0x05e8|0x05e9|0x05ea|0xf894|0xf895|0x200e|0x200f|0xf896]
let cP2_character_1256 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x067e|0x201a|0x0192|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x02c6|0x2030|0x0679|0x2039|0x0152|0x0686|0x0698|0x0688|0x06af|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x06a9|0x2122|0x0691|0x203a|0x0153|0x200c|0x200d|0x06ba|0x00a0|0x060c|0x00a2|0x00a3|0x00a4|0x00a5|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00a8|0x00a9|0x06be|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x00af|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x00b2|0x00b3|0x00b4|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x00b8|0x00b9|0x061b|0x00bb|0x00bc|0x00bd|0x00be|0x061f|0x06c1|0x0621|0x0622|0x0623|0x0624|0x0625|0x0626|0x0627|0x0628|0x0629|0x062a|0x062b|0x062c|0x062d|0x062e|0x062f|0x0630|0x0631|0x0632|0x0633|0x0634|0x0635|0x0636|0x00d7|0x0637|0x0638|0x0639|0x063a|0x0640|0x0641|0x0642|0x0643|0x00e0|0x0644|0x00e2|0x0645|0x0646|0x0647|0x0648|0x00e7|0x00e8|0x00e9|0x00ea|0x00eb|0x0649|0x064a|0x00ee|0x00ef|0x064b|0x064c|0x064d|0x064e|0x00f4|0x064f|0x0650|0x00f7|0x0651|0x00f9|0x0652|0x00fb|0x00fc|0x200e|0x200f|0x06d2]
let cP2_character_1257 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x201a|0x0083|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x0088|0x2030|0x008a|0x2039|0x008c|0x00a8|0x02c7|0x00b8|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x0098|0x2122|0x009a|0x203a|0x009c|0x00af|0x02db|0x009f|0x00a0|0xf8fc|0x00a2|0x00a3|0x00a4|0xf8fd|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00d8|0x00a9|0x0156|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x00c6|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x00b2|0x00b3|0x00b4|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x00f8|0x00b9|0x0157|0x00bb|0x00bc|0x00bd|0x00be|0x00e6|0x0104|0x012e|0x0100|0x0106|0x00c4|0x00c5|0x0118|0x0112|0x010c|0x00c9|0x0179|0x0116|0x0122|0x0136|0x012a|0x013b|0x0160|0x0143|0x0145|0x00d3|0x014c|0x00d5|0x00d6|0x00d7|0x0172|0x0141|0x015a|0x016a|0x00dc|0x017b|0x017d|0x00df|0x0105|0x012f|0x0101|0x0107|0x00e4|0x00e5|0x0119|0x0113|0x010d|0x00e9|0x017a|0x0117|0x0123|0x0137|0x012b|0x013c|0x0161|0x0144|0x0146|0x00f3|0x014d|0x00f5|0x00f6|0x00f7|0x0173|0x0142|0x015b|0x016b|0x00fc|0x017c|0x017e|0x02d9]
let cP2_character_1258 = [%sedlex.regexp? 0x20ac|0x0081|0x201a|0x0192|0x201e|0x2026|0x2020|0x2021|0x02c6|0x2030|0x008a|0x2039|0x0152|0x008d|0x008e|0x008f|0x0090|0x2018|0x2019|0x201c|0x201d|0x2022|0x2013|0x2014|0x02dc|0x2122|0x009a|0x203a|0x0153|0x009d|0x009e|0x0178|0x00a0|0x00a1|0x00a2|0x00a3|0x00a4|0x00a5|0x00a6|0x00a7|0x00a8|0x00a9|0x00aa|0x00ab|0x00ac|0x00ad|0x00ae|0x00af|0x00b0|0x00b1|0x00b2|0x00b3|0x00b4|0x00b5|0x00b6|0x00b7|0x00b8|0x00b9|0x00ba|0x00bb|0x00bc|0x00bd|0x00be|0x00bf|0x00c0|0x00c1|0x00c2|0x0102|0x00c4|0x00c5|0x00c6|0x00c7|0x00c8|0x00c9|0x00ca|0x00cb|0x0300|0x00cd|0x00ce|0x00cf|0x0110|0x00d1|0x0309|0x00d3|0x00d4|0x01a0|0x00d6|0x00d7|0x00d8|0x00d9|0x00da|0x00db|0x00dc|0x01af|0x0303|0x00df|0x00e0|0x00e1|0x00e2|0x0103|0x00e4|0x00e5|0x00e6|0x00e7|0x00e8|0x00e9|0x00ea|0x00eb|0x0301|0x00ed|0x00ee|0x00ef|0x0111|0x00f1|0x0323|0x00f3|0x00f4|0x01a1|0x00f6|0x00f7|0x00f8|0x00f9|0x00fa|0x00fb|0x00fc|0x01b0|0x20ab|0x00ff]
let cP2_character = [%sedlex.regexp? cP2_character_874 | cP2_character_1250 | cP2_character_1251 | cP2_character_1252
| cP2_character_1253 | cP2_character_1254 | cP2_character_1255 | cP2_character_1256
| cP2_character_1257 | cP2_character_1258]
let codepage_identifier = [%sedlex.regexp? (first_Latin_identifier_character | cP2_character), Star (subsequent_Latin_identifier_character | cP2_character)]
let name_start_character = [%sedlex.regexp? '_' | '\x5C' |
first_Latin_identifier_character |
cP2_character |
cjk_character |
korean_character |
Then, I tried rici's simpler solution:
let name_start_character = [%sedlex.regexp? '_' | '\x5C' | Compl (cn | cs)]
It returned Fatal error: exception Stack overflow followed by Error: Error while running external preprocessor
In brief, Chapter 4 defines a number of properties which indicate information about characters. This can indicate e.g. "this is a whitespace character", "this is a combining character", etc, and, predictably, "this is a digit". Also, paradoxically, "this is not a character".
How to reliably and robustly codify this information in a lexer depends on that particular lexer's requirements, and also on whether you need to update it when Unicode is updated, or if a static snapshot of the current Unicode standard is enough.
Either way, you will want to download and parse the Unicode Character Database and extract an enumeration of the code points with the properties you are asking about.
For a quick sampler of digits, e.g. brings up mostly characters which have the "decimal digit" property. When you visit the individual results, examine the "Category" field near the top of each individual page, and the Character.isDigit() field further down. has a full listing of the members of the category. The parent page has a list of all the categories, with links to similar individual category pages with lists of their members. contains a section which explains and enumerates the stable set of 66 code points which are defined as "noncharacters". Any others would satisfy the first defintion in your question.
Sedlex, according to its documentation, has predefined regular expression classes, many of which correspond to the Unicode standard. I believe you can use these to easily satisfy the requirement, assuming that sedlex is built with the same or newer Unicode version as that used by the document you are parsing:
Code points which are characters: Compl (cn | cs)
Digits: nd
Code points which are characters
The set of "code points which are characters as defined by the Unicode character properties" is actually defined in chapter two of the Unicode standard, not chapter four. In the current version (14.0.0), the definition is shown in Table 2.3 on page 30 (which is page 23 of the linked PDF).
In Unicode, every codepoint has a two-letter "general-category", which is normative although not always very informative. Table 2.3 relates general categories to three possible "character status" values: "Assigned to abstract character", "Cannot be assigned to abstract character" and "Not assigned to abstract character", as follows:
Cannot be assigned to abstract character: Cs
Not assigned to abstract character: Cn
Assigned to abstract character: Everything else.
It's worth noting that the 66 "non-characters" in the standard have category Cn, not Cs as one might expect. Nonetheless, the standard guarantees that these 66 characters will never be assigned. Category Cs refers to codepoints which can only be used in two-codepoint sequences ("surrogate pairs"), and only in UTF-16 encoding. A well-formed UTF-8 or UTF-32 sequence cannot contain surrogate codepoints. But it can contain "non-characters", even though the code doesn't actually map to a character. (Thus, "non-character" codes can be used internally as sentinels or for other purposes; surrogate codes cannot be used for any purpose other than their use in UTF-16 encoding.)
In short, you can get the set of codepoints mapped to characters in whatever Unicode version was used by sedlex to create its predefined patterns. That would be the categories cc, cf, co, ll, lm, lo, lt, lu, mc, me, mn, nd, nl, no, pc, pd, pe, pf, pi, po, ps, sc, sk, sm, so, zl, zp, zs, which I believe you can write as Compl (cs | cn). Note that the list of categories is fixed by the stability guarantees of the Unicode standard, but many of the categories may be extended with new characters in future versions.
The general categories themselves are explained (to some extent) in section 4.5 of Chapter 4. There is no category called "digits"; the closest one would be category Nd, which is "Numbers, decimal digits". I'd recommend using that one (nd in sedlex).

Swift custom operators with Unicode combining characters

Can I coax the compiler to accept a combining character as a postfix operator?
The references at and GitHub and this useful gist suggest that combining characters (e.g. U+0300 ff.) may serve as operators in Swift.
With judicious implementation (omitted here) I can say “Fiat Lux” and there is
prefix operator ‖ // Find the norm.
postfix operator ‖ // Does nothing.
func / // Scalar division.
which allows
let vHat = v / ‖v‖ // Readable as math.
or even
let v̂ = v / ‖v‖ // Loving it.
The OCD in me wants now to use the combining circumflex as a (topfix) operator like this:
let normalizedV = v̂ // Combining char is really a postfix.
So I leap in and try to write:
postfix operator ^ // Want this to be *combining* circumflex.
postfix func ^(v: Vector) -> Vector { v / ‖v‖ }
and can do it with plain old U+005E circumflex, but get (various) compiler errors when I try with the combining circumflex U+0302.
An operator name (or any other identifier) cannot start with the U+0302 character. Like all combining marks, it is an allowed “operator-character” but not an allowed “operator-head”. From Lexical Structure > Operators in “The Swift Programming Language”:
operator → operator-head operator-charactersopt
operator-character → U+0300–U+036F

How to split a Korean word into it's components?

So, for example the character 김 is made up of ㄱ, ㅣ and ㅁ. I need to split the Korean word into it's components to get the resulting 3 characters.
I tried by doing the following but it doesn't seem to output it correctly:
let str = "김"
let utf8 = str.utf8
let first:UInt8 = utf8.first!
let char = Character(UnicodeScalar(first))
The problem is, that that code returns ê, when it should be returning ㄱ.
You need to use the decomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping string to get the unicode scalar values and then use those scalar values to get the characters. Something below,
let string = "김"
for scalar in string.decomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping.unicodeScalars {
print("\(scalar) ")
You can create list of character strings as,
let chars = { String($0) }
// ["ᄀ", "ᅵ", "ᆷ"]
Korean related info in Apple docs
Extended grapheme clusters are a flexible way to represent many
complex script characters as a single Character value. For example,
Hangul syllables from the Korean alphabet can be represented as either
a precomposed or decomposed sequence. Both of these representations
qualify as a single Character value in Swift:
let precomposed: Character = "\u{D55C}" // 한
let decomposed: Character = "\u{1112}\u{1161}\u{11AB}" // ᄒ, ᅡ, ᆫ
// precomposed is 한, decomposed is 한

German character ß uppercased in SS

I figured out, that "ß" is converted to "SS" when using uppercased(). But I want compare if two strings are equal without being case sensitive.
So when comparing "gruß" with "GRUß" it should be the same as well as when comparing "gru" with "Gru".
There is no uppercase "ß" in german language! Because I don't know which other characters aren't available in the corresponding languages, I could not filter all the caracters, which have no 1:1 uppercased opponent.
What can I do?
Use caseInsensitiveCompare() instead of converting the strings
to upper or lowercase:
let s1 = "gruß"
let s2 = "GRUß"
let eq = s1.caseInsensitiveCompare(s2) == .orderedSame
print(eq) // true
This compares the strings in a case-insensitive way according to
the Unicode standard.
There is also localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare() which does
a comparison according to the current locale, and, options: .caseInsensitive, locale: ...)
for a case-insensitive comparison according to an arbitrary given
Well, "GRUß" is non-sensical in the first place for the reasons you state. You can't throw arbitrary data at a computer and expect it to process it in a sane way :-) If you have to deal with invalid input, you should probably have a preprocessing phase which cleans up crap you know about.
Having said that, this works (Swift 3.0):
let grusz = "GRUß"
let gruss = "GRUSS"
if, options: .caseInsensitive) == .orderedSame {

Is there a clean way to specify character literals in Swift?

Swift seems to be trying to deprecate the notion of a string being composed of an array of atomic characters, which makes sense for many uses, but there's an awful lot of programming that involves picking through datastructures that are ASCII for all practical purposes: particularly with file I/O. The absence of a built in language feature to specify a character literal seems like a gaping hole, i.e. there is no analog of the C/Java/etc-esque:
String foo="a"
char bar='a'
This is rather inconvenient, because even if you convert your strings into arrays of characters, you can't do things like:
let ch:unichar = arrayOfCharacters[n]
if ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' {...whatever...}
One rather hacky workaround is to do something like this:
let LOWCASE_A = ("a" as NSString).characterAtIndex(0)
let LOWCASE_Z = ("z" as NSString).characterAtIndex(0)
if ch >= LOWCASE_A && ch <= LOWCASE_Z {...whatever...}
This works, but obviously it's pretty ugly. Does anyone have a better way?
Characters can be created from Strings as long as those Strings are only made up of a single character. And, since Character implements ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible, Swift will do this for you automatically on assignment. So, to create a Character in Swift, you can simply do something like:
let ch: Character = "a"
Then, you can use the contains method of an IntervalType (generated with the Range operators) to check if a character is within the range you're looking for:
if ("a"..."z").contains(ch) {
/* ... whatever ... */
let ch: Character = "m"
if ("a"..."z").contains(ch) {
} else {
Update: As #MartinR pointed out, the ordering of Swift characters is based on Unicode Normalization Form D which is not in the same order as ASCII character codes. In your specific case, there are more characters between a and z than in straight ASCII (ä for example). See #MartinR's answer here for more info.
If you need to check if a character is in between two ASCII character codes, then you may need to do something like your original workaround. However, you'll also have to convert ch to an unichar and not a Character for it to work (see this question for more info on Character vs unichar):
let a_code = ("a" as NSString).characterAtIndex(0)
let z_code = ("z" as NSString).characterAtIndex(0)
let ch_code = (String(ch) as NSString).characterAtIndex(0)
if (a_code...z_code).contains(ch_code) {
} else {
Or, the even more verbose way without using NSString:
let startCharScalars = "a".unicodeScalars
let startCode = startCharScalars[startCharScalars.startIndex]
let endCharScalars = "z".unicodeScalars
let endCode = endCharScalars[endCharScalars.startIndex]
let chScalars = String(ch).unicodeScalars
let chCode = chScalars[chScalars.startIndex]
if (startCode...endCode).contains(chCode) {
} else {
Note: Both of those examples only work if the character only contains a single code point, but, as long as we're limited to ASCII, that shouldn't be a problem.
If you need C-style ASCII literals, you can just do this:
let chr = UInt8(ascii:"A") // == UInt8( 0x41 )
Or if you need 32-bit Unicode literals you can do this:
let unichr1 = UnicodeScalar("A").value // == UInt32( 0x41 )
let unichr2 = UnicodeScalar("é").value // == UInt32( 0xe9 )
let unichr3 = UnicodeScalar("😀").value // == UInt32( 0x1f600 )
Or 16-bit:
let unichr1 = UInt16(UnicodeScalar("A").value) // == UInt16( 0x41 )
let unichr2 = UInt16(UnicodeScalar("é").value) // == UInt16( 0xe9 )
All of these initializers will be evaluated at compile time, so it really is using an immediate literal at the assembly instruction level.
The feature you want was proposed to be in Swift 5.1, but that proposal was rejected for a few reasons:
The proposal as written, in the current Swift ecosystem, would have allowed for expressions like 'x' + 'y' == "xy", which was not intended (the proper syntax would be "x" + "y" == "xy").
The proposal was two in one.
First, it proposed a way to introduce single-quote literals into the language.
Second, it proposed that these would be convertible to numerical types to deal with ASCII values and Unicode codepoints.
These are both good proposals, and it was recommended that this be split into two and re-proposed. Those follow-up proposals have not yet been formalized.
It never reached consensus whether the default type of 'x' would be a Character or a Unicode.Scalar. The proposal went with Character, citing the Principle of Least Surprise, despite this lack of consensus.
You can read the full rejection rationale here.
The syntax might/would look like this:
let myChar = 'f' // Type is Character, value is solely the unicode U+0066 LATIN SMALL LETTER F
let myInt8: Int8 = 'f' // Type is Int8, value is 102 (0x66)
let myUInt8Array: [UInt8] = [ 'a', 'b', '1', '2' ] // Type is [UInt8], value is [ 97, 98, 49, 50 ] ([ 0x61, 0x62, 0x31, 0x32 ])
switch someUInt8 {
case 'a' ... 'f': return "Lowercase hex letter"
case 'A' ... 'F': return "Uppercase hex letter"
case '0' ... '9': return "Hex digit"
default: return "Non-hex character"
It also looks like you can use the following syntax:
This will create a Character from the specified single character string.
I have only tested this in Swift 4 and Xcode 10.1
Why do I exhume 7 year old posts? Fun I guess? Seriously though, I think I can add to the discussion.
It is not a gaping hole, or rather, it is a deliberate gaping hole that explicitly discourages conflating a string of text with a sequence of ASCII bytes.
You absolutely can pick apart a String. A String implements BidirectionalCollection and has many ways to manipulate the atoms. See:
But you have to get used to the more generalized notion of a String. It can be picked apart from the User perspective, which is a sequence of grapheme clusters, each (usually) which a visually separable appearance, or from the encoding perspective, which can be one of several (UTF32, UTF16, UTF8).
At the risk of overanalyzing the wording of your question:
A data structure is conceptual, and independent of encoding in storage
A data structure encoded as an ASCII string is just one kind of ASCII string
By design the encoding of ASCII values 0-127 will have an identical encoding in UTF-8, so loading that stream with a UTF8 API is fine
A data structure encoded as a string where fields of the structure have UTF-8 Unicode string values is not an ASCII string, but a UTF-8 string itself
A string is either ASCII-encoded or not; "for practical purposes" isn't a meaningful qualifier. A UTF-8 database field where 99.99% of the text falls in the ASCII range (where encodings will match), but occasionally doesn't, will present some nasty bug opportunities.
Instead of a terse and low-level equivalence of fixed-width integers and English-only text, Swift has a richer API that forces more explicit naming of the involved categories and entities. If you want to deal with ASCII, there's a name (method) for that, and if you want to deal with human sub-categories, there's a name for that, too, and they're totally independent of one another. There is a strong move away from ASCII and the English-centric string handling model of C. This is factual, not evangelizing, and it can present an irksome learning curve.
(This is aimed at new-comers, acknowledging the OP probably has years of experience with this now.)
For what you're trying to do there, consider:
let foo = "abcDeé#¶œŎO!##"
foo.forEach { c in
print((c.isASCII ? "\(c) is ascii with value \(c.asciiValue ?? 0); " : "\(c) is not ascii; ")
+ ((c.isLetter ? "\(c) is a letter" : "\(c) is not a letter")))
b is ascii with value 98; b is a letter
c is ascii with value 99; c is a letter
D is ascii with value 68; D is a letter
e is ascii with value 101; e is a letter
é is not ascii; é is a letter
# is ascii with value 64; # is not a letter
¶ is not ascii; ¶ is not a letter
œ is not ascii; œ is a letter
Ŏ is not ascii; Ŏ is a letter
O is ascii with value 79; O is a letter
! is ascii with value 33; ! is not a letter
# is ascii with value 64; # is not a letter
# is ascii with value 35; # is not a letter