The speed of downloading packages in Visual Studio Code is painfully slow - visual-studio-code

Sometimes when I open Visual Studio Code, C# has to download packages that it needs in order to work (for example, OmniSharp), but just like the title suggests, it's painfully slow to the point that I either forget or just don't want to get any work done.
So with that, is there a way to speed up the process?
If not, is it possible to disable the download?


vscode: Speed up navigation througe huge projects - intellisense etc

I've a huge vscode Project:
2 Mio Files
100+ GB.
a lot of C-Files, but also build folders a lots of other irrelevant crap.
vscode is slow.
The project includes besides a lot of C/C++ files maybe in some parts cmake files, some codegen/glue-code, external headers, build scripts, external includes from SDK.
I want to use vscode to edit the code, not to compile or run it. The project consists besides the relevant c-files out of a lot of precompiled libs, helper tools, a huge amount of other files and images.
I want to speed my vscode setup up.
How to tell the user supporting tools of vscode, where to set their focus?
Are there any other options to speed up vscode?
My First Idea: "Make vscode ignore of everything I do not need and tell the tools precisely on what to focus and which leave aside."
Is there a way to make vscode ignore all of such folders in search and in the c++ indexer, the tool which supports code navigation and syntax highlighting?
Clarification / Additional info
I do not have configured vscode. I do not know how. Most the time intellisens/code heighlighting / autocompletion etc. works fine and I can jump around in that code. How ever I've encountered some huge projects, where intellisens failed half or in total or took a lot of time to do so. I do want to set up an project properly. I do not know where to find such settings and most important, which behavior it affects:
intellisense, please have a look only at folders ...
actially, ignore everything below those folders
take this single subfolder, but ignore everything around it.
btw, there is an totally different location for SDK headers, could you also use code and header from there?
I do use vscode to edit the code, I do not use it to compile or debug the code.
In short, I do not know which support tool (intellisense, c++ Extension, ???, ...) have which effect and where they can be configured. Like which vscode components make my life as easy as it is and how do I configure them?
EDIT: List of installed Plugins
as from #user requested :). If cmake is known for eating resources, I could discard it. Is it mandatory for the intellisens stuff?
Could discard python too, if necessary.

VS Code freezes on tab change

I'm not really a coder but I use VS Code at work for various reasons on my mac.
If I move between VS Code and my browser, every time I open VS code it freezes for a moment. It freezes if I change tab or move file. Looking at my commit changes or doing anything with the in-built terminal doesn't cause it to freeze.
All the dependency packages are up to date. I've disabled all of the plugins and it still happens. VS Code is at the latest version, 1.67.0.
I really don't know what is causing it and would appreciate any help!

How do i see the extension's filesize in visual studo code

When I am about to download a VisualStudio Code extension, i want to check the downloads filesize. Sometimes when I am in a rural area, and am on a slow connection... downloading a large file can bring other network processes to their knees.
Is there a way to toggle visual studio code to show/preview each extensions download size?
Good question. Fortunately despite being on a rural exchange myself I've never had to worry that much about bandwidth. Aside, I don't know of a direct way within the VS Code Extension explorer but given that most extensions seems to be hosted on github or the like you could always visit the repo first and establish size through that?
This question has a few solutions

How to disable infinitely indexing source files in Visual Studio Code

My Visual Studio Code (1.16.1) doesn't stop this indexing anymore. I try to wait too long time, but it indexing continues with hard disk extensive loading.
How can i find solution for this problem? I'd like to indexing working, but wan't doing it all of time when Visual Studio runned. Help me, please.
P.S. When I close Visual Studio Code - hard disk become to still and isn't hearing.
After two hours of lazy digging to this trouble, i find solution: that is a "vscode-ruby" extension. After uninstalling problem discontinued.
So, question tag need to be updated: 'vscode-ruby' tags needs.
"Disabling indexing would break most functionality and it would not be helpful providing a config option for this."

VSCode plugins and thoughts on alpha release

So I'm starting to guess Javascript wasn't the best choice for VSCode to be based on. It is pretty much the same as SublimeText and even slower, though the debugger and code intel is awesome and far beyond Sublime's capabilities.
The thing is I suddenly got a chrome-like inspector frame on the right side of the window, which caught my attention and got me googling about it (too bad almost nobody is talking about vscode yet so it's a pain to even find some info), and found out another person got the same weird issue. Somebody told him that F12 opens the inspector like a normal web app so you can look under the hood (which os most likely bullcrap since it makes no sense, probably just a bug).
The thing is I decided to test out keypresses, and discovered Fn+Shift+Cmd+F12 opens a new window with a weird button and a web inspector, which has no utility at all, but it's there so I got curious and messed up with it for a while. Bad idea since it crashed the entire app.
All this story has the point of warning about how Javascript is not as stable and independent as Objective C, since it's obviously working on top of V8 and Webkit and whatnot, any of which multiply its chances to crash.
Sublime has also crashed for me a couple times, but it does Atom Saving (operating system's native autosave that stores every change in the filesystem so app crashes don't affect the files).
VSCode is not native and is in a very alpa state (version 0.1.0 as today), so this is kind of a feedback for them and a warning for other users, posted here because there is a link for this stackoverflow community on their website, and is the only community-driven way of feedback they have.
I wish they open the development so others can contribute or, at least, do like SublimeText which isn't open but supports extensibility thru plugins and python console.
Now, the question:
Is there a way to make Sublime plugins work here?
The keybindings you have found are used by us internally to debug VSCode quickly in case we notice a problem. We simply forgot to remove them, kind of like how Ctrl+Alt+Delete happened :).
We will remove these keybindings with our next update, to avoid confusion, in a couple of weeks.
We have plans on supporting plugins, we have made progress on this story, but we were not happy enough with the API, and we decided to further validate and improve it before making it public, to avoid as much as possible future API breakage.
As for the actual question, it is not possible to run Sublime plugins in VSCode, for similar reasons why it is not possible to run Sublime plugins in Eclipse or in Visual Studio. There is, however the possibility of code sharing between plugins developed for different platforms, see for example Omnisharp, which is shipped with VSCode and for which there is a Sublime plugin.
You're complaining about VSCode being created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and not something like C# or Objective C. You do realize that since day one the following Apple apps were made with a similar hybrid approach of Objective C and HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These are apps that millions of people use: iOS: iTunes app, iTunes Store app, App Store, and on desktop: iTunes, App Store.
Visual Studio Code is a preview, meaning something that just left alpha stage development and is in early, early, early beta, like just a week ago. So there are lots of things that are still missing or not totally working yet. The Visual Studio team is working at three-week sprints and intend to update the product at that pace, so if you've downloaded it, don't expect it to have every possible feature yet. This is a preview. Explore it. If it doesn't fit your current workflow, don't use it. Stick with what you have. But keep an eye on it because it will evolve steadily over the coming months.
I tried F12 in VSCode on windows and it opened the Dev Tools window, which makes sense since it's built on GIT's open source editor Atom & Chrome.
Sublime plugins? No, you can't use ST3 plugins in Atom, but hopefully we'll be able to use Atom plugins in VSCode once plugins are included in VSCode.
At the moment VSCode don't have any functionality for plugins, but it's coming soon see forum
There is also menu item under help in VSCode for reporting issues and suggesting features.
Me too would like Plugins for VS Code. As I would like a WakaTime plugin as I'm spending so much time working in it :). Both on Mac as in Windows.
I also discovered F12 one day but just thought: 'wow pretty cool!' and nothing more. But hey, I'm a webdev.. :)
It's now october and it's still there. And I hope it will stay. Just like crrl+alt+delete. #Sebastian I agree with #JimmyBoh, the whole preamble of this question is probably better suited to be put on a forum. Otherwise this question will probably be closed as 'not constructive'. To prevent other non-answers like this one :).