How to correct url of GitHub portfolio - github

Need a help in GitHub
I hosted my portfolio on GitHub but there is an issue.
Hosted link is
But I need to convert in this link:
what's the problem? Is it any repository creation issue. Help

As documentation
To publish a user site, you must create a repository owned by your user account that's named <username>
In your case the repo name should be instead of

Don't add in your repo name.
Repo name - gfxusman
And then publish it then you will get
Link -


Can a github collaborator create package in Github package registry?

I have a private github repository and in that repository there are some collaborators. They can't create new packages but they can publish to existing packages created by me as I'm the creator of the repository.
Is there any way that my collaborators will be able to create new packages and publish.
I was facing the same "create_package" permission issue. I think external collaborators were able to publish new packages in the past. But this no longer works.
Here's the response from GitHub's support team: "In order to publish an org scoped package, the actor performing the publish should be a member of the organization."
So the short answer to your question seems to be "no", at least for scoped packages (which it was for my case)
I have created a demo organization in my personal github account and transferred the ownership of one of my pet-project repositories to that organization.
After that I have added one of my colleagues as a member in my newly created demo organization and tried publishing an npm-package.
VoilĂ  it worked, we were able to successfully publish an npm-package after being a member of the organiztion.

Deploy changes from GitHub to Salesforce

How can I add a custom button on which I could click on in order to deploy changes from the Master branch to a related DEV Org?
What have you tried? Have you seen ?
You can steal sample actions from SF official repo at
You'll need to provide the secret login URL to your target org, there are blog posts how to generate it and store in GitHub variable, for example or
Last but not least - to have action available for manual run (not just automated) read up about "workflow_dispatch"

git hub - same account different repository

I have a github account by my employer. I am working on a project single handedly. Now Is it possible that another employee uses the same account but different repository and does not have access to my repository?
On googling I found that this is possible if I convert my account into an organization account! So, yes this is possible.

Link custom domain to any GitHub repo

I am aware that on GitHub you can create a repository, <username>, which will be a personal website. I also understand you can link custom domains to this, so would show the website in your GitHub repo.
I have a couple questions though.
At the moment, I have a GitHub project - let's call it FooProject. I have purchased a custom domain name for a website to showcase the project. How can I create a website for this, hosted on GitHub? (not a personal site in the form <username>, but a project site).
Also, can I give the GitHub repository a different name like, or does it something specific?
I suppose what I am really asking is, when hosting a website on GitHub...
Can you host your website using a GitHub repository of any name (like
If not, I'm aware of using gh-pages branches for the website of a project. How would this work with a custom domain?
If that isn't a good option either, what's the best option for my use case?
Hope that's clear.
So I managed to answer my own questions in the end - here's what I did.
My website is going to be something to showcase a different project I am working on. I could have hosted the website from a /doc directory or gh-pages branch in my project repository and then set up a custom domain from there.
However, there was also the option of creating a repository with any name and hosting the website from the master branch - this method appealed to me more.
I created a new repository named the same as my domain name, (it doesn't really matter what you call the repository). Then, using git, I added some website files - index.html, stylesheet.css, etc.
Once my repository was ready, I configured its master branch as a publishing source for GitHub pages - see this help page for details.
Then with my DNS provider (GoDaddy, in my case), I configured the CNAME and A records (for the www subdomain and apex domain respectively). There are also help pages on GitHub for setting up www subdomains and setting up apex domains. Note that it takes a little while for the changes made on the DNS to take effect.
Finally, I added my custom domain to my GitHub repository - see the GitHub help page for adding or removing custom domains.
Here's a summary (for using any GitHub repository to host a website):
Create your repository - repository name doesn't matter.
Add your website files - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
Configure the master branch as a publishing source
Configure CNAME and A records with DNS provider
Add the custom domain to the GitHub repository settings

Custom domain name for github project page

I have a jekyll blog hosted on my github account and I have attached a domain to it
I also created a github page for one of my repositories, it is hosted by github as this
My question is how can I attach a new domain name to my repository, like when I goto it will show my repo's github page.
For that you need to change CNAME record of point into
For detail config please look at this link github
And i think this link also help you to set goal How GitHub Pages sites use custom domains