eclipse issue with .pack files - eclipse

I purchased some code made in build box and when I look at, it has .pack files which show up as gibberish text in Eclipse. I read about changing file names to .txt but that did not fix anything. Could not open as .zip with 7zip, and when .txt it was still gibberish text.
What am I missing to be able to read this file type with Eclipse?


How to export Intellij project as Eclipse archived folder

My professor wants all assignments submitted as an archived folder and wants the program to be able to run on his Eclipse when he grades them. The program is a simple one with one folder that has to contain just one class with the main method.
I am using IntelliJ.
I followed Jetbrains faq on exporting files as Eclipse-compatible using Files --> Export :
It looks like the files were successfully converted as my folder directory looks similar to what the website. A screenshot of my directory after exporting:
I am not sure what to do here as I am not familiar with the Eclipse ".classpath" and ".project" files that were created as well as the .eml and .iml files. I don't know what to do with them.
I was thinking of just copying them into a new folder called "ReviewNW" and archiving them and submitting that folder. I don't know if that would be enough for Eclipse to run my program. Is there something else I have to do from here?
Additional question: I have since changed some things in my program. Now when I try to use File --> Export, IntelliJ gives me an error and says I "cannot export files already exported to eclipse-compatible format". What if I make some changes to my class files in my src folder and need to export those changes again? I think I would need to manually delete each of those Eclipse files and export again or is there a simpler way?
Thank you!

How to get Eclipse CDT to parse files like .h files?

I'm editing a file for my project, and I want syntax highlighting like in .h files. I added * as a file type of C++ headers using Eclipse' preference dialog, closed the app and restarted it - but the file is still treated like plain text. Is this because of the double-extension? If not, can I do something about it (other than renaming the file of course)?
I'm using Oxygen.3 on GNU/Linux.
As #HighCommander commented, this is indeed the known Eclipse bug 422923.

open eclipse with encoding of the saved file

I worked my way through the "eclipse encoding" problems in Stackoverflow. None matches my problem.
I work with files that are windows encoded (ISO92xx) AND UTF8. I want eclipse to open my files with the encoding that the file is saved with and not the default encoding that is set.
Until now I tried to swtch the default encoding to the windows ending. this messes up my files that are UTF-8 encoded.
Please dont tell me that i have to switch the encoding everytime, when i open the file. Eclipse is such a mighty tool. there must be some kind of a way.
Eclipse stores file properties, including its character encoding, in project settings. You can have different properties for each file.
It seems that you don't have a project. Just create one, and, if you don't want to move your files into the project folder, create links to the files via New»File»Advanced»Link….

Files disappeared, could be related to Eclipse

I have lost files mysteriously a few times from my Eclipse workspace folder, and previously I assumed that I must have deleted them, but this time I know for sure that I didn't.
I entered a folder for a Java project. I listed the files. There were several text files. I then opened one in gedit to look at it. As far as I remember, I then did something in libreoffice Calc (to a spreadsheet file in a completely separate location), then I made some changes to the Java file in Eclipse. It would then have been automatically compiled. I then went back to the terminal to execute the program, but it wouldn't run. Listing the files shows that the reason it wouldn't run is that all the text files have disappeared and so has one of the .jar files (called stanford-parser.jar) but not another. I've searched my computer for these files and I can confirm they've gone.
A screenshot from my terminal illustrates this.
Can anyone help me to understand how this is happened, so I can avoid it happening again? Could compilation delete the files?
You seem to be storing source files in the bin directory of your Eclipse project, which is probably the target directory used by Eclipse to put the compiled classes. Store your sources in the source folder. The target folder is completeley deleted by Eclipse each time the project is cleaned up.
Note that non .java files stored in the source directory are automatically copied to the target directory by Eclipse. They're considered as resources that must be available at runtime in the compiled application.

Netbeans 6.1 Incorrect CVS Status on a file that does not exist

I have been trying to figure this out for a few hours off and on now and can't figure it out. I committed a lot of binary (jar files) to cvs and they worked fine, but one of the 6 directories, netbeans thinks has a file that it keeps trying to commit, but it doesn't actually exist in the file system. There is also another file in the same directory that i did commit, and netbeans cvs status says that it's an unknown file, but when i delete the directory and check it out, it shows up fine, but netbeans can't get the correct cvs status for the file.
I looked in the repository and all looks fine. There is only one file present as it should be. Looking at the CVS directory in the checkout folder also reveals nothing suspicious. I don't know what to do about this. I don't know why netbeans thinks there is a file in that directory that is not actually there. I did a search in my working directory and my netbeans project directory for any file containing a reference to this file but there is nothing.
Ok i don't know what format the file list was stored as, but deleting the nb cache seemed to do the trick.