Gap report builder , No text between - ssrs-2008

Gap table picture
design table picture
I have a gap between my subtotal and the following line
do you guys have any ideas ?
I have tried almost every parameters


Doesn't print borders column in a new page Jasper report

When column bigger than page this column stretch to a next page but other cells borders doesn't so I have full page of one column it looks horrible.
Do you know how to fix it?

Vertical & Horizontal data arrangement in same page of Crystal Reports

I am importing data from a single data set in my crystal reports. I have just a single column table in my report. I want to arrange some data vertically say 10 rows of the table (In two vertical lines) and some data horizontally say next 10 rows of the same table (In two horizontal lines). I have managed to do the first part that is arranged the vertical lines side by side (By using the option Format With Multiple Columns in the section expert. I am facing difficulty in arranging horizontal lines on the same page (side by side of vertical lines). Any hints how can I achieve this. Any help will be appreciated.
Note: I have tried the subreports method, but was unsuccessful. The subreports shows one row per page for horizontal data and vertical data also limits then one row per page when I use subreports.
Image also attached for reference
Make sure to choose the correct printing direction. Tick `Across then Down':
Go to Section Expert.
Select the section you want to make it multiple column under "Sections" (usually it's 'Details')
Make sure you have "Format with Multiple Columns" is checked under Common Tab
Now you should see Layout Tab on the top right corner, select that.
Set Width to 2" or whatever you want under Detail Size.
Then under "Printing Direction" set "Across then Down" option.
Click OK and you are all set :)

Displaying total at the top of stacked bar with indicator

I am trying to show the total at the top of the stacked bar graph. But it is showing very far from the top of bar graph. sorry this might be duplicate question. . Could anyone help me with adding indicator like one in the picture and showing the value at the top of the triangle? TIA
I am able to solve my problem. I added second series that is total of other 2 series and change the chart series type line with markers,gave the color 'No color',hide the legend property and set the label position as top.But I do not know why the value shows below for the first column. this same technique I tried before I am posting my question.But it did not work at that time.Now it works except one value shows below the marker.

Dynamic page height to show 10 records per page with StretchWithOverflow property set to true

I have 10 records per page (9 columns) in jasper using page break property. I have set StretchWithOverflow property to true for my detail band. So, when there is more data, my table gets enlarge vertically.
My problem is, if the data is more, it is not showing 10 records per page because in jasper we give static height of the page.
If i set more height of the page, then in that case if data is less, there is lots of invalid space on the report. Please help if someone faced this issue.
Issue Resolved.
I used frame (from Pallete ctrl+shift+8) within detail band and put all my cell data into frame. So, when page height is more, the blank space display instead of my last row height go increases.
Now, my cell could not stretched due to extra height of the page.

JasperServer - how to stop horizontal line in report from stretching across screen

I created this report in iReport Professional 4.5.1 and deployed it to JasperReports Server today. The total page width is 792 pixels. In my report I have some horizontal lines that are 752 pixels wide. When I run the report in JR Server the horizontal lines stretch all the way over to the right side of my monitor. This happens when I schedule the report and ask JR Server to save it as an HTML file, but when I schedule the report and save the output as a PDF the lines are the correct size.
How can I keep the horizontal lines from stretching? The stretch type for each line is set to "no stretch." My other report elements are managing to hold their position.
Try using cell borders to draw those lines instead of a static "horizontal lines."
Thanks, Sam! Your answer helped me solve this. My report is a 6-column report and I have labels that I only print in the first column. Cell borders wouldn't work because there would be lots of gaps. However, I realized that my horizontal line did not need to be 752px wide; it only needs to be slightly wider than the width of the first column and the report will take care of copying it into the subsequent columns for me. I set the horizontal lines to 127px wide and now I have an unbroken horizontal line that runs through all of my columns. I can't believe that didn't occur to me when I was creating the report in iReport.