is it possible to return different models in an API response - eloquent

This is my first time posting here so please pardon my errors:
I have a search functionality whose route is:
Route::get('/search', 'SearchController#index');
Currently, I have an eloquent relationship where products has many deals. is it possible to return a single level deep array doing the following:
If the product has an active deal, return the deal only;
Otherwise, return the product itself.
here's what I earlier implemented in my Product.php:
public function deals()
return $this->hasMany(Deal::class, 'product_id');
public function product()
return $this->hasOne(Product::class, 'id', 'product_id');
public function index(Request $request)
$per_page = $request->per_page ?? 10;
$products = Product::query()->latest()
->when($request->query('filter'), function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->with('deals')->where('title', 'LIKE', "%$request->filter%");
->when($request->query('category'), function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->with('deals')->whereHas('categories', function ($q) use ($request) {
$q->where('title', 'LIKE', "%$request->category%");
return new PaginatedCollection($products, ProductResource::class);
and in my ProductResource:
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class ProductResource extends JsonResource
public function toArray($request)
$details = array_filter($this->details ?: [], function ($d) {
return $d != "";
$personalizedOptions = array_filter($this->personalized_options ?: [], function ($o) {
return $o != "";
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'createdAt' => $this->created_at,
'updatedAt' => $this->updated_at,
'title' => $this->title,
'sellerId' => $this->sellerId,
'description' => $this->description,
'categories' => CategoryResource::collection($this->categories),
'details' => $details,
'active' => (bool) $this->active,
'defaultPreviewImageId' => $this->default_preview_image_id,
'originalPrice' => $this->originalPrice,
'shippingPrice' => $this->shippingPrice,
'shippingWeightLbs' => $this->shippingWeightLbs,
'shippingWeightOz' => $this->shippingWeightOz,
'shippingMaxDays' => $this->shipping_max_days,
'shippingMinDays' => $this->shipping_min_days,
'personalized' => (bool) $this->personalized,
'personalizedOptions' => $personalizedOptions,
'deals' => $this->deals ?? null,
'options' => ProductOptionResource::collection($this->productOptions),
'images' => ImageResource::collection($this->images->whereNull('meta')),
'preview' => new ImageResource($this->images->where('meta', '=', 'preview')->first()),
Now, I have refactored the ProductResource to this but it's all returning null response
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class ProductResource extends JsonResource
public function toArray($request)
$details = array_filter($this->details ?: [], function ($d) {
return $d != "";
$personalizedOptions = array_filter($this->personalized_options ?: [], function ($o) {
return $o != "";
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'createdAt' => $this->created_at,
'updatedAt' => $this->updated_at,
'title' => $this->title,
'sellerId' => $this->sellerId,
'description' => $this->description,
'categories' => CategoryResource::collection($this->categories),
'details' => $details,
'active' => (bool) $this->active,
'defaultPreviewImageId' => $this->default_preview_image_id,
'originalPrice' => $this->originalPrice,
'shippingPrice' => $this->shippingPrice,
'shippingWeightLbs' => $this->shippingWeightLbs,
'shippingWeightOz' => $this->shippingWeightOz,
'shippingMaxDays' => $this->shipping_max_days,
'shippingMinDays' => $this->shipping_min_days,
'personalized' => (bool) $this->personalized,
'personalizedOptions' => $personalizedOptions,
// 'deals' => $this->deals ?? null,
'options' => ProductOptionResource::collection($this->productOptions),
'images' => ImageResource::collection($this->images->whereNull('meta')),
'preview' => new ImageResource($this->images->where('meta', '=', 'preview')->first()),

The reason why it may be giving the null result because of the condition check. it is returning an array you need to update it to this.
this will check if the deal array contains an element in the array. if not it will return products.


Exclude fields from a Resource template Laravel 7 and 8

I have come across a solution that filters fields from a resource collection in the Controller CompanyController.php
E.g The code below returns all the values except company_logo
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class CompanyResource extends JsonResource
* Transform the resource into an array.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return array
protected $withoutFields = [];
public static function collection($resource)
return tap(new CompanyResourceCollection($resource), function ($collection) {
$collection->collects = __CLASS__;
// Set the keys that are supposed to be filtered out
public function hide(array $fields)
$this->withoutFields = $fields;
return $this;
// Remove the filtered keys.
protected function filterFields($array)
return collect($array)->forget($this->withoutFields)->toArray();
public function toArray($request)
return $this->filterFields([
'id' => $this->id,
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'telephone' => $this->telephone,
'company_logo' => $this->company_logo,
'social_links' => $this->social_links,
Now from my UserResource I still want to specify fields I don't want returned from the same CompanyResource but it's not a collection anymore in the UserResource
public function toArray($request)
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'email' => $this->email,
'status' => $this->status,
'timezone' => $this->timezone,
'last_name' => $this->last_name,
'first_name' => $this->first_name,
'tags' => TagResource::collection($this->whenLoaded('tags')),
'company' => new CompanyResource($this->whenLoaded('company')),
So my idea is to be able to specify excluded fields on 'company' => new CompanyResource($this->whenLoaded('company')), Been stuck here for some time.
After researching I found a working solution for my problem
'company' => CompanyResource::make($this->whenLoaded('company'))->hide(['company_logo']),
Instead of the below which I could not use flexibly use:
'company' => new CompanyResource($this->whenLoaded('company')),

Magento 2 Plugins / Interceptors accessing and modifying $this object

I have a plugin that i want to modify functionality of a method within specific class in Magento 2 however am not quite sure on how to access the original object and return the modified data.
Original Method
protected function _initTotals()
$source = $this->getSource();
$this->_totals = [];
$this->_totals['subtotal'] = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(
['code' => 'subtotal', 'value' => $source->getSubtotal(), 'label' => __('Subtotal')]
* Add shipping
if (!$source->getIsVirtual() && ((double)$source->getShippingAmount() || $source->getShippingDescription())) {
$this->_totals['shipping'] = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(
'code' => 'shipping',
'field' => 'shipping_amount',
'value' => $this->getSource()->getShippingAmount(),
'label' => __('Shipping & Handling'),
* Add discount
if ((double)$this->getSource()->getDiscountAmount()) {
if ($this->getSource()->getDiscountDescription()) {
$discountLabel = __('Discount (%1)', $source->getDiscountDescription());
} else {
$discountLabel = __('Discount');
$this->_totals['discount'] = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(
'code' => 'discount',
'field' => 'discount_amount',
'value' => $source->getDiscountAmount(),
'label' => $discountLabel,
$this->_totals['grand_total'] = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(
'code' => 'grand_total',
'field' => 'grand_total',
'strong' => true,
'value' => $source->getGrandTotal(),
'label' => __('Grand Total'),
* Base grandtotal
if ($this->getOrder()->isCurrencyDifferent()) {
$this->_totals['base_grandtotal'] = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(
'code' => 'base_grandtotal',
'value' => $this->getOrder()->formatBasePrice($source->getBaseGrandTotal()),
'label' => __('Grand Total to be Charged'),
'is_formated' => true,
return $this;
This i have set to have a plugin to modify functionality of method above with di.xml:
<type name="Magento\Sales\Block\Order\Totals">
<plugin disabled="false" name="Harrigo_EverDiscountLabel_Plugin_Magento_Sales_Block_Order_Totals" sortOrder="10" type="Harrigo\EverDiscountLabel\Plugin\Magento\Sales\Block\Order\Totals"/>
class Totals
public function after_initTotals(
\Magento\Sales\Block\Order\Totals $subject,
) {
if ((double)$subject->getSource()->getDiscountAmount() != 0 OR $subject->getSource()->getDiscountDescription() != null) {
if ($subject->getSource()->getDiscountDescription()) {
$discountLabel = __('Offer (%1)', $source->getDiscountDescription());
} else {
$discountLabel = __('Offer');
$subject->_totals['discount'] = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(
'code' => 'discount',
'field' => 'discount_amount',
'value' => $source->getDiscountAmount(),
'label' => $discountLabel,
return $subject;
Have used $subject instead of $this within the plugin, this does not work for me however. How do I access the $this object within the plugin to add / overwrite $this->_totals['discount'] and return the updated $this object from within the plugin. I have it working fine with a standard preference but would rather use a plugin if possible.
I think you should check this before implementing above code.
As per devdocs for Magento2 protected functions can not be intercepted so We can not use plugins for that.
May be that is causing issue in your case.
Hope this helps!

Optimal sampling from the database

I make a sample around the city, the city has areas, they have complexes, and apartment complexes. In the end, I need to get an apartment for a certain city, indicating the associated filters (district, complex, etc.). At the moment I did this:
public function actionIndex()
$cities = Cities::find()->where(['id' => Yii::$app->request->get('city_id')])->with([
'districts' => function ($query){
'id' => Yii::$app->request->get('district_id'),
'districts.complexes' => function ($query) {
'id' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_id'),
'type_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_type_id'),
'developer_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('developer_id'),
'' => function ($query) {
'amount_room' => Yii::$app->request->get('amount_room'),
'yardage' => Yii::$app->request->get('yardage'),
'level' => Yii::$app->request->get('level'),
'price' => Yii::$app->request->get('price'),
$query = [];
foreach ($cities as $city) {
foreach ($city->districts as $district) {
foreach ($district->complexes as $complex) {
foreach ($complex->apartments as $apartment) {
$query[] = $apartment;
return new ArrayDataProvider([
'allModels' => $query,
But it looks kind of crooked, maybe I went the wrong way, and can I do it better?
UPD: I did almost like Yasin Patel.
$cities = Cities::find()
//->select('') // list your attributes comma saperated
->leftJoin('districts','') // join districts table
->leftJoin('complex','') // join complex table
->leftJoin('apartment','') // join apartment table
->where(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('city_id')])
->andWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('city_id')])
->filterWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('district_id')])
->filterWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_id')])
->filterWhere(['complex.type_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_type_id')])
->filterWhere(['complex.developer_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('developer_id')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.amount_room' => Yii::$app->request->get('amount_room')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.yardage' => Yii::$app->request->get('yardage')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.level' => Yii::$app->request->get('level')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.price' => Yii::$app->request->get('price')]);
return new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $cities,
"name":"Region city1."
But how now to choose all the apartments found?
Try this query.
$cities = Cities::find()
->select('') // list your attributes comma saperated
->leftJoin('districts','') // join districts table
->leftJoin('complexes','') // join complexes table
->leftJoin('apartments','') // join apartments table
->where(['id' => Yii::$app->request->get('city_id')])
->andWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('district_id')])
->andWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('district_id')])
->andWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_id')])
->andWhere(['complexes.type_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_type_id')])
->andWhere(['complexes.developer_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('developer_id')])
->andWhere(['apartments.amount_room' => Yii::$app->request->get('amount_room')])
->andWhere(['apartments.yardage' => Yii::$app->request->get('yardage')])
->andWhere(['apartments.level' => Yii::$app->request->get('level')])
->andWhere(['apartments.price' => Yii::$app->request->get('price')])
Use your table name and attributes names as needed.
Than use this query in ArrayDataProvider.
return new ArrayDataProvider([
'allModels' => $query,
This will return you records as array.
It turned out to optimize the code in this way::
public function actionIndex()
$query = Apartment::find()
->where(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('city_id')])
->filterWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('district_id')])
->filterWhere(['' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_id')])
->filterWhere(['complex.type_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('complex_type_id')])
->filterWhere(['complex.developer_id' => Yii::$app->request->get('developer_id')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.amount_room' => Yii::$app->request->get('amount_room')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.yardage' => Yii::$app->request->get('yardage')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.level' => Yii::$app->request->get('level')])
->filterWhere(['apartment.price' => Yii::$app->request->get('price')]);
return new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
Thanks to everyone for their help.

InputFilter "setRequired" not working for html5 multiple

I'm having hard time with a weird behaviour of fileinput.
This is my form:
namespace Frontend\Form;
use NW\Form\Form;
use Zend\InputFilter;
use Zend\Form\Element;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManagerAwareInterface;
class EnrollStructure extends Form implements ServiceManagerAwareInterface
protected $sm;
public function __construct($name=null) {
$this->setAttribute("action", "/registrazione_struttura/submit")
->setAttribute('method', 'post')
->setAttribute("id", "iscrizione_struttura")
->setAttribute("class", "form fullpage");
public function init()
$structureFs = $this->sm->get('Structure\Form\Fieldsets\Structure');
$file = new Element\File("images");
$file->setAttribute('multiple', true);
'name' => 'submit',
'attributes' => array(
'type' => 'submit',
'value' => 'Iscriviti',
'id' => 'sbmtEnrollStructure',
'class' => 'submit_btn'
'structure' =>
"contact" => array("name", "surname", "email", "role", "phone"),
* Set service manager
* #param ServiceManager $serviceManager
public function setServiceManager(ServiceManager $serviceManager)
$this->sm = $serviceManager;
public function addInputFilter()
$inputFilter = new InputFilter\InputFilter();
// File Input
$fileInput = new InputFilter\FileInput('images');
->attachByName('filesize', array('max' => "2MB"))
->attachByName('filemimetype', array('mimeType' => 'image/png,image/x-png,image/jpg,image/jpeg'))
->attachByName('fileimagesize', array('maxWidth' => 2048, 'maxHeight' => 2048));
Basically, I mainly use a fieldset which contains most of the data I request to the user, plus a File input field.
This is the Fieldset Structure: (most important parts..)
use Zend\Form\Element;
use Zend\Form\Fieldset;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterProviderInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManagerAwareInterface;
use DoctrineModule\Stdlib\Hydrator\DoctrineObject as DoctrineHydrator;
use Zend\Validator\Identical;
use Zend\Validator\NotEmpty;
use Zend\Validator\Regex;
use Zend\Validator\StringLength;
class Structure extends Fieldset implements InputFilterProviderInterface, ServiceManagerAwareInterface
protected $sm;
public function __construct()
public function init()
$this->setHydrator(new DoctrineHydrator($this->_entityManager(),'Structure\Entity\Structure'));
$id = new Element\Hidden("id");
$name = new Element\Text("companyname");
$name->setLabel("Ragione Sociale");
public function getInputFilterSpecification()
return array
"id" => array(
"required" => false,
"companyname" => array(
"required" => true,
"validators" => array(
array('name' => "NotEmpty", 'options' => array("messages" => array( NotEmpty::IS_EMPTY => "Inserire la ragione sociale")))
This is my controller:
public function submitAction()
try {
$form = $this->getForm('Frontend\Form\EnrollStructure');
$structure = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("Structure_Structure");
$viewModel = new ViewModel();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost())
$post = array_merge_recursive
if ($form->isValid())
$structure = $form->getObject();
$contact = $structure->getContact();
$files = $request->getFiles()->toArray();
$count = 3;
foreach($files['images'] as $pos => $file)
$fpath = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('RdnUpload\Container')->upload($file);
if(--$count ==0) break;
$asset = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("Application_AssetService")->fromDisk($fpath, $file['name']);
$retCode = RetCode::success(array("iscrizione_struttura!" => array("form_submit_successfull")), true);
$messages = $form->getMessages();
$retCode = RetCode::error(array("iscrizione_struttura" => array("need_at_least_one_file" => "missing file")), true);
$retCode = RetCode::error(array("iscrizione_struttura" => $messages), true);
$viewModel->setVariable("retcode", $retCode);
return $viewModel;
} catch(Exception $e)
throw $e;
The strange thing is that if i remove from the field "images" the "multiple" attribute everything works fine, causing the form not to validate and i get this message:
[images] => Array
[fileUploadFileErrorFileNotFound] => File was not found
While, if i set the attribute multiple, and the user does not upload a file i get no error, but the form gets invalidated (this is the reason for this "bad" code in my controller:)
$messages = $form->getMessages();
$retCode = RetCode::error(array("iscrizione_struttura" => array("need_at_least_one_file" => "missing file")), true);
$retCode = RetCode::error(array("iscrizione_struttura" => $messages), true);
I found the problem was caused by the Jquery form plugin, without it it works fine. :( In case somebody needs, I think the correct action code can be found here (I haven't tryied it anyway)

$form->isValid says it is invalid, but my form does not show any error message - Zend Framework 2

Im having a problem with the addAction in my CRUD application. On the controller the logic does not pass the $form->isValid() verification but the form does not show any error message.
I tried with this (Thanks Sam):
foreach($form->get('product')->getElements() as $el)
echo $el->getName()." = ".$el->getValue()." > ".$el->getMessages()." <br/>";
That only show the name and value of the field, but not the error message.
I've tried letting the form totally blank and it fire "Value is required and can't be empty" error messages, but then, i fill each field one by one until i don't get more error messages but the form still invalid.
My form has a Product Fieldset as a base fieldset and a submit button. Inside Product Fieldset i have an ID field, a name field, a price field and a Brand Fieldset. Inside my Brand Fieldset i have a id field. Like this:
class ProductForm extends Form
public function init()
// we want to ignore the name passed
$this->setAttribute('method', 'post');
'name' => 'product',
'type' => 'Administrador\Form\ProductFieldset',
'options' => array(
'use_as_base_fieldset' => true
'name' => 'submit',
'type' => 'Submit',
'attributes' => array(
'value' => 'Add',
'id' => 'submitbutton',
class ProductFieldset extends Fieldset implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
protected $serviceLocator;
function __construct($name = null)
$this->setHydrator(new ArraySerializableHydrator());
$this->setObject(new Product());
public function init()
'name' => 'id',
'type' => 'Hidden',
'name' => 'name',
'type' => 'Text',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Name',
'name' => 'price',
'type' => 'Text',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Price',
'name' => 'brand',
'type' => 'BrandFieldset',
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $sl)
$this->serviceLocator = $sl;
public function getServiceLocator()
return $this->serviceLocator;
class BrandFieldset extends Fieldset
function __construct(BrandTable $brandTable)
//$this->setHydrator(new ClassMethodsHydrator(false))->setObject(new Brand());
$this->setHydrator(new ArraySerializableHydrator());
$this->setObject(new Brand());
$brandSelectOptionsArray = $brandTable->populateSelectBrand();
'name' => 'id',
'type' => 'Select',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Brand',
'empty_option' => 'Please select a brand',
'value_options' => $brandSelectOptionsArray,
This is my new Form statement in the addAction:
$formManager = $this->serviceLocator->get('FormElementManager');
$form = $formManager->get('Administrador\Form\ProductForm');
Inside my model 'Product' i have the inputFilters, required filter for 'id' field, required filter for 'name' field. And for the Brand field i created other inputFilter and added it to the main inputFilter:
'name' => 'id',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(
array('name' => 'Int'),
$inputFilter->add($brandFilter, 'brand');
The weird behavior is that my editAction works fine and has the same logic.
Is it there any form of echoing an internal error message from the form, something that helps me to understand WHY the form is not valid.
EDIT 2013-06-01
Here is my full Controller:
class ProductController extends AbstractActionController
protected $productTable;
protected $brandTable;
public function indexAction()
return new ViewModel(array(
'products' => $this->getProductTable()->fetchAll(),
public function addAction()
$formManager = $this->serviceLocator->get('FormElementManager');
$form = $formManager->get('Administrador\Form\ProductForm');
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$product = new Product();
$product->brand = new Brand();
if ($form->isValid()) {
// Redirect to list of products
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('product');
return new ViewModel(array(
'form' => $form,
public function editAction()
$id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0);
if (!$id) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('product', array(
'action' => 'add'
// Get the Product with the specified id. An exception is thrown
// if it cannot be found, in which case go to the index page.
try {
$product = $this->getProductTable()->getProduct($id);
catch (\Exception $ex) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('product', array(
'action' => 'index'
$formManager = $this->serviceLocator->get('FormElementManager');
$form = $formManager->get('Administrador\Form\ProductForm');
$brand = $this->getBrandTable()->getBrand($product->brand);
$product->brand = $brand;
$form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', 'Edit');
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
// Redirect to list of products
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('product');
return array(
'id' => $id,
'form' => $form,
public function deleteAction()
$id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0);
if (!$id) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('product');
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$del = $request->getPost('del', 'No');
if ($del == 'Yes') {
$id = (int) $request->getPost('id');
// Redirect to list of products
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('product');
return array(
'id' => $id,
'product' => $this->getProductTable()->getProduct($id)
public function getProductTable()
if (!$this->productTable) {
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$this->productTable = $sm->get('Administrador\Model\ProductTable');
return $this->productTable;
public function getBrandTable()
if (!$this->brandTable) {
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$this->brandTable = $sm->get('Administrador\Model\BrandTable');
return $this->brandTable;
My case was I passed wrong input filter. isValid returns false, but $form->getMessages() is empty. Form OrderForm had the following:
$form->setInputFilter(new \Application\Form\UserInputFilter($er));
When I changed UserInputFilter to OrderInputFilter it works.
Well, I got the answer :D
This is how the addAction should be:
public function addAction()
$formManager = $this->serviceLocator->get('FormElementManager');
$form = $formManager->get('Administrador\Form\ProductForm');
$product = new Product();
$product->brand = new Brand();
$form->bind($product); // I need to bind the product to the form to pass the isValid() validation
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
$product = $form->getData();
// Redirect to list of products
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('product');
return new ViewModel(array(
'form' => $form,
Apparently i needed to bind and empty product object to the form to be able to pass the isValid() validation. After that i retrieve a product object from the $form->getData().
You can also do: $form->setBindOnValidate(false);