Permission denied to git push as a contributor - github

Recently I have been added as a contributor to a program allowing me to make some changes but I can't git push my fixed code to the repo.
The error is as follows:
remote: Permission denied to myusername.
fatal: unable to access 'program URL': The requested URL returned error: 403
I can create a pull request to modify the file but my instructor said it would be troublesome if he had to check the request and merge them every time so he added me as a contributor.
I googled my question and some said I need to add my SSH key to my instructor's account, but does it mean I have permissions to all repo of my instructor?
I'm just a beginner in github, many thanks for your help!

You need to have an SSH key for your own account (not your instructor's). If he added you as a contributor and you cloned the repository via SSH (as it seems you did), Github will check your personal SSH key to identify you whenever you try to push.
Just follow these steps to add your SSH key to your account:


fatal: Could not read from remote repository errors on newly created another Github account

I'm trying to push some files to my new(second) Github account through terminal. I've tried so many times with similar questions, but it keeps saying this below
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
To be more specific, at first, I had a Github account(First) and I was able to do 'push' or 'pull' function using SSH URL, but this problem happens when I try to push some files to a new repository of the new account(Second). I've also tried removing the URL, but still it didn't work, and now I'm at a loss about what to do.
Someone said I can use Https URL instead of SSH URL, but I want to resolve this problem not avoiding things that happened.
SSH authentication keys are only valid for an Account.
If you made a new Github account and create the repository with this account, you will need to grant read permission at least for your first Github account to be able to access it.

VSCode Pull Requests - Organization

I have my personal GitHub account which has been given access to Repos that exist as part of an organization. I'm trying to create a pull-request from within VSCode for these Repos, but I get the below error.
Is there a setting I'm just missing?
[Info] GitHubRepository> Creating pull requests failed: HttpError: Validation Failed: {"resource":"PullRequest","field":"head","code":"invalid"}
Check first if you have a git config credential.helper set (to, for instance on windows, manager-core)
If you have, that means the wrong credentials (username/password) are cached in said credential helper. They are not the ones for your organization GitHub account.
See GitHub "Caching your GitHub credentials in Git" and update them.

Owner can't push to organization repository

today I've moved my private github repository to newly created organization (of which I'm an owner). I've changed my remote origin to I'm not able to push to remote because I've got an error saying
Error: Permission to organization/repo.git denied to MyGithubUsername.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
I've checked that my account is owner of organization and repository exists.
Disable third-party application access restrictions as suggested in atom/github #1010.422882361.
I ran into this problem today and indeed as Ephellon Dantzler suggests, disabling 3rd-party access restrictions fixed it.
However, I did not really like that solution so I started reading the documentation. On the About OAuth App access reistrictions page, Github mentions that enabling 3rd party restrictions will block:
SSH keys created before February 2014 immediately lose access to the organization's resources (this includes user and deploy keys).
I created my key well before that so I just created a new SSH key and added to Github following their instructions.
After that, I was able to interface with my organization's private repository even when 3rd-party access restrictions was enabled.
I managed to find an answer. Maybe I did something wrong, or maybe it was because of github issues, but even if I was stated as an owner of Organization I had only rights to read repository. I couldn't change permission for myself because "you can't change permission for owner". I changed permissions for all members to admin, and because for now I'm the only one member of organization it's not a big deal.
The solution I found to this problem was creating a P.A.T (Personal Access Token) and using it in the spot of my password when pushing to the repo.
The way you can create a P.A.T is by going to: >Login> Settings> Developer Settings> Personal Access Tokens > Generate New Token. I selected all the options for my token and then copied the token that was generated and used it as my password when I was asked to enter my credentials.
This took me a few hours to figure out and was very frustrating. I hope this info can help someone else!
Using GitHub Desktop..I was having a weird bug where I was owner of the organization, and admin of the repo(I had full rights) on my organization's repo. I decided to go into the command line, and push from there (Type "git push") and that fixed it!
It pushed, and I could now push from GitHub Desktop again.
Weird, but hope it helps someone!
For me, everything was ok in the Settings and with my key. Yet Github Desktop could not push (or even fetch) to/from the remote because it didn't trust the IP address. To find and fix I switched to the CLI and ran:
git fetch
which replied with
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:<long string>.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
therefore revealing the issue. Either Github has changed their IP or I hadn't connected to this repo on my new machine (with the old key). Replying yes added the IP to my .ssh/known_hosts and then Github Desktop worked just fine again.
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
So I ran into this issue recently with an SSH key generated in 2018 and Ephellon Grey's answer pointed me in the right direction. My personal SSH key was added to GitHub by SourceTree and SourceTree was not an authorized third-party app on my organization page. Hence pushes authorized with that SSH key were being rejected. I just had to grant third-party access to SourceTree on the organization and now I can push to repos contained within.

SSH access to GitHub repository

I have followed the process described in Multiple GitHub Accounts & SSH Config (stefano's answer) and have set up SSH access to multiple repositories using deploy keys. I've tried that on repositories of a specific GitHub organization and it works fine - I can pull and push changes. I've also tried this on my user area and it still works great.
However, when trying this on repositories in another GitHub organization (e.g. when doing a git push) it fails with the following error
ERROR: Permission to XXXX/YYYY.git denied to deploy key
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
When checking SSH access through ssh -T I get
"Hi XXX/YYYY! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access."
which suggests that SSH should be working.
I have gone through the organization settings (main page for GitHub organization > Settings) and they have pretty much identical settings, except from what you would expect to be different e.g. contact email etc.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about what could be causing this. Are there any more organization settings somewhere by any chance?
ERROR: Permission to XXXX/YYYY.git denied to deploy key
This looks like you are trying to push using a deploy key. This key is used for deployment and therefore only to read-only access of your repository. Make sure you have the key which is enrolled in your github account, make sure it is used (IdentityFile in ~/.ssh/config) and get rid of the deploy key from the standard location which is picked by default (~/.ssh/id_{rsa,dsa,ecdsa,ed25519}). Note, that if there are more "valid" keys, only the firs succeeds.

github push difficulties for new repository

I have attempted to add a new repository to github per their usual instructions with an odd rejection...
Owner#Owner-HP ~/Bescrewed
$ git push -u origin master
ERROR: Permission to TangibleDream/Bescrewed.git denied to TangibleDream/demo_app.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Owner#Owner-HP ~/Bescrewed
The problem is, demo_app was my last repository. The one I'm doing presently is bescrewed and should be in no way connected to demo_app.
Has anyone had this issue before?
It might be tied to an ssh issue as described in GitHub help page:
Permission to user/repo2 denied to user/repo1
This error occurs when you attach your key as a deploy key on repo1.
You can push and pull from that repo without issue, but you won’t have access to any other repo with your key.
To solve this, remove the key from repo1’s deploy keys and attach it on your account page instead. This key will now have access to all repos your account has access to.
See Deploy Keys
What are deploy keys?
Deploy keys are ssh keys just like the ones you attach to your account to allow you to push to and pull from your repos.
The only difference is that deploy keys are designed to allow access to a single private repo.
This will allow your staging or production server to pull in from your repo
The other possibility is that somehow your 'origin' remote is incorrect (check what git remote -v returns)