Azure Web Application Firewall API - azure-waf

We have a problem with certain form inputs being blocked by the Azure WAF managed rules because one of our internal systems allows certain values and is not filtered by the WAF (different host.)
I'd like to use the WAF API (which I can't find documentation on) to do things like validate form input field values from our non-Azure-hosted application to check that when they are used on our Azure-hosted apps they will be accepted. Is this possible?
Simple (obvious) use case:
User enters new password outside Azure
Non-Azure app calls WAF API to validate password
Validated password can be safely entered into Azure-hosted app


How Do I Know What Each Azure AD App Registration Is For?

When I create a service principal it also creates an App in Active Directory.
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/123456a1-a1b2-1234-12ab-12a3b4cdef67"
If I go to the Azure Portal - Active Directory - App registrations it shows all the applications registered.
I have managed to find the service principal I use for terraform by matching the terraform client_id with the Azure "Application (client) ID". It also had a human readable display name (although not the best since I still had to look via client id!)
However, there are several others where the display name is just "project_subscription".
They look like they must have been generated automatically when setting up a pipeline registering a web app in the portal or something.
I can't tell if they are actually used or if they were just created for experimenting and are then left over.
How do I know what they are for and if they are still used or not?
Is it possible to search Azure for the id or anything?
Is it possible to add a description to these to identify what they are used for beyond just the display name?
e.g. I only identified the terraform one by matching up the id with my code
App registration can be used for many scenarios, the app registrations in your AAD tenant should be created by different users. There is no such thing as a description of them.
To see if they are used, it needs to combine the context, as in AAD, there are different usages for them. For example, there are no sign-in logs of the AD App's corresponding service principal, but you cannot make sure if it was used as a client app. For the details, you may need to check the Audit logs.
For more details about AD App(App Registration) and service principal, you could check this doc -

Making API requests to a 3rd party that requires authentication

Here is my scenario. Imagine there is a Yoga studio that uses a professional booking and reservation system that exposes an API. Through this API an application can make a reservation for a client. The API takes the client's userid and password to make the reservation. The booking API doesn't use OAuth or any social media sign-ins.
My desire is to create an Assistant Action that would retrieve the list of classes and allow the client to make a booking.
My puzzle is what design/architecture to look towards to supply the userid/password pair required by the booking API.
How have others solved this puzzle?
Should I store the userid/password as "user state" associated with the action?
First, you should have a conversation with the API provider about why they don't provide an OAuth-based solution. This is a security vulnerability waiting to happen, if it hasn't already.
Second, you need to think very carefully about your own risk profile in this case:
Google does not allow you to collect credential information (ie - passwords) through your Action.
Because of this, you must use Account Linking to authenticate them.
This means that you will need something (ie - a database or data store) to manage their account on your side.
This database would be a good place to keep the username/password you need to use for them for the API...
...but it now means that you need to take extreme care about protecting this database.
You don't really say how this API allows for accounts to be created and managed. If these accounts are just used for you (ie - the user doesn't necessarily see them), then you can mitigate some of that risk by treating the username/password as an opaque token that you manage and generate and that the user never sees.
If this is something that the user is aware of, then you'll need to approach the account linking in one of two ways:
Have them log into your service via an app or webapp using this credential info that you will need to save (ack!) and then link to the Assistant using OAuth.
Have them log into your service via an app or webapp using Google Sign-In, which will carry over to your Action. Then have them provide the credential info for the API, which you will need to save (ack!).

503service unavailable in Salesforce

My goal is to create a REST API Integration from Salesforce to SAP application.
SUCCESS Through Chrome APP
1. All I need to do is retrieve values from sap application through the REST API. When I tried to use the Chrome APP 'Advanced Rest Client' and have passed the appropriate URL and Content with POST method I was able to retrieve the values from local server database.
For EG : If I pass request 92126 then I was able to get response  'SAN DIEGO' which is correct.
Here is the link ( for Advanced REST Client.
PROBLEM from Salesforce :
I had created a remotesite setting 
When I created this REST class in SAlesforce and tried invoking the End Point then it's throwing this error.
System.HttpResponse[Status=Service Unavailable, StatusCode=503]
As the web api url which is provided to us is in local sql server i.e hosted in private, as we know in Salesforce for making callouts the URLs must be in public. But the URL is in private only for the security reasons not hosted in public. We should achieve it, any way is there to achieve it? What change should be done in Salesforce or server to communicate to each other, and allows to make the callout?
It is most likely that you endpoint does not allow access from outside some ip range which you indicated by saying it's not public. Salesforce is a SaaS application hosted outside the domain that your service is on. In order for Salesforce to access that endpoint resource you need to whitelist Salesforce IP ranges, which can be found here.
Whitelisting allows Salesforce to access the resource. The only caveat is that because Salesforce is multi-tenant it means that any instance of Salesforce on the range that you whitelist would have access to your endpoint. If this is not ok, you might want to add some sort of header or sign the request to the call to that identifies your Salesforce instance uniquely from any other instance to validate that the call originated from your Salesforce org.
(I am linking to the article instead of pasting the IP ranges here because these may change in the future).

Authorising Office365 logic app API Connection with PowerShell

Trying to setup a bunch of logic apps with supporting Azure functions etc. concept is to utilize ML/Azure functions/Logic apps etc. to setup an automated mailing system.
Everything is deployed using ADO/Git with CD/CI pipelines, but we have a problem with the Office365 connector that needs authorisation after creation. For now, we have followed this article that creates a windows form for authentication.
This works fine, but we want to do this at scale and thus are looking for a silent approach, any ideas or links would be appreciated?
PS. Use does not require MFA
At the moment, the Office365 API authorisation works with the OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Code Grant Type, which means, you can only get the authorisation code by getting the user owning the mailbox (or having access to the shared mailbox) to sign in to get the code. This behaviour of the API is by design. Thus, there is no way to fully automate this.
If you don't need different accounts for different Logic Apps, you can create those API connections with PowerShell (still requiring the user to login in) for each environment and then use the already provisioned API in our CD pipeline.

Google Assistant actions on google

All my hardware is already developed. I use MQTT for communication between my devices, I have lights, fans, heaters and many more ioT appliances. I can controll all of these from my Android application which i have built. I would like to use Google Assistant to control my devices as well. The status of my lights (on/off) are stored in a sql database and when ever a change occurs to the database(detected by the hardware) my hardware can control that specific light. In My Android app i do the same thing which is updating the databases value(on/off) of the light and the change is detected by my hardware platform. Can i use Google Assistant to update a sql database value?
I can create a webserver( ASP.NET C#) and pass the command to the sql database of my relevant customer if google assistant can invoke the username or email, lightID, command to my webserver. Can google assistant do this? If not how would achieve this.
It sounds like you want to take a look at the Actions on Google Smart Home API which will let the Assistants Smart Home controls work with your control server directly.
Without knowing exactly how your database or existing web server are configured or hosted, I can speak only broadly at best. Your web server will need to implement two primary things:
You'll need an OAuth2 server that can issue tokens that represent your users. This is how Google will associate the user's account on the Assistant with your account, and how Google will identify (to you) which user is issuing the command.
You will need to implement a webhook at a URL on your web server. This webhook will be sent a POST message containing a header with a valid auth token (that you issued) and a JSON body. The JSON will contain information about the command that has been issued by the user. Your HTTP reply body will also be JSON. For details of the JSON formats and all the fields that it can send and that you must reply with, consult Google's documentation.
There are a number of different commands (which Google calls "intents") that Google can send you on behalf of the user. You should be able to handle all of them by either querying or modifying your database:
SYNC - A request for what devices this user has, some of their configuration information, and what commands they respect.
QUERY - What is the current state of the devices for this user.
EXECUTE - Change the state on some of the user's devices.
RESYNC - (Future update) A re-request of the user's device info.