How to design RESTful API URI when you can't have user ID on the URI - rest

Make-up scenario:
Let's say I am building a RESTful Web API backend for managing the payment plans for members:
It's for members so you would have to register with us. Each member would have a member ID internally.
There are various payment plans: 0% interest for 6 months, 0% interest for 12 months, etc. Each payment plan would have an ID internally.
The relationship between member and payment plan is many-to-many.
Each member also would have 1 active plan at a time. You can change it, but there is only 1 active plan allowed for a member.
Now if I want to design an API endpoint to return the information about the member active payment plan, I would normally do something like:
I understand that it might be a bad idea to put state on the URI (I had a separate question for that matter), but please bear with me.
Now here is the tricky part: the company's policy states that I can't have the member ID in the URI. They will have some kind of tokens in HTTP header, which is required in order to access the RESTful API endpoints, that contains the member ID.
My API application, which is ASP.NET Core Web API by the way, has no problem creating a filter to parse that token and transform it into member ID, in the code. It's just that my API URIs can't have the member ID anymore.
How would you design the URI in this case?
Without the member ID on the URI, mine would look like
And the data now would be all driven/filtered by that member ID, securely inside the API backend. Is this normal?

the data now would be all driven/filtered by that member ID, securely inside the API backend. Is this normal?
It sounds to me as though things are going sideways; as though people don't understand REST, or that people don't understand that what they are trying to achieve isn't a good fit for REST.
In order to obtain a uniform interface, multiple architectural constraints are needed to guide the behavior of components. REST is defined by four interface constraints: identification of resources.... -- Fielding, 2000
REST uses a resource identifier to identify the particular resource involved in an interaction between components. REST connectors provide a generic interface for accessing and manipulating the value set of a resource, regardless of how the membership function is defined or the type of software that is handling the request. The naming authority that assigned the resource identifier, making it possible to reference the resource, is responsible for maintaining the semantic validity of the mapping over time (i.e., ensuring that the membership function does not change). -- Fielding, 2000
The web works on the shared understanding that uniform resource identifiers identify resources. The URI is the key of the key/value store. When you start moving identifying information into other parts of the request, then you are opting out of the "uniform interface" that is shared by everyone else. This puts interop at risk.
On the other hand, much of the web also assumes that identifiers are published, and there isn't in general a lot of discipline to restrict the copying of them. So you certainly don't want secrets and/or sensitive information included.
The answer in REST is to use another layer of indirection. The rule is that we should be using a URI, and each identifier should map to one resource. But there's no rule that says that the spelling of the URI must match the semantics of the resource.
In other words: URL shorteners work!
GET /99bfb1e3-89a4-4a44-a6d7-0e70c209f447 HTTP/1.1
As far as REST is concerned, that's a perfectly valid request, with an entirely satisfactory identifier. As long as your server understands how to find the secrets using that key, then that's fine.
Of course, you could add semantic information to the URI that isn't sensitive, to help the humans orient to the context
GET /members/99bfb1e3-89a4-4a44-a6d7-0e70c209f447/plans/active HTTP/1.1
GET /members/plans/active/99bfb1e3-89a4-4a44-a6d7-0e70c209f447 HTTP/1.1
GET /members/plans/active?99bfb1e3-89a4-4a44-a6d7-0e70c209f447 HTTP/1.1
These are all also fine (again, assuming that you can use the information provided to discover the sensitive information you need to produce/modify the corresponding resource).
On the other hand, if your organization's concerns are related to leaking the identifier itself... then somebody with seniority should really be challenging the assumption that REST/HTTP is the right answer to the problem.
As your deviate further from the "standard" for HTTP messages, you increase the risk that some general purpose component isn't going to understand what is going on, and if that results in significant loss of property, your lawyers aren't going to be happy.

In my opinion this is pretty normal. This is usually the case when you are using a JWT token for authentication for example. The token not only authenticates the user but also contains relevant information about it.
In these cases, you will also see APIs with that kind of endpoints without any information about the user (like an ID or something) explicitly in the path.
Just a suggestion or a point of view from my side, I would actually keep the members part in the path: /members/plans/active.


REST API Best Practice For Accessing Self/Own Objects

Say I'm creating a journaling application and I want users to be able to post entries to their journals.
I do not intend to ever allow a user (even a moderator) to post an entry in someone else's journal.
That said, are there any arguments for exposing the account or journal id in my endpoint path?
I would think that POST api/journals/postEntry would be sufficient as I can determine the user via access token or JWT token.
Can anyone think of arguments for providing the journalId in the path? EX: POST api/journals/{user journalId}/postEntry
Can anyone think of arguments for providing the journalId in the path? EX: POST api/journals/{user journalId}/postEntry
Short answer: it's a violation of the uniform interface constraint.
See Fielding, 2000.
What you are doing, in effect, is creating this little corner of the world where, instead of using the target-uri to identify a resource, you are instead using target-uri + token.
Which means that your thing doesn't use the semantics that the general purpose components in the world are expecting.
For example, when I copy the URI out of my user agent, and share it with someone else, that other person doesn't get the result I expect -- they end up looking at their view, not mine.
The fact that we can stick a URI in an email message and have it just work for the person reading the email is a really big piece in the adoption story.
Furthermore, the cache constraint in REST rather depends on being able to use the identifier as the primary cache key. So your bespoke identity mechanism has the potential to mess up caching.
IN PRACTICE: you are using HTTP, and HTTP has caching rules that prohibit sharing authenticated requests. So the caching issues mentioned above are purely theoretical.
Alternatives you might consider
You could arrange for /api/journals/postEntry to redirect to /api/journals/{userJournalId}/postEntry
You could use the Content-Location header to indicate that there is a more specific identifier for the current representation.
You can use the canonical link relation to help clients navigate to the preferred resource from the alternatives.

Rest /me/items vs /users/1/items

I'm building an API where a logged in user can see his or her information. The user is also able to change its information. Only the user should be able to see and change their own info. Is it better to use the following routes
or (with policies)
/users/1 is marginally better than /me, but in practice it probably doesn't matter at all.
At the high level, REST doesn't care about URI spellings at all. General-purpose components treat the URI as opaque; only the origin server has any business trying to extract semantic information from the identifier.
From a design perspective, /me is somewhat vulnerable to the fact that you are combining two different concerns; "who is this resource about?" "who is allowed access?". It happens that today "Bob" is the only person authorized to read the "Bob" resource, but there's no particular reason that those two ideas will always be coupled together.
From the perspective of REST, having the same resource identifier mean different things depending on other header information could make the caching of representations problematic, in that you force the caches to become a lot smarter about deciding when a representation can be re-used.
HTTP solves some of this problem via the Vary header, which allows the origin server to describe to general purpose components which parts of the HTTP request might change the correct representation to use.
But in practice, even that is irrelevant, because HTTP doesn't permit shared caches to store a response to a request with an Authorization header field.

Is it legal to have REST resource such as /currentUser in terms of RESTful and stateless?

In terms of RESTful and stateless it's pretty legal to have resource like
But, the question is: is it legal to have resource that omits user id and assumes that it's implicitly resolved on the server from the user session? For example:
That resource would point to /users/123 when user with identifier 123 is authorized.
Picking a resource locator
Using /me, /users/me, /users/myself, /users/current or similar URIs to identify a resource that corresponds to the authenticated user is perfectly fine from a REST perspective. According to Roy Thomas Fielding's dissertation, any information that can be named can be a resource: Resources and Resource Identifiers
The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles"), a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an author's hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a resource. A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time. [...]
When using the URIs mentioned above, you have an identifier for the authenticated user and it will always identify the concept of an authenticated user, regardless of which user is authenticated.
The stateless constraint
The stateless constraint is not related to how your resources are identified. The stateless constraint is about not storing any session state on server side. In this approach, each request from client to server must contain all the necessary information to be understood by the server.
See que following quote from Fielding's dissertation:
5.1.3 Stateless
[...] each request from client to server must contain all of the information necessary to understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server. Session state is therefore kept entirely on the client. [...]
When targeting protected resources that require authentication, for example, every request must contain all necessary data to be properly authenticated/authorized.
A similar question has been answered here and here.
It is OK as long as you use only the data from request (HTTP Headers in your case). In other words, this may work only for users that pass authentication.
It is very common for ReST services to make assumption about authorization context.
Though making such a decision will limit usability of that route for users other than the logged on user. For example an admin might need to use that service for a specific user.
A ReST endpoint may even use Claims that exist in the Authorization context. for example return different data for a user that has logged in using certain mechanism.
of all HTTP headers, there are some that are probably not good to be used to tailor the ReST response. for example I will not use the 'referer'.
Make sure you check for any caching strategy you may have before making such design decisions.
It is perfectly legal as long as you keep it stateless. That is, you infer the current user from a security context provided with the HTTP request, usually a token of some kind.
For example, you perform a GET /current-user with an Authentication header containing a JWT token. The server can get most of the user info of the current user from the JWT token and complete with data from the database and retrieve it back to the caller.
I'd also recommend not to use camel case in URIs. It can be a nightmare for devs and some servers are case insensitive.
Beware, if you are holding a server user session, as you imply in your question, your API is already stateful.
As #n00b says, REST isn't a formal standard - and that's probably a good thing.
The original definition comes from Roy Fielding's dissertation. - so if you're doing the things Roy recommends, your design is RESTful. There are a few other things people have added to that - for instance, the Richardson Maturity Model is pretty commonly accepted. There are a few public "standards" documents on the web, e.g. Microsoft's version. I don't think they address this question directly, though.
So, it's up to you - but for what it's worth...
I believe APIs should be consistent and predictable. If I am asking for information about a user, I don't really like that there are two ways of doing it - one by ID, and one using a magic identifier for the current user. I also don't like the idea of introducing the concept of state into the API - by saying "there's an conceptual entity in your API called current user", you are introducing the concept of statefulness, even if you use HTTP headers to manage that.
So, if your RESTful API is designed for use by client application, I think it's reasonable to ask that client to manage state, and carry around the ID for the current user. This also makes your GET requests consistently cacheable - you can theoretically cache /users/123, but you cannot cache /loggedUser.
I believe there is a logical difference with your authentication and authorization action (I've logged in, proven who I am, and therefore got access to specific resources on the system), versus "I am user 123".
The reason you might disagree with this is that it makes your API harder to discover by human beings - someone who is trying to figure out how to get information about the current user has to log in, and then remember their user ID.

Authorization and the query string in REST API design

We have a design where a user has access to products, but only in a certain category.
A superuser can list all products in all categories with a simple GET request, such as GET /products.
Simple filtering already exists via the query string, so the superuser can already restrict his search to category N by requesting GET /products?category=N.
Say that user X is authenticated, and user X has access to products with category of 3.
Should an API server:
mandate that the user pass the filter for the appropriate category -- ie require GET /products?filter=3, and GET /products would fail with 403 Forbidden? -- or
expect a simple GET /products and silently filter the results to those that the user is authorized to access?
expect a simple GET /products and silently filter the results to those that the user is authorized to access?
Changing the representation of a resource depending on which user is looking at it strikes me was a Bad Idea [tm].
Consider, for instance, the use case where a uri gets shared between two users. They each navigate to the "same" resource, but get back representations of two different entites.
Remember - here's what Fielding had to say about resources
The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles"), a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an author's hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a resource. A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time.
Now, there are conceptual mappings which depend on the perspective of the user (e.g. "today's weather in my city"). But I'm a lot more comfortable addressing those by delegating the work to another resource (Moved Temporarily to "today's weather in Camelot") than I am in treating the authorization credentials as a hidden part of the resource identifier.
If consumers of your api are arriving at this resource by following a link, then 403 Forbidden on the unfiltered spelling is fine. On the other hand, if consumers are supposed to be bookmarking this URI, then implementing it as a redirecting dispatcher may make more sense.
The redirecting approach is consistent with remarks made by Fielding in a conversation about content negotiation on the rest-discuss list in 2006
In general, I avoid content negotiation without redirects like the
plague because of its effect on caching.
E.g., if you follow a link to
then the site will redirect according to the user's preference to one of
Both of the solutions are perfectly valid. You can always hide things when the user does not have the permission to see them. This means, that you can display a filtered representation of /products by the actual user, or you can hide the /products resource and give link only to the /products?filter=3 resource. I don't think there is a best practice here, since both solutions are easy to implement.
Apparently you did not read Fielding's work carefully enough.
Changing the representation of a resource depending on which user is
looking at it strikes me was a Bad Idea [tm].
The representation depends on the whole request, not just on the GET /resource part. The Authorization header is part of the HTTP request as well. So changing the representation depending on the Authorization header is valid in REST. It is just the same as changing the representation depending on the Accept header. Or do you say that we should serve XML even if somebody requests for JSON? It is a huge mistake to think that a single resource can have only a single representation. Another mistake to return a broken link to the client and let them waste resources by sending pointless HTTP messages...
Consider, for instance, the use case where a uri gets shared between
two users. They each navigate to the "same" resource, but get back
representations of two different entites.
REST is for machine to machine communication and not for human to machine communication! The browser is not a REST client. Or did you mean that a facebook bot will share the link with a google crawler? Such a nonsense...

API Endpoint Design : Technical Spec or Product

We have 2 developers who have conflicts in the way to design the RESTful API Endpoint. Basically, let say that we have Facebook product in hand, one table for the posts.
First developer give the opinions that
We should seperate Endpoint by product, not by the technical storage. To be like that, we will have endpoint for user facebook post and other facebook post.
To be like that, we be able to configure each products that may return difference results
Second developer disagree, give the opinions that
If be like that, it will make infinite endpoint. it will have /wall/someone, /wall/sometwo.
We should have single endpoint, and just let that be a part of query. ex. /wall?user=someone, /wall?user=sometwo
The endpoint should be look like technical schema, it return the same result, why it have to seperated to make it more jobs on maintenance the code.
What is the good practice to design our endpoint? Is it should be endpoint by the product? or is it should be by schema?
It should depend on what 'resource' that the service is suppose to manage from the API user perspective and not from the internal implementation.
With that, if the service is to manage say, a resource that can be identified by 'someone', 'sometwo' and, then the correct way to model it is
In this case, 'someone' and 'sometwo' are two different resources and you could have infinite # of them; but that has nothing to do with the internal storage or implementation.
On the backend, there should be some url pattern to extract 'someone' and 'sometwo' as resource and map them into internal implementation details.
What are these "endpoints" you speak of? That's SOAP terminology! RESTful web services are defined in terms of "resources" that are uniquely identified by URL.
A resource typically represents an entity in your domain model (e.g., a user). The ID of the entity is typically used as a path element ("path parameter" in the lingo of most REST libraries, such as JAX-RS) in the URL. Query parameters should only be used to sort/filter results on the server side.
Your first developer is closer to being correct.